Ondanks talloze bewijzen van verschillende partijen dat de chemische aanvallen in Syrië het werk zijn van terroristische organisaties die betaald worden door westerse en westers georiënteerde landen, leggen de Verenigde Naties deze bewijzen naast zich neer en verkondigen publiekelijk dat de Syrische overheid dit gedaan moet hebben.
Er is al veel over geschreven en gesproken, wie voerde de chemische aanvallen en uit en waarom. Natuurlijk wist de westerse mainstream media meteen wie de daders waren, nog voordat er onderzoek gedaan was. Gebruikelijk nietwaar. Rusland en Syrië bleven echter aandringen op nauwkeuriger onderzoek omdat de resultaten van het Russisch onderzoek lijnrecht tegenover die van de westerse onderzoekers staan. De Russen onderbouwen elke letter die ze schrijven in hun rapporten, de westerse versie hangt samen van aantijgingen en vermoedens maar komen niet met harde feiten. Dat is een doorn in het oog van zowel Rusland als ook Syrië.
De beschuldigingen duren voort en onze nieuwskanalen vertikken het om de juiste lezing weer te geven m.b.t. deze kwestie ( en vele andere kwesties ). Niet vreemd dus dat tijdens een bijeenkomst over dit onderwerp de Russische delegatie van de VN het nodig vond hierop te reageren. Maria Zakharova, de woordvoerster van buitenlandse zaken van Rusland pikte dit ook op en veegde de VN eens flink de mantel uit met enkele voorbeelden uit het recente verleden van leugens waar de VN zonder verder onderzoek in is mee gegaan.
Dit beeld, het beeld dat glasharde leugens bestreden worden met de simpele waarheid is wat nieuwskanalen zoals RT en Sputnik zo waardevol en wereldwijd de meest bekeken nieuwsbronnen maken!
Trump, ISIS and foreign politicians
Want, als je zo alle dingen beziet tegenwoordig, dan vraag je je toch af 'waarom wordt het kwaad zo idioot groot?', 'Is daar soms een verklaring voor?
Want, zonder achtergrond is er geen herkennen. De geest van de Bijbel zie ik dan ook als achtergrond om de waan van de dag aan te spiegelen. En dat werkt bij mij best wel.
Wat we trouwens altijd kunnen doen, is bidden.
Ook al geloof je niet, vertrouw op de werkzaamheid van het gebed. Denk dus niet dat je niets kunt doen. Bidden is zeker iets doen, vooral als je er moeite voor moet doen als je niet gelooft.
Als we in staat waren gebleken ons geloof met zijn allen te beleiden, was het nooit zo ver gekomen, maar door pseudo mensen gelanceerd dat geloven uit de tijd is, en je beter kunt geloven in wat zei prediken, heeft er toe geleid dat onze samenlevingen niet meer over de homogeniteit beschikken, die nodig is om het kwaad af te houden, we zouden tot een nieuw inzicht moeten komen, over wat ons bindt, Jenne
Ik heb die meldingen ook gelezen. Het verhaal heeft twee kanten blijkbaar. De ene kant vertelt ons dat ze de voorstanders van de petrodollar aan het oppakken zijn, de andere kant zegt net het tegenover gestelde. Ik heb in mijn achterhoofd voortdurend de gedachtegang dat als ze een nieuwe wereld orde willen starten, ze dit met een andere munt willen doen dan de dollar. Voor mij is het momenteel nog helemaal niet duidelijk welke kant dit op gaat. Fijn om jouw info te zien, altijd weer. Dank daarvoor!
bedankt voor de leuke reactie!
Iran Nuke Test Stops World In Tracks
As Top Saudi Prince Linked To Las VegasMassacre Shooter
The Unlikely Alliance Between President Donald Trump & Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
Why does Muslim Saudi Arabia make common cause with Jewish Zionist Israel?
Because both nations are ruled by the same agents of Zionism.
Mass Shooting at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, Las Vegas
If the excellent photographic evidence that purports to show MBS being escorted out of the Tropicana Hotel by a SWAT team, then “bingoâ€, this whole story makes perfect sense.
Italian media says opposition-hired gunmen got just $5,000 each to conduct a false flag in Kiev
We had no choice. We were ordered to shoot both on the police and the demonstrators, without any difference.
But the massacre also changed the fates of Europe and our country, triggering the crisis that will lead to sanctions against Putin’s Russia
That massacre has horrified the world and changed the destiny of Ukraine by forcing President Viktor Yanukovich accused of organizing the shootout
According to many Syrian experts,
that Washington and the U.S.-backed forces
deliberately cooperate with ISIS terrorists
(Libya’s Slave Auctions and African Genocide)
Clashes broke out between a large crowd of demonstrators and people who appeared to be African mercenaries in the center of the city
CNN Spread the “Black Mercenary†Lie
US-backed Rebels and Ethnic Genocide
Then Secretary of State Clinton posing with Libyan rebel commanders.
Hillary Emails show UK, French, Egyptian special forces were secretly in Libya providing arms to "protestors"
Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention
Signs promoting Dutch food month, “in partnership with the Netherlands embassy†at a Shufersal store in Gilo, an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank, 12 November.
The Netherlands embassy in Tel Aviv is partnering with an Israeli settlement profiteer.
The Dutch brands being promoted in the settlement store include Calvé, Gouda’s Glorie, Vos Banket, Merba, De Ruijter, Buiteman, Jeurgens and Daelmans, which makes stroopwafels.
Meanwhile, for the Dutch government, it’s business as usual.
(Last month, the Netherlands was one of several European governments to condemn Israel’s recent announcement of a further massive expansion of settlements.
The Dutch government also endorsed a statement made by EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini reiterating that “all settlement activity is illegal under international law.â€)
Evil Rothschilds Exposed
Thanks to Russian TV (Videos)
in link genoemde:
Putin Tells Everyone Exactly Who Created NWO
na eerste 5 minuten humor
Early reports suggest the pilot of the small aircraft and two people in the helicopter have all died.Â
Michelle Archer from South Central Ambulance Service confirmed to RT there are a “number of casualties.â€
Interestingly, this comes shortly after we get a threatening message from Q to a possible Lynn de Rothschild just recently:
Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing.
https://truthearth.org/2017/11/17/part-v-massive-intel-drops-on-4chan-by-individuals-with-highest-level-q-clearance-other-updates/ )
Q did mention that disinformation is real and necessary.)
zij hebben liefde voor zulke figuren
Alles is ijdelheid en najagen van de wind.
De redenen waarover men druk wilt maken en (VN-)politici doet het om de eer.
Back in 1889, a book was written by Morgan Robertson, spookily titled “Wreck of the Titanâ€, detailed the demise of a luxury liner that hit an iceberg killing everyone on board.
Some of the wealthiest key figures in the financial industry died when the Titanic sunk, all of them had one thing in common; they opposed the Federal Reserve.
Read more at: http://www.nnettle.com/features/1227-undeniable-proof-emerges-that-jp-morgan-sunk-the-titanic-to-form-federal-reserve
Na de petrodollar's-, isis' einde toch geen einde
The new system emerged from a private sector investment by then 70 year old J.P. Morgan, which stalled the growing run on banks caused by the financial trouble of the New York Knickerbocker Trust. JD Rockefeller stepped in to help out, along with a few other well-heeled financiers.
(JPMorgan busted for money laundering after accusing bitcoin of doing the same Published time: 17 Nov, 2017
Ik lees gewoon de Telegraaf hoor
65 Facebook profiles of Their Members.
A total of 65 White Helmet Facebook profiles are documented in this article. The evidence here is so overwhelming..
(21 november 2016
Nederland trekt meer geld uit om onder andere de Syrische hulporganisatie Witte Helmen (White Helmets) te ondersteunen.Â
Rob Bertholee, Hoofd AIVD
(De regering wil met media en technologiebedrijven als Facebook en Google in gesprek over hoe de dreiging van nepnieuws kan worden tegengegaan.
Dat schrijft D66-minister Kasja Ollongren in een brief aan de Kamer.
Ook de AIVD verwijst expliciet naar Rusland
Volgens Bertholee zijn Russische berichten ook tijdens de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen 'zeker' van invloed geweest.)
Zo buiten zo binnen
Political alignment & International legal justifications
Motivation, Purposes, Strategy
The reasons for the Netherlands to join that American-led war on ISIL in both Iraq and Syria were:[4]
Military involvement
On 24 September 2014, the Dutch government decided to take part in “the military campaign†against ISIL (ISIS) which, as the Dutch claimed, had been started by the United States with the US military operations in Iraq against ISIL (since 8 August 2014) and the US-led military operations in Syria against ISIL (since 22 September 2014).[4][6][7]
Siding with Free Syrian Army
In an update to the official Dutch purposes and plans, sent to the Dutch Parliament on 15 December 2014,[8] the purposes of their coalition war against ISIL were still as described in September 2014 to include military support to what they call “the moderate Syrian oppositionâ€.[8]The answers of the Dutch government given in February 2015 to Parliament made clear that, for the Dutch, "moderate Syrian opposition" meant only some (not all) groups that are part of the Free Syrian Army (FSA); for fear of “possible negative consequences†and because of “the sensitivity of revealing support to specific groupsâ€, the government would not say which groups within FSA are being supported by the coalition.[9]
While no new statements were made about legal justification for the military support to what they call “moderate Syrian oppositionâ€, "stopping ISIL’s advance" or "breaking ISIL’s military force", that justification was still a presumed right of collective self-defense (see September 2014) to prevent an immediately imminent armed attack from ISIL in Syria on Iraq.[4][8]
On 29 January 2016, the Netherlands decided to “intensify†the Dutch contribution to the fight against ISIL in Iraq and Syria.[11][12]
Militarily, this encompassed:[11][13]
* air attacks in Syria on strategic ISIL targets on the supply lines of ISIL from eastern Syria into Iraq – but avoiding air attacks that would benefit the Syrian Assad government.
The air attacks would be performed by the same F-16 squadron already acting in Iraq (see Dutch war against ISIL).[12]
This time the opposition in the Dutch Parliament (150 seats) was larger than it was in September 2014. Opposed to this intensification of the fight against ISIL were now the Socialist Party (15 seats), GroenLinks (green-left) (4 seats), Partij voor de Dieren (Party for the Animals)(2 seats), Group Kuzu/Öztürk (2 seats) and representative Norbert Klein.[14]
oorverdovend stille Tweede Kamer
Novini benaderde alle woordvoerders buitenland in de Tweede Kamer persoonlijk, en vroeg hen of zij op de hoogte zijn van de steun van het kabinet aan gewapende groepen in Syrië. En zo ja, wat hierover hun mening is gezien bovengenoemde informatie uit de internationale pers.
De woordvoerders van de regeringspartijen VVD en PvdA onthielden zich van commentaar. Maar vreemd genoeg kwam er ook geen enkele reactie van het merendeel van de oppositiepartijen. Zelfs niet van de PVV.
(Wat schets de verbazing, of eigenlijk geen verbazing maar bevestiging van vermoedens, CONTAINERS VOL MET AMMUNITIE (en misschien Radioactieve warheads) GESTUURD VANUIT SCHIPHOL NEDERLAND om burgers in Syrië te doden.
(Two Dutch companies delivered products to Syria last year for the country's chemical weapons program. The delivery included 218 tons of glycol and six teflon pumps, according to ministers Lilianne Ploumen for Foreign Trade and Ivo Opstelten of Security and Justice on Thursday in a letter to the House of Representatives.Â
There will not be a prosecution because the case has expired.)
There are stories too numerous to mention of government collusion with the mainstream press to push their political causes, but it has been a fact for some years that Journalists are routinely being fed false information by MI6 and MI5, and worse, the journalists themselves are in some instances operatives of the government – either MI5 or MI6. Think this is the arena of conspiracy theories? Think again!
Back in June 2000 the Guardian newspaper was so concerned at the scale of the problem, they wrote a piece entitled “Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Journalist†where they accused British government spies for working as full-time journalists
The Spectator also got caught up in another MI6 story designed to change public opinion over the Bosnia/Serbia conflicts.
Roy Greenslade, editor of the Mirror during the Gulf war in 1991, commented:  “Most tabloid newspapers  — or even newspapers in general  — are playthings of MI5“. Spy novelist John le Carre, who worked for MI6 between 1960 and 1964, has even claimed that the British secret service then “controlled large parts of the press† — just as they do today.
The former UN arms inspector, Scott Ritter, revealed in his book, ‘Iraq Confidential’, the realities of an MI6 psychological warfare effort, known as Operation Mass Appeal.
According to Ritter: “Mass Appeal served as a focal point for passing MI6 intelligence on Iraq to the media, both in the UK and around the world.
The goal was to help shape public opinion about Iraq and the threat posed by WMD.†MI6 propaganda specialists, at the time, claimed they could spread the misinformation through “editors and writers who work with us from time to time“.
The Spectator also got caught up in another MI6 story designed to change public opinion over the Bosnia/Serbia conflicts.
Roy Greenslade, editor of the Mirror during the Gulf war in 1991, commented:  “Most tabloid newspapers  — or even newspapers in general  — are playthings of MI5“. Spy novelist John le Carre, who worked for MI6 between 1960 and 1964, has even claimed that the British secret service then “controlled large parts of the press† — just as they do today.
IS komt onder druk te staan, dat betekent dat meer personen uit IS-gebied terug zullen komen
Rob Bertholee, Hoofd AIVD
(The BBC has uncovered details of a secret deal that let hundreds of IS fighters and their families escape from Raqqa, under the gaze of the US and British-led coalition and Kurdish-led forces who control the city.

A convoy included some of IS’s most notorious members and – despite reassurances – dozens of foreign fighters. Some of those have spread out across Syria, even making it as far as Turkey.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/raqqas_dirty_secret )
Welcome to an America that resembles more the USSR of old than any modern, plural democracy.
The social media giants are facing government pressure over claims that "Russian" advertising somehow affected the 2016 US presidential election.
Stopping the false information artillery barrage landing on social media users comes only when those outlets distributing bogus stories are silenced: silence the guns and the barrage will end.â€
By Anna Paganini on November 14, 2017
The witness was given a chance to have his story heard at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam last May, in front of a room full of MH17Â victims' surviving family members. However, it turns out he was nowhere near the crash site on the day of the incident,Â
Omtzigt apologized for being negligent in the matter, and vowed to no longer act as a spokesperson on MH17 matters. The leader of Christian center-right party CDA, Sybrand Buma, was forced to speak out about the influence coming from abroad through fake news, and said the CDA would internally address Omtzigt's errors.
Russia is also believed to have tried to influence the Dutch national elections, which took place in March. Concerns were also raised about the potential for a cyberattack related to the elections...
https://www.wanttoknow.nl/nieuws/zo-wordt-pieter-omtzigt-geframed/ )
NATO blames Russia for undermining trust, predictability, security in Europe
While NATO has sought and will seek a positive relationship with Russia, the North Atlantic Alliance must ‘take steps to deter and defend against Russia’s aggressive actions near NATO borders’, Gottemoeller added.
as Madrid accuses Moscow of DESTABILISING country
Falling short of providing examples, May accused the Kremlin for using Russian media “to plant fake stories and photo-shopped images in an attempt to sow discord in the west and undermine our institutions.â€
Russia, is being blamed so often it seems, for everything, that it has almost become a joke, political commentator Adrian Yalland told RT
Yes, according to an official Washington Post op-ed, even the Catalonia independence vote can be traced to the geopolitical wiles of Vladimir Putin. And you thought the CIA was omnipotent!
It's no joke.
Wait, you're a Russian? That's bad.
I asked her if she blames Putin for all the controversy surrounding her country. She does not. Her explanation for what is behind all of this is not much different from Matsanyuk's. "We are a 'convenient' enemy, historically. China has all the imperfections that we have, but it is not demonized as much as Russia. There is no campaign against it in the western media," she says.
She elaborates. "I know it's because of Ukraine and Syria.
Russia has openly refused to play by the rules imposed by the U.S. on the rest of the world.
What if it becomes a trend and other countries decide to follow? This is a completely new situation for the West, and certainly is not something they want to put up with," she says.
steeds meer en duidelijker voor iedereen.
dus t is tijd voor verandering en dat dit stopt.
we delen om het zichtbaar te maken.
maar dat t niet te keren is
en dat we daarna samen kunnen bouwen
aan een andere wereld
waarin dit nooit meer voorkomt.
dat hoop ik.
We will see more and more intense changes happening in society as we all upgrade to a higher level of awareness than has ever been done before.
This will change society into the kind of paradise we all want but have not been able to have. This can be accomplished by the removal of the dark forces that have been in charge for so long. In the recent past they have gained power because they were able to convince many of the people their programs were for their own good. Many of the people did not realize that it was exactly the opposite, they were only good for the dark side to gain more power and control.
As we have seen in the media now many of these dark forces are being brought into the light. This will continue and it will pass through every section of society leaving no stone unturned. Many dark minions are outing others and this will continue as the minions start to turn on each other.
Each persons unique qualities makes them needed for the expansion we are in. As we become more of our authentic self, it opens the GATEWAY for others to do the same.
Nigel Farage says while Russia is accused of funding Britain’s ‘Leave’ campaign, financier George Soros’ recent $18 billion donation to pro-EU charity Open Society has escaped scrutiny. “This is where the real international political collusion is,†Farage says.
He says Soros’ influence in Brussels is “truly extraordinary,†adding: “
I fear we could be looking at the biggest level of international, political collusion in history.â€
He told those MEPs he would be writing to them to establish whether they had accepted money or help from billionaire investor and liberal campaigner Soros.
tell-all includes Bangladeshi children traded as [censored] slaves
De Bilderberg instructies ontvangen, is er geen houden meer aan, ze krijgen hun nieuwe chip ingeplant deze robots,
en gaan ze hun opdracht uitvoeren, Rutte, Aboutaleb, Ollengren, plus onze Koning zonder kleren aan.
De gevaarlijkste is de transgender robot Ollengren, die is zo maar even minister van binnenlandse zaken, oei een buiten landse lesbiëne die ons moet gaan besturen, néé dat willen we toch niet, het is allemaal zo duidelijk in zijn bedoelde onduidelijkheid, ik dacht dat Nederland van de Nederlanders was, en als zodanig door Nederlanders bestuurd behoord te worden, Jenne
de top van de politie en het leger verkracht en eet baby´s.
allemaal corrupt tot op het bot
maar hey,we worden iig gearchiveerd
Wilders lacht er maar mee, moet t eerst zien!
(Part I/II/ III) Massive Intel Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance & Other Updates
Something Very Big, Part III: Saudi Mass Arrests Sign of Impending Cabal Defeat? 49 top Saudi officials were arrested and hundreds more have had their bank accounts seized, beginning on November 4th.
Once we understand that these individuals were coordinating ISIS, 9/11 and other “false flag†attacks for the Cabal, the significance of these arrests becomes quite awesome. The above image is of some of these officials trying to sleep on tiny cots and single blankets under the bright lights of the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Saudi Arabia. Lees meer: https://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1222-something-big-iii
Voor zover ik het kan overzien worden net de tegenstanders van de petrodollar opgepakt. Dat snijdt geen hout in het licht van wat DC meldt.
'Nepnieuws' concreet door Russen volgens Volkskrant: het nieuwe geloof.
De AD gaat Nederland helemaal de verkeerde kant opsturen als het messiasgeloof dat ie moet terugkomen in Jerusalem
Ooit het vak uit willen oefenen van boekdrukker, ook de Grafische school bezocht 2 jarige avondcursus, mooi die echte ouwe wetse degelperzen, nooit verder gegaan, jammer, misschien ! Jenne
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