Het steeds maar aanvullen van NATO strijdkrachten een de Oostgrenzen, Westerse soldaten als huurlingen in Oekraïne, aanvallen op Russische bases in Syrië, provocaties van de Chinezen. Zomaar enkele zaken die ogenschijnlijk los van elkaar staan maar in mijn ogen een opzet kunnen zijn voor een totale oorlog tegen Rusland en bondgenoten.
Niet alleen de opbouw van troepen langs de grenzen van Rusland baren mij zorgen maar ook de al jaren opbouwende demonisatie van Rusland en Putin en alles wat daarmee vast hangt. Dat is bedoeld om Rusland als nieuwe vijand te bestempelen en een eventuele preventieve aanval, zoals onlangs gesuggereerd door de VS elite, goed te kunnen praten.
Afgelopen week hebben de NWO oorlogsmidsdadigers een nieuwe provocatieve actie uitgevoerd in de straat van Kerch. Als je onderstaand plaatje even bekijkt krijg je een beeld van de situatie.
Wat gebeurde er nu precies?
Drie Oekraïense oorlogsboten hebben de Russische grens in de Zwarte Zee geschonden, dicht in de buurt van de Straat van Kerch. De Russen hebben meermalen gewaarschuwd dat de boten op een verkeerde koers lagen maar daar trokken ze zich niets van aan. Uiteindelijk hebben Russische autoriteiten de boten met hun kapiteins aangehouden. Het komt regelmatig voor dat wij in kranten kunnen lezen dat bijvoorbeeld Russen de grenzen niet respecteren en er vliegtuigen opstijgen om een kijkje te gaan nemen. De meeste van die meldingen kloppen feitelijk niet. In 9 van de 10 gevallen bevinden vliegtuigen of boten zich dan in internationale territoriale wateren of lucht maar wordt dit aangegrepen om de Russen weer eens de Zwarte Piet toe te spelen. ( of was het toch de roetpiet, bontepiet ). In dit geval zijn er zelfs bewegende beelden van dus ontkennen van Oekraïne heeft geen enkele zin. Tevens hebben de kapiteins een belastende verklaring afgelegd, ook op video.
Het moment waarop dit gebeurt is frappant. Poroshenko, de door het Westen als president aangewezen chocoladekoning ziet zijn termijn verlopen als president omdat de verkiezingen voor de deur staan. Poroshenko heeft nu echter de Staat van beleg afgekondigd, slechts voor 1 maand maar de bedoeling was veel langer, dat kreeg hij er niet door in het parlement. Is het een stunt om aandacht te genereren voor Poroshenko of steekt hier meer achter?
Sinds dat de inwoners van de Krim via een wettelijke legale constructie, een volksstemming, weer terug bij Rusland horen is de Straat van Kerch onder Russische controle. Natuurlijk wordt dit feit bestreden door de westerse media zoals ze ook een volksstemming glashard ontkennen. Je kunt de twee maten waarmee de Westerse machten duidelijk zien bij de protesten van de Gele Vesten. De Gele Vesten worden neer geknuppeld, politie zet agent provocateurs in die auto’s en andere eigendommen vernielen zodat het inzetten van politiegeweld gelegitimeerd is. Dit in tegenstelling tot de protesten nog niet zo lang geleden in Oekraiene, daar stonden de Westerse Europese leiders cadeautjes uit te delen aan de demonstranten en ze toe te spreken dat ze het volste recht hadden zich af te willen wenden van de zogenaamde pro Russische overheid. Blijkbaar hebben burgers alleen rechten als hun acties ingaan tegen Russen of Chinezen, zodra het de westerse leiders zijn die aangevallen worden vervallen blijkbaar deze rechten!
Rusland heeft de plannen van de NWO behoorlijk in de war geschopt. In Syrië kunnen de elite nog weinig ondernemen, in Oekraïne ontbreekt het aan elk bewijs rondom de vermeende groene mannetjes ( Russische soldaten die daar zouden vechten maar niet gevonden kunnen worden )en ook aan de andere kant van de wereld, bij China krijgen de elite geen vat op de operatie. Het enige dat ze dan kunnen doen is wat ze in 2015 beloofd hebben en dat is propaganda maken dat het een lieve lust is.
Dat de situatie explosief is moge duidelijk zijn. Poroshenko heeft de NATO om hulp verzocht en de NATO heeft met die hulp ingestemd maar zegt er wel bij dat er al voldoende landen van de NATO een basis hebben in de buurt en er geen extra manschappen naar toe gaan. Toch zijn er afgelopen maanden honderden troepen bij gekomen aan de grens met Rusland. Ook stuurt de NATO een oorlogsschip naar de Zwarte Zee. Dat kan maar één doel hebben en dat is escalatie!
De Russen hebben dit ook door en hebben de Krim en omstreken verzwaard met extra afweergeschut in de vorm van S300 en S400 systemen. Naast deze bekende systemen is een nieuw netwerk van radars, Penitsillin systeem, langs de gehele grens met Rusland vandaag operationeel geworden. Geen raket, vliegtuig, duikboot of wat dan ook kan hier voorbij, maakt niet uit vanuit welke hoek ze komen. Daarnaast kan het systeem ook nog eens routes van raketten beïnvloeden waarmee het afschieten ervan een zinloze exercitie wordt. Let wel, al deze nieuwe technieken van de Russen zijn puur defensief.
Dat de Russen hun grenzen zo aan het versterken zijn betekent dat Putin en de zijnen een reëel gevaar zien in de toenemende militaire druk van NATO landen. De provocaties jegens Rusland nemen geen einde. Wat mogen wij blij zijn dat Putin zich niet zo snel laat provoceren en duidelijk GEEN deel uitmaakt van de club achter de NWO.
Obamas receiving the envelop
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel has said he will resign after facing a no confidence motion in his government.
Mr Michel made the announcement after the N-VA, the biggest party in his minority coalition,
quit over his migration stance.
The Prime Minister, who had only relaunched his government last week, said on Tuesday evening: “I am taking the decision to offer my resignation. I am now going to see the king.
LIVE. Koning houdt ontslag regering-Michel II in beraad
Premier Michel vertrekt naar Marrakesh,
Om iets na 20 uur is premier Charles Michel met het vliegtuig naar Marrakesh vertrokken.
Zaterdagavond maakte de N-VA bekend dat ze zich niet kan vinden in de beslissing van Michel om het VN-migratiepact in naam van België aan te nemen.
De premier kondigde daarna aan dat de N-VA-ministers in de regering vervangen zullen worden
Expands on Hate Speech
to Criminalise Criticism of Migration
(verbod kritiek op migrantenbeleid)
eerste 5 minuten
59 million new migrants??
(Angela Merkel: Trump Has Almost Destroyed The ‘New World Order’
https://explainlife.com/angela-merkel-trump-has-almost-destroyed-the-new-world-order-3866/ )
Lökke knows he cannot fool us and that his party will be severely punished in the upcoming election – and now tries to blame the outcry on “conspiracy theorists†using Robots to spread the same messages on the internet!!
He knows he killed democracy and Denmark –
paving the road for Macron´s in favour of the Sharia in Marrakech
EurAfrica with 200 million Africans to Europe by 2050.
But what does he care? He knows that a fat NWO job waits for him as reward for his giant treason from his predecessor Fogh Rasmussen (NATO secr. gen.) and former finance minister Corydon (fat job with Rothschild partner) as he knows for betraying the Danes as well as former EU Commission Pres. Barroso.
There are around 750 million mobile and migrant people in the world
*Some countries withdrew**under pressure from their constituencies. Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Austria, Israel, Australia, Italy and Japan pulled out of the GCM, and now Brail, too, many of them led by right-wing or populist governments./
Shell’s Nigeria Hell: Amnesty Links Oil Giant to 90s 'Rape, Torture, Murder
The oil giant is implicated in a decade of human rights abuses in the Niger delta, the study says, claiming that its routine payments exacerbated local violence, in one case leading to the deaths of 60 people and the destruction of an entire town.
Oil giant Shell stands accused of complicity in the unlawful arrest, detention and execution of nine men who were hanged by Nigeria’s military government in the 1990 s
Esther Kiobel has pursued Shell for 20 years over the death of her husband. He was hanged in 1995 along with the writer and human rights activist Ken Saro-Wiwa, and seven other men, collectively known as the Ogoni Nine. 29 June 2017 https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2017/06/shell-complicit-arbitrary-executions-ogoni-nine-writ-dutch-court
Shell sued in UK for 'decades of oil spills' in Nigeria
that have devastated communities for decades.
28 Before-And-After Pics Reveal What War Did To The Largest City In Syria
Libya: Tripoli before and after the NATO invasion )war crime)
There was a complete nation wide media ban on what was going on. Not a single still picture could we locate on the web or through other news sources.
But as soon as they murdered Gaddafi, oh well it’s okay now to show the destruction that Rothschild’s NATO Army caused.
Migrants trying to reach Europe via North Africa are being sold at modern-day slave auctions by smugglers in Libya for as little as $400, a new investigation has reveale
Libya's Slave Auctions And African Genocide
A new CNN investigation has uncovered a network of slave markets operating in warehouses in various cities across Libya six years after NATO-led intervention in the country toppled the government of Muammar Gaddafi in support of US and UK backed rebels.
Hillary Emails show UK, French, Egyptian special forces were secretly in Libya providing arms to "protestors" https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-11-15/libyas-slave-auctions-and-african-genocide-what-hillary-knew
In 2000, Big Oil, including Exxon, Chevron, BP and Shell, spent more money to get fellow oilmen Bush and Cheney into office than they had spent on any previous election.
Just over a week into Bush's first term, their efforts paid off when the National Energy Policy Development Group, chaired by Cheney, was formed, bringing the administration and the oil companies together to plot our collective energy future. In March, the task force reviewed lists and maps outlining Iraq's entire oil productive capacity.
Planning for a military invasion was soon under way. Bush's first Treasury secretary, Paul O'Neill, said in 2004 , "Already by February (2001), the talk was mostly about logistics. Not the why (to invade Iraq), but the how and how quickly. In its final report in May 2001 (PDF)
Egypt bans yellow vest sales as French protesters reject Macron’s concessions
In Europe, Belgian police violently cracked down on Friday’s “yellow vest†protest in Brussels, as protesters also donned yellow vests in the Netherlands and Bulgaria, and also Iraq.
After a “yellow vest†protest in Basra against contaminated water and poor city services under the NATO-backed neo-colonial regime, protesters in Baghdad also wore yellow vests to marches on December 7 to show their solidarity with the Basra protests.
Particularly after the brutal police crackdowns in Brussels and on Saturday in Paris, protests are spreading across Africa.
It states: “So on December 13, 2018, across Burkina Faso, let us occupy without violence and pacifically every street corner and intersection in our neighborhoods in the cities and villages across the entire country to say: –
No to the rise in fuel prices. No to injustice in all its forms.â€
In Tunisia, a recently-founded Facebook group of “Red Vests†issued its first statement on December 7. It denounced the “failure and corruption†of the Tunisian political system and the government’s “policy of systematic impoverishment†of the population. This came after a strikes last week by Tunisian teachers against wage cuts.
As in Egypt, anger in Tunisia is expected to erupt on January 14.
Calls are circulating for a general strike in Tunisia next month.
In Algeria, protesters donned yellow vests and joined in a march in Béjaïa yesterday, prompting worry in bourgeois media.
Now, as calls for general strikes grow in France, Tunisia and across the region, the class struggle is moving objectively towards an eruption of an international general strike.
The French ruling class does not want the emergence of a joint struggle of European and African workers that would cut across its wars, nor a unification of “yellow vest†and immigrant workers that would hamper its police crackdown at home.
De demonstraties van de ‘gele hesjes’ op 1 december werden niet alleen in Parijs maar door heel Frankrijk door geweld en vernielingen overschaduwd, vooral van extreemlinkse autonomen en bendes uit de voorsteden.
Naar zeggen van politieagenten, vreedzame gele hesjes en enkele onafhankelijke journalisten waren de politie en veiligheidsdiensten van hogerhand geïnstrueerd om de in neonvesten verklede extreemlinkse autonomen en de bendes uit de voorsteden grotendeels hun gang te laten gaan.
Er zouden zelfs als chaoten verklede politieagenten aan de rellen hebben deelgenomen. Getuigen verklaarden dat ze gezien hadden hoe chaoten het rode politie-embleem op hun arm deden om vervolgens achter de politiebarricade te verdwijnen.
Towards Real Systemic Change
December 13, 2018
*A group of French military generals have written an open letter to Emmanuel Macron accusing the French President of committing “treason†by signing the UN migration pact.*
The pact, which was signed by 164 nations on Monday, including France, is not legally binding but greases the skids for unlimited migration to be treated as a human right and criticism of mass migration to be treated as hate speech.
A letter written by General Antoine Martinez and signed by ten other generals, an admiral and a colonel, as well as former French Minister of Defense Charles Millon, warns Macron that the move strips France of more sovereignty and provides an additional reason for “an already battered people†to “revoltâ€.
The letter accuses Macron of being “guilty of a denial of democracy or treason against the nation†for signing the pact without putting it to the people.
According to British MEP Janice Atkinson, the UN pact would lead to Europe being flooded with 59 million new migrants within the next 6 years.
Warning that the plan would lead to European countries having their “culture and identity crushed,†Atkinson also pointed out that the pact could lead to hate speech laws that make it illegal to use the term “illegal migrants,†replacing it instead with “irregular migrantsâ€.
“It will be illegal not to use their prescribed language,†warned Atkinson, adding that European citizens could “say goodbye to your democracy and your way of life†if the pact is implemented.
President Macron’s approval rating has sunk to 18% amidst a wave of protests riots against a number of issues, including fuel taxes and mass immigration.
Read the full letter from the French generals below (translated).:
You can not decide alone to erase our civilizational landmarks and deprive us of our carnal homeland.
We therefore ask you to defer the signing of this pact and call by referendum the French to vote on this document.
You are accountable to the French of your actions.
Your election is not a blank.
We support the initiative of General MARTINEZ against the signature of this pact which must be adopted by the Member States of the UN at the Intergovernmental Conference of Marrakech.
Mark Passio - Duress, Dissidents & Deadly Force
Macron urges European army to defend against Russia, US https://www.philstar.com/world/2018/11/06/1866360/macron-urges-european-army-defend-against-russia-us
global warming scam, de fuel tax, de protesten in frankrijk , de rothschilds de rockefellers
en alles in nederland wordt duurder.
of dat de protesten eerst stoppen of
na enkele maanden weer verder gaan
het is voor het eerst
een duidelijk signaal
tegen de elite
een protest vanuit het volk
kijk maar eens hoe de msm het weergeeft
allemaal hetzelfde, dezelfde zin gebruikend:
protesten tegen verhoging van de brandstofprijzen.
angst dat men wakker wordt hier?
niets concreets over de eisen van de protesteerders
over carbontax en de officiele lijst:
Offical Charter - 25 Demands of Yellow Vest Movement (English)
start min 2.30
de elite wil de protesten stoppen
zie aanslag straatsburg
(verbod om te protesteren)
alles wat maar nodig is om dit te stoppen
is toegestaan
het infiltreren tussn de protesteerders
met groepen die geweld gaan gebruiken
het eu leger inzetten
en om het maar niet te laten overslaan naar andere landen:
de media gebruiken
Armoured Vehicles Bearing EU Flag Deployed in Paris — Clear Sign That the European Army ALREADY Created
But rather than bearing the French Tricolore flag, the vehicles bore the distinct starred EU flag, which critics have said is a sign an EU Army is drawing closer to existence.
Europe must accept Diversity or face War": Timmermans in EU Parlmt: No more Nation States
(Dutch EU commissioner Frans Timmermans sets sights on Juncker’s job*
Oktober10. 2018
https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2018/10/dutch-eu-commissioner-frans-timmermans-sets-sights-on-junckers-job/ j
(De koppeling naar Nederland wordt gemaakt en het probleem wordt nu concreet; door te stellen dat de tien grootste bedrijven bij elkaar 50 procent van de totale Nederlandse uitstoot veroorzaken en zelfs drie keer zoveel schadelijke stoffen als álle Nederlandse gezinnen samen.
Toch gaan de kosten van levensonderhoud hier met tientallen procenten omhoog, terwijl Shell al jaren geen winstbelasting betaalt.)
zoeken naar
beschuldigigen richting moskou
BBC seeks to ‘prove’ Moscow link to Yellow Vest protests – leaked messages
Published time: 16 Dec, 2018
The BBC is desperate in its quest to ‘find’ the dreaded Kremlin hand behind the French protests, messages obtained by Russian media indicate. They reveal attempts by one of its journalists to find any trace of Russian involvement
Attempts to portray Moscow’s hand as being behind the Yellow Vest protests has been quite a hot thing lately. Accusations against Moscow included the way-too-close attention that “Russia-linked†social media accounts and Russian media in general –including RT– paid to the protests.
Surely, there’s nothing to see during the largest unrest in France in years, move on.
Nevertheless, French authorities confirmed they've opened an investigation into possible Russian interference.
They have declined to comment before it yields any results.
NWO Timmermans: Nederlanders hebben geen referendum over ‘Nexit’ nodig
Strasbourg shooting: Suspect Cherif Chekatt yelled ‘Allahu Akbar’ during Christmas market attack
*The suspected gunman in the Strasbourg Christmas market shooting was just 13 when convicted of his first crime. Cherif Chekatt is now the target of a massive manhunt.*
MANHUNT: Suspect in Strasbourg Shooting Identified, Was on ‘Terror Watch List’ https://www.hannity.com/media-room/manhunt-suspect-in-strasbourg-shooting-identified-was-on-terror-watch-list/
Mutmaßlicher Straßburger Attentäter Chérif Chekatt getötet
Man From Paris Speaks On The Reasons Behind Yellow Vest Revolution & Riots In France
( https://www.dailycrusader.com/2018/12/mossad-run-false-flag-shooting-in-france-uncovered/ )
Probeerd men de mensen op te ruien en wil men het liefst dat dat geweldadig zou gaan? Daar heeft men nl. de middelen voor maar tegen geweldloze non-compliance en het in het licht brengen van schandelijk en corrupt gedrag is men machteloos...
Wees je bewust van de Natuurlijke wetten , zie Mark Passio - The Great Work - Orderfollowers en zijn laatste
Duress, Dissidents & Deadly Force Een must see voor iedereen, niemand uitgezonderd....
Emmanuel Macron, de nieuwe Franse president, heeft gewerkt voor een bank. En niet zomaar een bank. Hij werkte voor de zakenbank Rothschild & Cie, een naam met een lading. De Rothschilds, een familiedynastie van bankiers, waren het succesverhaal, de internetmiljardairs van de 19e eeuw,
Emmanuel Macron can be called the most unusual candidate for president of France.He has no real political experience. He has not been elected anywhere before.
in 2008 Macron was hired by the Rothschild’s & Co Banque where he made quick career and in four years only he grew from analyst to partner
in de media “fueltax†genoemd
YellowVests Mr. Corey Storm
(macron en de “zelfmoordaanslagâ€:
France considers 'all options' to quell violent protests
https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/02/europe/france-fuel-protests-violence-intl/index.html )
moet er wereldwijd belasting “carbontax†worden betaald
2019 De energiebelasting gaat per 2019 flink omhoog. Een gemiddeld gezin gaat ongeveer 25% meer energiebelasting betalen. Dit komt neer op ruim €150 meer energiebelasting op jaarbasis.
Vaste lasten in 2019 flink omhoog
Energiebelastingen en energietarievenDe vooruitzichten liegen er niet om.
(2018 Per 1 januari 2018 gaan de tarieven van de energiebelasting voor twee jaar omhoog. Hierdoor gaat de belastingopbrengst van de energiebelasting met € 200 miljoen per jaar omhoog. In totaal creëert de overheid met deze maatregel dus € 400 miljoen aan extra belastingopbrengsten.
De tijdelijke verhoging van de tarieven van de energiebelasting (tool) is gebaseerd op het Energieakkoord)
The Family’s Covert ‘Climate Change’ Plan
The Rockefellers: Growing Their Empire Under the Guise of Protecting the Environment John D. Rockefeller
Under the guise of fighting alleged “man-made global-warming,†the Rockefeller family and its billions have been bankrolling everything from “climate†journalism (propaganda) efforts, politicians, and “academia†to politically motivated “investigations†of energy companies and non-profit organizations by government officials. Billionaire extremist George Soros also helped fund the efforts
Another key financier of the green scam has been Soros
Columbia University has received a total of $9.7 million from George Soros’s Open Society Foundation, making it the third-most Soros-funded school in the world, and the second-most in the U.S.82 $1.25 million of this money flowed directly to the Columbia Journalism
The Connection Between the Columbia Journalism School’s Alumni Board and the Climate Change Movement
Through his “Open Societies Foundations,†Soros has dumped billions into “green†outfits such as the Aspen Institute, Defenders of Wildlife, Earthjustice, Green for All, the New America Foundation, Presidential Climate Action Project, the Tides Foundation, ClimateWorks Foundation, the Global Green Grants Fund, the NDRC, and more
Basically, the Rockefeller clan is the head of the climate snake
The French government has estimated it lost €1.6 billion ($1.7 billion) in unpaid VAT taxes this way and the total loss to all European countries is estimated at between €5-10 billion.
In France, where an estimated €1.6 billion was stolen, many of the suspects were French Jews who either had or later obtained Israeli citizenship. One such network, headed by Arnaud Mimran and Marco Mouly, stole €283 million in VAT taxes
In the transcript of Mimran’s first interrogation by French police in the case, he said explicitly that he financed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s 2009 re-election campaign
In addition, French authorities told The Times of Israel in May 2016 that there is overlap between the French-Israeli owners of fraudulent binary options and forex companies and some of the perpetrators of carbon-VAT scams. Several former employees of French-owned binary options companies in Israel told The Times of Israel that they were frequently paid in cash and that rumors were rife that carbon-VATproceeds were being “laundered†through binary options companies as well as through purchases of Israeli real estate
“Under a basic cap-and-trade scheme, if a company’s carbon emissions fall below a set allowance, that company can sell the difference—in the form of credits—to other companies that exceed their limits.â€
IMF Energy Carbon Tax
The IMF Wants Your Gas to Be More Expensive , in the National Journal has it correct. He comments on the implications in the same IMF book.
"The IMF states simply, "Many energy prices in many countries are wrong." The international bank backs tax reform that would peg fuel, coal, natural gas, and diesel prices to the cost of global warming, air pollution, and the impacts of motor-vehicle use.
This is a clear example of the bankster’s notion of tax reform – gouge the public to the point that travel in family vehicles, reduced to special occasions only, becomes the new normal.
Even more frightening is a report from down under. The Australian Financial Review assessment in IMF proposes 60% coal tax , that the "Getting Energy Prices Right report says coal should face a tax of about $US.3.30 per gigajoule of energy, about 60 per cent of the average world price of $5."
Stop at this point and ask a rudimentary question. Will the BRICS countries, especially,
Things you need to know about the Kyoto Protocol
Financing "green" companies and pressure groups, to get richer off taxpayers and consumers .
The London Evening Standard has a very interesting story today (20 September 2016) describing the first day of a professor’s fraud trial at Southwark Crown Court, London, for operating an alleged £60 million climate-related tax dodge.
The story, headed World-famous conservationist “was part of £60 million eco-projects tax scamâ€, says prosecutors allege that Professor Ian Swingland, a “renowned conservationist†who collected an Order of the British Empire from the Queen in 2007, together with four accomplices, had helped investors avoid tax on £170 million of income during a three-year “scamâ€.
Swingland, 69, founded the “Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology†in 1989 at the University of Kent. It is now described as “a world-leading research facility into biodiversity, communities and sustainable developmentâ€.
Julian Christopher QC, prosecuting, said: “They were opportunities to invest in research designed to counteract the effects of climate change and to find a cure for HIV. They were designed to be attractive to people who had a large amount of income that they would rather not pay tax on.â€
The prosecution told the court that Professor’s four alleged accomplices were all involved in film financing as a way of reducing tax bills. Swingland is said to have joined them when they switched to eco-projects.
It is alleged they ran the scam by trading so-called “carbon creditsâ€, so the “money would be invested in research into reafforestationâ€, said Mr Christopher. But “nothing like†the amount said to be going into research was actually spent on research.
December 5, 2018
The needs and wants of commoners weren’t even a factor. They were shunted aside to push the slush fund so as to enrich the Simons family and other hedge fund folks who hope to abscond with trillions of dollars in such scams. There are billions invested in making it happen but even that wasn’t enough when the French realized the price of political correctness.
The protesters in Paris will be expected to pay much of the up to €8 billion annual tab for a minuscule global benefit—that’s how much tax revenue Mr. Macron thinks his levies will raise.
The carbon tax revolt is world-wide. Voters in Washington state last month rejected a carbon tax that would have started at $15 per ton of emissions and climbed $2 a year indefinitely.
Carbon credit fraud:
The white collar crime of the future
Fraudulent measurement of emissions
The tampering with meters or other measurement devices could result in readings significantly differing from actual consumption. Marked changes in emissions should be investigated.
Bribery and Corruption
Money Laundering
International carbon pricing mechanisms
Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions
Reforestation is the answer..
The CIFOR study was partly based on a previously unpublished 1999 audit by Ernst and Young, seen by Reuters, which found $5.252 billion was lost from the fund through systemic financial mismanagement and fraud between 1993/94 and 1997/98.
into the future use of technologies to geoengineer the climate
"What is really worrying is that the same small group working on high-risk technologies that will geoengineer the planet is also trying to engineer the discussion around international rules and regulations. We cannot put the fox in charge of the chicken coop."
"The eco-clique are lobbying for a huge injection of public funds into geoengineering research. They dominate virtually every inquiry into geoengineering.
As well as Gates, other wealthy individuals including Sir Richard Branson , tar sands magnate Murray Edwards and the co-founder of Skype, Niklas Zennström, have funded a series of official reports into future use of the technology.
Branson, who has frequently called for geoengineering to combat climate change, helped fund the Royal Society's inquiry into solar radiation management last year through his Carbon War Room charity. It is not known how much he contributed.
Apt worked with Keith and Aurora Flight Sciences , a US company that develops drone aircraft technology for the US military, to study the costs of sending 1m tonnes of sulphate particles into the upper atmosphere a year.
Analysis of the eight major national and international inquiries into geoengineering over the past three years
have sat on seven panels, including one set up by the UN.
Three other strong advocates of solar radiation geoengineering
have sat on national inquiries part
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2012/feb/06/bill-gates-climate-scientists-geoengineering )
Kan jij dat uitsluiten?
The best way to control oppsiton is to lead it ourselfs.....
Clinton Foundation-Connected Bank
“ Fonseca†Tied To Money Laundering
Seven documented examples of when payments to the Clintons and their foundation coincided with political favors
The MOU was an agreement between the Clinton Foundation and the Obama transition team
WASHINGTON, DC – As reported by Courthouse News Service, Federal prosecutors announced charges this Tuesday against four men connected to the law firm “Mossack Fonsecaâ€, which has extensive ties with the Clinton Foundation.
The charges, which include Conspiracy to Defraud the United States, Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud, Conspiracy to Commit Tax Evasion, Wire Fraud, and Money Laundering Conspiracy , come merely three years after the leak of the Panama Papers by the ICIJ , and pushed heavily by Wikileaks. The papers were received by the German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung in 2015 from an anonymous source.
“I Know Where All The Bodies Are Buried": Clinton Foundation CFO Spills Beans To Investigators
Clinton Foundation CFO Andrew Kessel made the admissions to investigators from MDA Analytics LLC - a firm run by "accomplished ex-federal criminal investigators," who have been probing the Clinton Foundation for some time.Â
Obama-era FBI leadership team hollowed out, after latest retirement
duitse en deense bank
mossack panamapapers
Deutsche Bank headquarters raided over money laundering
29 November 2018
Danske Auditors in Crosshairs for Missing Dirty Money Clues
As multiple investigations into Danske Bank A/S get under way, Denmark’s government wants to know why the bank’s auditors appear to have missed signs that one of Europe’s biggest money laundering scandals was unfolding in front of them.
The investigation centres on allegations that Germany´s biggest lender helped clients set up offshore companies in tax havens to "transfer money from criminal activities" to Deutsche Bank accounts, the Frankfurt prosecutor´s office said.
Some 170 police officers and investigators from the prosecutor´s office were searching six of the bank´s premises in and around the city, it added in a statement.
Deutsche Bank confirmed the raids and said it was "fully cooperating" with the authorities.
"The case is related to the Panama Papers," it added.
The Panama Papers scandal that erupted in 2016 with a massive data leak from Panamaian legal firm Mossack Fonsenca exposed large-scale tax evasion, laying bare how the world´s wealthy and powerful stashed their assets in offshore businesses.
Deutsche Bank Compliance Chief, 5 Board Member Offices Raided As Stock Hits All Time Low
In what appears to be the latest in a string of financial crimes and scandals that have generated some $18 billion in fines since the financial crisis, prosecutors are investigating whether two employees in the bank's wealth management division helped clients set up accounts in offshore tax havens, including the British Virgin Islands, and possibly allowed criminals to move money through these shelters, some of which may have flowed through accounts at the bank (other employees may also have been involved, prosecutors said). According to Frankfurt prosecutors, the investigation, which stems from revelations contained in the 'Panama Papers'
German banks, individuals feature in 'Panama Papers'Numerous Western nations say they're probing persons implicated in the "Panama Papers" tax avoidance scandal. Germany's "Süddeutsche Zeitung" daily says at least 28 German banks used the Mossack Fonseca consultancy.
The Royal Family are being dragged back into the Jeffrey Epstein pedophile scandal, as a photo of the Queen’s son, Prince Andrew, with an alleged ‘underage prostitute’ is listed as an exhibit in a new US court case.
Victims of the American billionaire [censored] offender, Epstein, are to tell a Florida courtroom their stories of [censored]ual abuse, Tuesday.
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