Het lijkt er op dat de toenemende druk op Saoedi Arabië en Israël de sluier van tegenstellingen onderling doet oplichten. Er is geen tegenstelling, dat moesten mensen alleen geloven. Deze twee regimes vullen elkaar aan en werken op allerlei fronten met elkaar. Nu begint dit langzaam zichtbaar te worden.
Vraag een gemiddelde Nederlander eens over de verhoudingen tussen deze twee genoemde landen en je krijgt steevast te horen dat dit aartsvijanden van elkaar zijn. Niet waar dus. De oorlog tegen Syrië maakte voor eens en altijd duidelijk dat deze twee regimes precies dezelfde agenda hebben. Het wahabisme is niet anders dan het zionisme, een geloof als dekmantel. Israël heeft helemaal niets met het ware judaïsme en Saoedi Arabië heeft helemaal niets met de oorspronkelijke Islam, beide landen gebruiken deze geloofsrichtingen, al dan niet aangepast naar eigen goeddunken, om zich achter te verschuilen en de schijn hoog te houden van een tegenstelling.
Nu duidelijk is dat deze tegenstelling feitelijk niet bestaat en deze twee landen nauwe banden met elkaar onderhouden op het gebied van wereldwijd terrorisme, onderdrukking van minderheidsgroepen, aansturen op oorlogen, etc., afgelopen jaren aantoonbaar gemaakt door de inmenging van deze twee landen in de oorlog tegen het Syrische volk, zijn de partijen die aan de andere kant van de medaille staan gewaarschuwd.
Door de teloorgang van ISIS, of hoe je ze ook wilt noemen, huurlingen zijn het feitelijk, zitten zowel Israël alsook Saoedi Arabië in een behoorlijk lastige situatie. In de wandelgangen is dat zichtbaar geworden door de aankondiging dat er op korte termijn een machtsoverdracht zal plaatsvinden binnen het Saoedisch koningshuis, prinsen hebben ze immers zat. Het land telt ongeveer 15.000 prinsen! Momenteel gonst het van de geruchten over mensen die in SA worden opgepakt. Ze zouden verband hebben met de aanslagen van 911, ze zouden tegenstanders zijn van de petrodollar, anderen beweren net weer dat het voorstanders zijn van de petrodollar, het is allemaal nog een beetje rommelig om conclusies te trekken. Wel is het zinvol om deze zaken in meerder lichten te beschouwen.
Je kunt stellen dat tegenstanders van de petrodollar worden uitgeschakeld om zodoende de hegemonie nog een tijdje te laten voortduren maar je kunt ook stellen dat de voorstanders van de petrodollar de NWO in de weg staan bij hun introductie van deze nieuwe orde en de daarbij behorende nieuwe wereldmunt. Nogmaals, het is nog allemaal te pril om er een zinnig oordeel over te vellen.
Desalniettemin is het duidelijk worden van de altijd verborgen samenwerking tussen deze twee landen een teken aan de wand. Het mag geweten worden. Wat zegt ons dit? Dat het ze niet interesseert? En waarom interesseert het ze nu niet meer, hebben ze haast? Ik neig naar dat laatste. Dat de introductie van de NWO behoorlijk vertraging heeft opgelopen is bekend maar dat die vertraging zo groot is dat de eerder zo belangrijke camouflage ineens geen rol meer speelt, dat is nieuw. Ik zie dit dan ook als een goed teken. Ze zitten in het nauw, nu wordt het oppassen! Wij blijven dit in de gaten houden!
Nieuwe ontwikkelingen Oekraïne, Maidan schutters bekennen op Italiaanse TV!
In Oekraïne komen steeds meer zaken boven water over de Maidan, de coup die met behulp van de westerse elite is gepleegd. De manier waarop bepaalde landen de schuld in de schoenen geschoven kregen hebben uiteindelijk geleid tot de sancties op Rusland. Deze sancties blijken dus nu op basis van getuigenissen van twee sluipschutters op de Maidan niet eerlijk. Natuurlijk wisten wij dit allemaal al maar nu zijn dus twee schutters naar voren gekomen over wat er echt gebeurde tijdens die demonstraties. De schutters komen uit Georgië en Litouwen, beiden gerekruteerd door de militaire raadgever van voormalig president van Georgië, Mikheil Saakashvili. De schutters hebben na 4 jaar wroeging omdat ook zei op dat moment niet wisten wat ze moesten doen en waarom, ze voerden simpelweg de opdracht uit om lukraak te schieten op zowel demonstranten alsook politie. Saakashvili werd later voor zijn prestaties beloond met de grootste provincie van Oekraïne! Is dat ook meteen duidelijk. Iedereen vermoedde het al maar niemand kon het bewijs leveren. Maar wat nu? Worden op basis van deze verklaringen sancties terug gedraaid? Worden de EU ministers die aanwezig waren ter verantwoording geroepen voor het steunen van deze coup? Het zal niets veranderen want onze nieuwskanalen zullen dit nieuws gewoon negeren, er niets over schrijven, behalve als ze niet anders kunnen. Dit wordt begraven en de sancties en alles wat daarna gebeurde zal gewoon hetzelfde blijven. Hieruit blijkt maar weer eens hoe machtig onze nieuwskanalen zijn, ze kunnen complete organisaties laten vallen of net helpen. Voor wie meer wil weten over deze ontwikkelingen volg de link.
De video en de bijbehorende engelse vertaling.
Who has massacred over eighty of demonstrators and cops gathered at Maidan Nezalezhnosti ,Kiev Independence Square heart and symbol - up to that fateful February 20, 2014 - of the events in favor of the Association Agreement with the European Union ? The anti-Russian opposition made government after the Russian leader's retreat Viktor Yanukovych has always pointed his finger at the special forces of the deposed president accusing them of sending a team of snipers to shoot the demonstrators to drown the protest in a blood bath. Already then, however, many raised doubts and perplexities.
The first to contest that version was Foreign Minister Urmas Paet. Returning from a trip to Kiev only 5 days after the massacre reported in a phone call to EU Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton, revelations from a Ukrainian doctor who examined the cadavers of Piazza Maidan. The intercepted phone call spread by the Russian media is disconcerting.
"The most disturbing thing - Paet explains - is that all the evidence shows that people killed by snipers - both the cops and people in the street - were killed by the same snipers ..." Faced with the perplexity of a visibly embarrassed Ashton, the minister cites the testimony of the Ukrainian doctor. "She speaks as a doctor says it is the same signature, of the same kind of bullets. It is really disturbing that now the new coalition - Paet reaffirms - refuses to investigate what is really going on. There is a very strong conviction that there are behind the snipers .... That there is no Yanukovych, but some of the new coalition ... ".
At four years from the beginning of November 2013 of Maidan's demonstrations we are able to describe another truth, completely different from the official one. Our story begins towards the end of summer 2017 in Skopye, the capital of Macedonia. There after long and complex preliminaries we meet Koba Nergadze and Kvarateskelia Zalogy two Georgian protagonists and witnesses of that tragic shootout and subsequent massacre.
Both Nergadze and Zalogy are linked to former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili , who starring in August 2008 of a short but bloody war with Russia's Vladimir Putin . Nergadze, as evidenced by an identification card he holds, was a member of a security service at the president's orders. Zalogy is a former Saakashvili party activist. "I decided to come to Skopije to tell you everything we know about what happened ... and I and my friend have decided together, we need to shed some light on those facts," Nergadze says. The same will say Alexander Revazishvilli a few months later, a former target shooter of the Georgian army starred in the Maidan shootout, met in another Eastern European country. All three of our protagonists say that they were recruited at the end of 2013 by Mamuka Mamulashvili , a Saakashvili military advisor who after Maidan's facts will move to the Donbass to lead the so-called Georgian Legion in clashes with Russian wire insurgents. "The first meeting was with Mamulashvili at the office of the National Movement," Zalogy said. "The Ukrainian uprising in 2013 was similar to the" Pink Revolution "that took place in Georgia years before. We had to direct and guide it using the same pattern used for the "Pink Revolution".
Alexander's version is no different. "Mamuka first asked me if I was really a chosen shooter - Alexander remembers - he immediately told me he needed me in Kiev to pick some places." Our protagonists, aggregated to various groups of volunteers between November 2013 and January 2014, receive passports with false names and money advances. "We left on January 15 and on the plane - Zalogy remembers - I received my passport and another with my photo but with different names and surnames. Then they gave us a thousand dollars to the head promising to give it another five thousand more there."
Once in Kiev, our three protagonists begin to understand better why they were recruited. "Our task - Alexandere explains - was to arrange provocations to push the police to charge the crowd. Until the middle of February, however, there were not many weapons around. The molotovs, the shields and the sticks were used to the maximum. " But in mid-February, clashes around Maidan begin to get worse. "About 15 and 16 February," Nergadze remembers, "the situation has begun to become more serious every day. He was out of control now. And in the meantime, the first shoots were heard. "With the rise of tension new players come into play
"One day around February 15 - remembers Alexander - Mamualashvili personally visited our tent. There was another guy in his uniform with him. He introduced him and told us he was an instructor, an American soldier . " The US military is called Brian Christopher Boyenger and is a former officer and shooter of the 101st Airborne Division. After Maidan moves on the Donbass front, where he will fight in the ranks of the Georgian Legion alongside Mamulashvili.
"We were always in touch with this Bryan - Nergadze explains - he was a Mamulashvili man. It was he who gave us the orders. I had to follow all his instructions."
The first suspects on the presence of firearms among the ranks of demonstrators involve Serghey Pashinsky, a leader of Maidan Square, who became, after the fall of Yanukovych, chairman of the Kiev parliament. On February 18 - as a movie shot that day - a car rifle locked by a car shot by a demonstrator shows a machine gun. Few seconds after Pashinsky approaches and orders to let her go. The next day a handful of weapons were distributed to groups of Georgian and Lithuanian militants residing in Hotel Ukraine, the hotel overlooking the square used as a headquarters by opposition
"In those days, Pashinsky and three other people - including Parasyuk - have taken the weapons handbags to the hotel. They were going to get them into my room," Nergadze says. Volodymyr Parasyuk is one of the leaders of the Maidan Square protest. After the massacre of demonstrators, he will become famous for an ultimatum in which he will threaten to use weapons to chase President Viktor Yanukovych.
"On February 18 - remembers Zalogy - someone took some weapons in my room. In the room with me there were two Lithuanians, the weapons were taken by them. " "In each bag - remembers Nergadze - there were Makarov's pistols, Akm carburetors, carbines. And then there were packets of cartridges. When I first saw them I did not understand .... When Mamulashvili arrived, I also asked him. "What's going on," I told him, "what are these weapons? Is everything all right? "Koba things are getting complicated, we have to start shooting," he replied, "we can not go to the pre-election presidential elections ..." "But to whom should we shoot? And where? "I asked him." He replied that where he did not care, he had to shoot somewhere ... so much to sow some chaos."
While Nergadze and Zalogy assist in arms distribution at the hotel Alexander Revazishvilli and other volunteers reach the Conservatory, another palace overlooking the square. "It will be February 16th ... Pashinsky ordered us to collect our belongings and bring us in ... .There came other people, they were almost all masked. From the purses I understood ... they carried weapons .... They pulled them out and handed them over to the various groups. Only Pashinsky was talking ... "He was giving orders. He asked me where we were supposed to shoot. " "In the meantime - explains Nergadze - even at the Ukraine hotel, the leaders of the revolt underline the hypothesis of using the weapons. " They explained to us to shoot to create chaos and confusion. We did not have to stop. It did not matter if we fired at a tree, a barricade, or the molotov. The important thing was to sow the chaos. " On the 20th morning the weapons come into action. "It was supposed to be dawn," Zalogy remembers, "when I heard the sound of the shootings ... they were not bursts, they were single strokes ... came from the next room. At that same time, the Lithuanians opened the window. One of them fired one shot while the other closed the window. They have fired three or four times everywhere. " Alexander, admitting he was involved in the shootout from the Conservatory building, claims to have understood very little. "Everyone started shooting two or three shots at a time. We did not have much choice. We were ordered to shoot both the Berkut, the police, and the demonstrators, no matter what. I was totally outraged. It went on for fifteen minutes ... maybe twenty. I was out of my mind, agitated, under stress, I did not understand anything. Then suddenly after 15, 20 minutes the shootings have ceased and everyone has put down the weapons. " As wounded and dead arrive in the Ukrainian Hotel Salon the snipers flee from the rooms. And so the victims find themselves next to their assassins. "Inside," remembers Nergadze, "there was the chaos, you did not understand who they were and the others. People ran back and forth. Someone was hurt ... someone was armed. Outside was even worse. There were so many injured in the streets. And they're all dead. " Alexander says he has gone in a hurry. "Someone was shouting that there were snipers, I knew what they were talking about," she said, "my only thought was to disappear before they knew about me. Otherwise, they cracked me. At that time, however, I did not realize - I understand - I understand. We've been used. Used and stuck ." (Ucraina, le verità nascoste Parlano i cecchini di Maidan - Gli occhi della guerra Chi ha massacrato oltre ottanta fra dimostranti e poliziotti riuniti a Maidan Nezalezhnosti, la Piazza dell'indipendenza di Kiev cuore e simbolo - fino a quel...", 16 November 2017, http://www.occhidellaguerra.it/ucraina-le-verita-nascoste-.../).
Hoe dan ook beste vrienden. Al is dit maar weer een klein tipje van de sluier, het is weer een stukje helderheid in de duisternis die opzettelijk in stand gehouden wordt. Meer mensen zullen naar voren komen met de waarheid en uiteindelijk zal iedereen die hiermee te maken hebben gehad bekend zijn. Het kan nog even duren maar ik zie het als een puzzel waar steeds nieuwe stukjes bijkomen die gelegd kunnen worden. Uiteindelijk kan het ontstaan van een duidelijk plaatje niet meer gestopt worden en zullen er mensen ter verantwoording geroepen worden.
Deze onthullingen zullen bijdragen aan nog meer paniek onder de elite die hier hun vingers in hebben. Die paniek zal weer leiden tot fouten in volgende acties van deze lui. Ze hebben het wel al door dat ze verslagen zijn maar willen het alleen nog niet weten.
Inmiddels is er nog meer informatie rondom de Maidan-aanslagen bekend geworden. De scherpschutters blijken met 50 man te zijn geweest, verdeeld in groepjes van 10 man. Ze mochten op eigen houtje opereren. De opdracht was om op alles te schieten wat er te raken viel, de bedoeling, paniek! De reden dat deze mannen eerst op Italiaaanse tv vertelden wat ze gedaan hadden en nu op een ander kanaal is dat twee van hun groep op mysterieuze wijze verdwenen zijn, ze vrezen voor hun leven. De getuigen hebben hun getuigenis op video opgenomen en laten hierin ook zien dat ze de getuigenis onderstekenen. Ik denk dat de EU en de NATO harde papieren krijgen want dit is een misdaad tegen de mensheid en met getuigen wordt het moeilijk daar onder uit te komen.
This is a classic example of flip-flop policy. In November, the US promised Turkey to stop arming Kurdish militias in Syria
But sophisticated weapons will continue to be sent to Syria in 2018, including thousands of anti-tank rocket launchers, heat seeking missiles and rocket launchers. The list of weaponry and equipment was prepared by US Department of Defense as part of the 2018 defense budget and signed by Trump of Dec. 12. It includes more than 300 non-tactical vehicles, 60 nonstandard vehicles, and 30 earth-moving vehicles to assist with the construction of outposts or operations staging areas. The US defense spending bill for 2018 ("Justification for FY 2018 Overseas Contingency Operations / Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund") includes providing weapons worth $393 million to US partners in Syria. Overall, $500 million, roughly $70 million more than last year, are to be spent on Syria Train and Equip requirements. The partners are the Kurds-dominated Syria Democratic Forces (SDF). The YPG – the group that is a major concern of Turkey – is the backbone of this force.
US Creates New Syrian Army Putting Peace Process in Jeopardy
link to the Key that appears below this image
t is tijd voor verandering
Iran claims it has “hard evidence†of foreign powers meddling in recent protests.
Iran’s Revolutionary Guard declares victory over unrest 'caused by foreign enemies’
According to recently de-classified files, the U.S. aided and facilitated Condor operations as a matter of secret but routine policy. 2001
A declassified CIA document dated 23 June 1976, explains that "in early 1974, security officials from Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia met in Buenos Aires to prepare coordinated actions against subversive targets."[13]
The program was developed following a series of government coups d'états by military groups, primarily in the 1970s:
(what the media has not told you!
Halliburton Made
$39.5 Billion on Iraq War
The company was given $39.5 billion in Iraq-related contracts over the past decade, with many of the deals given without any bidding from competing firms,
Former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush survey Haiti’s earthquake damage, March 22, 2010.
According to the nonpartisan Washington watchdog Judicial Watch, the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund collected huge sums of donation of $34 million and $54.4 million, respectively. Congress also approved $1.4 BILLION of taxpayers’ money to help Haiti bounce back from the earthquake.
More than 4 years after the earthquake, however, there is little to show for the millions of dollars that have been poured into “reconstructing†Haiti, most of the money having disappeared into fraud and corruption.
For $55 million USAID was supposed to build 4,000 houses outside Haiti’s capital by 2012 but only 816 have been constructed even though funding increased to a startling $90 million.
Rumsfeld admitted to $2.3 trillion missing on September 10, 2001 (the day before 9/11)
Keep in mind that the whole reason for that issue of 911 was to hide the theft of 43 Trillion dollars in gold. Also, part of that is real assets. But, this has been going on in different fashions from the Savings and Loan scandals that was orchestrated and run by Neil Bush, to the modern day banking scandals and the mortgage problems today. This is all done with FIAT currency which created artificial wealth. As they do this…, the people who are actually working for a living…, are becoming more and more as slaves. More and more of their sweat is being used to create wealth for these people. And so they’re able to launder this money over seas and all kinds of accounts
A new Department of Justice probe of the email and charity fraud scandals won't end well for Bill or Hillary...
To get to the heart of the vexing problems that allowed the largest unprosecuted charity frauds ever attempted to flourish from January 2001 forward, one must ask many questions of central figures in federal, state and foreign governments.
Fortune From The Nazis
The Dutch Connection
In order to gain control of these funds  supposedly assembled in order to make the world a 'safer place' after the 'end of the Cold War'  corrupt elements of US intelligence, headed by President Clinton
Almost simultaneously, Clinton fired William Sessions without giving any reason, and Vince Foster, an FBI informant who had been handling funds 'belonging' to the Children's Defense Fund, a CIA front for funny money, was murdered in the Washington, DC area.
Both Clinton and Bush Sr., working secretly together, therefore had every incentive to try to have Wanta removed permanently from the scene  Bush Sr. especially, since the Trustor had only recently annotated the misdirection of $1.0 billion, into one of Bush Sr.'s offshore accounts.
In summary, Leo Wanta was unjustly sentenced, on the basis of false witness and false charges, to jail/house arrest until the year 2015, a period of 22 years. The principal of the original $27.5 trillion, provided at a deep discount by over 200 international banks at an interest rate of 7.5% annually, for a 20-year period, falls due for repayment in 2012-2013.
 For the governments themselves have a common interest  to prevent this escalating crisis of confidence developing into a systemic melt-down induced by the banks' intransigeance. The stakes could hardly be greater, not least given that derivatives balances outstanding are now believed to exceed some $770 trillion.
 Similar ploys have been attempted by certain other European banks. In some cases, bankers have even attempted to deny the existence of funds in certain Title 18, Section 6 corporate offshore accounts.
Former US President George H. W. Bush Sr
Former President George W. Bush Jr.
Former President William Jefferson Clinton
Former Senator Hillary Clinton
Donald Rumsfield
Richard Cheney
Special Accounts for the US Republican Party
Special Accounts for the US Democratic Party
You can read more about this on Page 21 of this document (PDF) provided to me by Tom Heneghan.  Here’s a picture of this page.
deel 2:
(deel 1 :assange vrij,clintons fire, babysales
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DtAmJdK1Jck )
New tell-all book reveals Bill Clinton’s addiction to [censored] endangered his Secret Service detail
Ex-Secret Service officer details how Bill Clinton’s [censored] addiction endangered the lives of agents.
Five Glaring Facts Showing that NBC Knew About and Allowed Matt Lauer’s [censored]ual Predation
While NBC claims it acted on the first report against Matt Lauer, evidence indicates that the network has been enabling his [censored]ual misconduct for years.
Saturday 6 January 2018
Nigel Farage is coming to Dublin to promote 'Irexit'Leading Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage will be in Dublin in early 2018 to promote Irexit.
Swexit is our only hope’ Swedish MEP predicts more states will follow Britain out the EU
MORE countries will follow Britain out of the European Union once their populations realise the cost of accelerating federalisation after Brexit, a leading Swedish MEP said today.
JAN 4, 2018
“We recently took a scientific delegation to witness Stan’s work…and came back saying, this is one of the most important inventions of the century.†–
Leonard Holihan, from the Advanced Energy Research Institute at the time
Accusers of "pay to play" have claimed the foundation promised favors in exchange for donations or pledges of cash or gifts.
Clinton Foundation investigation
At least 18 classified emails sent from the account of top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin were found by the FBI on a laptop belonging to her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner.
Another first cousin of Huma Abedin Irfan Amanat, was charged on December 5 in Manhattan Federal Court in the KIT Digital case.
Dorinin was born in what was then Leningrad before moving to Geneva to work for Marc Rich, a financier who fled the U.S. after being indicted for fraud and trading with Iran, and was pardoned by former President Bill Clinton on Clinton’s last day in office.
“Clinton’s motive for pardoning Rich on his last day in office was questioned,†USA Today reports, “because Rich’s ex-wife, Denise Rich, was a wealthy Democratic donor who made a $450,000 donation to Clinton’s presidential library foundation and more than $100,000 to Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign.†The pardon was investigated by the FBI in 2001.
A 14-month investigation by the Administrative Control Authority, the country’s anti-corruption body, found that the group was made of government officials, Egyptian citizens, and foreigners, state news agency MENA said.
A new report out suggests the government is readying to pardon WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5237823/Report-Trump-clearing-way-Julian-Assange-return-US.html
Also, Surge Of Politicians Now Wearing 'Medical Boots'
Excellent question, what has happened to Tony Podesta? A man known for his creepy “child art,â€Â and to which his company was named in the Manafort indictment as “company B,â€Â as one of the firms solicited to lobby on behalf of the Ukranian government.Â
So, Podesta steps down from his position at Podesta group, the groups then announces their closure, to reopen as another entity, then he goes off the radar.
A search using a variety of search engines brings up a number of “claims†about Tony Podesta being in Gitmo, arrested, turning states witness and being in protective custody, none of which confirmed and nothing more than rumor, but absolutely nothing offering direct witness sightings, when looking in “news†or just on the “web†option itself.Â
George Soros: Another person that seems to have been strangely quiet lately is George Soros. Liberal billionaire, and the money man behind many of the instances of anti-Trump protests and rioting within the U.S. over the past year, has oddly gone quiet on his social media Twitter account.
The last tweet from Soros or whoever runs his Twitter account was on November 26, 2017. Prior to that his account tweeted out messages regularly every month. Some months a dozen, some more, some a few less, but active every month recently except in December and early January.
Like with Podesta, there are hyperbolic “claims†around the internet that Soros had a heart attack on Christmas Eve, but nothing in any news agency, or even Hungary news, nor any announcements from any of Soros’ businesses, which is where a press release would generally be generated should something have happened to him health-wise.
There is a long-standing collusion between the mainstream media and the people in power loyal to the Clintons and the Obamas, who tried to put Hillary Clinton in power as president, investigative journalist Charles Ortel told RT.
On December 30, WikiLeaks published an e-mail that, it said, showed how the New York Times was providing the State Department and Hillary Clinton with advanced warnings about potentially damaging stories.
RT: Do you expect more media and Clinton ‘collusion’ stories to break? Or is this simply just one New York reporter doing this? Is it bigger than that?
Charles Ortel: I think it is much bigger than that. What we’ve really had here – long-standing collusion between the mainstream press and certainly the Obama and the Clinton people in power, trying to put Hillary Clinton back in power as president. When we really go and dig deeply in the facts that have long been concealed but now are coming out, we’re going to find out exactly why Barack Obama was willing to let the Secretary of State operate from a secret office in New York with secret servers at home in Chappaqua and in her Washington DC place, using secret e-mail accounts. Now, it seems, mishandling classified information
Julian Assange noted that the FBI's business model is to stage terror plots so they can swoop in and save the day by foiling the plot they created.
Insider story written by Caroline Simone titled, “The FBI is ‘manufacturing terrorism cases’ on a greater scale than ever before.â€
Unfortunately, the list of individuals the FBI has entrapped, as some have charged, also includes dozens of individuals who are either mentally ill or emotionally unstable.
“They’re manufacturing terrorism cases,†said Michael German, a former undercover agent with the F.B.I. who researches national security law at New York University’s Brennan Center for Justice. In many of the recent prosecutions, he said, “these people are five steps away from being a danger to the United States.
Judge Napolitano accurately reported that all of the attempted terror plots the FBI has interrupted, were, in his words, “created by the Feds.†In other words, they manufacture a terror plot, locate a willing participant to be characterized as the bad guy “terrorist,†and then foil the plot just as it is about to be carried out.
Do you remember the “shoe bomber,†the “underwear bomber†and the “Times Square bomber“? The individuals at the heart of those foiled terror plots were, in Napolitano’s words “bumbling fools,†or bad actors in the FBI’s planned foiled terrorist operations, but who were stopped concerned citizens—not the FBI.
A former U.S. National Security Agency contractor is set to plead guilty to stealing classified documents that could have amounted to the largest theft of secret information in history.
"Whoa! 300,000 March for democracy in Iran! Incredible!â€
However, Twitter users were quick to debunk the claim, pointing out that the video is actually of protests in Bahrain in 2011.
Birth Of An Insurgency: The US-Israeli “Secret Deal†To Manipulate Protests In Iran
With the Trump and Netanyahu administrations now working in lockstep, U.S.-Israeli hostility towards Iran has now ripened into a plan to repeat what befell Syria over six years ago – the hijacking of minor protests and their transformation into the cover for a foreign-funded insurgency intent on toppling Iran’s elected government.
Building blocks of regime-change insurgency: sanctions, protests, “peaceful†uprising
Arming the uprising
Conclusion: with Syria plan in tatters, U.S. and Israel roll it out again for Iran
Published: January 2, 2018
The U.S. recently admitted to the CIA's crucial role in fueling protests and spreading propaganda to overthrow Iran's government in 1953.
Nearly 65 years after the United States Central Intelligence Agency had a crucial role in the overthrow of Iran’s government that sent the nation into chaos, Iran’s leaders are now accusing foreign enemies of fueling a string of anti-government protests.
But it didn’t just stop at weapons. Even chemical agents used to make explosives were also sent to ISIS.Â
This is just the tip of the iceberg of new evidence of Obama’s out-right treason against our country. In addition to learning about Obama’s direct involvement with arming ISIS, and also how he protected Hezbollah’s drug-trafficking and money-laundering operations by derailing active investigations by both the FBI and DEA, Obama also allowed the Taliban to become the world’s number 1 producer in Heroin so they’d have money to fund future terror attacks on America and the West.
(AZ Army National Guard soldiers deploying to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba http://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/arizona-news/az-army-national-guard-soldiers-deploying-to-guantanamo-bay-in-cuba )
January 1, 2018
The central groupthink around Russia-gate is the still unproven claim that Russia hacked Democratic emails in 2016 and publicized them via WikiLeaks, a crucial issue that NSA experts say should be easy to prove if true, reports Dennis J. Bernstein.
Russen proberen met nepnieuws opinie in Nederland te sturen:
Volgens Ollongren is de voorgenomen Wet op de Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdiensten, waar volgend jaar een referendum over wordt gehouden, 'noodzakelijk' om dergelijke beïnvloeding uit het buitenland te bestrijden.
Ook in Amerika zouden de Russen de opinie stevig proberen te sturen
to compensate Trump accusers right before the 2016 election. Which is yet another answer to the recurring question of just who tried to influence the election.
Veteran Democrat activist David Brock contributed funds to attorney Lisa Bloom’s effort to bring forward [censored]ual harassment allegations against Donald Trump prior to election day.
(The Washington Free Beacon obtained a 49-page memo from leftist operative David Brock during a January donor retreat that outlines how the George Soros-funded groups Media Matters, American Bridge, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and Shareblue plan to undermine President Trump's agenda and help the Democrats win control of Congress and the White House by 2020.
Here are 11 of the most incredible things discovered from Brock's playbook.
1. Media Matters worked with Facebook and Google to crack down on "fake news."
https://www.dailywire.com/news/19445/11-most-incredible-things-media-matters-uncovered-aaron-bandler )
Goed Geld Gala breekt weer record: 341 miljoen aan donaties
In Koninklijk Theater Carré werden gisterenavond tijdens het Goed Geld Gala de donaties bekendgemaakt van de Nationale Postcode Loterij. Voormalig president van de Verenigde Staten Bill Clinton, tevens internationaal goodwill ambassadeur van de Postcode Loterij, sprak namens de Clinton Foundation over de concrete stappen die we kunnen nemen in de aanpak van klimaatverandering.
The New York home of Bill and Hillary Clinton is on fire.
The Chappaqua Fire Dept. tells TMZ a structure on the property is ablaze and they are on the scene trying to control it.
Full Disclosure Implications
In a historic moment of poetic justice, most of the U.S.-based top perpetrators of the fake “war on terror†have now themselves been renditioned to the U.S. Navy camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Pentagon sources say. “The Rothschild assets George Soros, Peter Munk, Peter Sutherland, the Bushes, the Podestas, and many others may have been airlifted to Gitmo for military tribunals, as the Department of Defense spends $500M to upgrade the prison and send more military police and Marines,†the sources say.
wikileaks tv 877 weergaven
plus assange
Posted on January 1, 2018
Frankfurt airport IT failure: disruption not caused by cyber attack
Due to an IT-Failure, flight disruptions and cancellations might occur at Frankfurt Airport.
For further information regarding your flight please refer to your airline’s website.2 Jan 2018

If Seth Rich or Shawn Lucas would have testified against the DNC before their deaths the entire organization would have crumbled upon itself
We also have to take general lobbying and blackmail into account here, both nationally and internationally. I personally remember how the F-35 program already was extremely controversial in early 2002 - one year after receiving the go-ahead from the American government - at the time of the Dutch elections. Candidate Pim Fortuyn, who would have won the elections if he hadn't been assassinated a week before by a "liberal CIA"-backed environmental activist, for the longest time campaigned against Dutch participation in the program. Bizarrely, a certain Matt Herben managed to weasel his way into Fortuyn's party, amidst accusations of blackmail against Fortuyn, and became the dominant player after Fortuyn was killed. Herben used to work for the Dutch Ministry of Defense, was a rabid air force enthusiast, knew the chiefs of the air force very well, and had been pushing his party members relentlessly to vote in favor of the F-35 program. On top of that, he refused any contact with representatives of the Eurofighter or Dassault Rafale - two extremely capable jet fighters much better than the classic F-15s, F-16s and F-18s [20] - no matter how hard they tried. Needless to say, there were widespread suspicions that Herben was a plant of the security services sent into Fortuyn's party to insure it voted in favor of the F-35. [21] After Fortuyn's death, the entire party indeed voted in favor of the F-35, just before, predictably, disintegrating amidst infighting.
English Subtitles.
Dutch Libertarian explains to socialist why taxation is theft
Lord Jacob Rothschild had admitted that his family were ‘crucial’ in the creation of Israel, in a Times of Israel interview. zie video
The 80-year-old Rothschild said in a recent interview that his ancestors “helped pave the way for the creation of Israel,â€Â forcing the British government to sign the Balfour Declaration in 1917.
Rothschild said that the Declaration went through five drafts before finally being issued on November 2, 1917.
EU lobby register still failing to live up to transparency promise
https://corporateeurope.org/power-lobbies/2017/11/eu-lobby-register-still-failing-live-transparency-promise nov 2017
Lobbyists spent €1.7 billion last year influencing the EU.
The figure suggests a lobbying bonanza in Europe’s capital that is now approaching spending in Washington. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, a U.S. transparency NGO, a total of $3.15 billion (€2.7 billion) was spent on lobbying the U.S. capital in 2016.
Prosecutors in a dozen countries are untangling a massive web of corruption that ran across a continent and further afield.
Illegal payments may have sloshed through presidential campaigns, boosted the careers of political top brass in country after country, and oiled the wheels of worldwide construction projects including motorways, gas pipelines and hydroelectric dams.
Does a country like Germany actually need a real government and a proper parliament? For global business, at least, the answer is no.
Transnational structures have long taken over the tasks of parliaments and governments, telling them what they should do. Politicians, who are officially responsible, are no more than discussion partners and implementers.Â
MARTIN Schulz’s dream of a United States of Europe is crumbling before his eyes after a shock series of polls revealed no-one wants the controversial super-bloc.
Sat, Dec 30, 2017
THE GROWING rifts between east and west Europe look set to plunge the European Union into a fresh crisis in the new year as Poland and Hungary continue to rebel against the bloc’s push for more integration.
4 July 2017
WARSAW, July 4 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will attend a summit of the Three Seas Initiative in Poland on Thursday that his hosts hope will boost economic ties between the United States and the ex-communist countries of central and eastern Europe.
Here are some facts about the Three Seas Initiative.
- The Three Seas Initiative is a joint Polish-Croatian project, launched in 2016, with the aim of strengthening trade, infrastructure, energy and political co-operation among countries bordering the Adriatic, the Baltic and the Black Sea.
- The following 12 countries are part of the initiative:
Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria.
Permanent locations
Temporary locations
over tom de longe enz
is wel bekend, maar toch
!!minuut 57
ik wens iedereen
het allerbeste voor 2018!
Bedankt voor jullie steun en de vele belangrijke aanvullingen op onze artikelen. Laten wij met zijn allen denken dat 2018 het jaar zal worden van de grote opruiming!
Verruil haat voor liefde en laat die liefde ongebreideld vloeien!
Tot volgend jaar!
Martien en Nexus.
!CBS News
Some people, in fact, probably many people, are familiar with this strange image that's been circulating around on the Internet forever of this very large tunnel-boring machine that says “US Air Force†on it.
December 30, 2017
QAnon posts reveal the "Silent Revolution" that is happening in
 our midst right now. Mainstream media outlets remain SILENT.
Commentators such as ex-CIA agent Robert David Steele say it's highly likely they’ve also been indicted for murder, child [censored]ual trafficking, raping, torturing, killing, drinking the blood/eating the flesh of babies and harvesting their organs. A lot of these children are abducted from the United States, are orphans from war torn countries, or are displaced from countries hit by natural disaster, such as Haiti.
Hillary Clinton, Arizona Sen. John McCain, and California Rep. Jackie Speier are three alleged suspects. Their names are said to be amongst the 9,000 Sealed Indictments that have been registered from November-December 2017. Go to Google Images of Clinton, McCain and Speier. You’ll see them pictured in ankle boots, which hide GPS tracking devices.
According to leakers, other indicted suspects include politicians, media personalities and Hollywood figures. Note how many have been outed for [censored]ual harassment/assault/rape. Search for how many in Congress on both sides of the political aisle have announced they aren’t running for re-election. QAnon provided a list on December 22, 2017 of more than 40 corporate CEOs who have recently resigned since September. https://co-creatingournewearth.blogspot.nl/2017/12/guantanamo-bay-prepares-for-high.html
The intent was clear, the USMC was threatening the CIA’s clandestine services division to get on board with the Trump administration or else. This is not the first time that the CIA has been intimidated by a US President threatening to unleash the US military against it.
In 1958, President Eisenhower threatened the CIA’s Area 51 facilities in Nevada with invasion by the US First Army stationed at Colorado if the CIA did not fully disclose all its classified programs there. In a May 2013 video interview, a former CIA operative revealed what he heard Eisenhower tell his boss to relay to the mysterious MJ-12 Committee in charge of the Area 51 facility, for which the CIA provided operational security.
The clearest sign that the CIA is now firmly under Trump’s control is President Putin thanking President Trump and Pompeo for thwarting a planned terrorist attack against a prominent St Petersberg cathedral.
Disclosure is inevitable, but with the U.S. military now increasingly in charge of the American end of the process, disclosure is likely to happen in a series of gradual steps that culminate in sweeping changes all across the planet as advanced technologies involving zero-point energy, antigravity propulsion and holographic healing are strategically released.Â
transcript gehele intervieuw
Exclusive Interview: Emery Smith - Whistleblower
The most severely fearful info has not even been released to the public yet. If you consider this info “Fear [censored]†you should prepare yourself for a “Fear [censored] Fest†like no one has seen before as more of this corruption and human trafficking information comes out. Most of us understand that a Satanic Elite have been controlling the planet for thousands of years on behalf of a group of negative ET Races. 

As more and more of this info is disclosed the general population is going to be in complete shock. The info that is going to come out is VERY fearful and upsetting. As stated, ALL EVOLUTION occurs through stress. Those of us with our heads in the sand and not wanted to hear any of the information that threatens “Our Truth†will be in the same camp as those asleep. 

As the updates come out of recent meetings between the Blue Avians and the Super Federation and Council of Saturn (& Anshar) as well as the briefings Gonzales and I received from the SSP Alliance everyone will see how hopeful things actually are. The 22 Genetic experiments have been suspended and the participants (Positive ones) have been ordered to assist Humanity guide its own Genetic and Spiritual development free of covert ET interference. It is now Humanity’s turn to stand up and liberate ourselves. Tear-Eir; “Get off of your Knee’s… YOU are the ones you have been waiting forâ€! Have a Happy New Year! May it be a year of FULL DISCLOSURE, warts and all!Â
(source: ascension with earth.com)
Corey: Let me put all of this in a nutshell for you, and you can apply that to any war, conflict and situation you want to.

Yes, every single situation has been manipulated from both sides by an unseen guiding force that has evolved into what we call “the elites†now. And it's more formally known as a secret Earth government and their syndicates.

Corey: The generals don't know.
David: The generals don't know? But that's the highest level of the military, or pretty darn close, depending on the level of the general.
Corey: The generals are normally given an objective, and then they come up with the tactics and then delegate the rest of the logistics down to the ranks.

When we're looking at the history of things like the Spanish-American War, we have the sinking of a ship. When we look at the origin of World War I, we have the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the leader of Austria.
When we look at America's entrance into World War II, we have the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
We have the incidents in Vietnam that brought us into Vietnam.
These sparks, they seem kind of suspicious, don't they? Like the catalyzing event that throws somebody into war.
If what you're saying is true, are these catalyzing events manipulated? Are they programmed? Are they scripted somehow?
FBI informants were holding bait in front of a depressed, suicidal man, and were giving him a sense of attention and companionship that he was likely lacking in his own life. Ultimately, two days after meeting with FBI informants in person, the criminal complaint noted that Jameson sent a message on Dec. 18, saying, “I don’t think I can do this after all. I’ve reconsidered.â€
(vluchten naar guantamo en gesloten luchthavens)
(Guantanamo Bay Gitmo)
mocht je m willen zien
dit is de titel:
BREAKING- Roy Moore Files Voter Fraud Lawsuit PLUS a recap
Tracy Beanz
Gepubliceerd op 28 dec. 2017Support me on Patreon (THANK YOU!) http://Patreon.com/tracybeanz
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more voter complaint
Link to plane abnormalities: https://twitter.com/carocarocjdl/stat...
Follow Scott Anthony for updates on the planes: @ScottAnthonyUSA
CBTS Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream
What do they have in common? Clinton Foundation? John Podesta? Exploitation of personally identifiable data stolen by the rogue C.I.A.? Pedophilia? Money laundering? Drug and child [censored] trafficking? Murderous satanic rituals? Patent theft?
Iedereen met enig hart voor het leven op aarde
moet deze docu gezien hebben.
Een ontluisterend relaas van hoe Nederland het chemisch afvoerputje van de wereld is geworden dankzij decennialange corruptie in de politiek en handhaving Het politieke klimaat sinds de jaren '90 maakt dit probleem (bedrijven regeren en schrijven wetten) alleen maar groter.

De oppositie heeft naar aanleiding van de uitzending direct een hoorzitting aangevraagd maar de coalitie doet er alles aan om hier onderuit te komen. Ondertussen blijft het stil in de mainstream media. De arm van de petrochemische industrie reikt ver in de BV Nederland.

Een absolute must-see:
Een paar opvallende schandalen op een rijtje:
2015 https://eunmask.wordpress.com/2015/03/26/we-zijn-inderdaad-bedonderd-stemfraude-in-nederland/
'Veel spookstemmen tijdens verkiezingen'
en dit is gegarandeerd slechts het topje van de ijsberg!Â
In Amsterdam zijn bij stembureaus in totaal ruim zeshonderd stemmen méér uitgebracht dan er stembiljetten en volmachten waren, concludeert het AD woensdag in een analyse van de processen-verbaal die gemeenten na de verkiezingen maken.
Bij enkele andere stembureaus werden ruim achttienhonderd minder stemmen dan biljetten en volmachten geteld!
Tijdens de laatste verkiezingen zijn nog meer stemmen verloren geraakt dan al bekend was. Eerder kwam naar buiten dat ongeveer 7600 stemmen in Boxmeer niet zijn meegeteld. Nu blijkt echter dat het op meer plaatsen verkeerd is gegaan. 12-06-17
Een en ander blijkt uit een analyse van Stichting Politieke Academie. Zij vergeleken de verkiezingsresultaten met de officiele uitslag en vonden opmerkelijke verschillen. Zo gingen bijvoorbeeld in Bergeijk 1100 stemmen voor D66 verloren omdat ze niet door waren gegeven. De stichting heeft inmiddels tegen de 14.000 verschillen gevonden tussen de eigen tellingen en het officiële resultaat.Â
De landelijke SP spreekt in een reactie van een 'schandalige' situatie en de partij wil morgen minister Plasterk naar de Tweede Kamer halen voor tekst en uitleg
10 Maanden Geleden
Na de uitslagen van de EXITPOLL die gisteravond op tv bekend werden gemaakt is flinke discussie onstaan op social media. Om 21:00 uur werd de voorlopige EXITPOLL gepubliceerd en om 21:30 de definitieve EXITPOLL die nagenoeg helemaal gelijk was aan de voorlopige. Terwijl er in sommige steden zoals Nijmegen nog tot 22:25 gestemd werd vanwege de lange wachtrijen omdat de stembiljetten op waren werd op RTL4 al de definitieve EXITPOLL bekend gemaakt waaruit de VVD als grote winnaar naar boven kwam. Veel kiezers denken dat er fraude is gepleegd.
Is er stemfraude in Nederland gepleegd in 2017?!
Van alles misgegaan bij optellen stemmen verkiezingen
In heel Nederland noteerde de Kiesraad zelf vorige week bijna 9000 verloren stemmen, waarvoor wel een stempas werd ingeleverd. Ook werden er bijna 2700 stemmen geteld, waarvoor geen stempas werd ingeleverd. Soms namen kiezers hun stembiljet mee naar huis, maar voor het grootste deel van deze spookstemmen is geen verklaring.
Van Dalen vindt die termijn van inzage te kort. De verkiezingsuitslag is zo nauwelijks te controleren, zegt hij. "Het is een rommelig proces. Niemand kan in drie dagen 10.000 processen-verbaal overschrijven, nakijken en de resultaten analyseren."
10.000 processen-verbaal op één dag
De Commissie voor het onderzoek van de Geloofsbrieven in de Tweede Kamer kon het naar eigen zeggen wel in één dag.
Kiesraad: ‘Meldingen dat dozen vol PVV-stemmen in de vuilnisbak zijn gegooid, zijn 'nep-nieuws’ 2017
De Kiesraad weet al zes jaar dat het hacken van de verkiezingsuitslag in Nederland kinderlijk eenvoudig is. Ze waren in 2011 al gewaarschuwd
Stembureaus zetten de stemmen die met de hand zijn geteld, op een onbeveiligde usb-stick en brengen die naar het hoofdkantoor van een kieskring. Het centraal stembureau verwerkt de gegevens van al die digitale bestanden die niet versleuteld zijn.
Wie kwaad wil, kan de uitslag zo manipuleren: een zetel meer of minder bijschrijven is voor iedereen die de usb-stick in bezit heeft, geen enkel probleem.
Foto: Stemmen met een potlood is 't veiligst want controleerbaar. Maar op de onbeveiligde USB-sticks waar die uitslag op gezet wordt, kan iedereen bijschrijven wat hij wil. Zetel erbij of zetel eraf, met de huidige 'beveiliging' is én was dat geen probleem. 31 januari 2017
De vervalste verkiezingen van 2017
Keer op keer zijn de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen vervalst doordat de nieuwe politieke partijen geen schijn van kans maken om Den Haag binnen te komen. Een overzicht van de trucs die het ‘democratische’ Parlement gebruikt om nieuwe en vooral ingrijpende veranderingen in Nederland al tijdens de verkiezingen tegen te houden.
Er zijn wat ons betreft geen regels overtreden", zegt de woordvoerder. https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nederland/rob-moest-naar-3-stembureaus-door-tekort-biljetten-we-leven-in-2017-hoor
Tekort aan stembiljetten in Nijmegen opgelost: 'Er zijn geen rijen meer' https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nederland/tekort-aan-stembiljetten-in-nijmegen-opgelost-er-zijn-geen-rijen-meer
Only hours after a black ops contractor blew the whistle on an alleged $1 million dollar offer to bomb the Murrah Building in 1995,
he was in a near-fatal car accident.
December 27, 2017
Furthermore, anyone in the United States who aids or participates in said corruption or human rights abuses by foreign parties is subject to frozen assets
In fact, anyone in the world who has “materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material or technological support for, or goods or services†to foreigners targeted by the Executive Order is subject to frozen assets. Â
(Section 1. (a)(i-ii) outlines all foreigners the Executive Order applies to:Â
Section 1. (a)(iii) defines U.S. Citizens who have assisted foreigners in any of the crimes described above:)
(afleiding of sommige banden
In regards to the 13 listed individuals targeted by this order – several of whom have ties to the Clintons, the Clinton Foundation or Clinton associates -)
Part 7: For a decade, Arizona-based Biological Resource Center persuaded dying Americans to donate their bodies to science. More than 5,000 did. Here’s what happened to thousands of them.
EU investigates Ikea after Dutch deals reduce tax bill by €1bn
Furniture company joins Starbucks, Amazon and Apple on Brussels watchlist after EU says Swedish firm funnelled revenue via low-tax subsidiaries
The EU has launched an “in-depth†investigation into the tax affairs of Ikea after claims the retailer’s deals with the Dutch government have saved it around €1bn (£880m).
“We expect that in the end Ikea has to pay back state aid to the Dutch state. We don’t talk about peanuts in missing tax revenues.â€
4chan Anonymous User Shows Atlanta Airport Blackout Was Intended to Hide Something
December 19, 2017
242 10 0https://www.anonymous-feed.com/4chan-users-shows
? la
In an annual report published on Tuesday,
the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)
concluded that 888 million euros ($989 million)
were probably disbursed to dishonest claimants in 2015,
a slight decline from 901 million the previous year.
What Greeks and the public in other countries aren’t being told is that the international monetary system is designed to cut government spending as far as possible not to just maintain currency value and the wealth of its national elites, but to generate funds that can be secretly siphoned off into different black budgets controlled by private entities. These private entities work closely with the international central banking system and intelligence communities of major nations. The black budget funds are used for classified programs that increasingly consume financial resources as they become operational.
A good example of how black budgets are set up and secretly used is what occurs in the USA. The ‘official’ black budget comprises single line items in the Department of Defense (DoD) budget that don’t refer to any real weapons system.
MIND CONTROL EUROPE, and the brain reading computers, brain-remote, neural monitoring, experimentation!
For all the governments of European countries (About Mind Control)http://www.mindcontrol.se/?page_id=1243
The answer of the question beside is
that EU support this agenda.
Exclusive: The Secrets of QAnon, The Storm, and The Deep State Counterstike
(diverse meningen over jones zijn me bekend)
Ron Paul just went on an epic rant exposing the failed and immoral system that is Washington D.C. and the violence and propaganda it uses to maintain its power. http://thefreethoughtproject.com/ron-paul-no-one-surprised-govt-wages-illegal-wars-also-[censored]-abusers/
In a weekly column, put out on Christmas day, Ron Paul delivered a scathing report on how political immorality is the norm and not the exception. Given the recent revelations over the millions spent in taxpayer dollars to silence the [censored]ual abuse victims of federal politicians, Ron Paul noted that Americans shouldn’t be surprised those who spend their lives at your expense defending immoral wars and engaging in horrifying abuse would also engage in immoral personal conduct.
“It is only natural that an immoral system, like the welfare-warfare state, tends to attract individuals likely to practice personal immorality,†wrote Paul.
Going further to blow the lid off of the cesspool that is DC, Paul explained how the welfare-warfare state is built on a foundation of theft and corruption. Paul notes that while some taxation may be necessary to fund a few legitimate government functions, taking people’s money to give away through domestic and corporate welfare at home and funding a global empire through illegal wars abroad “is nothing more than theft.â€
Every law preventing us from living our lives as we choose
rests on the threat of force being used against those who refuse to obey.
If you doubt this claim, try not paying a ticket for a victimless crime like window tint. If you fail to pay your extortion fee, you will be issued a subpoena to show up in court. If you do not show up in court, a warrant will be issued for your arrest. You will then be kidnapped and locked in a cage. If you resist the armed men kidnapping you for refusing to be extorted over window tint—you will be killed.
Therefore, defenders of the welfare-warfare state rely on lies and deceptions.
Every month, millions of pounds is being siphoned-off into secret bank accounts or wasted by the E.U.  Even though the E.U. SuperState was formed way back in the 1970s, the E.U. did not employ a proper accountant until 2002!  Her name was Marta Andreasen and in January 2002 she began her new job in Brussels as Chief Accountant.  She and other whistleblowers discovered that millions of pounds of British tax payers’ money was being sent into SECRET BANK ACCOUNTS and actually disappearing – what’s more – when E.U. Commissioner NEIL KINNOCK, who was vice-president of the E.U., was told, the whistleblowers were smeared,  suspended and then fired from their jobs…
The E.U.’s budget is £360+ million per DAY…
The E.U. has destroyed trade by enforcing rigid, complicated and overly huge VAT taxes.  VAT has risen in Britain from 17.5% to nearly 30% – and most of that cash is siphoned into SECRET E.U. BANK ACCOUNTS which were exposed in 2001 – but then a complex cat’n’mouse game with Commissioner NEIL KINNOCK whitewashed mainstream press interest in the matter…  And the BBC never dare to mention these secret bank accounts, nor the E.U.’s number-crunching watchdog ‘Eurostat’ which is at the centre of one of the scams which has seen millions go missing…
Marta Andreasen was hired as the EU’s first proper chief accountant in 2002. She was in charge of 130 staff and, surprisingly, was the first properly qualified accountant to hold the post. Â
She did her job correctly – and in no time at all, identified that £170 million was missing or unaccounted for in the E.U. budget – that’s more than $200 million!  The corrupt E.U. immediately slapped her with a disciplinary charge for “defamation†and she was suspended from her job.
Andreasen was fully suspended from her job by the Commission in May 2002 (for “violating Articles 12 and 21 of staff regulations; “failure to show sufficient loyalty and respect to E.U. bossesâ€).  But she did indeed show loyalty and respect – loyalty to the TRUTH and RESPECT FOR THE TAX PAYER who has been fleeced and defrauded for decades by the E.U…
The E.U.’s secret bank accounts have never been properly investigated
On June 16, 2015, BitGold Inc. announced the completion of an additional $21.4 million secondary financing, likely by the CIA’s black op. https://www.dtss.us/blog/the-banking-cartels-cashless-society-via-bitcoin/
A total of 128 UN member states voted in favor of a draft measure that declares US President Trump's Jerusalem decision "null and void." The overwhelming backing for the resolution came despite US threats to cut funding.
(Which countries are most vulnerable to US pressure over UN Jerusalem vote? http://edition.cnn.com/2017/12/21/politics/trump-un-jerusalem-aid-intl/index.html)
Nikki Haley Tries to Blackmail the Entire Planet.
This was a symbolic, non-binding resolution of the UN General Assembly. It could have been easily shrugged off. Instead the Trump-Haley duo elected to make an inconsequential vote into an embarrassing display of American diplomatic isolation and impotence.
laatste afbeelding:
Red – voted with the US. Yellow, or grey – abstained or absent
One of the main players in the FBI’s collusion against American Democracy, Hillary Clinton supporter and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, is being forced to retire early next year after his corruption was fully exposed http://theduran.com/massive-fbi-corruption-forces-deputy-fbi-director-to-retire-early/
Trump Escalates War With FBI
2017 was a year that vindicated those who the media has constantly referred to conspiracy theorists, exposing the establishment in the process. http://thefreethoughtproject.com/ten-conspiracy-theories-were-proven-2017/
Interestingly enough, in 2006, the Canadian government classified talc as a D2A substance, which is considered “very toxic†and “cancer causingâ€
This warning was never passed on by J&J to end consumers.
He said, “They tried to cover up and influence the boards that regulate cosmetics.â€
This is yet another case of big business covering up or fabricating evidence http://www.wakingtimes.com/2016/12/21/johnson-johnson-fined-nearly-200-million-over-the-baby-powder-cancer-connection/
Below is a clip taken from the “One More Girl†documentary, a film regarding the Gardasil vaccine, which was designed to prevent Human Papillomavirus. In it, Dr. Peter Rost, MD, a former vice president of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world (Pfizer), shares the truth about the ties between the medical and pharmaceutical industry.
Considering his work experience, it would be an understatement to say that he is an insider expert on big pharma marketing.
Many believe that the alcohol industry is aware that as recreational use of marijuana becomes legal and less taboo, more people are likely to opt for the herb rather than sacrifice their health and sanity of mind with spirits. This will lead to diminishing profits for beer, wine and liquor manufacturers and sellers. 2016
It’s time for someone to be held accountable. There is a case to be made against the U.S. for some very serious criminal behavior here, and if anyone is serious about defeating “radical Islamic terror,†they should start by launching a court action against the U.S. government for its die-hard support for terrorism in the Middle East and beyond.
The war that does not end
War on uranium weapons is knowingly and willfully brought about genocide
Aggressive cancers in Serbia reach epidemic proportions
The people have the right to truth
over fake nieuws
Published time: 22 Dec, 2017
Fake news’
US ambassador ties himself in knots over terrorism claim (VIDEO)
Picked for the role of ambassador to the Netherlands by the US president earlier this year, Pete Hoekstra was sworn in by Vice President Mike Pence on December 11.
Hoekstra, who was born in Holland but represented Michigan in the US House of Representatives,
has now been caught up in a fake news wrangle.
“At one point you mentioned in a debate that there are no-go zones in the Netherlands and that cars and politicians are being set on fire,†Zwart tells Hoekstra.
Asked about the debate on Nieuwsuur TV, Hoekstra denied ever saying the comments before insisting the statement was “fake news.â€
“I didn’t say that. That is actually an incorrect statement.
Yeah, we would call it fake news.
I never said that,†Hoekstra insisted.
Pushed further on the matter just moments later,
Hoekstra bizarrely then denied ever using the term fake news.
USA Gymnastics and US Olympic Committee protected pedophile doctor for years.
As the US media gushes in joy over having Russia banned from the upcoming winter games ..
Stunning news is breaking that the US Olympic Committee,
and the country’s gymnastics governing body
were working together to cover up
years of [censored] abuse
and child molestation of their women’s gymnastics team.
rigged and stolen election
this is massive
'This Disgrace Will Follow Her the Rest of Her Life'
23 DECEMBER 2017
Earth may well have been visited by UFOs from outer space, the former head of a secret US government programme has told The Telegraph.
Luis Elizondo said the existence of supremely advanced unidentified aircraft, using technology that did not belong to any nation, had been "proved beyond reasonable doubt".
In an interview with the Telegraph Mr Elizondo said much of what he could discuss was still classified.
December 22, 2017
The most astounding information barely causes a ripple.
“This is wonderful. In many cases, we don’t have to figure out whether the public believes or doesn’t believe what we tell them. They’re in a state of mind that is ‘lower than belief.’ The majority can’t form beliefs or non-beliefs. They’re firmly embedded in a passive, repetitive, Pavlovian zone…â€
From This Week
Gepubliceerd op 23 dec. 2017This week had many amazing paranormal event happen all over the world. Multiple video's and images of UFO's and some of the best Paranormal footage you will ever see. Enjoy!
of een andere?
Fijne feestdagen allemaal!
(ik zie het als afleiding van t daadwerkelijke wat er plaats vind)
maar kijk eens naar het wetsartikel met de subs!
hoe die is samengesteld!
met welke mogelijkheden
(it covers it all)
(ter verduidelijking bij nederlandse wetboeken
heb je de subs ook
buiten de sancties om,
echter vaak is er nog een ontsnappings clausule/ mogelijkheid aanwezig
die ontbreekt hier echter volledig! m.i.)
jullie ook fijne feestdagen!
internationaal en nationaal
en betreffende bezit in vs
Introducing Haven, the open source security system in your pocket
You can download the Haven app on Google Play and F-Droid.
Put plainly, President Trump just declared a state of emergency, allowing his administration to freeze the financial accounts of anyone involved with human trafficking, child [censored]ography, trafficking children for pedophilia or human sacrifice. And this includes politicians and state actors – “current or former government officials, or a person acting for or on behalf of such an offical.â€
Anonymous ID:5DaxjVXn Thu 21 Dec 2017 15:58:52 No.154082851 ViewReport 154078586
Haha! You’re right in many ways!! Guess what? The Swamp’s financials FROZE OVER while they all slept last night, y’all.It’s gonna be a LOOOOOONG Christmas break for them… they were all broke before sunrise. ;o)
Anonymous ID:5DaxjVXn Thu 21 Dec 2017 16:26:50 No.154085721 ViewReport 154083502
Right. This covers kids/humans, drugs, arms/guns, WMD’s/chemicals/Uranium, organs, etc.Now if you want to know who in our swamp woke up with frozen accounts, foundations, “charitiesâ€, side businesses and shell orgs/LLC’s, etc. dig into the annex list..
Mrs Justice Barbara handed down the ruling today. The judge set March 5 as the date for the trial to begin.
No company as large as Royal Dutch Shell or such senior executives of a major oil company have ever stood trial for bribery offences
“This is not a case involving a few rotten apples,†said Nick Hildyard of Corner House. “The evidence points to systemic corruption – from the top down.
They Are All Getting Locked Up & Assets Seized -
Whitehouse Executive Order
Het Nederlandse ministerie van Economische Zaken steunt de liefdadigheidsorganisatie de Clinton Foundation met 4,4 miljoen euro. Maar Amerikanen vragen zich af waarom buitenlandse mogendheden dat doen? https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2033268-nederland-geeft-miljoenen-aan-clinton-foundation.html
Obama Administration Protected Hezbollah Cocaine Traffickers
Rutte geeft 90 miljoen voor onderhoud papavervelden Afghanistan
Trump Dossier Author Christopher Steele Worked With FBI’s McCabe & DOJ’s Ohr on Russian Organized Crime Long Before 2016 Election
Hmm… McCabe Testified For 7.5 Hours to House Intel Committee Today and NOTHING Was Leaked to CNN
$21 trillion of unauthorized spending by US govt discovered by economics professor
I say rip the bandaid off and let the healing begin!
We can then stand firm and say “No, we KNOW there is more!â€
If the Alliance plans on a partial and slowly rolled out Disclosure, we can force that timetable to speed up by holding them accountable.
Once a little disclosure has occurred, many will already be wondering what else they are hiding
Victim’s Testimony Exposes Vast Child Trafficking Network Among the Politically Elite
A former child trafficking victim is speaking out and backed up by evidence exposing a massive multistate criminal operation tied to politicians, heads of state and the mafia.
pim fortuyn
https://www.globalresearch.ca/jesus-was-born-in-a-police-state/5623641 and we must do no less.
Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
Issued on: December 21, 2017
United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across the Globe
DECEMBER 21, 2017
21 DEC 2017
Well I think there’s a lot of patriots that have had it up to here with what’s going on, and they’re going to step forward and tell people what the shenanigans have been. How they shut down the Clinton Foundation investigation, how other things were done that are so ‘anti – what the FBI and the United States and this country is about’.
Shocking Video Released Showing Alien Encounter
(betere foto s)
partial disclosure..
doe full disclosure
of niets!
A former Pentagon official who led a recently revealed government program to research potential UFOs said Monday evening that he believes there is evidence of alien life reaching Earth.
and says it will 'change future air power'
Boeing's Phantom Swift was a Boeing Phantom Works program that was being developed for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under the VTOL X-Plane competition - but was ultimately beaten by Aurora's entry.
They’re Finally Admitting Royal Rife Was Right
So what happened? Why aren’t these machines in every hospital and cancer treatment center in the world today?
Simply put, the only cancer Rife couldn’t seem to kill was greed.
Stunning' Tic Tac shaped UFO encounter by US Navy pilot? 'It was not from this world'
Former Navy pilot: UFO 'something I had never seen in my life'
FOX news
Navy Pilot Says UFO He Saw Off California Was ‘Not of This World’
2 Navy Airmen and an Object That ‘Accelerated Like Nothing I’ve Ever Seen’
abc news
Navy pilot recalls encounter with UFO: 'I think it was not from this world'
de telegraaf
Piloten zien UFO: 'Kijk dat ding gaan'
de telegraaf
VS stak miljoenen in onderzoek naar ufo's
It’s in Progress...,
says the New York Times
One day soon, everyone on the planet will realize not only is there intelligent life out there, but that life comes in all shapes, sizes and colours, and so do their craft; that some are benevolent and some only serve themselves, and that it’s absurd to assume we are the only life forms in the Universe. They’ll be smacking themselves up the side of the head wondering how they could have been so naïve and believe all the lies. The ridicule shoe will be on the other foot, and it will bind.
WE wonder, why didn’t everyone go to the Internet and look at all the footage and testimony like we did? Why didn’t they hear the call?
Ultimately, they will soon realize that the major powers on Earth have had their own secret space programs for decades and lied about it to keep the upper hand, and that they received much of that technology from visiting Galactic entities in exchange for things they wanted from us here on Earth. They will learn there’s a thriving space-faring trade agreement we knew nothing about until fairly recently, and that the price to Humanity was high.
Humanity is actually far more resilient than anyone gives us credit for. The proof is in the Chrismas pudding. We’re still here after millennia of being suppressed, genetically modifed and tainted by superior life forms who wanted to control and enslave us. We’re still here, and we aren’t going anywhere but up—to the stars and beyond.
Disclosure with a capital “D†is coming,and a watered down version of “First Contactâ€â€”
because it isn’t.
Not for many Humans who sold us out a long, long time ago. ~ BP
from Europe long ago
18 Dec, 2017
The US should withdraw the nuclear weapons it has deployed in Europe rather than upgrading them, a senior Russian diplomat has said. Moscow is concerned that the upgrades are making the bombs more suitable for actual combat.
The US stores an estimated 200 of its B61 nuclear bombs in countries like Germany, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey as part of NATO’s nuclear sharing program. Russia has long considered the continued presence of American nuclear weapons in other nations as a hostile gesture after the Cold War.
“Russia has long withdrawn its nuclear weapons to its national territory. We believe that the American side should have done the same a long time ago,†Mikhail Ulyanov, head of the non-proliferation and arms control department in the Russian Foreign Ministry, told RIA Novosti.
“They are actually planning to upgrade them to be, according to some retired American military officials, ‘more suitable for combat use’ thanks to better precision and somewhat reduced power,†the diplomat said, adding that Moscow suspects that the US may have plans to deploy additional nuclear bombs to Europe under the guise of an upgrade.
A former child trafficking victim is speaking out and backed up by evidence exposing a massive multistate criminal operation tied to politicians, heads of state and the mafia.
December 5, 2017
It is no longer a secret that throughout all levels of the Hollywood establishment there is rampant [censored]ual abuse.
However, this massive ousting of pedophiles and [censored] abusers is leading to a place in which some of society’s worst abusers make a living off your tax dollars—Washington D.C.
In a bombshell interview with Disobedient Media, Greg Bucceroni, a survivor of [censored] trafficking, described his experiences in an alleged child [censored] ring in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s that primarily targeted troubled young boys on the East Coast. The network was said to be comprised of known human traffickers, abusers and producers of child [censored]ography with ties to organized crime who openly associated with prominent political figures, including some who have been accused of indiscretions in the past, according to DM.
Gepubliceerd op 14 dec. 2017Shocking Paper written Called, How to make a mint: The Cryptography of anonymous electronic cash. Laurie Law, Susan Sabett, Jerry Solinas National Security Agency Office of Information Security Research and Technology Cryptology Division 18th June 1996. The paper details in 1996 the blockchain technology and how to implement digital crypto currency how to create electronic currencies. You will not look at bitcoin the same after this. The paper sounds more like a white paper from coindesk on bitcoin or other crypto currencies rather than an idea.
en minuut 50
"Accidental" Giant Navy Swastika Building Was No Accident
is bijv dit
minuut 34 afbeelding
Russians travel from Earth to Saturn through Dimensional Portals
janmaat 01-07-2017 20:31
Onderstaande link ook goed.
Duurt 2 min.50, misschien bedoelde je sec.34?
petra 01-07-2017 21:35
seconde bedoel ik
seconde 34 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sm5rugxzb34&ebc=ANyPxKqBf_7_PPppc4ES_KYQyZBrOJLxm1_ICcIcDTYovQbljB4DvUZZtxFVK2qeBxNna1nXXbRvHEWrcGpz9HkHKHhSIQAA7Q)
area 51:
December 9, 2017
Aerospace draftsman and military historian Michael Schratt at the 2011 International UFO Congress gives a virtual walk-through of the Black Budget underground facility in the most secretive section of the Area 51 base near Tonopah, Nevada known as S4, under the airspace designated as R-4808N.
The blueprints, recreated in auto cad and in 3D digital drawings are based on the testimony of Dr. Dan Burisch, a microbiologist who claims to have received a “Q†clearance and to have worked at Area 51 under the direction of the Naval Research Laboratory and the Defense Intelligence Agency.
The Surface of the Earth is Structured as a Wide Battlefield
I. The Military Bases
a) Air Force Bases (see photos 1 and 2);
b) Army or Land Bases;
c) Navy Bases and
d) Communication and Spy Bases.
Map 5. The Southern Command
NATO Military Bases
V. US Military Bases to Protect Strategic Energy Resources
Map 6. Petroleum and International Theatre of War in the Middle East and Central Asia
Map 7. American Bases Located in Central Asia
Map 8. Oil Fields in Latin America
Map 10. Freshwater Resources in Latin America
VI. Military Bases Used for the Control of Strategic Renewable Resources
This article has focussed on the Worldwide development of US military power.
The US tends to view the Earth surface as a vast territory to conquer, occupy and exploit. The fact that the US Military splits the World up into geographic command units vividly illustrates this underlying geopolitical reality.
Humanity is being controlled and enslaved by this Network of US military bases. .
The ongoing re-deployment of US troops and military bases has to be analyzed in a thorough manner if we wish to understand the nature of US interventionism in different regions of the World.
This militarization process is characterized by armed aggression and warfare, as well as interventions called “cooperation agreementsâ€.
A number of government agencies and intelligence units –with links to the Pentagon– are involved in various components of the propaganda campaign.
Realities are turned upside down.
Acts of war are heralded as “humanitarian interventions†geared towards “regime change†and “the restoration of democracyâ€.
Military occupation and the killing of civilians are presented as “peace-keepingâ€.
The derogation of civil liberties –in the context of the so-called “anti-terrorist legislationâ€
Fabricating the Truth
To sustain the war agenda, these “fabricated realitiesâ€, funneled on a day to day basis into the news chain must become indelible truths, which form part of a broad political and media consensus.
We have the assets and the capabilities and the training to go into friendly and neutral nations to influence public opinion. We could do it and get away with it.
Italië, Polen, Oostenrijk, Engeland.........and counting!
A new investigation has concluded that 97 percent of the weapons used by the Islamic State were supplied illegally by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.
This diverted materiel, recovered from IS forces, comprises exclusively Warsaw Pact caliber weapons and ammunition,
purchased by the United States and Saudi Arabia
from European Union (EU) Member States in Eastern Europe.
There Is Much More To The Story
ISIS Is Controlled By The U.S. And NATO
Het lijkt mij onwaarschijnlijk dat de Polen zich verder laten intimideren door de EU.
De navo heeft zich daar uitgebreid gevestigd.
werkt al vanaf de jaren 90 met de Polen.
Engeland zit ook nog steeds bij de navo, brexit of niet!
net zoals Martin Vrijland alziende blind is.
alleen op Bovendien zijn de feiten te vinden.
De NWO is toch al dood
Maar ja, geleerden zeggen van wel.
Zowiezo, bestaat T wel?
Kan iets wat bedacht wordt bestaan? En dan weer dood gaan.
Volgens mij alleen maar als je erin gelooft.
En hoe komt dat dan dat men er in gelooft?
Wat een theater.
92% of the viewers of the Ukrainian news channel NewsOne voted in favour of the return of Viktor Yanukovych. The poll was conducted live on Saturday evening.
When Trump won despite the FBI's efforts, the agency launched a 'Russian collusion' smear campaign against him in an attempt to hobble his presidency
to say Trump [censored]ually assaulter her
China has voiced its support for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, based on pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.
Congress took $101 million in donations from the ISP industry — here’s how much your lawmaker got
Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, and others spread their money far and wide to influence your government
Eu valt onder nato
Nato onder vn
Vn onder elite
Lijkt mij dat je via de vn eerder bij de elite terecht komt dan via Eu en nato.
Die de vn afschermen
Zoals de vn de elite afschermen.
Ben deze gisteren nog tegen gekomen over backward speeches.
Baby's die achterstevoren praten, totdat ze geleerd worden voorwaarts te spreken.
En veel meer.
Goede uitleg vanaf ongeveer minuut 20.
Reverse Speech Technology Mini Documentary Rough …: http://youtu.be/ud52KAiud_c
Eerste alinea heb je genoeg aan.
Men ziet alleen wat men wilt zien.
niemand maar dan ook niemand als bij afspraak heeft het er over wat de autenthieke Sweden en vooral hun mooie blonde vrouwen moeten onder gaan, van wege sociale waan ideéen, ben ontzachelijk kwaad op speciaal onze wereld van beter weten, Jenne
Ukraine Deputy:
Abnormal amounts Of People Are Dying From Rare And Strange Illnesses In The Ukraine Each Year.
Since 2005 the US have generously funded up to 16 'biological defense' laboratories across the Ukraine. A recent hack by Cyber Berkut uncovers the secret funding network of Ukraine's Department of Defense backed 'biological defense' laboratories, and reveal who's behind them and what they are actually being used for.
US Confirms It Used Depleted Uranium in Syria
Not only in Iraq, but Yugoslavia,Kosovo,Afghanistan,Libya, the people are finding they do not have the value of sparrows, and their lives and their children’s lives are taken from them without cause, by policies and military planners who have set themselves apart from humanity.
Depleted Uranium Radioactive Contamination In Iraq: An Overview,†Prof. Souad N. Al-Azzawi, Aug. 2006, Brussells Tribunal.
Kante’s report further says that because of the bombing, the nature in Yugoslavia has been contaminated with toxic substances among which the most dangerous is polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), highly cancerogenous and responsible for immunological diseases. The report stresses that one liter of PCB is enough to contaminate one billion gallons of water.
Since in the region of Yugoslavia dominate northwestern winds, this means that the pollution goes from Yugoslavia to Hungary, Germany, Croatia and Bosnia, or to Albania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Greece.â€
While NATO trumpeted on all sides about its “humanitarian interventionâ€, the report we now talk about spoke of ecological disaster without precedent in European history,†said Parsons.
9.45 tons of nuclear waste dumped on Kosovo
Parsons said that already in February 2000 the data of the Dutch government in outlines coincide with the data of the U.S. non-governmental organization MTP (Military Toxic Project).
In January 2000 MTP asked the U.S. government to lift the confidentiality tag from the files on the use of DU in Kosovo.
MTP received the file on January 30 2000 and based on it, the NGO calculated that 9.45 tons of nuclear waste was dumped on Kosovo.
Agent Orange, exposed: How U.S. chemical warfare in Vietnam unleashed a slow-moving disaster
This academic investigation concludes that the massacre was a false flag operation, which was rationally planned and carried out with a goal of the overthrow of the government and seizure of power. It found various evidence of the involvement of an alliance of the far right organizations, specifically the Right Sector and Svoboda, and oligarchic parties, such as Fatherland. Concealed shooters and spotters were located in at least 20 Maidan-controlled buildings or areas. The various evidence that the protesters were killed from these locations include some 70 testimonies, primarily by Maidan protesters, several videos of “snipers†targeting protesters from these buildings
Feb. 20—The 2014 coup in Ukraine was perpetrated by g- ures and groups of the so-called opposition, whose lineage and practices trace directly to Nazi formations going back decades. Key parts of this network were fostered and protected by Brit- ain’s MI6, and the CIA, espe- cially under Allen Dulles, as assets for geopolitical operations in Eastern Europe and against the Soviet, and later Russian states.
Chronology of the Coup
The bulk of George Soros' documents hacked and published on DC Leaks website shed the light on the magnates' meddling into Ukrainian affairs and shaping public opinion in Western Europe regarding the February coup of 2014 in Kiev through a series of projects and media campaigns.
Confidential Document: Soros's Plan For Ukraine
Hoe verklaart u simpele dingen als taal en spellingfouten in zogenaamde "officiële" ID bewijzen?
"Among other flaws, the video report shows identification cards to verify that the mercenaries worked for Georgian security services. However, the Russian news site The Insider noticed that the English-language text on their identification documents contains serious grammatical and spelling errors. Most notably, the title at the top of the card says “Security Service of Defend,†and the word “certificate†is incorrectly spelled “certifikate.â€"
Tijdstippen van aanwezigheid kloppen niet:
"Despite the claim they were hired by Mamuka Mamulashvili, founder of the Ukrainian army volunteer unit known as the Georgian Legion, he arrived in Ukraine in April 2014, two months after the shootings of February 18-20. One of the two Georgians claims to have been trained by an American citizen, Brian Boyenger, formerly a U.S. Army sniper. While Boyenger did train Ukrainian military personnel and later served with the Georgian Legion in the war in Ukraine’s Donbas region, he arrived in Ukraine in 2015."
Dan de claims over orders:
"But it is already clear that, contrary to Micalessin’s claim, the Georgians’ story doesn’t match up. They claim to have received orders from a president with no power at the time, before the mass protests that led to Yanukovich’s departure in February 2014. They claim to have been working under the command of a man who was not in Ukraine at the time and to have been trained by a man who wouldn’t arrive there for two more years."
En in plaats van chronische leugenaars, antisemieten en poepers als Global Research een platform te geven, zou het geen idee zijn om aandacht te schenken aan mensenrechtenorganisaties, zoals het vermaarde KHRPG? Zou het niet een idee zijn zich te interesseren in het onrecht jegens gewone mensen, berichten die de msm ook niet halen?
Veel succes met het verrijken van de geest!
The research found that the Berkut special police force, which was loyal to the Ukrainian government, was not responsible, contrary to the narrative which was created by the post-Maidan coup government in Kiev, and consequently accepted by Western governments and media.
wie zegt dat de berichten die jij doorstuurt kloppen en de andere berichten niet? Ik lees bijvoorbeeld, de VS sniperman die arriveerde pas in 2015 in Oekraïne. maar gesteld wordt dat hij er al was in 2014.
Dat is toch op geen enkele wijze te toetsen!
Wat wel frappant is Dude dat die Shaaskavili nog steeds actief is in Oekraïne en een hoge functie kreeg na de maidancoup.
Zou het kunnen zijn dat er bewust zand in de ogen wordt gestrooid om verwarring te zaaien?!
Ik lees net nog ergens een reactie van een activiste die stelt dat de coup overgenomen is en nooit helemaal de beoogde uitwerking had.
Niets is wat het lijkt!
Real Dangers OF 5G Wireless Radiation: http://youtu.be/TOAcxyvXZWM
If sanctions include the freezing of foreign accounts of the central bank, it would be equal to declaring financial war on Russia, Siluanov said.
Nederland heeft de tegoeden bevroren om ze na succesvolle rechtszaken wegens corruptie of fraude te kunnen teruggeven aan het Oekraïense volk.
Als de verdachten niet langer vervolgd worden, krijgen ze weer toegang tot het geld.
Maar tot nu toe is er nog niemand voor de rechter verschenen.Â
It’s 2017, and shocking footage has emerged of Libyans being sold at auction at open-air slave markets. Tens of thousands of vulnerable African migrants and refugees risk everything to get to Libya’s coast and then across the Mediterranean into Europe – which is described as the deadliest route on Earth. According to reports, the migrants that end up in business detention centres are sold off like goods.
“As shocking as it seems, it’s indeed true,â€
Dat het Westen zich in Libië beperkt heeft tot de uitvoering van een militaire interventie en dat het de wederopbouw van dit land heeft verwaarloosd, is genoegzaam bekend.
Much of Gaddafi’s fortune is safe in Ridderkerk
The paper says an office on the Wolweverstraat is home to the Libyan state oil firm Tamoil as well as Verenex Energy, which extracts oil and gas in Libya, France and Canada. The office has a workforce of 35, the paper says.
According to its 2009 annual report, Tamoil booked net profit of €26m on turnover of €7.7bn.
The paper puts Gaddafi’s total worth at €60bn.
Tamoil Suisse and its refinery at are part of Oilinvest BV, a Dutch-registered company. This is in turn is part of the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA), which was always close to the Gaddafi clan.
Waar is het geld van Khaddafi?
Nee, niet in Zwitserland. De kolonel heeft zijn miljarden daar weggehaald na een uit de hand gelopen akkefietje tussen zijn zoon Hannibal en de Zwitserse overheid.
Blijkt dat Khaddafi een belangrijk deel van zijn miljardenbelangen heeft veiliggesteld op een plek niet zover van hier. Meer bepaald in de Wolweverstraatin Ridderkerk. Dat is een goeie honderd kilometer van Antwerpen.
Het gaat om een kluwen van investeringsmaatschappijen die allemaal zouden leiden naar een bedrijf met de vermeldenswaardige naam Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriy. Dat is tevens de officiële naam van Libië.
De maatschappijen in Ridderkerk zijn Oilinvest BV, dochteronderneming TamoilNederland (160 bezinestations in Nederland ) en Verenex. Volgens de Nederlandse kamer van Koophandel voorziet die laatste in "de stoffelijke behoeften van de eigenaar".
De Nederlandse Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Uri Rosenthal zei vandaag in een spoeddebat in de Tweede Kamer dat hij samen met zijn collega van Justitie en het Openbaar Ministerie bekijkt of Nederland de te tegoeden en bezittingen van Libië kan bevriezen.
Nikola Tesla and the Conspiracy Against Water-Powered Cars
Download books and patents of Nikola Tesla
In an interview with Opie and Anthony on Sirius XM,
Trump slammed flu shots as “totally ineffective†and declared that he has never had one.
“I’ve never had one. And thus far I’ve never had the flu. I don’t like the idea of injecting bad stuff into your body. And that’s basically what they do. And this one (latest flu vaccine) has not been very effective to start off with.
“I have friends that religiously get the flu shot and then they get the flu. You know, that helps my thinking. I’ve seen a lot of reports that the last flu shot is virtually totally ineffective.“
Trump is right – flu shots are the greatest medical fraud in history. They are full of “bad stuff†including formaldehyde and mercury – two powerful neurotoxins – and the vaccine industry even admits that laboratory tests prove the popular jab does not work.
Why is a toxic, medical hoax, backed by nothing but voodoo faith-based dogma and clever marketing, pushed on the whole population every year?
Something strange happened in the Arctic Circle - Impossible
ik wens je alle goeds!
Take a tour of a Martian city: Incredible 360 degree video shows the UAE's vision for a 2117 colony on the red planet where robots live alongside humans
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5131955/Incredible-360-VR-footage-UAE-Martian-colony.html
dat doet ons goed!
Things really start to take shape here..
ik ken je dus niet persoonlijk, dat maakt het moeilijk, lees wel dat er een soort bevlogenheid in je zit, tegen het kwaad gericht, kijk het internet wordt gezien als een éénheid, wat het dus niet echt is, ook wij symphatisanten onder elkaar, zijn in wezen verbonden met een verdomt dun draadje menselijkheid, weet niet of ik mijzelf duidelijk genoeg uitdruk, wat ik bedoel, we zijn in ons samen zijn, uiteindelijk éénlingen, en daar door kwetsbaar, heb lang geleden in de Provotijd mijn nek uitgestoken, nou de gemiddelde Nederlander liet ons mooi vallen, terwijl het toch werd gedaan ook voor hen, er is niets zo verradelijk als mensen,
ook die je denkt als vriend te kunnen aanmerken, nou ouwe mannen gelul zeggen ze dan, nu misschien, en misschien niet ? groet Jenne
ik ben me er bewust van
start na 5 min
natuurlijk zien wij dat. Dat is ook één van de meest storende zaken. Je weet dat mensen weten maar ze willen niets ondernemen, Vervolgens worden de zaken die al erg waren steeds erger. Je bent als burger monddood. Zero tolerance gebruiken ze tegen ons maar corrupte politici die krijgen processen en komen meestal weg met een waarschuwing. Elke dag mensen om je heen zien sterven aan kanker terwijl dat niet nodig is. Elke dag kinderen zien sterven in landen zoals Jemen etc. en er niets aan kunnen doen.
Elke dag dezelfde volgevreten zwijnen van de nederlandse TV zien langskomen die spelletjes zitten te doen en daar zwaar voor betaald krijgen.
Miljarden aan geld weg gesluisd zien worden voor oorlog terwijl voor ziektes en simpele zorg voor bejaarden gecollecteerd moet worden.
Wij zien het allemaal. Dat is ook de reden waarom wij het liefst professioneel zouden willen gaan zodat wij meer mensen kunnen bereiken en de omslag misschien iets kunnen versnellen.
niemand heeft Petra gevraagd zich te verantwoorden.
wat is met jou man,wat zijn dat voor Gerrit Herders praktijken?
ik zal je wat stuivers toewerpen en buk je je maar om ze op te rapen,dan doe je tenminste iets,bedelaar.
30.000 x 0,10=3000:2=1500 de man,niet slecht voor wat geschrijf over wat je gelezen hebt.
toch mooi he,dat dit allemaal gearchiveerd word.
je laat een paard lachen,ik kan je een telefoonnummer geven van een persoon waar ik voor klus,die zal jouw bevestigen dat ik zijn pijn heb weggenomen door zelfgemaakte cbd olie geven.
moet toch iets waard zijn?
oh nee sorry,alleen als je in jouw straatje pist heb je recht van spreken.
hmmmm wie riep dat ook nog vroeger?........recht van spreken.....
als je het niet bevalt wat ik schrijf kun je me nog altijd bannen.
geef toe dat je er over nagedacht hebt....
Plus reacties.
CryptoRuble While the announcement means that Russia will enter the cryptocurrency world, it is in no way an affirmation or legalization of Bitcoin or any other decentralized cryptocurrency.
On the contrary, Putin quite recently called for a complete ban on all cryptocurrencies within Russia.
Goed van de Russen.
Nu wifi nog ( voor straling)
En via kabel op internet.
Archontic Dementia 1: The AI Robot Sophia is a Fr…: http://youtu.be/AGiYRu59QDY
(ja, ik had stukjes van genoemde linken gezien)
We are pleased to have finally reached a resolution to this piece of post-9/11 litigation.
Silverstein, who signed a 99-year lease on the World Trade Center just 2 months prior to the attack, has received over 4.5 billion dollars stemming from post 9/11 lawsuits. In May of 2007, CBS Moneywatch reported:
At the link below is the PROOF, taken directly from United States District Court computers via the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER.gov) system, which is the automated filing system for ALL United States federal courts.
Momenteel wordt het Koerdische leger in dienst van de VS voorzien van duizenden mieuwe wapens.
Gebeurt dit tregwn zijn zin of heeft hij toch een ziomistische agenda?
COLD WAR THEATER - Putin, Trump, Netanyahu: http://youtu.be/Zr7JfVWQUhQ
Whats The End Gam…: http://youtu.be/tJ3soXJFPys
een strijd
eerste vijf minuten:
the permanent government†has worked to ensure the United States continues pursuing destructive foreign interventions and to keep America “at the precipice of a much wider war†irrespective of who is president.
(as above so below)
maar dat is mijn mening
Nasa is forced to deny outrageous conspiracy theory that it is running a child slave colony on Mars after wild claims are made by ex-CIA officer Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4654288/Nasa-denies-running-child-slave-colony-Mars.html
H.R.1508: Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act of 2015 was the name of the bill submitted on the 19th of March towards the Senate, but that was later included in a larger bill called  “H.R.2262 – U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act.†, which was passed in November by both the Senate and House of Representatives.
Clearly, there's something more to the story.
According to many whistleblowers, after the second world war we have developed a large space fleet, established extensive colonies on the Moon and Mars and we have companies that already mine for rare metals in the asteroid belt.
     "The first trillionaire there will ever be is the person who exploits the natural resources on asteroids. There's this vast universe of limitless energy and limitless resources. - Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astr
Beyond the involvement of 16 of the world's richest billionaires, we see several "terra firma" opportunities including: defense & contractors, satellites (77% of market), launchers (US$5bn+ market) and insurance (US$30bn in exposure). National space agencies (NASA, ESA, etc) and military programs (US Air Force) together with incumbent Aerospace & Defense companies/JVs (United Launch Alliance, Arianespace) will continue to dominate, in our view (50+ years of technological expertise).
Private companies and commercial space players will ride their coat-tails but play a growing role
And this is where the report begins to drift away into countless whimsical tangents, where the authors eagerly seeks to find, demonstrate and convince readers of value, nowhere more so than in the following slide which summarizes the "Space Age 2.0" opportunity in a nutshell, and which puts the estimate on the Mars/Jupiter asteroid belt at $700 quintillion ($700,000,000,000,000,000,000), as previously estimated by NASA.
Did nearby residents in McLean suddenly notice a large number of loud helicopters overhead, moving toward or from the area of the CIA.  The repeated answer to that question has been “Yes.â€Â
What we are witnessing now with over a thousand secret indictments allegedly generated by Mueller, Trump’s USMC/Navy dominated administration, USMC helicopters buzzing CIA HQ and Gerloff’s claims, is that we are on the verge of major revelations about deep systemic corruption that has plagued the US. The role of the USMC in taking the lead in cleaning up this systemic corruption is slowly being revealed.
Trump’s retweet of the MAGAPILL article appears to be an endorsement of the view that secret indictments established by Meuller are on the verge of being disclosed, thereby triggering many further revelations that will awaken the general public. In the meantime, Trump is encouraging those among the American public who are ready, to go down the rabbit hole to learn the truth about systemic corruption, powerful pedophile networks, and secret space programs.  http://exopolitics.org/did-president-trump-endorse-q-info-on-secret-indictments-of-pedophile-network/
In a furious twitter exchange with a Clinton aide on Friday, former secret service agent Dan Bongino threatened to reveal new details about Bill Clinton’s 26 documented trips aboard notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet, nicknamed the “Lolita Express."
For those who are unfamiliar with his story, Jeffrey Epstein is a New York City financier who pled guilty in 2008 to a single count of soliciting [censored] from an underage girl. He eventually spent 13 months in prison and was forced to register as a level three [censored] offender (considered the highest risk of re-offending) though stories of his lust for [censored] as young of 12 have spread like wildfire in recent years.
In the days and weeks ahead, the American people will hopefully be able to see the exact names of the journalists (and the news outlets they work for) who were paid to take out Donald Trump.
Some 500 victims, including 236 minors, have been rescued in a human-trafficking bust led by Interpol in Africa.
US Keeps Afghan Heroin Trade Alive at Your Expense
It is also no secret that Afghanistan opium production has increased by 3,500 percent, from 185 tons in 2001 to 6,400 in 2015, since the US-led invasion.
The lunacy of continuing the occupation in Afghanistan, knowing the only ones who benefit from it are warlords, drug cartels, the CIA, terrorists, and the military industrial complex, is staggering.
Italian police busted a mafia group trying to smuggle over a billion dollars’ worth of cocaine into Europe
Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 27-Nov-2017 01:05:32
Spreadsheet containing numbers for all districts:
Ik vraag me af wat de mensen later aan hun kinderen gaan vertellen, als er vragen komen, want denk er om het leven is kort, en de dood eeuwig, en het staat er slecht voor met de mensheid, en die tijd dat je va die heerlijke menselijke ruzies kon maken met je vrienden, en het later dan weer gezellig goed maken met een mooie fles wijn, zijn ook voorbij, nog even en dan moeten we tegen robots knokken,
wat een pokke zooi, nou laten we zeggen het correleert niet
meer, de samenhang is foetsie, moet vaak aan die ouwe tantes van me denken met hun grote diepe wijsheid, ja die mis ik echt, mijn ooms een stuk minder zuiperige vreterige pseudo bille knijpende nou ja zo waren ze toen, net als nu,
groet Jenne
er is alleen dood van het vleselijke jenne,ik zie je aan de andere kant,geniet van het leven.....dat verdient ze!
we are in the last days.......repent and pray to GOD.
oh wacht,die bestaat volgens Nexus niet.....toch Nexus?
buiten dit heb ik rond de 50 uur research in backwardspeech gestopt,ook bizar.
er is veeeeeeeeeel meer dan wij kunnen dromen.
De taal is niet zomaar iets, hoort allemaal bij de indoctrinatie
Zoals Obama t volk liet zeggen , yes we can.
In de droom is alles mogelijk.
Ze zat rustig in de trein/tram.
Ging de tas in en pakte de tel.
Deed daar iets mee.
Stopte de tel. Weg en toen begon de ellende.
Ze begonnen te vechten.
Zij viel op de grond
En de jongen werd gearresteerd?!?!?
Maar t ziet er inderdaad niet al te best uit.
(ik neem aan dat je weet wie Elon Musk is)
Als dat niet gebeurt, wat bij velen t geval zal zijn.
Zullen ze zonder dat ze t zelf in de gaten hebben aan t Internet gekoppelt worden.
Van de ether net naar inter net.
tot die conclusie kom ik ik de laatste maanden keer op keer vanuit verschillende hoeken.
als de fallen angels bestaan dan bestaat God ook.
Wat je maar wil geloven, er is alles uit niets.
The US sent its drones to Bukamal and provided Daesh with accurate information about what was going on, Nasrallah said, adding that American forces also waged electronic warfare against forces that were fighting to liberate Bukamal.
American forces also provided air transfer for Daesh commanders and facilitated their escape to eastern shores of the Euphrates, he said. The Hezbollah leader stated that even Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan slammed the US for helping Daesh.
Nasrallah emphasized that recapturing Bukamal led to unity of Syria and ended Daesh’s self-proclaimed state in the country.
Russia continues to use strong language to criticise Washington’s illegal actions in Syria.
hoeveel inwoners zijn er in syrie
door ons geld vermoord
en nu krijgen de moordenaars
die we van wapens en trainingen en geld
daar hebben voorzien..
een warm welkom terug, (met vrijbrief)
geld en een huis
en betalen we hier voor extra beveiliging
wie heeft deze groepen gesponsord?
onze voltallige regering
op wie je ook maar hebt gestemd
White Helmets were seen on video celebrating the massacre of Syrian civilians alongside Al-Qaeda, ironically in a film to portray them in a positive light.
To those paying attention to Syria, the White Helmets aiding or even participating in terrorism should come as no surprise.
Het bedrag komt bovenop de 4,5 miljoen euro die het kabinet al eerder dit jaar vrijmaakte.
God allemachtig is dat zo, ja het zijn gewoon schoften, mensen die je in je ogen kijken en je beliegen, zij mijn moeder altijd, dat is duivels gebroed, en dat doet deze viespeuk koenders, ja ik woon ver weg, maar hier is het niet veel beter, nou ja zij hebben hun leven in het mijne, zou niet willen ruilen, slecht volk, gaan raar dood, mensen met een slecht geweten, schrale troost, groet !
Ook in het geval van Syrië behoort Nederland tot de grootste donoren, met meer dan 300 miljoen in de afgelopen vier jaar, maar die humanitaire steun zou er ook los van de militaire inzet moeten zijn. En ben ik blij dat we wederom 25 miljoen extra aan humanitaire steun geven en 4,2 miljoen aan de militaire inzet met trainers.
Wat Syrië betreft, wil ik het kabinet complimenteren voor het brede pakket van politieke, militaire en humanitaire maatregelen en stabilisatiemaatregelen die in de brief staan. Met name de steun aan de gematigde oppositie als derde kracht tussen ISIS en Assad is essentieel voor de toekomst van Syrië, of het nou om het FSA (Free Syrian Army), de Koerden of andere groepen of gemeenschappen gaat.
Het stabilisatiepakket groeit naar 23 miljoen.
De geheime lading wapens van Nederland naar Syrië
“Now that western-made chemical weapons have been found in areas liberated from terrorists
Pentagon Trained Syria’s Al Qaeda “Rebels†in the Use of Chemical Weapons
The Western media refutes their own lies
350 diplomatic flights carry weapons for terrorists Azerbaijan’s Silk Way Airlines transports weapons with diplomatic clearance for Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Congo
de geheime afspraak
4000 terroristen naar europa
een vrijbrief
dat heeft de vs geregeld
Die USA haben ein Abkommen mit dem Islamischen Staat geschlossen:
Aus Rakka durften 4.000 IS-Terroristen samt Familien frei abziehen und ihre Waffen und Munition mitnehmen. Sie haben nach eigenen Aussage nun „neue Missionen“ in Europa.
Schleuser haben Hochkonjunktur und bringen die IS-Mitglieder auch zurück nach Europa
Mit der Evakuierungsinitiative haben die USA faktisch den Terrorismus in Syrien in die gesamte Welt exportiert
Terrorists who traveled to Syria are allowed to walk the British streets and could even have their rent paid by taxpayers.
Het Syrische paspoort van Mark Rutte
We zijn een soeverein land. Als Nederland serieus terrorisme wil bestrijden, waarom nemen ze dan geen contact op met de Syrische regering om samen te werken?'
Volgens hem is er tot nu toe nooit contact gezocht met de Syrische regering. 'Niemand durft contact met ons op te nemen om het probleem op te lossen, tenzij de VS de agenda voor die landen en voor ons mag bepalen.'
De Nederlandse regering is van mening dat Assad moet aftreden om een duurzame vrede te bereiken in Syrië. Op dit standpunt reageerde de president afwijzend: 'Een Nederlandse burger zou het ook niet accepteren als een Syriër zou beslissen wie in Nederland premier moet worden of niet. U zou zoiets niet accepteren. Wij ook niet.'
(Assad tells Belgian reporter Belgium & EU merely obey 'US master' on Syria – English Subtitles
als er nu oplossingen kwamen dan was ik best bereid om wat geld te doneren....
wat jij beschrijft jenne,is in het engels gezegd;´kicking the can down the street´
ik kan er niet meer van maken.
Maar er zijn bij huis nog zoveel dingen te doen, en om te doen moeten die uit der treure worden aangekaart.
mooi he dat kicking the can down the street, er bestaan geen Streets meer, het zijn rijstroken geworden, groet Jenne
How it’s our spiritual challenge to move beyond their control and illuminate ourselves…
tijd heb voor internet en
wat misschien interessant is hier plaats
thats all
@Vladi ,wat een slechte smoes om niets te doneren! Ik doe dit werk al 25 jaar en af en toe komen mensen zoals jij voorbij die voortdurend kritiek leveren op mensen zoals Martien en ik die dit al zolang belangeloos doen.
30 duizend unieke bezoekers en een paar mensen die reacties plaatsen. Slechts 2 die financieel steunen. Commentaar hebben op ons werk maar zelf niets leveren behalve fff........
Wij willen graag, dat hebben wij bewezen met 25 jaar hard werk en ontelbare artikelen en het bijbehorende speurwerk. Als de helft elke maand een paar duppies zou overmaken dan zouden wij hier ons werk van kunnen maken en zelf naar locaties kunnen gaan om informatie te checken. Dan kregen jullie elke dag nieuwe artikelen en goede informatie. Helaas hebben wij dit niet in de hand.
Maar neen, Vladi denkt dat wij dit allemaal na ons werk moeten doen, naast ons gezin, naast de dagelijkse beslommeringen en met eigen geld. Lekker makkelijk Vladi! En dan vanaf de zijlijn goedkoop commentaar leveren en smoesjes verzinnen waarom jij geen 50 cent per maand kunt missen!
Anderen laten hun gezin in de steek, ik niet! Anderen worden kluizenaar en zijn vaak contact gestoord, wij niet. Neen, wij willen graag normaal blijven en jullie van een goede website voorzien. Maar zoals altijd staan ook hier de beste stuurlui aan wal!
Jenne, jij mag je deze ook aanmeten!
Het is voor ons zo makkelijk om iemand te bannen, maar dat doen wij niet! Omdat wij anders zijn dan al die andere web[censored]!
Dingen die gebeuren gebeuren omdat alleen de mainstream media financieel gesteund wordt. Dat is een feit!
Grote [censored] in de VS zoals die van Alex Jones worden betaald door de overheid om het zionisme af te schermen en mensen op een verkeerd spoor te zetten.
Als wij ter plaatse zouden kunnen zijn met camera bijvoorbeeld op het binnenhof, wat denk je dat er gaat gebeuren? Pownieuws zou van naar voetstuk vallen want wij zouden geen gatekeepertje spelen maar keiharde vragen stellen aan politici en deze via internet verspreiden! Maar dat gaan wij niet ook nog allemaal zelf ophoesten!
denk je nu echt dat ik ook maar 1 cent aan jullie geef omdat jullie ergens over schrijven?
ik kom hier niet af en toe,ik kom hier bijna iedere dag al vier jaar.
voortdurend kritiek?leugenaar.
belangeloos schrijven?dat doe ik ook!!
dat siert jullie.
30.000 bezoekers en twee mensen die doneren......dat zegt alles lijkt mij.
ik heb af en toe commentaar en dat ik niets meer lever dan fff is ook een zware leugen.
25 jaar hard werken ( klaarblijkelijk weet je niet wat hard werken is,maar goed) en ontelbaar artikelen (echt waar?ontelbaar? (wat een gemanifesteer,foei).
ja ik dacht inderdaad dat jullie die artikeltjes na jullie werk deden.Net zoals ik na mijn werk activistenwerk doe (dus niets naast de zijlijn maar in het veld) en hier en daar online wat informatie verstrek.Net zoals Petra en waarschijnlijk heel veel anderen.
Jij mag mijn commentaar goedkoop vinden,ik heb niet de indruk dat anderen dat ook vinden.
Verder vind ik alle verwijten dat ik weiger te doneren,maar op extreem bedelen lijken.
Dat je insinueert dat ik verder niets doe dan jouw afzeiken is natuurlijk kolder vanuit hoogmoedswaan.
Ban mij maar joker,daarmee verander je niets,alleen jouw eigen ego word gestreeld.
Ik hoop verder dan ook dat niemand doneert,informatie behoort ten alle tijden gratis te zijn.
Als je meer geld wilt moet je gewoon nog harder gaan werken.
Als afsluiter op jouw banale reactie:
vladi geef me geld....
nee ik vind jouw informatie niet goed genoeg om ervoor te betalen,misschien dat ik wil betalen voor oplossingen....
wat een kutsmoes vladi,GEEF ME GELD!!
Tip: schrijf een boek als je zoeen ervaren schrijver bent,maak er een bestseller van.
maar laat vladi metrust want ik kom hier niet voor jou.
ohja fff
toen je me dat patentnr van the artificial sun hebt laten zien,heb ik vanaf toen alleen nog maar geresearched op die info.........MIND BLOWING.
dat is het echte topje van de ijsberg van wat ze kunnen.
ze lopen zeker 500 jaar voor op ons.
samen halen we ze wel in!
met ieder zijn eigen research
hoe meer we er door heen zien
hoe beter het is denk ik
we liggen onvoorstelbaar ver achter
als dat ineens vrij wordt gegeven
zou alles plotseling veranderen
al die technologieen,
die ontdekkingen van toen
zijn wel door ontwikkeld..
European Law Claims to Protect Consumers… By Blocking the Web https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2017/11/european-law-claims-protect-consumers-blocking-web
vanaf minuut 100
(minuut 42.50
Een aantal zaken uit bovenstaande strookt niet met de werkelijkheid. Lees en overpeins:
De NWO maakt fouten en moet de zaken die ze uitvoeren altijd eerst openbaar maken, vandaar de filmpjes van South Park, Simpsons etc. waarin zaken die ogenschijnlijk verzonnen zijn jaren later in het echt gebeuren.
Dat Putin niet het achterste van zijn tong laat zien is duidelijk, wat daar achter steekt blijft echter de vraag.
Niet voor niets werd Putin verrader genoemd van de NWO door de hoogste mannen achter de NWO.
Treowd, verklaar dan eens waarom Rusland Syrië geholpen heeft de terroristen van de NWO te verjagen!
Ik lees regelmatig stukken om te kijken of Putin toch niet ergens op te pakken is, zo las ik ook de door jouw aangedragen linken reeds eerder. Ook daarin enkel aannames maar geen enkel hard feit. Daarnaast is niet elke vrijmetselaar gevaarlijk.
Ik begrijp echter jouw twijfel. Het zal toch niet zo zijn dat de slechten verliezen en de goeden eens een keertje winnen........toch wil ik vooral die gedachtegang blijven volgen!
Maar misschien loopt het juist zo omdat de mensheid het dit keer wel zal halen door de algemene bewustwording / onwaking. De elite (kwaadaardigen) kunnen dan daarin juist ook een rol spelen om de mensheid te laten ontwaken, middels shock-doctrines e.d. wordt men dan bewogen te reageren en een richting in te gaan.
En daarmee is als het ware de gehele beweging van de mensheid zelf die nieuwe wereld orde. Uiteindelijk roept de mensheid dan door de ontwaking die orde zelf in het leven. En zijn wij dan die NWO. Wie weet is het verhaal van A. Pike en A.Weishaupt satanische vrij-metselaarijen een deel van dat plan om te shockeren. Wat mij doet twijfelen is zijn de crminele bewegingen en oorlogsdaden die spreken voor zich en laat zien dat men over lijken wenst te gaan. Bij best veel zaken lijkt me toneelspel uitgesloten, dan denk ik ...waarom op deze wijze ?? Maar in het grotere verhaal zou dat dan collateral damage of zelfs opgezet toneelspel kunnen zijn. Waarin ook de door hun in het bezit zijnde media hun rollen vervullen , de psy-opps (valse vlag-operaties) laten wel zoiets zien dat dat mogelijk is of kan zijn. Het kan zeker nog die verschillende kanten uit voor zichtigheid geboden daarom droeg ik ook ter illustratie de artikelen van de site redefininggod en politico.eu aan gevolgd door orwelltoday
excuus het is een beetje opff-topic , maar het ligt in de verlengde voor de beeldvorming..
Putin in 2015 - "Putin’s new world order"
(uit dat artikel)
Sixth, the world must return to normal trading patterns, “harmonized†by the World Trade Organization and the U.N. This new order cannot be a diktat of the strong but must be fair and even for all, perhaps including a common market between the European Union and Putin’s proposed Eurasian Union. Sanctions, which are imposed for political reasons and personal financial gains, would have no room in such a world order. The sanctions against Russia must be lifted immediately. The West knows they are not fulfilling the purposes for which they were levied.
Libya, Syria, Ukraine – Same Playbook, Same Puppet Masters https://tinyurl.com/ya6dcbh2
ik zie hier oprechtheid eerlijkheid integriteit
in blijdschap.
de druk wordt opgevoerd
maar als het eenmaal begint
wordt het een snowballeffect
Een bewuste verdraaiing door mainstreammedia om de dreiging bij Rusland neer te leggen?
maar geloof er in
en hoe meer we de druk opvoeren
dat we t zien en weten...
(dat alles zichtbaar wordt)
November 18, 2017
Podesta also sneered at the idea of an investigation into himself or Hillary Clinton by the Justice Department, claiming "This is what authoritarians and tyrants do.
Weinstein had created a 91-person list to discover what they knew about [censored]ual harassment and assault claims involving the filmmaker and if they intended to go public, reported The Guardian.
Individuals would reportedly be targeted by investigators who would glean information on who had information about allegations, and then feedback was relayed back to Weinstein and his lawyers.
The House of Representatives has reportedly used taxpayer funds to cover at least $15 million in [censored]ual misconduct settlements in the last decade.
In many cases, as was seen with Harvey Weinstein, when ultra-rich and powerful individuals are accused of [censored]ual assault, they respond by paying large sums of money to their victims, in exchange for an iron-clad, non-disclosure agreement.
Most people reading this who have investigated elite level child abuse will find it hard to believe that Ratzinger was not heavily involved. Child abuse, murder, organ harvesting and more are a few of many rumours that plague the vatican, and it’s almost, literally, unbelievable to fathom that these types of things may actually be going on, and yet a large portion of the world looks to, not only them, but the entire political establishment to represent and guide them.
She reportedly offered to hire private detectives to dig up dirt on the women, but Bill Clinton's attorneys persuaded her to not interfere.Â
'In the past Hillary had a team of detectives that managed to silence a number of women in Little Rock who had complaints about Bill's unwanted [censored]ual advances,' said the source.Â
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5090399/Bill-Clinton-accused-[censored]ual-assault-four-women.html
The Presidents of Syria and Russia have celebrated a joint victory while intensifying conversations about a cooperative peace process.
Assad used the opportunity to relay the gratitude of his government and the Syrian people to those involved in the two-year operation in the war-torn nation. “I would like to underline the effort made by the armed forces of the Russian Federation, the sacrifices they have made,†he said. https://www.rt.com/news/410467-putin-assad-meet-syria/
Backed by popular groups and Iranian military advisors, armed forces in Iraq and Syria have managed to flush Daesh militants out of their last strongholds in both countries, declaring full victory over the notorious terror group.
“We never imagined that the criminals, supported by the West, Americans and the evil Zionist regime, would commit such crimes in the 21st century,†said the Iranian president.
Commenting on the agenda of the upcoming tripartite summit meeting on the Syria crisis in Russia’s Sochi, Rouhani said he would hold talks with his Russian and Turkish counterparts over the future of Syria and the region in the post-Daesh era.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has held a phone conversation with the US President Donald Trump.
The fact that such a broad range of issues was discussed in what couldn’t have been an extremely extensive phone call as President Putin also spent the day hosting the Syrian and Czech Presidents, is indicative of the reality that as an international power, Russia is the undisputed leader of the Syrian peace process with Iran and Turkey close behind. http://theduran.com/breaking-vladimir-putin-donald-trump-hold-phone-conversation-eve-major-summit-syria/
Ik heb je artikel vanzelfsprekend gelezen. Ben het grotendeels met je eens. Het enige punt waarvan ik niet overtuigd ben is dat Putin het spel op de een of andere manier meespeelt t.b.v. de elite.
Je zegt het niet hardop maar laat het wel tussen de regels door schemeren, althans, zo pik ik het op.
Ja, ook ik zie dat Rusland in gesprek blijft met zowel SA als Israël maar dat is in mijn optiek de manier van Putin om de vinger aan de pols te houden. Op de hoogte zijn van wat speelt is altijd prettig als je een andere agenda hebt dan het westen.
De toekomst zal het ons leren nietwaar!
Bedankt voor je reactie! Hartegroet maatje!
Thanks again Petra!
150163494 (OP)
According to persons who reside near Langley, a large contingent of Marines arrived at CIA Headquarters in tilt-rotor aircraft and when the Marines deplaned, they were armed and moved quickly into CIA Headquarters
CONFIRMED! Alt Media is Fake News. CIA not raided…: http://youtu.be/DJ2fEZ7PI78
van je dat t niet gebeurt is
(ik heb er zelf ook vraagtekens bijgeplaatst info of desinfo)
maar ik neem aan dat je iets weet
van hoe dit werkt
je hoort niets in de media
Dat t wel of niet gebeurd.
Volgens mij is t een opgeklopt verhaal, dat Door sommige [censored] klakkeloos over genomen wordt.
Ik weet ook niet meer dan jullie, dan wat op t web verschijnt.
Maar veel vind ik niet kloppen.
En andere veteranen heb ik nog niet gesproken.
Ga straks nog wel even erin duiken.
Er is veel aan de hand, weinig is echt te controleren.
Wat ik zie als afleiding.
Luister mijn bovenste link.
ik heb je link gezien.
en als er geen concrete feiten zijn
ieder zijn mening
is prima toch!
APRIL LeJUNE ,,,NOW LIES to COVERUP "MARINE"CIA""…: http://youtu.be/Dnn9a2nqqFk
daar heb ik mijn info niet vandaan
febr 2017 Langley, Virginia
Zoals ik al schreef, [censored] nemen t klakkeloos over.
T zou begonnen zijn bij ene Hal Turner.
Kijk ook uit met Glenn Canady en consorten
Geen aanval, meer waarschuwing, wat je doet moet je natuurlijk zelf weten.
T is het spel waar David icke in de link over vertelt.
Info info info en de nwo gaat gewoon verder.
Er is al genoeg bekent, Demmink, 911, noem maar op
Wat is er gebeurt? Niks nul nada
T wordt opzettelijk naar buiten gebracht om de mens op te fokken.
Ze willen juist chaos dat mensen opstaan.
kunnen ze nog meer weten doordouwen onder mom van veiligheid.
T web sluit zich steeds meer.
World wide web De tool van de nwo.
op de bekende desinfo [censored]
staan nu soms juist goede dingen
als je verder zoekt of kijkt
dan weten we dat het veel verder gaat
dan n 9-11 of n demmink
zou dat aangepakt worden of wat andere zaken
maakt niets uit
het systeem gaat door.
dit is groot en allesomvattend
Those witnesses also say that a significant number of tilt-rotor aircraft can be clearly seen on the grounds of CIA Headquarters, parked on the grass around the building.
Based on eyewitness accounts, the incident stretched over four days and at one point saw heavily-armed police use an armoured personnel carrier to break through a metal gate.
Neighbours said the farm owners did not live on the property but rented out
It began Sunday, Nov. 11, when a Dodge mini-van, Dodge pickup and what may have been a white Acura or Mercedes, moving at a high rate of speed, turned off 240 Street down a one-lane gravel road leading to the farm behind the houses.
A few hours after arrival of the three vehicles, police in SUVs blocked off the road at the 240 Street turnoff.
When one resident of the area asked, the officers would only say they were waiting for a warrant.
The next day, a large force of heavily armed police, many in SUVs with blacked-out windows, showed up, lining up at the turnoff.
“They were up the hill as far as you could see (up 240 Street),†said one resident, who lives immediately in front of the farm on a separate property fronting 240.
Another witness, who saw the police waiting up on Fraser Highway said she could also see an ambulance, apparently waiting with some units of the police.
The ambulance did not go in with police and it did not appear any people were injured during the raid.
The resident said several of the police were dressed in military fatigues with flak jackets, machine guns and helmets that appeared to have military-style night scopes.
He said they went in all together, “bumper to bumper.â€
Another neighbour said it looked and sounded like the police used a flash-bang grenade.
Theresa May and Amber Rudd suppress Westminster child abuse documents for national security reasons November 20, 2017
(114 files missing from 'Westminster pedophile ring' dossier, Home Office admits
Published time: 6 Jul, 2014 16:19
Child [censored] abuse report: Files concerning Westminster paedophile ring were destroyed in last few years
However, a sophisticated cover-up is "unlikely"
Tuesday 11 November 2014 12:25 GMT
Het kaartenhuis staat op instorten, Engeland, VS, Nederland, Ierland pedofiliezaken die op springen staan.
De EU die op omvallen staat. Catalonië en de leugens die mainstream erover vertelt. Geen steun van de bevolking voor de Catalanen. Journaals die miljoenen demonstranten die pro Catalonië demonstreren worden simpelweg niet getoond. Oost Europese lidstaten die mokken en de EU de rug toe willen keren.
Terroristenlegers die door ogenschijnlijke schurkenstaten vernietigd worden, daarnaast blijken die zogenaamde schurkenstaten zich meer en meer te organiseren tegen de NWO en steeds meer toenadering zoeken naar Rusland.
De paniek in SA.
Onderzoeken naar Netanyahu wegens fraude,
het bombarderen van papavervelden die door de VS bewaakt worden met steun van o.a. onze eigen Rutte.
het gaat maar door en door.
Er is wel degelijk iets aan de hand!
Het is niet lokaal maar wereldwijd. Dat is ook de enige manier waarop de NWO te stoppen is, wereldwijd alle kanalen aanpakken!
Marines Raid CIA - Trump Bombing Bush CIA Opium Labs
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