Daar zijn wij dan weer. Misschien dat jullie denken, waarom schrijft Nexus momenteel zo weinig? Wel nu, momenteel heb ik het erg moeilijk met de berichtgevingen, niet alleen van mainstream nieuwskanalen maar ook van alternatieve kanalen. Er lijkt geen touw meer op te trekken!
Iedereen die hier leest weet dat ik een enorme afschuw heb tegen geweld, onderdrukking, oneerlijkheid, etc. Vooral wanneer mensen hun leven moeten laten om het een en ander voor elkaar te krijgen heb ik moeite mee. Als voorbeeld geef ik dan even de Palestijnse kwestie en de brute moorden van het Israëlische zionistische regime.
In plaats dat mensen bezig zijn aan te geven wie er schuldig zijn en er voor te zorgen dat deze mensen aangepakt worden zie ik steeds vaker dat dit soort geweld weg geveegd wordt onder het matje van Q anon, Drain the Swamp! Natuurlijk volg ik die berichten ook maar ze zijn zo cryptisch dat zelfs mensen die er dagelijks mee bezig zijn, luister maar naar de talloze videocommentaren, heel vaak moeten zeggen, wat hij daarmee bedoelt weet ik ook niet echt.
Toch worden deze berichten te pas en te onpas gebruikt om de modus operandi van iedereen in een soort wachtstand te zetten. De Storm komt eraan! Een beetje zoals, de buitenaardsen komen eraan of Jesus komt er aan! Ik kan maar niet loskomen van de gedachte dat deze hele Q kwestie misschien weer een psyop is van de inlichtingendiensten om mensen bepaalde zaken te laten tolereren. Wij hebben van nature immers een grens maar die grens vervaagt steeds meer. Werden wij enkele jaren geleden al boos als enkele slachtoffers vielen bij een demonstratie, nu worden honderden mensen neergeschoten, verwond maar is een berichtje van Q voldoende om de gemoederen te doen bedaren. De Storm komt eraan! In de tussentijd gaan wij het steeds minder erg vinden als mensen met grote aantallen neergeschoten worden.
Als twee grootmachten met elkaar samenwerken zoals Q stelt, het eerlijke deel van het Amerikaanse leger onder leiding van Trump en de vermeende Witte Hoeden ( de goedzakken ) samen met Putin, dan zou je toch verwachten dat na bijna een volledig jaar enige vooruitgang te zien zou moeten zijn. Misschien dat ik zaken mis maar ik zie momenteel niet echt vooruitgang die hiermee te maken zou kunnen hebben. Je zou kunnen verwijzen naar de oorlog in Syrië die nu op zijn einde loopt maar ook daar zitten behoorlijk wat addertjes onder het gras. Zo hebben de Amerikanen samen met de Britten en de Fransen bases gebouwd in een land waar ze niet welkom zijn. Worden jihadisten via sluiproutes richting Russische grens gestuurd, momenteel zouden zich daar al pakweg zo’n 3500 jihadisten verzameld hebben. Ik mis de samenhang! Het lijkt eerder op voorbereidingen voor verdere escalatie.
Ik wil graag in voorspellingen geloven maar door dit werk, het schrijven van artikelen, ben ik vaker het bos in gestuurd. Voorzichtigheid is daarom mijn devies. Ik moet eerst resultaten zien die ik zelf kan toetsen, dan wil ik beginnen met geloven. Tot nu heeft geloven mij niets gebracht, geloven heeft ook de mensheid niets gebracht. De enige keren dat mensen serieus genomen werden was ten tijde van felle opstanden tegen het establishment, helaas vaak met geweld!
Maar er zijn toch resultaten hoor ik mensen denken. Pedonetwerken opgerold. Waar dan? De grootste misdadigers lopen nog steeds vrij rond!
De verzegelde aanklachten in de VS? Er zijn zo vaak verzegelde aanklachten geweest in de VS, ik herinner mij nog een populaire advocaat met de naam Patrick Fitzgerald die ervoor zou zorgen dat zaken zouden gaan veranderen. Jaren hebben wij gewacht op de openbaring van die verzegelde aanklachten, er is nooit wat van gekomen. In de tussentijd gingen oorlogen en het geweld gewoon door. Nog even, en nog even wachten……….en dan? Pizza?
Is er al minder oorlog?
Is er al minder armoede?
Is er al minder bedrog?
Worden multinationals aangepakt?
Worden mensen tot verantwoording geroepen?
Zomaar enkele vragen waar helaas het antwoord overal neen op is.
Wat mij betreft heeft Q tot nu toe nog niets bereikt waar wij trots op ogen zijn, het enige wat wij nu weten is dat de man blijkbaar dicht bij de president van de VS staat en op voorhand zaken kan duiden. Is dat niet iets wat elke inlichtingendienst als vanzelfsprekend zou zien? Is dit bewijs dat Q daadwerkelijk is wie hij zegt te zijn? Voor mij niet. Eerst wil ik resultaten zien die mensen positief treffen, dan praten wij verder over Q.
Wij schrijven Q nog niet af maar zetten wel hele grote vraagtekens bij zijn zijn.
De allergrootse openbaringen staan op het punt om onthuld te worden als ik de berichten van Q goed interpreteer ( daar heb je het weer ). Laat maar komen Q.
Nog één dingetje. Als Startrek kijker ben ik bekend met de term Q. Dat is in de serie een omnipotent ras dat in het universum kan doen en laten wat het wil, een soort God. Q in de serie is niet te vertrouwen, heeft altijd last minute aanpassingen aan zijn afspraken met de mensheid en ziet de mensheid in de regel als niets meer dan een amoebe. Alleen als hij er zelf beter van wordt wil hij de mensheid hier en daar wel een beetje helpen. Q in de serie heeft de macht om de bemanning van Voyager in een oogwenk terug naar huis te sturen, hij doet dit echter niet omdat hij het te leuk vindt om te zien hoe de mensheid zich verder zal redden in een uithoek van het universum. Ook deze Q praat in raadsels en strooit broodkruimels.
De Q waar wij het over hebben lijkt dezelfde trekjes te hebben. Heel veel woorden, weinig daden.
De zaken die aan Q worden toegeschreven zijn vaak gewoon invullingen van mensen die een bepalde hoop hebben. Ze redeneren zo lang totdat de zaken lijken te kloppen. Voor de mensen die een glashard geloof hebben in Q stel ik de volgende vraag. Waarom nu pas? Waar wachten ze op? Bewijs? Als ze willen is er volop bewijs om mensen zoals de Clintons, Cheney's, Bush's, etc. op te pakken. De teleurstelling zal groot zijn onder wakkere mensen als ook Q weer niet blijkt te zijn wat er van verwacht wordt. Misschien dat ik daarom extra voorzichtig ben deze hoop verder aan te wakkeren totdat het bewijs onweerlegbaar is. Dat is vervelend voor de lezers die graag een droomscenario afgedraaid zien worden maar tegelijkertijd geeft dit aan dat Bovendien niet voor één gat te vangen is.
Vooralsnog is het enkel de stilte voor de storm. Ik zou graag de storm willen zien!
Over Q and mcCain.
ik heb m gezien
de link tussen
de enkelbanden
en de vluchten)
Jij zal je meer verdiept hebben als ik in Q
Wist je dat, no man, mcCain was?
En is dat ook echt zo?
Jij bedankt voor al je berichtgeving.
om hem anoniem te behandelen
(sommigen gingen m als oorlogsheld zien)
dus anonimiteit voor hem, geen aandacht, no name
The funny thing is, John McCain set up his own pay for play scheme modeled after the Clinton Global Initiative/Clinton Foundation.
Just like all of Trump’s D.C. opposition, McCain is tied to George Soros (Hillary Clinton’s 5th largest campaign donor).
It should also be noted that Teneo was basically created to help the Clinton’s launder money.
en q is niet 1 persoon
jij ook bedankt
voor je info!
Further deteriorating the propaganda surrounding the government’s probe into alleged interference by Russia in the 2016 election, recently discovered court documents have just revealed that the person leading the investigation, Special Counsel Robert Muller, was complicit in covering up Saudi Arabia’s role in 9/11. Not only did Mueller cover for the Florida Saudi family but, according to the documents, he released intentionally deceptive statements to muddy the official investigation.
The new report, released by Florida Bulldog is nothing short of bombshell.
On September 9, 2018
Dr. Janda thought it was important for everyone to see Ohio Governor Kasich saying Senator John McCain was “put to death.
Kevin Shipp – Indictments Coming for Hillary and Co-conspirators
!must see
*That is the Shadow Government. That is the Deep State. That is what is so chilling about this whole thing…**_This is deep. This is dark. This is as dark as it gets, and this is the biggest espionage case involving government officials in the history of this country.â€_*Â
the clinton foundation
a global crime syndicate
uranium 1
& money laundering
foreign banks...
and more
However, it is also possible the U.S. military-industrial establishment may be preparing a pandemic scare as a cover to stop all airline flights worldwide in order to prevent Khazarian mafia from escaping, as over 51,000 sealed indictments begin to be acted upon.
In any case, the links below are just a partial indication of the scale of this planned “pandemic.â€
01 Information on Bush-Cheney being arrested first, then Obama-Clinton.
02 Information on Big Tech including following quote:
Here is what “former spy who ran a false flag operation for the CIA†Robert David Steele had to say about the situation
Q Anon, What Is Coming, Urgent Message!!
minuut 3.30
(McCAIN Put to death?
https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=11&v=S53-2LYUefQ )
Ohio Governor, John Kasich, on live TV:
minuut 5 )
Six different insider sources have confirmed that several spy satellites and computer systems for the Deep State have been blinded… in a stunning attack.
There is widespread agreement among these insider sources that some sort of major, visible action against this genocidal, globalist entity is now impending.
Three of these insider sources are only speaking to us at this time, at least in terms of any public figures they communicate with.
One of these sources is conveying the shared wisdom of five different military “units†of up to eight personnel each.
The code names of the now-disabled satellites are Snow White, Corona and Big Bird, followed by a one or two-digit number.
These covert satellites were apparently the communications backbone of the Cabal / New World Order / Illuminati / Deep State.
Clear evidence also suggests that these perpetrators will be subject to military, not civilian, trials — meaning the proceedings will not drag out over ten or twenty years.
Q and 5 other sources confirm spy satellites have been taken down in a stunning Alliance checkmate move.
3 https://divinecosmos.com/davids-blog/22005-stunning-new-briefings-spy-satellites-down-deep-state-arrests-finally-imminent/3/
2 https://divinecosmos.com/davids-blog/22005-stunning-new-briefings-spy-satellites-down-deep-state-arrests-finally-imminent/2/
So what is the global elite’s purpose? In a few sentences Phillips characterizes it thus:
Journalist Who Exposed CIA Cocaine Trafficking, Would Be 63 y/o,
But He ‘Shot Himself’ TWICE in the Head
The corporate media and the government worked together to silence Gary Webb after he helped expose their crimes to the American people.
Importantly, Smith and Goode further revealed that NASA has its own secret space program that uses covertly trained Air Force astronauts, in addition to the civilian program which is widely known to the general public.
NASA hacker’: ‘I found evidence America has space warships’
That Could Change Our World
Daniel Inouye, the highest ranking Asian-American politician in United States history, serving the democratic party from 1963 until his death in 2012.
He stated that there is a “shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.
There is no official channel to notify an applicant once their patent is placed in the system, and the Patent Office has denied requests to divulge what applications are on the SAWS list.†( source )
The 1971 list indicates that patents for solar photovoltaic generators were subject to review and possible restriction if the photovoltaics were more than 20%Â efficient.
Energy conversion systems were likewise subject to review and possible restriction if they offered conversion efficiencies in “excess of 70-80%.†( source )
Military Trials Against Deep State Officials
In a US Senate Confirmation hearing held on September 5, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was asked a series of questions that point to future cases involving the legality of military justice being used against U.S citizens. The military intelligence group QAnon has linked the questioning to an Executive Order by President Donald Trump that creates a legal basis for military justice being used against Deep State officials.
US Senate SCOTUS Hearing Points to
Military Trials Against Deep State Officials
The US and its allies have repeatedly stressed its readiness to strike Syria if any attack takes place, ignoring all Russia’s warnings. Washington’s envoy to the UN Nikki Haley recently said that she already knows the perpetrators in case a chemical incident takes place in Syria.
Advanced Ancient Human Civilization
minuut 14.22
How to protect yourself from 5G with Orgonite
start minuut 18
(*Pentagon Whistleblower Says Russia Probe Was ‘All A Set-Up’*
(Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: “It was all a Set-upâ€
By Sara Carter | August 27, 2018
https://saraacarter.com/whistleblower-exposes-key-player-in-fbi-russia-probe-it-was-all-a-set-up/ )
ter aanvulling
in volgende links wordt
t steeds omschreven als putin gerelateerd..
maar er is nergens daadwerkelijk bewijs tegen putin
en ook niet tegen trump
The money laundering used to pay the Clinton Foundation is complicated, but Corsi explains it in his article, which involves a Netherlands-listed private company, Metcombank in Russia and offshore entities in the Cayman Islands, which were uncovered in the Panama Papers
Podesta’s payments are far more complicated, but they begin as he sat on the executive board of Joule Unlimited and which is tied to major Clinton Foundation donors
/Joule Global Stichting was established in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on March 14, 2011./
/John Podesta joined the Joule Global Stichting’s executive board on June 25, 2011. The Joule Global Stichting is a foundation, but it’s not strictly a foundation in the charitable sense./
/A foundation of this type, a Dutch stichting, is a popular means for reducing one’s tax burden, as noted on the website of the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, which is at the heart of as archived and released by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists./ the Panama Papers investigation into offshore banking and money-laundering operations
/The Government Accountability Institute concluded that although Podesta is listed on the corporate records, he failed to disclose his membership on the board of Joule Global Stichting in his federal financial disclosure forms when he joined the Obama White House as a senior advisor./
/To complete the circle, Vekselberg, the Renova Group, the Skolkovo Foundation, and Hansjörg Wyss all have ties to the Clinton Foundation, either as substantial donors or as participants in the Clinton Global Initiative./
/Joule Global Stichting and Joule Global Holdings, N.V., also figure prominently as a client of Mossack Fonseca./
All of this is in addition to the Clintons selling Uranium Ore to the Russians . Â I would say that FBI Director James Comey needs to first be relieved of his duty, since he is closely tied to the Clinton and made millions because of it .
March 14, 2011 – Joule Stichting is founded in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. March 18, 2011 – Klein, Ltd.’s registration is recorded in Bermuda.
May 18, 2011 – Joule Global Holdings N.V. is established in the Netherlands as a property of Joule Global Foundation.
June 15, 2011 – Podesta joins the board of Joule Stichting but does not disclose this board membership.
July 2011 – Podesta discloses joining the board of Joule Unlimited.
2011 2012: Klein, Ltd. makes $23 million in contributions to the U.S. based charity, the Sea Change Foundation. Sea Change, in its turn, makes $1.75 million in contributions to CAP during this same time. Sea Change had never contributed to the CAP before.
September 23, 2011 – It is announced that Rusnano will make an approximately $35 million investment into Joule Unlimited, which it says is a subsidiary of Joule Global Holdings N.V.
December 13, 2011 – Rusnano’s board authorizes Anatoly Chubais to serve concurrently on the boards of both Joule Global Holdings, and Joule Global Foundation.
February 2, 2012 – Joule Unlimited elects Anatoly Chubais to its Board of Directors.
December, 2013 – Podesta resigns from Joule boards.
February 21, 2014 Podesta financial disclosures signed. Does not list Joule Stichting on his disclosure.
( The Dutch Government, the Clinton Foundation and the Postcode Lottery )
“Since its launch in 1989, it has grown to become the third largest charitable organization worldwide.†The Dutch aren’t stopping in the Netherlands
Joule Global Stichting was established in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on March 14, 2011. John Podesta joined the company’s executive board on June 25, 2011.
The Joule Stichting is a Foundation, but it’s not strictly a foundation in the charitable sense. A foundation of this type is a popular means for reducing one’s tax burden.
The Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, at the heart of the Panama Papers investigation, touts the tax benefits of setting up a Dutch Stichting on its website.
The global furniture giant IKEA, for example, is controlled in a similar way by a Dutch-registered, tax-exempt Stichting. The Economist described the arrangement: “The overall set-up of IKEA minimises tax and disclosure,
Hillary campaign chief, Clinton Foundation, in deep on international money-laundering
The Russia report’s executive summary lays out the case against Podesta:
* Russian government officials and American corporations participated in the technology transfer project overseen by Hillary Clinton’s State Department that funneled tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
* A Putin-connected Russian government fund transferred $35 million to a small company with Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta on its executive board, which included senior Russian officials.
* Podesta failed to reveal, as required by law on his federal financial disclosures, his membership on the board of this offshore company.
* Podesta also headed up a think tank that wrote favorably about the Russian reset while apparently receiving millions from Kremlin-linked Russian oligarchs via an offshore LLC.
The Government Accountability Institute report noted Joule was a new company, founded in 2007, pioneering a technology based on harnessing solar energy. Podesta consulted for a foundation run by one of the investors in Joule Energy, Hansjoerg Wyss, who in turn was a major Clinton Foundation donor.
The report documented the Wyss Foundation has given from $1 million to $5 million to the Clinton Foundation. Podesta was paid $87,000 by the Wyss Foundation in 2013, according to federal tax records.
In his 2014 federal government disclosure filing, Podesta declared he divested stock options from Joule, but the disclosure does not cover the years 2011-2012.
Joule Global Stichting was established in Amsterdam on March 14, 2011.
Podesta joined the company’s executive board on June 25, 2011. Joule Stichting is a foundation, but it’s not strictly a foundation in the charitable sense. A foundation of this type, a Dutch Stichting, is a popular means for reducing one’s tax burden, as noted on the website of the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca
Read more at https://www.wnd.com/2016/10/hillary-campaign-chief-tied-to-russian-money-laundering
The Free Beacon reported the “unredacted filing lists nine donors, all of which are charitable foundations, that together gave CAP more than $23 million in 2014.â€
Simons, Sea Change’s founder, is also a major bundler for Clinton’s presidential campaign. Simons has benefited from green energy subsidies and gives millions to environmental groups that pressure lawmakers to keep such subsidies in place.
However it is clear the donations went to climate-related projects
Sea Change Funds Liberal Soros-Backed Groups
In 2010 and 2011, Sea Change gave away nearly $100 million to the Tides Foundation, the Sierra Club Foundation, the Energy Foundation and 34 other groups, according to Foundation Directory . At least eight of those groups received more than $20.7 million from Soros combined.
Soros has also given an additional $31.8 million to the Tides Foundation and $22.9 million to the Tides Center. However those donations were listed for non-climate related projects, unlike the donations from Sea Change.
The left-wing billionaire has given tens of millions to climate change groups since 2000.
The steering committee members of the left-wing People’s Climate March in April 2017 received more than $36 million from Soros between 2000 and 2014. Many of those same Soros-funded groups partnered for Earth Day events as well.
Groups that Soros and Sea Change fund are led by some of the most prominent left-wing media figures and celebrities. For example, CNN founder Ted Turner is the board of directors chairman at the Better World Fund. The Center for American Progress board , meanwhile, includes Democrat Senator Tom Daschle, former-Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and billionaire climate-alarmist Tom Steyer.
A shadowy Bermudan company that has funneled tens of millions of dollars to anti-fracking environmentalist groups in the United States is run by executives with deep ties to Russian oil interests and offshore money laundering schemes involving members of President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle,†he reported January 2015 .
Leaked emails from Hillary Clinton’s staff reveal Clinton gave a speech in June 2014 where she admitted the State Department was aware of “phony environmental groups†funded by Russia.
The money laundering methods used to facilitate paying the Clinton Foundation were complicated. It involved a Netherlands-listed private company, Metcombank in Russia and offshore entities in the Cayman Islands, which were revealed in the Panama Papers.
Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank (and that was just one deal!)
He’s been making millions on other deals for decades.
He and Hillary have Russian bank ties
(received 75,000 shares of common stock from Joule Unlimited Technologies, a U.S. energy company tied to Joule Global Holdings B.V., a company in the Netherlands cited in the Panama Papers offshore banking probe as a conduit for money laundered by the Russian government.)
Open your Eyes
Pause a moment before reading on to contemplate the significance: Bernhard, the prince of the Dutch people .
en de laatste 4
Brace for IMPACT...
The Storm Is Here, We Have Been Warned, Prepare Now
Episode 1654b
Has World’s Lowest Child Death Rate & Highest Life Expectancy
The people of Japan put children s health before big pharma profits and also take a protective stance against other Vaccines. The flu vaccine has also been the subject of controversy in Japan after 100 deaths occurred from the vaccine by the end of 2009.
Medicine is supposed to be about healing, but babies who cannot speak are being given unnecessary shots because parents are scared. Children are losing their ability to heal naturally. “There are so many people who have suffered side effects. All we are asking is to establish the right to say ‘no.’
The right to choose should be recognized as a fundamental human right.â€
“We must put a stop to it. Vaccines have close ties to money. From development to circulation to research on side effects, there are a lot of vested interests involved.â€
Japanese officials have made decisions that the value of the health and safety of their citizens comes first and so removed vaccines with dangerous side effects from their national vaccination program. Japan boasts a low infant mortality rate, despite — or perhaps because of — man[censored] only a fraction of the vaccines required by other developed countries, including the United States.
* 78 confirmed deaths
* 85 confirmed cases of deafness
* 48 confirmed cases of decreased eye contact
* 92 confirmed cases of developmental delay
* 855 confirmed reported cases of autism
* 116 confirmed cases of intellectual disability
* 401 reports of speech disorders
* 276 reports of loss of consciousness
* 143 confirmed cases of encephalitis
* 74 confirmed cases of meningitis
* 111 confirmed cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome
* 692 confirmed cases of gait disturbance (not being able to walk normally)
* 748 confirmed cases of hypokinesia (partial or complete loss of muscle movement)
* 653 reports of hypotonia (poor muscle tone)
* 4874 reports of seizures, including febrile convulsions and tonic-clonic seizures
* 1576 cases of cellulitis (a potentially serious skin infection) And finally, in some cases, the vaccine has caused the very diseases it is supposed to prevent, with the following data reported to VAERS:
* 147 confirmed cases of measles
* 384 confirmed cases of mumps
* 29 confirmed cases of rubella
The side effects of vaccinations are vastly under-reported )
_As a reminder, the US is no stranger to this type of interference, as the map below clearly shows:_
Watch Live: Jack Dorsey Explains Twitter's (Non)Biases To House Committee
Nathalie Augustina, left, was a Dutch-based supermodel in the 1980's.
Nathalie Augustina is a courageous woman. We must demand her immediate release.
Speaking to Russia’s RT news channel on Saturday, Muallem said British intelligence services had helped terrorists of the Nusra Front group to transfer gas canisters to areas in Idlib that are currently controlled by the so-called White Helmet troops.
Diplomats and family members stricken in Cuba and China
New York Times says scientists agree ‘there’s something there’
The victims reported hearing intense high-pitched sounds in their hotel rooms or homes, followed by symptoms that included nausea, severe headaches, fatigue, dizziness, sleep problems and hearing loss.
But the lead author, Douglas Smith , director of the Center for Brain Injury and Repair at the University of Pennsylvania, told the Times microwave weapons are now considered a main suspect and the team is increasingly sure the diplomats suffered brain injuries.
Everybody was relatively skeptical at first,†he was quoted as saying,
During the Cold War, Washington feared that Moscow was seeking to turn microwave radiation into covert weapons of mind control.
More recently, the American military itself sought to develop microwave arms that could invisibly beam painfully loud booms and even spoken words into people’s heads. The aims were to disable attackers and wage psychological warfare. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/01/science/sonic-attack-cuba-microwave.html
Facebook Hired a Former DARPA Head To Lead An Ambitious New Research Lab
The Weird DARPA/Facebook “Coincidence†You Never Heard About
An internal UN document that was leaked to the media says the organization won’t provide humanitarian assistance to war-torn Syria until there’s a deal on “political transition.†The UN had earlier denied such a directive existed.
The Corona program was a series of American strategic reconnaissance satellites produced and operated by the Central Intelligence Agency Directorate of Science & Technology with substantial assistance from the U.S. Air Force.
‘GCHQ Bude’ employs 50 intelligence staff, is a UK Government satellite ground station and eavesdropping centre located on the north Cornwall coast at Cleave Camp near the village of Morwenstow.  It is operated by the British signals intelligence service, officially known as the Government Communications Headquarters , commonly abbreviated GCHQ.
Britain’s signals intelligence agency GCHQ — intercepted communications within Trump Tower during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. His evidence for this? GCHQ Director Robert Hannigan had resigned three days after Trump’s inauguration.â€
Congressman Devin Nunes, chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee and a strong supporter of President Donald Trump, sought unsuccessfully to meet chiefs of Britain’s three intelligence agencies on a recent visit to London, according to two sources familiar with his itinerary.†– ‘ Congressman Nunes sought meeting with UK spy chiefs in London It was reported that Nunes wanted to meet with top UK spy officials about the ‘Steele-Russia Dossier’ that was used to try to smear the US President GCHQ had access to NSA computers. No More. Clearly, something strange is happening online and independent experts are confirming some kind of DDoS attack whereby any targeted online servers are targeted and swamped with access requests.
Issued on: August 31, 2018
( https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rRFhVjF-kIY )
AUGUST 30, 2018.
Today, QAnon returned to the topic of the January 13, 2018 ballistic missile alert for Hawaii being a false flag attack that was intended to bring about a major catastrophe for the Hawaiian islands. In once again raising the issue, QAnon emphasizes that supporters need to understand how the Deep State uses false flag events to promote its agenda, and how advanced technologies are being used by White Hats in the U.S. military to neutralize these threats.
It is officially confirmed by the Syrian Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Walid Muallem who stated that the Al-Qaeda and ISIS subsidiary, known as the White Helmets, have kidnapped 44 children in Idlib to use in a staged chemical weapons attack in the terrorist-held part of this Syrian province.
Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov told reporters on Monday that the United States was increasing the number of cruise missiles deployed to the Middle East, planning to target Syrian government troops following a staged chemical weapons attack that terrorists were about to carry out in the Idlib province. He added that "this is another proof of the United States’ intention to take advantage of an attack staged by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham militants with the support of British intelligence agencies in the Idlib province, aimed at blaming Syrian government forces for using chemical weapons.".
During the drills in the Mediterranean Sea, there are plans "to deploy a grouping of over 25 warships and support vessels led by the missile cruiser Marshal Ustinov," the ministry said.
n accordance with the plan of the drills in the Mediterranean Sea," the grouping will practice a set of tasks of air defense, anti-submarine and anti-sabotage warfare and also mine counter-measures support," the ministry noted.
For the purpose of ensuring the safety of shipping and flights, the areas covered by the drills will be declared dangerous for navigation and flights in advance, in accordance with international legislation, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
http://tass.com/defense/1019265 )
Global banking crisis? What global banking crisis?
*Thousands of quadrillions of hidden monies revealed to be held in multiple off-ledger black screen accounts*
minuut 26
NSA NO MORE" Satellites & Servers Offline?
Aug 30 2018 18:35:22
Aug 30 2018 18:36:22
Aug 30 2018 18:30:48
The satellite and super computer are British but owned by the CIA. We the people just got free from the clutches of constant monitoring of most our activity, for now at least. Big Bird 9 along with Snow White 3-9"
Big news you won't find on mainstream media, QAnon's team (ie the US military) just took down the main satellite for the deep state used for spying and sending commands to the military against us. The media will probably spin as an act of war.
Satellites and super computer are British but owned by the CIA. We the people just got free from the clutches of constant monitoring of most our activity, for now at least. This is basically like taking down the British NSA. Its code name was Big Bird 9 along with Snow White 3-9
Rudolf Kastner, the Zionist leader in Hungary, made a deal with Adolf Eichmann.
For allowing 1700 hand-picked Zionists to go to Palestine, he would help transfer 460,000 Hungarian Jews to death camps.Â
Kastner acted with the approval of the World Zionist Organization. He was murdered in 1957 to suppress the scandal. Details Here. Zionist bankers funded the Nazi Party .
It is an outrage that Israel claims to represent Jews and accuses its opponents of “anti-Semitism.â€
NAZIS Funded by Zionist Bankers! YouTube
The Zionists were often intellectuals who were often “more cruel than the Nazis†and kept the trains’ final destination a secret
after making the shocking claim that *less that one percent* of papers published in scientific journals follow the scientific method.
What’s happening now is, government research, universities — they’re asking for what I call advocacy research. They have something, they want you to prove it, make sure you prove it, [and when] you do, you keep getting paid
Scientists] cheat. If you don’t get statistically significant results, then you throw out variables, add variables, [and] eventually you get what you want,†he concluded.
When NASA released a “scientific consensus† which supposedly claimed that 97 percent of the scientific community believed that climate change was a real and dangerous threat, controversy ensued. The remaining three percent — of which Armstrong was included — asked for proof.
A proposal was recently reviewed by a Congressional committee last April 2017 which would set up “red teams†which would be funded by Congress to investigate the exact claims of climate change.
STEP ONE: Create a strong US-backed “fifth columnâ€
A Fifth Column is a group of people who undermine the government of a country in support of the enemy. They can be both covert and open.â€
(There are various ways to create fifth columns. We here in the US like to create ours with a good, wholesome front: nonprofit organizations. Our two favorites are USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy ( NED ). What is the NED? Well, as Editor of Consortium News Robert Parry put it ,
In 1983, NED essentially took over the CIA’s role of influencing electoral outcomes and destabilizing governments that got in the way of U.S. interests, except that NED carried out those functions in a quasi-overt fashion while the CIA did them covertly. NED also serves as a sort of slush fund for neocon)
STEP TWO: Undermine the country’s economy
This can be done via sanctions, as we are currently doing in Venezuela and Iran .
Simultaneously, use the fifth column and the obedient American media hacks (CNN, Fox News, MSNBC) to convince the people of said country that their economic troubles are the fault of only their president.
STEP THREE: Wait for internal protests and/or create them
Basically, there were legitimate protests in Nicaragua because what country doesn’t have protests now and again? But then the US and our front groups threw kerosene on the situation.
STEP FOUR: Get violent while accusing the government of getting violent
STEP FIVE: If steps 1 through 4 don’t work, kidnap or assassinate
Or, if you’re feeling generous, you can put said target on a US military plane and fly him to Africa against his will—as happened in 2004 to the president of Haiti, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. He claimed he was kidnapped by our military
There is an endless number of examples. Want some more?
How about the 1973 CIA-backed overthrow of socialist President Salvador Allende in Chile? But have no fear, he was replaced by murderous dictator Augusto Pinochet, whom the US liked A LOT better. (We shared the same taste in death squads.)
Ecuadorean President Jaime Roldos Aguilera died in an airplane “accident†in 1981 after going forward with a plan to reorganize Ecuador’s fossil fuel industry, which US interests were very much against. His airplane fell out of the sky after coming down with a bad case of the CIA.
Even NBC has recounted the bizarre CIA plots to assassinate Fidel Castro in Cuba
And a few weeks ago, we saw an attempt to kill President Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela with a small explosive drone. While there’s no indication the US military was directly involved, that’s not really how it rolls. The military prefers to fund front groups so it looks like the US had nothing to do with it. And keep in mind there WAS a US-backed coup against Hugo Chavez, Maduro’s predecessor, in 2002. So taking out the Chavez-Maduro government has been a long-term goal of the US deep state.
There you have it—thanks for playing
How to Create a US-Backed Government Coup!
According Pennsylvania AG Shapiro, some priests even maintain archives of their pedophiliac exploits which the Vatican hierarchy is fully aware of.
Besides Jorge Bergoglio, the convicted cult members include Irish Catholic Cardinal Sean Brady and Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, prominent European politicians and businessmen, and two top officials of the World Council of Churches, including Anglican Bishop Mark MacDonald of Canada.
After he came to office, Pope Francis realized how much he needed the Vatican money men to sustain his controversial rule. So he feigned an inquiry into the IOR (Vatican Bank) to conceal the extent of its looting and protect the usual gang of thieves under a smokescreen of liberal rhetoric. But the looting is massive. Even the Russian oligarchs have used the IOR to hide the billions they stole from their country. From Vladimir Putin on down, lots of people justifiably want Francis taken out.
We saw that displayed dramatically in Chile last year when twenty two catholic churches were burned to the ground and protesters besieged Pope Francis in Santiago. Ireland, another third world economic basket case, is as riddled with discontent towards Rome as is Chile. One Dublin commentator told me recently,
One of the top despisers is Cardinal Raymond Burke from America, the Knight of Malta who has said openly that he wants Pope Francis to die. Burke heads the Dump Bergoglio faction in the Roman Curia that is angling to have Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria, or a similar conservative, named as the new Pontiff once Bergoglio is forced out.
This faction is guided not so secretly by the convicted felon former Pope Benedict, Joe Ratzinger, still hiding out in the Vatican ever since we forced him there in February 2013.
Church insiders tell us that Ratzinger is not acting alone but has Russian backing, since Vladimir Putin wants among other things all of his country’s looted currency returned from the cellars of the Vatican Bank. Ratzinger will so oblige the Russkies in return for their help in winning him back the papal tiara.
Ah, the oldest game in history: the tangled web of Vatican corruption.
And of course there’s more.
Encouraged by our common law prosecutions and attempted arrest of Jorge Bergoglio in Geneva on June 21 of this year, human rights lawyers in America, Argentina and Spain are now seeking a new international arrest warrant against him that they feel can only succeed once he is removed from office.
Bergoglio’s Dirty War association with the Argentine military junta, his membership in the child-killing Ninth Circle cult, his alienation of traditional Cardinals and his kowtowing to Vatican Bank mobsters have all combined to unite his many enemies into the common cause of removing him. Hence the armed camp around him.
The investigation into the [censored] abuse by priests in the US is set to expand and is bound to go beyond Pennsylvania's borders, Shapiro said, as he revealed that he has received calls/"from more than a dozen attorney generals"/ from across the country.
The film, produced by Juliette Igier and Stephanie Lebrun, shows the devastating health effects the region’s agricultural sector is having on children, an increasing number of whom are being born with monstrous physical deformities. Some of the children’s cases are so severe that, without a medical intervention, will result in death before the age of 5.
The film begins with the crew traveling from North Argentina in the Province of Misiones to the Brazilian frontier, an agricultural region that was one of the nation’s first to begin growing genetically modified organisms  (GMOs) in the mid-’90s.
* FBI Special Agent Jonathan Moffa told Congress on Friday that the FBI has used leaked stories to obtain FISA warrants, according to a congressional source.
* Rep. Mark Meadows alluded to the information in a tweet on Monday, which was referring to Moffa’s testimony, according to the source.
* The FBI is disputing that claim.
The FBI is disputing a claim that an FBI analyst told Congress that the bureau uses information leaked to the press to obtain surveillance warrants against American citizens.
( Steele revealed in a court filing in London last year that he briefed several reporters prior to the campaign, including from Yahoo!, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The New Yorker and Mother Jones.)
/He also claims the FBI was aware of dossier author's bias, but failed to disclose that to the secret court as well/
*Senior Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr testified Tuesday that prior to obtaining the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant on short-term Trump campaign volunteer, Carter Page, the FBI was aware that former British spy and anti-Trump dossier author, Christopher Steele was biased against then-candidate Trump. He also stated that the FBI knew that his wife, Nellie Ohr was working for Fusion GPS, the now-embattled research firm which was hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC to compile the dossier with Steele. This, according to Congressional sources with direct knowledge of Ohr's closed-door deposition.*
Pope Asks Forgiveness for Clergy [censored] Abuse Scandal as New Letter Says He Knew, But Failed to Act
In a report for EWTN, Catholic journalist Edward Pentin confirms this , saying Viganò fears for his safety and that his life is in danger.
A former apostolic nuncio, widely respected for his professionalism and decency, forced to go into hiding at age 78 for simply telling the truth about his fellow apostolic successors.
So many stories, so many situations, so many names. But this time he focuses more on his years in America. He speaks of the McCarrick case, the ex-cardinal known to be guilty of the most serious abuses, and he makes it clear that everybody knew, in the USA and in the Vatican, for a long time, for years. But they covered it up.
I ask, “Truly everybody?â€
With a nod of the head the archbishop responds yes: truly everybody.â€
The heart of the matter is that Pope Francis also knew, according to Viganò. And yet he allowed McCarrick to circulate undisturbed, making a joke of the bans imposed on him
The [censored]ual abuses constitute a phenomenon more extensive than anyone could imagine, and it is not correct to speak of pedophilia, because the overwhelming majority of cases deal with homo[censored]ual priests who go hunting for teenage young men. It is more correct, says the archbishop, to speak about ephebophilia, if anything. But the main point is that the web of complicity, silence, cover-up, and reciprocal favors extends so far that there are no words to describe it, and it involves everyone at the highest levels, both in America and in Rome.
https://onepeterfive.com/the-amazing-story-of-how-archbishop-viganos-report-came-to-be/ )
Reportedly Listed FBI as Place of Employment
Marilou Danley, the girlfriend of Las Vegas mass shooter Stephen Paddock, worked for the FBI, according to credit application data the Australian national reported as part of a loan application.
That’s the same Danley whose fingerprints were found on Paddock’s horde of ammunition packed into unused rifle magazines.
Publicly available intelligence obtained from consumer credit reporting bureaus show Danley claimed the “Federal Bureau of Investigation†as her place of employment.
When contacted Friday, one FBI source said the Bureau “might have made payments to Danley but it is above my level,†the source said referring to access to the FBI’s confidential informant participant and payment records.
During this horrifying revelation captured on video (below), it is even admitted that we and our children are supposed to be the ‘guinea pigs’ for these vaccines in lieu of clinical testing.
Both single types of contaminants and disturbing assemblages of toxic substances were found in the vaccines. The researchers admitted to being “baffled†by the bizarre compositions of some of these contaminant combinations.
Leadership – within the medical community – IS aware of unsafe vaccines
For example, a pair of Italian scientists have verified unsafe levels of contaminants in vaccines in a 2017 study.
In a pattern that is all too familiar, not long after the husband and wife team released their findings, their home was raided by Italian police and their data seized. http://humansarefree.com/2018/08/cdc-reveals-how-vaccine-gets-approved.html
(Some vaccine ingredients include the adjuvants aluminum, chromium and mercury, which are known neurotoxins. They are bad enough for adults, but when administered to children, exposure to these substances far exceeds CDC recommended safe levels.
It’s time to speak up and demand that vaccines be thoroughly tested )
t turns out, according to a leaked 49 page document , that this special influence may be none other than George Soros himself
Entitled, /Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action,/ and composed in early 2017, it lays out the Democratic plan to oppose Trump’s presidency at all costs by waging a daily media war
The effort to censor social media began in earnest with the election of Trump which saw the rollout of the term ‘fake news,’ and the Brock memo clearly outlines how this plan was intended to bring about the resulting censorship we see today From the Brock memo:
The document obtained by The Free Beacon states that Media Matters and other Soros funded groups have “access to raw data from Facebook, Twitter, and other social media [censored]†so they can “systemically monitor and analyze this unfiltered data.â€
Facebook said it aimed to make people's news feed more "informative".Â
It said: "By taking steps like this to improve news feed, we’re able to surface more stories that people find informative and reduce the spread of problematic links such as clickbait, sensationalism and misinformation."Â
Looking at the first page of search results, I discovered that CNN was the big winner
But it got much, much worse when I analyzed the first 100 items that Google returned in a search for news on "Trump." )
A long history of US government propaganda campaigns worldwide
This is far from the first time the US government has been exposed for manipulating social media to spread propaganda. And these US propaganda operations are by no means limited to China.
The Broadcasting Board of Governors noted in its report that its propaganda efforts are targeting audiences “in Russia and its periphery, China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Iran, and Cuba.â€
The US government has long used social media to sow discord in Cuba in particular. In 2014, it was revealed that the US Agency for International Development ( USAID ), the government’s “humanitarianâ€
Macron Openly Endorses the Kalergi Plan: 200 Million Africans to Mass Migrate to Europe Within 30 Years
Malaysian government has released a final 400-page report on MH370 mystery
Investigators said they still do not know why the plane vanished in March 2014Â
French police are opening an investigation into flight with four French on board
It wants to examine data from satellite operator Inmarsat which tracked planeÂ
French police will open an investigation into missing flight MH370 after Malaysia 's 400-page final report failed to explain the mystery amid claims of a cover up. The Gendarmerie of Air Transport wants to examine data from satellite operator Inmarsat which tracked the plane before it went missing in March 2014. It intends to 'verify the veracity and especially the authenticity of all the technical data transmitted,' according to French newspaper Le Parisien . http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6038505/France-reopens-investigation-missing-flight-MH370.html 8 August 2018
He Was A Globalist Warmonger
Here’s a List of Wars He Begged For That Proves It
Here’s a List of Wars He Begged For That Proves It
How surprising. War-profiteers praising a war-monger, who’d have thought..
Vatican Official Accuses Pope Francis Of Covering Up [censored]ual Abuse,
Calls For Resignation
Vigano said that he told Pope Francis in 2013 about allegations of [censored]ual abuse against a prominent priest — and that Francis took no action. Now, the former official, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, 77, is calling for Francis to step down.
"In this extremely dramatic moment for the universal Church,
he must acknowledge his mistakes and,
in keeping with the proclaimed principle of zero tolerance,
Pope Francis must be the first to set a good example to Cardinals and Bishops who covered up McCarrick's abuses and resign along with all of them."
What claims did Archbishop Vigano make in his testimony about the Catholic Church?
The Church Pedophiles are now exposed in mainstream media big time, but their useful diversionary terrorist assets are scampering for safe havens into US, Canada and Europe. The instigation for racial hate wasn't that effective, too.
Meanwhile, the largest underground logistics system used by CIA-Israel-Saudi operatives, as an elaborate supply line for their ISIS terrorists on the ground in Syria, has been turned into an underground art museum…
In this sense empty space is like a gigantic, restless ocean, and Moray's free energy "tapping" device is no more mysterious than the water wheel. In other words, his thesis that the energy is there to be tapped is correct; it only awaits a practical method to tap it in order to solve the energy problems of mankind forever.
Following the unprecedented $289mn verdict against Monsanto in California, Hanoi is seeking justice for victims of exposure to the Agent Orange – the notorious chemical the firm supplied to the US military during the Vietnam War.
After a San Francisco jury proved Monsanto not invincible and ordered the chemical giant to pay $289 million to a school worker who argued he got terminal cancer after using its Roundup herbicide, Vietnam has also demanded compensation from the St. Louis-based company.
The report noted at the time that "/These documents for the first time demonstrate that the US government has worked behind the scenes on over 800 major movies and more than 1,000 TV titles."/
Reviewing the ever expanding list, the average movie watcher might be in for a shock at what films are actually included /—/there are the more predictable ones like /Black Hawk Down, Zero Dark Thirty/, and /Lone Survivor/; but also entirely unexpected ones that apparently needed the military-industrial complex's propaganda touch like /Earnest Saves Christmas/, /Karate Kid 2, The Silence of the Lambs/, /Twister/, the /Iron Man/movies, and more recently / ./ Pitch Perfect 3
The Pentagon directly influences Hollywood — in some cases, scripts are literally line edited by the military. Part of my last book was all about this — I call it the Military-Entertainment Complex.
CIA WhistleBlower Susan Lindauer exposes all!
Susan Lindauer - Extreme Prejudice - Cambridge,
In the same conversation, Dr. Fuisz warned that I must not go back to New York, because the attack was "imminent" and the CIA expected "mass casualties" and a "possible miniature thermo nuclear device." Over his objections, I insisted on returning to Iraq's Embassy at the U.N. one last time to see if diplomats had received any reports from Baghdad.
Then I promised I would not go back to New York until after the attack.
My meeting with Iraqi diplomats occurred two days later on Saturday, August 4. I did not return to New York until September 18.
Let me be clear: The threat was not vague or undefined. We fully expected airplane hijackings and some sort of aerial strike targeting the World Trade Center, specifically. No other target or location was ever discussed.
As a result, tech giants have launched a crusade against so-called /“Russian botsâ€/ and other undesirables detected on their platforms, in some cases deleting thousands of accounts – some of which have since been shown to be owned by legitimate users.
In recent weeks, Facebook, Google and Twitter have cracked down on /“hate speechâ€/ and /“fake news,â€/ which in Facebook’s case is determined in partnership with the NATO-funded Atlantic Council. The bans and suspensions that have followed have been slammed by critics as thinly veiled censorship, with tech giants seemingly using the Russian meddling hysteria to target undesirable political speech.
Newsflash: Hate speech is not the same thing as a hate crime. Speech is just that, speech.
It is fascinating to watch how people use this term so freely as if speech itself can be criminal
It is an acknowledgement of the fact that different people have different ideas about how the world is and should be. That these differences shouldn’t be used as a basis for discrimination.
The term hate speech is one of the most loaded and ambiguous terms in the political lexicon. Beware.
Next time you see or hear these terms being used, ask yourself what it is about the story that you’re not supposed to think too deeply about. Allow both sides of the argument to share equal time in your mind, and honor the independent, sovereign being within yourself that deserves a chance to make up its own mind about how it wishes to view the world.
August 25, 2018
Abc Confirms It Ran a False Flag Operation with Actors to Try to Accuse Trump Supporters of Being Violent, Intolerant
https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-08-17-abc-confirms-it-ran-a-false-flag-operation-with-actors.html )
for 12 straight years in the highly organized
coverup of the US government-coordinated
and false flag terrorist attacks of 9/11
After doing such a stellar job covering up the worst terror attack on American soil, he then gets appointed Special Counsel in 2017 to carry out 2 separate and nefarious agendas:
* Completely cover up decades of Clinton crime sprees and /Deep State/ Democrat corruption
* Fabricate a frivolous case for the prosecution of President Trump to set the stage for his eventual impeachment
In short, Herr Mueller has resurrected the worst aspects of the Nazi’s Secret
State Police—the Gestapo. In this malevolent capacity, he has continuously proven that he (as well as the FBI) does not work for the American people; rather, he is employed by a supranational entity known as the /World Shadow Government/whose explicit goal is to strip American sovereignty. Mueller may not even know who he ultimately reports to as there are so many levels between the ex-FBI hitman and his mafioso bosses in Rome and London sometimes referred to as the Black Nobility .
Special Counsel Mueller: The Elite Fixer and Inside Man for Deep State
The [censored] trade in Yemen: How Al-Qaeda makes millions by trafficking children
The Rabbit Hole
(eerste 10 min )
Obama Used British Intel BCHQ To Spy On Trump! US Intel Bypassed To Avoid US Fingerprints!
eerste 6 min
Revealed: GCHQ's beyond top secret Middle Eastern internet spy bawe
https://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/06/03/revealed_beyond_top_secret_british_intelligence_middleeast_internet_spy_base/ )
Millions of babies are being harmed, maimed, hospitalized or in some cases even killed by toxic vaccines, all around the world. But the public is never allowed to know this because in America — just like in China — the “vaccine deep state†orders the press to ignore every vaccine scandal .
Over 350 video channels are now joining REAL.video each day, including astonishingly informative new channels such as
A living foods guru, Dr. Cousens has posted full lectures on how to beat diabetes, how to overcome heart disease and more.
Pur Medicine – A channel hosted by very knowledgeable Chinese Medicine practitioners, these 14 videos (so far) provide a wealth of knowledge about treating cholesterol, headaches
..Secret Space Program Update: TR-3B Patent Now in Public Domain
Aurora is one of the most classified aerospace programs in existence.
these patents that are quite mindblowing
..The Pentagon Secretly Studied ‘Exotic UFO Technology’ Reveals Top-Secret Letter
Jordan Sather | Q Anon, Celebrity Suicides, Space Force, & The Deep State War https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qiedAd_wKlA
( You Are Witnessing The Largest Mass Treason Event In Living History
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2dL46BzghuQ&time_continue=278 )
‘This is the most significant email in the whole collection’
Clinton & ISIS funded by same money' - Assange interview w/John Pilger
isis is created by the people who gave money to the clinton foundation
a secret agreement in 2012 was reached between the Obama Administration and the leaders of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, to set up a sarin gas attack and blame it on Assad so that the US could invade and overthrow Assad.
2016 This was, in fact, the Syrian part of the State Department’s Libyan operation, Obama’s operation to set up an excuse for the US
doing in Syria what they had already done in Libya"
Human trafficking is reportedly among one of the 15 sources of funding for Daesh (ISIL/ISIS) terrorists in Syria and Iraq.
A criminal group involved in human trafficking was recently detained in the Syrian capital Damascus.
2017 A gang, allegedly linked to the Syria-based Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), carries out arms supplies and human trafficking between Azaz and Afrin cities in northern Syria with assistance rendered by US relief foundations. the gang is alleged to have close ties with the US humanitarian relief organizations, such as Mercy Corps, International Medical Corps and Medical Relief and uses its trucks for carrying weapons and smuggling.
* Clinton and Obama overthrew the Libyan government, sending Libya into chaos.
* The United Nations imposed an arms embargo on Libya.
* We lost track of Gadhafi’s weapons, including chemical weapons. It turns out he had more than we knew about.
* Obama and Clinton gave many of them to ISIS using a Qatari arms trafficking network. The rest were up for grabs.
* Obama gave Qatar his approval to transfer of *20,000 tons* of weapons from Qatar to… Well we’re not exactly sure who still. Basically everyone.
* Since then, The Obama Administration has approved over $9 billion in US arms exports to Qatar.
* Libya is now a strong hold for ISIS.
* ISIS is controlling the human trafficking network in Libya, profiting immensely.
* Libya, the country that once acted as the gatekeep for Europe, has become a major immigration hub for emigrants headed to Europe.
* Some of Gadhafi’s Sarin gas was taken to Syria.
* Obama and Clinton were working behind the scenes to topple Assad’s government in Syria.
[censored] rings are popular in all governments, but pedophilia is primarily in British parliament & Saudi Arabia, and that’s why HRC and BC love foreign donors so much. They get paid in children as well as money,â€/ the informant responds.
http://www.fury.news/2016/11/weiners-emails-expose-huge-pedophile-ring-washington-dc-hillary-prosecuted-pedophilia/ 2016
In 1999 Kosovo Albanians put over 300 hostages
Heiress to the Seagrams fortune, Clare Bronfman, tied to pedophile ring
READ MORE: https://neonnettle.com/features/1409-major-hillary-clinton-donor-to-be-indicted-in-child-[censored]-trafficking-case
Her Chilling Details
Haitian official was to testify next week
De overheid wil niet dat je hier iets over te weten komt
Pieter Omtzigt (CDA) is vrijwel het enige Tweede Kamerlid dat zich zorgen maakt over de Nederlandse miljoenen die naar Syrische rebellengroeperingen zijn gegaan.
De Nederlandse overheid belemmert het onderzoek naar de bonnetjes aanzienlijk. Alle leveringen aan de groeperingen zijn namelijk staatsgeheim verklaard.
Omtzigt en zijn collega Martijn van Helvert hebben om die reden een aantal Kamervragen gesteld aan minister Blok en premier Rutte.
De overdrachtsbewijzen zijn staatgeheim
Het onderzoek ernaar is nu ook geheim verklaard.
Ik wil kunnen controleren wat de regering gedaan heeft. Daarom deze vragen aan Blok en Rutte:
*Nederland heeft de afgelopen drie jaar maar lliefst 22 gematigde strijdgroepen in Syrië gesteund. Nederland leverde geen wapens, maar wel onder meer communicatieapparatuur, voedsel en voertuigen. Dat schrijft minister Stef Blok (Buitenlandse Zaken, VVD) dinsdagavond 3 juli jl. in een brief ( ) aan de Tweede Kamer, naar aanleiding van vragen van Tweede Kamerleden Pieter Omtzigt en Martijn van Helvert, beiden van het CDA.*
De waarde van de hulp bedroeg meer dan € 25 miljoen..
De overtuiging waarmee minister Blok beweert dat hier enkel goedaardige, democratische rebellen worden ondersteund is vooral een leuk verhaal voor het publiek, niet meer dan dat en is daarbij helemaal niet te controleren. Het past meer in een langlopend project van het op Nederlandse wijze ondersteunen van Amerikaanse buitenlandavonturen, inclusief het verhaal dat we dit doen
*voor goedwillende democraten en natuurlijk de mensenrechten.*........
Iraq has urged the United Nations to investigate Islamic State terrorists' bloody trade in human organs after the Iraqi ambassador said doctors are being executed for not harvesting body parts.
One tactic is smuggling families and individuals into other countries. The report highlights one instance when a family paid ISIS over $8,000 per individual to sneak them into Turkey.
Drug smuggling is another. Al Monitor's report claims that IS traffics Afghan heroin into Europe from the city of Nineveh, which the Russian Federal Drug Control Service (RFDCS) says is generating 'significant revenues.'
Its drug business has become so successful in recent months that the RFDCS claims that IS now supplies half of Europe's entire heroin market.
Yesterday it was revealed that militants fighting for ISIS in Syria are making millions of pounds selling ancient statues and mosaics to wealthy Westerners using a complex system of smugglers and middle men.
Looted from ancient buildings in ISIS strongholds, such as the group's de facto capital city Raqqa, the antiquities are up to 10,000-years-old and can exchange hands for more than $1 million each.
The trade in antiquities is one of ISIS' primary sources of funding, along with oil and ransom payments, and is estimated to fills the terrorists coffers with tens of millions of pounds every year.
The United Nations
& The U.S. State Department
In another bombshell interview on the Cosmic Disclosure Gaia TV series, insiders Emery Smith and Corey Goode have revealed their direct knowledge and participation in classified programs that involved the detention, interrogation, torture and dissection of human looking extraterrestrials. Their stunning eyewitness accounts provide powerful evidence that atrocities have been occurring in classified programs against extraterrestrial visitors who are almost indistinguishable from modern humans.
After Goode and Smith’s mutual corroboration of human looking extraterrestrials being tortured at special prisons,
Germany's bishops promise to stop the company's distribution of erotic novels
The priests are accused of working together in a predatory ring that was ongoing for years in which they “manufactured child [censored]ography, shared intelligence on victims and gave large gold crosses to certain boys to mark them as already being ‘groomed,’ for abuse,
Shockingly Robert De Niro, another member of Hollywood royalty, was discovered using the services of an international prostitution ring, but this specific [censored] ring
De rijke Saoedi Osama bin Laden was een prominente organisator en financier van de moedjahedien; zijn Maktab al-Khadamat (MAK), "Dienstenkantoor", sluisde geld, wapens en islamitische strijders vanuit de hele wereld naar Afghanistan, met de steun van de Amerikaanse, Pakistaanse en Saoedische regeringen
( https://nl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moedjahedien )
Al Qaeda returns? UN panel warns of new bin Laden threat
This month, an Associated Press investigation found that the Saudi-led coalition has been cutting secret deals with Al Qaeda fighters, paying some to leave cities and towns, allowing others to retreat with weapons and cash. Others were recruited to join the coalition. Participants in those agreement said the U.S. was aware of the arrangements and held off on drone strikes
Pedo Island horrors captured on video
( dark web)
min 11 tot min 14
More support on Mueller corruption – his FBI never interviewed all the victims.
Now we find out that corrupt Mueller from the phony Russia – Trump hoax, was the Head of the FBI at the time Epstein’s case was prosecuted.
It looks like Mueller was even involved in the case.
The Epstein case was run out of DC:
Australia has an epidemic of paedophiles and as a country we need to face up to it and deal with it. The courts are a key area that the paedophiles are getting support and protection from and I will give multiple recent examples in this article as finding the examples is not hard as there are many of them.
This website is meant to focus on judicial corruption and it is impossible to ignore the links between the judiciary and paedophiles
On top of destroying potential evidence at the compound, *the prosecution also failed to present enough evidence for the judge to rule in favor of denying the suspects' bail.*
*Despite this overwhelming evidence that the FBI claimed to hold, Judge Backus explained that prosecutors failed to mention any of this in court.*
*This clear mishandling of the case is leading to speculation online that these five suspects may have been assets of the federal government.*
Now that Ciaverella has been locked up, that solves one problem but raises an important question that few are asking: Was this an isolated incident or are there more just like him who have made similar deals with prisons across the United States?
The fact that this sort of bribery would even be proposed to the judge suggests that this is a much broader problem, and this one incident was just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
http://humansarefree.com/2018/08/judge-sentenced-to-28-years-in-prison.html )
Special Counsel Robert Mueller personally intervened in the FBI’s investigation of billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, striking a deal that allowed him avoid prosecution.
According to a series of bombshell FBI documents released on Thursday, known child predator Jeffrey Epstein had a professional relationship with then-FBI Director Robert Mueller.
The FBI’s release includes heavily redacted and/or delete pages, among other unredacted documents.
Epstein is a controversial figure and friend of the Clinton family, alleged to run the [censored]ual “Lolita Express†to his private island.  Visitors to his private Caribbean island, known as “Orgy Island,†have included royalty such as Prince Andrew, politicians like Bill Clinton, to the prestigious physicist Stephen Hawking.
     There also seems to be evidence that not only did Bill attend the island, but so did HIllary Clinton. Blackwater USA founder and retired Navy SEAL Erik Prince claims that among the 650,000 Huma Abedin emails on her estranged husband’s laptop is evidence Hillary Clinton was a visitor to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Caribbean hideaway “Orgy Island.†Prince cited a “well-placed source†in the New York Police Department,
     According to the police and a plethora of lawsuits,Jeffrey Epstein’s social life involved a pedophile ring of dozens of underage [censored], in which he groomed and then loaned out to powerful friends. However, aside from a minor conviction in Florida, which only landed him a mere 13 months, Epstein has emerged remarkably unscathed..
A report  from The Guardian noted that federal prosecutors “identified 40 young women who may have been illegally procured by Epstein, which easily should have resulted in Epstein spending years in prison if as many as half of the women testified against him.
Epstein was also caught running a child [censored] ring, in which he hosted rape parties for his wealthy friends on his private jet, the Lolita Express, and on his private island, which was referred to as “Orgy Island.â€
It should have been a textbook case that would have made the FBI look heroic for putting a serial pedophile behind bars. However, the opposite happened. Epstein agreed to a plea deal for one minor charge in 2008, and he ended up spending just 13 months in prison, out of the 18-month sentence he was given for “soliciting prostitution and procuring a minor for prostitution.â€
[Renegade Editor’s Note: Epstein did not even have to spend his days in prison during the sentence. “Epstein served 13 months of his 18-month sentence and received liberal work-release privileges while in jail. He was able to go to his West Palm Beach office six days a week for up to 16 hours a day.â€
In addition to the ridiculously light sentence, the Palm Beach Post reported that in exchange for the year Epstein spent in prison, “federal prosecutors agreed not to pursue allegations that he had abused dozens of other teenage [censored], instead of allowing them to file civil lawsuits against Epstein.â€)
Expanding the list today Mrs. Sanders added: recently fired FBI Agent Peter Strzok; former DOJ lawyer Lisa Page; former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and current DOJ official Bruce Ohr. With the addition of Bruce Ohr, a currently employed DOJ official, it appears highly likely that he too will soon be fired.
Brennan is the first person from a former list to lose his clearance. In addition to Brennan security clearances for former FBI director James Comey; former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe; former director of national intelligence James Clapper; former national security adviser Susan Rice; and former CIA director Michael Hayden are being reviewed.
The inside group, writ large, was operating a coordinated effort to influence the 2016 election and weaponize intelligence to target their political opposition. The inside group was assisted by an external team of political operatives including: Fusion-GPS, Glenn Simpson, Nellie Ohr, Christopher Steele, Daniel Richman, Benjamin Wittes (Lawfare Blog); as well as contractors and agents -foreign and domestic- used by the intelligence apparatus.
Supporting the efforts of both the inside “small group†and the outside group; a large number of like-minded journalists from Yahoo News, Mother Jones, Buzzfeed, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC were utilized -via leaks- in framing an intentionally and demonstrably false narrative that provided cover for their activity.
Trump revokes clearance of former CIA chief Brennan
President Donald Trump has revoked the security clearance of former CIA director John Brennan, saying he used his access to classified data to “sow division and chaos†about the Trump administration, the White House has announced.
The Trump administration is also looking into revoking the clearances of a number of former officials, including former FBI director James Comey and recently fired FBI agent Peter Strzok, White House press secretary Sarah
https://www.rt.com/usa/436054-trump-revokes-cia-brennan-clearance/ )
Monsanto has long argued that Roundup is safe and not linked to cancer and presented studies during trial that countered the research and testimony submitted by Johnson’s team. The herbicide is registered in 130 countries and approved for use on more than 100 crops, but in 2015, the World Health Organization’s international agency for research on cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humansâ€, triggering a wave of legal and legislative challenges.
After the trial, Scott Partridge, the vice-president of Monsanto, rejected any link between glyphosate and cancer, insisting the “verdict doesn’t change the four-plus decades of safe use and science behind the productâ€.
Partridge said the IARC, whose evidence was key in persuading the jury of the link between glyphosate and cancer, “has been demonstrated as having been corruptedâ€, asserting the organisation does “no testing, they do no analysis, they have no laboratories, they simply render an opinionâ€.
Johnson’s case was particularly significant because a judge allowed his team to present scientific arguments .
The litigants cite an assortment of research studies indicating that the active ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicides, a chemical called glyphosate, can lead to NHL and other ailments. They also cite research showing glyphosate formulations in its commercial-end products are more toxic than glyphosate alone. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen in 2015.
Glyphosate , the active ingredient in Monsanto's flagship herbicide Roundup and hundreds of other herbicides, has been [found](https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/yesmaam/pages/1707/attachments/original/1473130173/FullGlyphosateinVaccinesReport_(6).pdf?1473130173) in vaccines. Moms Across America received preliminary screening results from Microbe Inotech Laboratories Inc . of St. Louis, Missouri, which showed:
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's flagship herbicide Roundup, has been found in vaccines.
French scientist and glyphosate expert Gilles-Eric Séralini has shown in his research that glyphosate is never used alone. It is always used with adjuvants (co-formulants/other chemicals) and he has found those adjuvants to make Roundup 1,000 times more toxic. The detection of glyphosate in vaccines with this methodology would indicate the presence of other co-formulant which are also toxic.
Another Vaccine “Bombshell†Glyphosate – Think Monsanto’s Roundup – Confirmed In Most Vaccines
Glyphosate and aluminum in vaccines associated with rise of autism epidemic
Dr Stephanie Seneff - Vaccines, Glyphosate and Autism/
the Netherlands, Spain and the United States.
Mr Legrand said the situation was similar to the aftermath of the tsunami in Asia five years ago.
Trafficking networks were springing into action immediately after the disaster and taking advantage of the weakness of local authorities and relief coordination "to kidnap children and get them out of the country".
Rupert Colville, a spokesman for the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said child enslavement and trafficking in Haiti was "an existing problem and could easily emerge as a serious issue over the coming weeks andmonths".
"We have seen over the past years many children being taken out of the country without any legal procedure," he said.
"This is going on. This is happening now. We are starting to have the first evidence of that, this is unquestionable."
“Is Thaci still embroiled in organ harvesting issues and is that of consequence?†Desai asked in the email, which the State Department recently released to Citizens United.
Desai clarified in a follow-up email that Thaci was actually prime minister at the time. He now serves as president of Kosovo.
Thaci and his Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) were first accused of human organ trafficking in 2010 in a report from the Council of Europe.
The 27-page report alleged that Thaci ran a “mafia-like†group of Albanian nationals — dubbed the “Drenica group†— who smuggled heroin and human organs in order to help finance the Kosovo Liberation Army’s fight against Yugoslav and Serbian forces in the 1998-99 Kosovo War.
Thaci even sat next to Hillary Clinton at the 2013 meeting
Thaci and his government have another Clinton connection. In 2012, the Republic of Kosovo signed a $50,000-a-month lobbying contract with The Podesta Group, a lobbying firm co-founded by brothers John and Tony Podesta.
John is Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman. Tony runs the lobbying shop and has bundled more than $250,000 in campaign contributions for Clinton. His signature appears on agreements with the Republic of Kosovo disclosed under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/18/exposed-clinton-foundations-ties-to-suspected-human-organ-trafficker/ 2016
http://ncrenegade.com/editorial/clinton-foundation-and-[censored]-trafficking-in-minor-children/ 2016
Mr Clinton's own office at the UN found 9% of the foreign aid cash
went to the Haitian government and
0.6% to local organisations.
89,9 %
went to non haitian organisations:
The bulk of it went to UN agencies, international aid groups, private contractors and donor countries' own civilian and military agencies.
For example, the Pentagon billed the State Department hundreds of millions of dollars for sending US troops to hand out bottled water and keep order on the streets of Haiti's ravaged capital, Port-au-Prince.
Let’s follow the trail......
https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3887633/pg1 )
Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked on Sunday instructed the Israel State Archives to release some 300,000 unpublished files relating to the children of Yemenite immigrants, whose disappearance after their arrival in Israel
Since the 1950s, more than 1,000 families — mostly immigrants from Yemen, but also dozens from the Balkans, North Africa, and other Middle Eastern countries — have alleged their children were systematically kidnapped from Israeli hospitals and put up for adoption, sometimes abroad, in what is known as the Yemenite children affair.
Some 49,000 Yemeni Jews were brought to the nascent State of Israel in Operation Magic Carpet in 1949-50.
Furthermore, death certificates were riddled with errors, and most of the missing children were sent army draft notices 18 years after their alleged deaths. There have also been cases of adopted children who were able to confirm, through DNA tests, that they were from Yemenite families who were told they had died.
The articles allege the justices have engaged in corruption, incompetency, neglect of duty, maladministration and certain high crimes.
Greg Hunter - Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.10.18
Mistrust of Mainstream Media Reaches Breaking Point
Infowars Website Traffic Explodes After Silicon Valley Blacklists Alex Jones Empire
August 11, 2018
*Intellihub editor’s note:* It appears the deep state is doing everything in their power to go full force after those who put out the truth.
The Democratic National Committee on Friday officially served its lawsuit to WikiLeaks via Twitter, employing a rare method to serve its suit to the elusive group that has thus far been unresponsive.
As CBS News first reported last month, the DNC filed a motion with a federal court in Manhattan requesting permission to serve its complaint to WikiLeaks on Twitter, a platform the DNC argued the website uses regularly.
August 10, 2018
putin browder trump
This man has offered ZERO evidence that anything he says is true.
Folks, we are seeing a master of manipulation at work here
Dr. Roberts says big tech companies are too big to function fairly. Dr. Roberts explains, “They should be broken up, or they should be nationalized or actually they should be arrested. . . . They are part of a plot. They are engaged in high treason against the government of the United States. If I was the Attorney General, I would have all of them arrested and put in solitary confinement awaiting trial. That’s where they belong. That’s where Google belongs along with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Spotify, The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC and NPR. They are all involved in a plot to overthrow the President. So, they would all be arrested and put in jail. . . . Why aren’t they? Well, Trump just doesn’t have the power. They are stronger than he is. . . . There is not an ounce of integrity in the media.â€
https://usawatchdog.com/elite-closing-down-truth-tellers-paul-craig-roberts/ )
Obama & Rice Asked Brits to Spy on Trump
https://truepundit.com/mystery-deepens-as-doj-two-round-trips-in-48-hours-loaded-with-boxes-docs/ )
How does 20% of the most strategic asset of the United States of America end up in Russian hands when the FBI has an informant, a mole providing inside information to the FBI on the criminal enterprise?
Guess what happened soon after the sale was approved?
~145 million dollars in “donations†made their way into the Clinton Foundation from entities directly connected to the Uranium One deal.
Guess who secured 17 no bid contracts for his employer with the State Department and was rewarded with a six million dollar thank you present when he departed his employer.
No other than James Comey.
Can you see the pattern? It goes on and on, *Rosenstein* becomes Asst. Attorney General, *Comey* gets fired based upon a letter by *Rosenstein*, *Comey* leaks government information to the press, *Mueller* is assigned to the Russian Investigation sham by *Rosenstein* to provide cover for decades of malfeasance within the FBI and DOJ and the story continues.
All the same players.
All compromised and conflicted.
All working fervently to NOT go to jail themselves.
All connected in one way or another to the Clinton’s.
They are like battery acid, they corrode and corrupt everything they touch.
How many lives have these two destroyed?
It cannot be numbered.
Incest, it’s Incestuous
As of this writing, the Clinton Foundation, in its 20+ years of operation of being the largest International Charity Fraud in the history of mankind, has never been audited by the Internal Revenue Service.
Byron York recently outlined new documents showing the communication between Trump Dossier author Christopher Steele and DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Within the early 2016 discussions, Chris Steele appeared to be advocating to Bruce Ohr on behalf of Oleg Deripaska who was banned from travel into the U.S. by the State Department.
Oleg Deripaska was blocked from testifying to congress.Â
Here’s where it gets interesting….
In that May article John Solomon reports that Deripaska wanted to testify to congress last year (2017), without any immunity request, but was rebuked. Who blocked his testimony?
In 2017 Oleg Deripaska was represented in the U.S. by Adam Waldman. Mr. Waldman was also representing Christopher Steele, the author of the Dossier. Waldman was the liaison Senator Mark Warner (Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chairman) was using to try and set up a secret meeting with Christopher Steele. { Text Messages }
Guess who else must be controlled and/or kept away from congress?
Julian Assange.
You can almost hear the corrupt U.S. intelligence officials calling their U.K. GCHQ partners in Britain and yelling at them to do something, anything, and for the love of God, shut down Assange’s access to the internet STAT…. Yeah, funny that.
Now, who moves into position to control Julian Assange?
!Apparently the SSCI wants to interview WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, in a *closed session*.Â
Time to End the Special Relationship;
Declassify All British Spawned Documents Concerning Your 2016 Campaign
A British Operation from the Beginning
in the hopes of derailing Trump’s presidential campaign amidst fake charges amounting to treason
sides of the Atlantic and throughout Europe.
to GCHQ to CIA
to Obama?
https://americandigitalnews.com/2018/05/04/steele-dossier-mi6-gchq-cia-obama/ )
( https://patriots4truth.org/2018/05/22/dirty-tricks-trumpgate-and-skripal-all-roads-lead-to-london-and-mi6/ )
Sergei Skripal, who, along with his daughter, Yulia, was discovered unconscious Sunday at a Salisbury shopping center in England, had a close relationship with an unnamed security consultant who worked for Christopher Steele’s Orbis Business Intelligence, The Telegraph reported Wednesday.
Salisbury Incident — UK Media silenced by D-Notices Over Skripal Affair
Posted on May 10, 2018
UK restricting OPCW access to Amesbury and Salisbury cases, says ex-UN chemical weapons inspector
Utkin who has previously led the process of destroying chemical weapons in Russia, said of the poisonings of Yulia and Sergei Skripal, that
(GCHQ boss Robert Hannigan quits for 'personal reasons' after just two years
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/01/23/breaking-gchq-boss-quits-personal-reasons-just-two-years/ )
(“Big Dots — Do They Connect? Steele and Skripal Revisited*
https://spectator.org/big-dots-do-they-connect/ )
(Moreover, the whole nature of the attempt to stop Skripal from talking to the media (and this was apparently being mooted, according to GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs sources) was designed in such a way that the immediate “suspect†would be Moscow.
http://www.worldtribune.com/murky-waters-the-attack-in-uk-on-sergei-skripal-the-assassination-of-kim-jong-nam-and-the-steele-dossier/ )
Former boss at Brit electronic spy agency GCHQ, Robert Hannigan, has called for the application of "unexplained wealth orders" and economic sanctions against Russia rather than cyber attacks.
The US Senate Intelligence Committee has called WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to testify in the case on alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election in a closed interview, WikiLeaks said in a tweet. According to the whistleblower organization, the letter containing the request was delivered via the US Embassy in London.
A year ago we featured a detailed report  by authors Tom Secker and Matthew Alford exposing just how vast the Pentagon and CIA programs for partnering with Hollywood actually are, based on some 4,000 new pages of formerly classified archived documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.
The report noted at the time that "These documents for the first time demonstrate that the US government has worked behind the scenes on over 800 major movies and more than 1,000 TV titles."
/We're not trying to brainwash people!/
He “employed hate speech and violated community standards.â€
“Apple, Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest clamped down on content by Alex Jones Monday.â€
“Apple confirmed on Monday that it had removed five out of six podcasts, which includes Jones’ infamous ‘The Alex Jones Show’ as well as a number of other InfoWars audio streams.â€
“Facebook and Google made similar decisions later on Monday. Facebook removed four pages controlled by him, while Google removed the official “Alex Jones Channel†on its platform. The YouTube channel for InfoWars, the media company owned by Alex Jones, still remains live. Pinterest also removed the InfoWars board.â€
I just saw a report that YouTube has taken down Jones’ channel altogether. That would mean tens of thousands of videos of his past shows are gone from that platform. Here are links you would go to, to listen to his show now:
One day after what appeared to be a coordinated attack by media giants Facebook, Apple, Spotify and Google on Alex Jones, whose various social media accounts were banned or suspended in a matter of hours, the crackdown against alternative media figures continued as several Libertarian figures, including the Ron Paul Institute director, found their Twitter accounts suspended.Â
As part of the proposed deals, Facebook asked banks for information about where its users are shopping with their debit and credit cards outside of purchases they make using Facebook Messenger,
Look at all those health and wellness pages!
Facebook, Google, Spotify, Twitter all conspire to “outlaw†conservative speech with no due process
QAnon and the collapse of FakeNews media
Anonymous vows to take down, expose QAnon
And like I said at the beginning, it isn’t just political voices that are being censored. Global Freedom Movement recently compiled a list of 82 major alternative health pages that have been taken down by Facebook…
Facebook has decided it would like to surreptitiously spy on people through their cameras, employing contentious facial recognition technology to analyze their emotions — in essence, this amounts to reading a person’s mind.
“The patent mentions several additional features, such as the ability to modify the emoji based on more detailed analysis of the user’s face, and the ability to capture gestures made by the user and add those to the emoji […]
It doesn't matter.
The QAnon phenomenon is a trigger to awakening.
Creating interest, research and triggering the understanding and awareness of the TRUE reality.
That in itself is the TRUTH and it does not matter the origins of Q -
what is significant is the RESULT of Q..
(Magenta Pixie)
To Q or Not to Q…
Who and what Q-Anon is, exactly, is far less important than the stated purpose: to cut through the theories about the conspiracies of those who have maintained power through election after pointless election, and attack the factual manifestation of those secret networks.
The harm that they have accomplished in controlling the media message has divided our country and our world, and brought us to the brink of civil war. Along the way, purposeful misinformation and outrageous perspectives from the most extreme angles are discussed, in part to throw our detractors off our trail, and in part to uncover the unthinkable crimes suggested by our research.
Q-Anon and his predecessors are not wild-eyed conspiracy theorists. The Chans have been responsible for many legitimate intelligence drops in the past as government insiders privy to horrible secrets about our nation are forced to anonymity to protect their very lives.
Q-Anon is different, in that Q-Anon appears to be a dedicated effort on behalf of one intelligence agency to change the corrupt status quo.
Who he is doesn’t matter.
( QAnon Decoded: Trip Codes, Deep State, Leaked Intel, and the War on Information
https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=rE1SSlT3HRA )
the “conspiracy theories†about FBI corruption and the FISA process are ALL TRUE
Finally, a journalist for a mainstream UK media outlet is methodically tracking weapons shipment serial numbers and English-language paperwork recovered from al-Qaeda groups in Syria, and he's literally showing up at arms factories and questioning arms dealers, including officials at the Saudi Embassy in London, asking: why are your weapons in the hands of terrorists?_
Veteran Middle East war correspondent Robert Fisk recently published a bombshell report entitled, “I traced missile casings in Syria back to their original sellers, so it’s time for the west to reveal who they sell arms to “.
His “detective story†as he calls it actually seems to solicit the help of the public, and begins as follows :
Readers, a small detective story.
Note down this number: MFG BGM-71E-1B. And this number: STOCK NO 1410-01-300-0254 . And this code: DAA A01 C-0292.
I found all these numerals printed on the side of a spent missile casing lying in the basement of a bombed-out Islamist base in eastern Aleppo last year.
At the top were the words “Hughes Aircraft Coâ€, founded in California back in the 1930s by the infamous Howard Hughes and sold in 1997 to Raytheon, the massive US defence contractor whose profits last year came to $23.35bn (£18bn).
Shareholders include the Bank of America and Deutsche Bank. Raytheon’s Middle East offices can be found in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Israel, Egypt, Turkey and Kuwait.
...so, take, say, the huge issue of interference in our pristine elections. Did the Russians interfere in our elections? An issue of overwhelming concern in the media. I mean, in most of the world, that’s almost a joke.
First of all, if you’re interested in foreign interference in our elections, whatever the Russians may have done barely counts or weighs in the balance as compared with what another state does, openly, brazenly and with enormous support.
Israeli intervention in U.S. elections vastly overwhelms anything the Russians may have done...
Israel not Russia, Meddling in US elections
*Operation Gladio Strikes Again*
Directed Energy Weapons, Chemical Geoengineering
and Nexrad Transmitters Employed to Create
Going one step further, Amazon and the CIA are both in the data-collecting business. What are the chances that Amazon, in the interest of “national security,†has been sharing its massive customer data with the CIA and other US intelligence agencies?
In 2016, after Clinton loses, the CIA—now Amazon’s business partner, and by extension, the Washington Post’s business partner—tells the Post that Russia influenced the election on behalf of Trump, and also implies/asserts that Russian hackers supplied WikiLeaks with those tons of email data…
And the Washington Post accepts what its business partner, the CIA, is saying at face value and then leads the charge to blame Russia for handing the election to Trump.
The Post doubles down and absurdly accuses numerous [censored] and blogs of being a) “fake†and b) conscious or unconscious dupes of the Russian government.
A nice neat package.
Who exactly is the fake news outlet?
Government and media lies were responsible for one of the deadliest wars in US history and it all started 54 years ago today in the Gulf of Tonkin.
https://thefreethoughtproject.com/54-years-ago-today-govt-mainstream-tonkin )
The nature of the suit , according to the filed documents, is “racketeer-influenced and corrupt organizations.â€
In addition to the Clintons, Byrne names a number of Clinton associates and supporters as defendants, including:
* Clinton Foundation
* Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership
* Media Matters For America
* Correct the Record
* American Bridge 21st Century
* Shareblue
* David Brock
* George Soros
* John Podesta
Byrne also names fellow veteran Secret Service Agent and CNN Law Enforcement Analyst Jonathan Wackrow as a defendant in the suit.
As of Wednesday , electronic summons had been issued to all named defendants and Byrne had filed a certificate of disclosure titled “Corporate Affiliations and Financial Interests.â€
Among the many charges that appear in the at times almost incoherent filing is the charge that a criminal syndicate involving the Clintons, David Brock, Donna Brazile, and George Soros murdered Seth Rich.
Byrne is reportedly seeking damages of $1 billion, and refused to provide an address because he feared assassination.
In my article, “Exceptional Refugees – Israel Helps Evacuate White Helmets From Syria, Exports al-Qaeda To Europe,†I asked the question
“ Is the West really evacuating its own intelligence agents and intelligence assets? â€
“The EU intends to evacuate about 800 White Helmets terrorists and move them to Europe before they get caught by the Syrian army as many of them MI6 operatives as all evidence in E Aleppo proved.â€
Britain, Canada and Germany were among the countries that offered resettlement and helped to arrange the evacuation.
Asked why some White Helmets were not included in the evacuation plans, a British Foreign Ministry spokesperson said: “This was a response to a specific and urgent situationâ€.
“We have worked, alongside our partners, to use our diplomatic channels to evacuate the maximum number of White Helmets and their families as was possible in an extremely constrained security context.â€
German officials declined to comment.
The controversial Western government-funded “humanitarian†group,popularly known as the White Helmets — were evacuated from southern Syria as the Syrian government continues to gain ground in its offensive throughout the country’s southwest. However, sources from within the Syrian opposition have revealed that the White Helmets were not the only ones evacuated from Syrian territory, as four top “rebel†commanders were also among the evacuees,
For those unfamiliar with the true nature of the White Helmets, the following articles are recommended reading:Â
Interestingly, even the BBC admitted that there was a plan circulating around the British establishment in 2012 to “train and equip a 100,000-strong Syrian rebel army†to fight against *Bashar al-Assad*. The BBC tried to spin the story by saying the plan was deemed too risky by the Prime Minister and ultimately rejected, but considering that is exactly what happened (was happening, and is happening), albeit in conjunction with the US, France and Britain’s Middle Eastern allies, it hardly seems the plan was rejected.  Â
*May Pushes for Internet Regulation*
Internet censorship
In the wake of the most recent (at the time of writing anyway) terrorist attack at London Bridge – which, as always, was carried out by extremists who were known to the authorities – the British Prime Minister has advocated internet regulation .
EVERY TripCode & UserID used by Q Points to a Book
1111 Books of Information
There’s 1100 UserID’s that ALSO have correlating books that they link to.
QAnon Going Viral (and MSM is Beginning To Panic)
https://deusnexus.wordpress.com/2018/08/01/qanon-going-viral/ )
https://deusnexus.wordpress.com/2018/08/01/pieczenik-storm-happened/ )
Indeed, following the massive tsunami of 2011 that struck Japan with such devastating consequences, Lloyd’s delivered some 6.6 billion yen of payments within just 48 hours of the money being requested by the reinsurers.
Here we take a look at some of the most noteworthy catastrophes and claims that Lloyd’s has been involved with.
The sinking of the Titanic was a human disaster that caused widespread shock and outrage. It is also a story that remains strongly linked to the history of the Lloyd’s market, where the ship was insured for £1million.
A report released July 30 found that controls on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
were likely manipulated,
prompting Malaysia's chief of civil aviation to resign.
July 31 2018!
Malaysian aviation chief resigns after investigation found someone veered MH370 off course.....
A short time later, the plane changed its flight path in a way that “probably resulted from manual inputs,†the government's report said . A system malfunction alone could not account for sudden shifts in the direction of the plane.
The Malaysian investigation report revealed someone controlled the craft for at least some of the time after Zaharie said good night.
(Malaysian aviation chief resigns after investigation found someone veered MH370 off course
A day after an investigation report concluded that someone steered Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 — and the 239 people on board — onto a doomed course, the country's civil aviation chief announced his resignation Tuesday over the shortcomings of the country's air traffic control center.
The report , released by the MH370 safety investigation team on Monday, does not identify a culprit, but it ruled out a mechanical or computer failure as the reason the plane disappeared without a trace on March 8, 2014.)
That was when I noticed retired NYPD Detective James Rothstein. The Pedogate ring, he explained, was the same network he investigated for 35 years. Rothstein observed, the perpetrators were doing everything in their power to shut the Pedogate story down
. Back in 1966, Rothstein became the first police detective assigned to investigate the prostitution industry. He soon discovered the underground [censored]ual blackmail operation that compromised politicians with child prostitutes. ‘Human Compromise’ is the term he uses for this honey-trap process. Rothstein and his colleagues found that up to 70 percent of top US government leaders had been compromised. The CIA conducted the human compromise operation, while the FBI’s task was to cover it up.
James Rothstein was alerted to an identical VIP pedophile ring operating in the UK, when British Intelligence consulted him regarding the Profumo Affair. MI6 agents visited Rothstein in New York to extract what he knew about British politicians and other VIPs having [censored] with child prostitutes. This was part of their effort to cover up the true pedophile nature of the Profumo scandal.
Rothstein found the international pedophile rings are connected, and that their members meet at various world locations where each destination catered for a different type of degenerate [censored]ual proclivity, including satanic themed abuse.
All police, FBI, customs and IRS officers who pursued the VIP pedophile network above street level had their careers subsequently destroyed.
During a subsequent two-hour interrogation, he discovered the truth about Watergate. The burglars sought something they nicknamed “The Book†which listed the Democrat and Republican politicians who accessed child prostitutes, their [censored]ual proclivities, the amounts they paid to rape kids, and such.
Bernard said the wealthiest 8,000 to 8,500 people created the BIS in 1930. Since the world’s richest individuals are too young to have helped establish the BIS 88 years ago, he must be referring to banking dynasties like the Rothschilds. In a Chapter titled, ‘Banking and the World’s Biggest Business,’ the book /Dope, Inc.: Britain’s Opium War Against the U.S./ (Kalimtgis, Goldman & Stienberg, 1978) lists the Rothschilds as one of the nine family dynasties responsible for the modern drug industry which, they assert, “is run as a single integrated world operation, from the opium poppy to the nickel bag of heroin sold on an inner-city corner.†The current global drug trade was established by the British Crown during the Opium Wars, when P&O steam lines were founded to transport the drugs, the HSBC bank was established to launder the proceeds, and the ‘court Jews’ (Rothschilds) were employed to financially manage the operation. Apparently, little has changed, and the same operation has simply been expanded.
There must have been some truth to the content of /Dope Inc./because its revelations resulted in the HSBC bank losing its licence to operate in the USA. The book also inspired law enforcement officials to swap their assumption that drug trafficking consisted of pockets of independent criminal activity, for the fact it is a global network coordinated by the CIA, with proceeds laundered through banks and funnelled into the CIA’s covert, terrorist operations.
This is the very system Ronald Bernard described. He said his own laundering operation dealt with governments, multinationals, terrorist organisations, and secret services. Secret service agencies, he specified, do not serve and protect a people or country as the public expect. Instead, they are /all/ criminal organizations that trade in drugs, weapons, and children. According to Bernard, the wealthy elites controlled their employees by compromising and blackmailing them – just like James Rothstein said.
/The best way to understand the child trafficking industry is to trace the history of the drug trafficking industry. As you read Dope Inc., cross out each occurrence of the word ‘drugs’ and replace it with the word ‘kids’ – this will give you a picture of the child trafficking network that victimised me. Like the drug trade,/the child [censored] trafficking industry is run by the very same people as a single integrated world operation. At the top of this sit the wealthy elite who maintain control by ensuring only blackmailed, compromised politicians, military brass, and government officials occupy leadership. The secret services, including ASIO, the CIA and British Intelligence, coordinate the child trafficking and human compromise operation, receive the victims procured via the little men, train these into suitable assets, and transport the victims nationally and internationally to service VIP pedophiles.
Australia’s Commonwealth Bank was subsequently fined 700 million dollars for near 54,000 breaches of anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing laws, including the laundering of proceeds from child [censored] trafficking, and the channeling of funds into overseas terrorist organisations.
A groundbreaking United Nations report compiled in 2002 never saw the full light of day, until now. The UK Parliament recently published the entire document, which details the [censored]ual exploitation of refugee children
Disobedient Media  has reported extensively on a multitude of cases wherein ‘humanitarian aid’ was used as a cover for criminal activity of the worst varieties, including child trafficking , [censored] trafficking, the production and sale of child [censored]ography,  and allegations of organ trafficking.
The secret photographic studio was located in the basement of the Brussels building where the committee’s offices were housed. Belgian police reported that the studio was being used to take [censored]ographic photographs of children, many of whom were of North African origin.
Belgian police said more than 1,000 such photographs were seized, along with a mailing list of some 400 names in 15 European countries that had been prepared on the UNICEF office computer. A 45-year-old UNICEF employee was arrested after police said he was hosting evening computer classes for children in the organization’s offices and making them pose for [censored]ographic photographs. Police also discovered cowboy outfits and costumes which they stated were being used to stage [censored] games with minors.â€/
This history of abuse is especially heinous, as individuals associated with the United Nations are protected from persecution by diplomatic immunity.
“UNICEF’s Belgian committee was linked to a criminal organization producing [censored]ographic photographs of children and distributing them throughout Europe… the cell was thought to have ties to similar organizations in the United States and Japan.
Images previously found during law enforcement operations in several other European countries appeared to have been taken in the UNICEF office in Brussels, according to investigators. Belgian police also raided the Research and Information Centre on Childhood and [censored]uality, which had been founded four years earlier and had additional branches in Switzerland and France.â€
“Female staff members confirmed seeing male drivers have [censored]ual relationships with different [censored] for short periods of time. “They change [censored] so much and none of them marry the [censored] and if she becomes pregnant she is abandoned, with no support for herself and the child. Most of us used to just look at them and wonder. Our brothers they have a problem.†(Agency Worker Liberia) Indeed, the assessment team itself witnessed a UN driver leaving a hotel early one morning with two young [censored] on his arm. The age and refugee status of the [censored] was undeterminable but the use of vehicles for such purposes does little for the credibility of humanitarian organisations.â€
Trump and Putin Join Forces Against /Deep State/
During Meeting in Helsinki
July 23, 2018
*The deceptive ways of evidence-based medicine*
Geoengineering Patents for spraying the atmosphere.
United States Patent and Trademark Office since late 1800’s to the present! :
links en patents
(0462795 – July 16, 1891 – Method Of Producing Rain-Fall
1103490 – August 6, 1913 – Rain-Maker
1225521 – September 4, 1915 – Protecting From Poisonous Gas In Warfare
1338343 – April 27, 1920 – Process And Apparatus For The Production of Intense Artificial Clouds, Fogs, or Mists
1619183 – March 1, 1927 – Process of Producing Smoke Clouds From Moving Aircraft
1665267 – April 10, 1928 – Process of Producing Artificial Fogs
1892132 – December 27, 1932 – Atomizing Attachment For Airplane Engine Exhausts) enz
Rothschild bank broke money laundering rules: Swiss watchdog
Swiss bank Rothschild and a subsidiary seriously breached money laundering rules in connection with the massive financial scandal that helped topple Malaysia's corruption-plagued former regime, Switzerland's financial watchdog said Friday.
July 24, 2018
SEC May Want To Take A Look": Facebook Insiders Dumped $4.1 Billion Weeks Ahead Of Record Crash
July 18, 2018
In a bombshell revelation on the security of voting in the United States has just surfaced in the form of a letter from the country’s largest voting machine manufacturer.
The company, Election Systems and Software (ES&S) admitted that despite denying previous allegations of its voting systems coming installed with remote-access software, their systems did, indeed, allow for remote connections.
In a letter to Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), written in April, but only released this week, the company acknowledged that it had installed software that made the systems remotely accessible from anywhere.
None of the employees, … including long-tenured employees, has any knowledge that our voting systems have ever been sold with remote-access software,â€
the spokesperson said in February. However, this proved to be untrue.
Wyden described the decision to install remote-access software as “the worst decision for security short of leaving ballot boxes on a Moscow street corner.
Clinton Eugene “Clint†Curtis is an American attorney, computer programmer and ex-employee of NASA and ExxonMobil, who also exposed election hacking.
He tells the members how he was hired by Congressman Tom Feeney in 2000 to build a prototype software package that would secretly rig an election to sway the result 51 / 49 to a specified side.
After watching the video, you’ll know why true /change/is hard to come by.
Russia Seeks Charges Against Obama-Era U.S. Ambassador & U.S. Intel Agents Allegedly Linked to Browder
At the same time, he added, the Russian side in that case would expect from the American
“that they interrogate those representatives of the US special services whom Moscow suspects of illegal actions on the territory of the Russian Federation, in the presence of Russian investigators.â€
Kurennoy said. According to him, special services of states can enter this list. “For example, we would very much like to talk with Christopher Still.â€
(As CIA Director, John Brennan Colluded With Russian Spies in Moscow to Set Up Trump & Ensure Hillary Presidency
https://truepundit.com/as-cia-director-john-brennan-colluded-with-russian-spies-in-moscow-to-set-up-trump-ensure-hillary-presidency-report/ )
Thousands protested in London July 14 demanding the release of Tommy Robinson, the co-founder of the English Defense League, from prison – but while much-covered and condemned in the media, news reporters failed to acknowledge the event was organized and sponsored by an extreme right-wing US think tank.
Far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who was scheduled to speak at the ‘Free Tommy’ demonstration but cancelled last minute due to apparent security concerns and instead appeared via video link, has also received backing from MEF.In particular, the organization funded Wilders’ legal defense  in 2010 and 2011 against charges of inciting racial hatred, sending money directly to his lawyers. In the event, the Freedom party leader was acquitted of all charges, https://sputniknews.com/europe/201807171066406409-tommy-robinson-MEF-funding/
For instance, we can bring up Mr. Browder, in this particular case. Â Business associates of Mr. Browder have earned over $1.5 billion in Russia and never paid any taxes neither in Russia or the United States and yet the money escaped the country.
They were transferred to the United States. They sent [a] huge amount of money, $400,000,000, as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton.  Well that’s their personal case. Â
It might have been legal, the contribution itself but the way the money was earned was illegal.
 So we have solid reason to believe that some [US] intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions. Â
So we have an interest in questioning them.
Here we are just elaborating this historic fact, how the Elite manipulate the system for the benefits of the haves and to the detriment of the have-nots. Browder, Soros, and others like this stand in the way of real democracy, as their real dream of a democracy is that of a Dictatorship with the illusion of Democracy (fixed voting machines). As Trump attempts to 'drain the Swamp' he must confront these demons which he did in his recent meeting with Putin. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-18/exposed-secret-history-russia-and-wall-s )
US media losing its mind over Trump-Putin summit
The media’s mania over Trump’s Helsinki performance and the so-called Russia-gate scandal reached new depths on Monday
May had been hoping to impress Trump and use the visit to push for a trade deal with the U.S. after the U.K. leaves the European Union next year, in a process known as Brexit, however that may no longer happen as a result of Theresa May's proposed "Soft Brexit" deal with the EU.
Trump told The Sun: "If they do a deal like that, we would be dealing with the European Union instead of dealing with the UK, so it will probably kill the deal." According to Axios, "this is literally the exact opposite of what the Brits were hoping for from this trip.
According to the Sun, "Trump's interview will pour nitroglycerine on the already raging Tory Brexiteer revolt against the PM." And, as Axios World Editor David Lawler writes, "May is in the fight of her life with hardliners within her own party, and President Trump — while visiting the U.K. — has just openly sided with the rivals that may attempt to force her from power."
fined and referred to police for breaching spending rules
* Vote Leave worked with BeLeave on a common plan, but did not declare their joint working
* Vote Leave also refused to co-operate fully with the investigation from the start
* BeLeave’s founder and the responsible person for Vote Leave have been referred to police
Mr Grimes said he was shocked and disappointed by the commission’s decision, adding that he did nothing wrong.
All this suggests that the supposedly impartial commission is motivated by a political agenda rather than uncovering the facts.â€
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-07-17/brexit-group-vote-leave-fined-and-referred-to-police/10004834 )
Connection that Spans DECADES
welcome to the storm
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PH-RMbtMacc )
Alternative media web[censored] and myself have suggested that the plane wreckage presented to us as MH-17, actually belongs to the 'lost' flight MH-370. In this article I will bring new evidence to support this theory
http://humansarefree.com/2014/07/new-evidence-malaysia-airlines-mh370.html )
Enkele van haar opmerkelijke waarnemingen betreffen:
"De geur was onverdraaglijk. Het beet me in de ogen van de formaline. Langer dan 5 minuten was het er niet uit te houden"
"Het was de geur van een mortuarium"
"Er was geen bloed. Enkel bij de volgels was bloed"
"Ik heb zelf geen lichamen met Europees uiterlijk gezien. Enkel Aziatische"
The majority - 153 people - were Chinese.
There were 14 nationalities represented in the 227 passengers and 12 crew travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The majority - 153 people - were Chinese.
Also on the plane were 20 staff members from a US technology company, Freescale Semiconductor, which makes powerful microchips for industries, including defence.
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/coincidence-rothschild-inherits-freescale-patent-bryan )
t hierboven genoemde plus
paspoorten, winterkleding ( passagiers toronto )
aziatisch uiterlijk enz)
(dat ze stargates namaken van de oude
en gebruiken, weten we)
maar ! minuut 2.02.00 (info tot einde is ook interessant)
waarom en hoe mh370 verdween!
en weer werd gebruikt boven de ukraine..
and everybody passed out/
the plane with the dead people taken/
use that same jet
remote vieuwing summary
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: July 2018 Time Cross - Farsight
https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3147&v=wy8_1mEEytU )
https://www.martinvrijland.nl/nieuws-analyses/video-bewijs-dat-jit-mh17-videos-van-buk-telar-voor-de-vliegramp-gemaakt-zijn-bellingcat-valt-door-de-mand/ )
Our message to the families: The Dutch investigators are lying.
/Numerous authors and specialists have contributed to the MH17 dossier, which is available on the Global Research website. Unequivocally this dossier refutes the official story./
What's Next? Part 1
(ik heb deze youtube niet verder gezien))
iran deal
european leaders iran soros kerry
(evt: minuut 45
trump rockefellers rotschilds)
Trump blasted Stoltenberg during a working breakfast…
“Germany is captive of Russia because it is getting so much of its energy from Russia. They pay billions of dollars to Russia and we have to defend them against Russia.â€
It is hard not to conclude that the JCPOA was designed from the beginning to ensure that Iran would get a legitimate nuclear weapons program, confirmed with the imprimatur of the United States and the United Nations.
International Smuggling of Radiological Materials: Soros, Strzok, Mueller, and more
300 million euros in cash
from Germany to Iran
https://www.bild.de/politik/ausland/iran/wants-to-fly-300-million-euros-in-cash-from-germany-to-iran-56256122.bild.html ) 08.07.2018
(Germany’s State-Owned Bank Mysteriously Transfers Over $5 Billion to Four Banks
https://anonhq.com/germanys-state-owned-bank-mysteriously-transfers-5-billion-four-banks-nothing-claims-human-error/ ) may 2017
https://www.jihadwatch.org/2018/05/iran-threatens-to-expose-western-officials-who-took-bribes-to-make-nuke-deal-happen )
or in pain? EU’s Juncker filmed stumbling at NATO summit (VIDEO)
https://www.rt.com/news/432925-stumbling-juncker-nato-summit/ )
“In Brussel lopen de lobbyisten de deuren plat van Eurocommissarissen en andere beleidsmakers,†zei Renske Leijten (SP).
https://www.ninefornews.nl/brusselse-bubbel-stinkt-hier/ )
iets wat duizenden jaren heeft bestaan
en nu gezien wordt
en zo omvangrijk is
kan niet binnen een jaar opgelost worden
het maakt niet eens zo uit
wie je wel of niet wilt geloven
het gaat om de info.
het gaat over bewustzijn.
het gaat erom
dat alles wat verborgen was
zichtbaar wordt
voor steeds meer.
Alice & Wonderland Solved -Qanon July 8
(eerste gedeelte)
beslis zelf:
The combined evidence in this thread provides proof beyond a reasonable doubt that QAnon is real.*
Actually worth reading...
As an entertainment journalist, I've had the opportunity to cover Trump for over a decade, and in all my years covering him_I've never heard anything negative about the man until he announced he was running for president. Keep in mind, I got paid a lot of money to dig up dirt on celebrities like Trump for a living so a scandalous story on the famous billionaire could've potentially sold a lot of magazines and would've been a Huge feather in my cap. http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2018/07/president-donald-j-trump-benefactoryou.html
is veel beter dan Facebook
geen reclame enz enz
Warning: Facebook Has Gone Full Purge. They’re Deleting Alternative Media Pages En Masse! July 8, 2018
Here’s a list of all the pages I know of which have been deleted or unpublished indefinitely:
MeWe Social Network App – The Next Generation of User Privacy & Simplicity
( NEXT GEN SOCIAL NETWORK - MEWE - No Ads, No Algorithms and Perfect Privacy https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LLVYr_-QVoofauxfullscreen )
Just six per cent of crimes reported to police under the Modern Slavery Act led to prosecutions since it was introduced in 2015, The Times  reports.
Some 80,000 people took to the streets in Vienna to protest government plans to allow the working day to be extended to 12 hours.
Despite calls for a referendum on the issue, the proposal is expected to pass.
Tens of thousands of people in Vienna packed the streets on Saturday to voice their opposition to loosening labor laws to allow for a 12-hour workday and subsequent 60-hour workweek. https://www.dw.com/en/austria-thousands-protest-against-plans-for-12-hour-workday/a-44475182
In an unexpected move, this week the European Parliament rejected a highly controversial bill that critics claimed would stifle free speech and creativity on the internet.
The legislation, which was backed by media companies, publishers, and members of the music industry, including Paul McCartney, was ultimately accused of attempting to codify censorship.
The EU Parliament has recognized that machine censorship of copyright material is not an easy and simple fix. They’ve heard the massive opposition, including Internet blackouts and 750,000 people petitioning them against these proposals.
Though the directive in its current form has been rejected, it will now go back to the drawing board where members of parliament can propose changes. It will be put to another vote in September.
The US Air Force completed two more tests of the B61-12 gravity nuclear bomb by dropping a dud from a B-2 Spirit stealth bomber at the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada on June 9, as part of the multi-billion dollar project to extend the service life of the bomb, introduced in 1968, by another 20 years.
The bomb tests are a part of the Pentagon's $7.6 billion ' B61-12 Life Extension Program ', which aims to “refurbish, reuse, or replace all of the bomb’s nuclear and nonâ€nuclear components†and extend the service life of the B61 by at least 20 years.
Once the bomb is authorized for use in 2020, the US plans to deploy some 180 of the B61-12 precision-guided thermonuclear bombs to five European countries as follows:
* Belgium - 20;
* Germany -20;
* Italy - 70;
* Netherlands - 20;
US Plans to Deploy Its Upgraded Nuclear Bombs in Europe – Reports
It added that the issue is expected to be discussed during the two-day NATO summit due to commence in Brussels on July 11.
The source referred to the modernization of US tactical B61 bombs, which have reportedly been deployed in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Turkey since the 1960s.
The White House is considering the deployment of its modernized nuclear bombs at European military bases, Sputnik cited a diplomatic source as saying on Tuesday. 2018
http://www.globalresearch.ca/guess-where-the-us-will-house-its-new-modernized-nuclear-weapons-arsenal/5539984 2016
*In ondergrondse kluizen op vliegbasis Volkel in Brabant liggen 22 Amerikaanse atoombommen opgeslagen.*
*2013* Regeringen blijven tot nu toe altijd zwijgen over de mogelijke aanwezigheid ervan. Lubbers, premier van 1982 tot 1994, geeft het nu wel toe. https://www.nu.nl/binnenland/3496472/lubbers-bevestigt-opslag-kernwapens-volkel.html
Ook oud-premiers Ruud Lubbers en Dries van Agt bevestigden onlangs de aanwezigheid van kernwapens in Volkel. In een documentaire van /National Geographic/ zei Lubbers dat er 22 atoombommen op het Brabantse vliegveld liggen. https://www.nu.nl/binnenland/3561129/conflict-nederland-en-vs-atoombommen-volkel.html
*C*lick to See Details and Map of Nuclear Facilities located in 5 European “Non-Nuclear States†)
G-10 reveals what no one has ever disclosed before
The following intelligence report on NATO’s *Operation Gladio* was filed by former French undercover agent and computer scientist Marc Delantre.
The purpose of this report is to familiarize the reader with the super-secret “signal†that was actually created by the operational head of Gladio (now known as *G-10*) to communicate with M. Delantre. As difficult as this might be to comprehend, the hard digital evidence provided by *G-10*proves conclusively that this ongoing signaling initiative has been taking place throughout most of 2018.
Only by reading this extraordinary exposé can anyone begin to see the direct connection between Gladio and a growing number of terrorist operations perpetrated around the world. Were one to dig deeper into each attack, it would become quickly apparent that they each have a unique set of specific objectives as well as serve to advance an underlying global agenda (i.e. /New World Order/).
It’s crucial for every resident of planet Earth to understand that Gladio terrorism can show up anywhere, anytime and in any way.Â
Why Brussels? Because it’s also the Pedogate  capital of the world. Not only is the Belgium government completely controlled by the Pedogate  control mechanism, so is the NATO leadership and Gladio hierarchy.Â
In this manner, federal governments around the globe are likewise coerced into supporting the worldwide regime of terror that currently afflicts humanity.
Henceforth, the *North Atlantic Terrorist Organization* will be held responsible for the incessant terrorist attacks.Â
Gladio created a signal to communicate with his Messenger, Marc Delantre_
On September 16, 2014, when I was in Madagascar, the judge in Belgium in charge of my complaint opened by the Belgian Secret Service asked a police commissioner to investigate on my case.
Of course, this decision to send me a signal about their activities comes from the operational head of Gladio, and he is operating in my home country, Belgium, near NATO. We have known each other for very long time. He is one of the most powerful police officers in Belgium and all complaints that I tried to open against him failed.
Very short resume:
2008, undercover agent for DNEF Paris
2009-2012, protected agent for Mossad
2013-2018, informing agent for the Belgian Justice, Belgian/French Secret Service and Ministers
2017-2018, informing agent for other agencies including FBI (450 emails exchanged, including 150 received).
2014-2018, forced agent for Gladio.
1 far as I am concerned, Pete’s impressive legacy is gone forever due to the crass political manipulation of this company. If this footage were to be released to me for public distribution, it could be of key assistance in mitigating the awesome damage the Company is now suffering online.
2 Â
3 I nurtured that relationship and trust with Pete for eight years to build up to those tapings. This included weeks of time where my wife and I fed and cared for Pete in Boulder, as otherwise it would have been impossible to get him to appear and perform as needed.
4 Â
5 It was shocking to have his life’s work and legacy buried after this prodigious effort we made. The reasons for this suppression have never been given, other than that the content was not focused enough on the Secret Space Program.
2 Â
3 He has endured multiple death threats, the theft of all his property and the murder of his dog as an immediate result of having resurrected Cosmic Disclosure. Pete also had multiple death threats and the loss of all of his property after coming forward on this same program, which has created sizable earnings for Gaia as its flagship show.
4 Â
5 I was forced to do multiple fundraisers to bring Emery critical emergency funding while Gaia counts her money, enjoying a surging stock price and skyrocketing subscriber count. This has caused widespread questions in my audience as to why your top talent is not being supported. I was forced to conduct at least three similar fundraisers for Corey and two for Pete Peterson due to the total lack of support for whistleblowers at this company. As they say in Mexico, “No Mas.â€
6 Â
7 Your legalese-rich personal letter to me from June 29th accuses Corey of attempting to “obstruct disclosure,†while you effectively left my friends for dead. Emery IS disclosure, and that should be honored and protected – just as Pete’s legacy must be
1 There is an honorable way for the Company to conclude our professional relationship, and restoring the only footage of Pete’s public testimony would be a huge leap forward for Disclosure. If Pete’s footage is not released, then Gaia is directly obstructing disclosure from a very high-ranking, genuine insider who will soon be dead.
2 Â
3 Emery could very easily have been killed for being on your show. He still could. You lied to him, brought him in, milked his talent and left him to be torn apart by wild dogs. And now you are very obviously attempting to stockpile more episodes by acting as if we urgently need to do all these tapings. We do not.
4 Â
5 You directly aided and abetted my enemy, the Cabal, by being more than happy to gross some four million dollars a month (your latest quarterly subscriber total was announced as 430,000) while forcing Emery Smith to live in hotels and rental cars. He barely had enough money for food and you slammed the door in his face every time he asked.
6 Â
7 Even Emery and Olivia’s desperate, impoverished homeless life would have been impossible to afford had it not been financed almost exclusively by my emergency fundraisers – which have further degraded my public credibility and reputation.
8 Â
9 Forcing me to raise money to properly pay your talents is not an acceptable business model.
D_vid W_lcock Resigns, G___ TV Abuses Confirmed LUCIFER
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DVFT2h5JBA4 )
https://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2018/07/08/just-a-brief-note-about-david-wilcock-corey-goode-and-gaia-tv/ )
Larry Silverstein was caught admitting on camera that he planned to build an entirely new World Trade Center 7 (WTC-7) building one year before the 9/11 attacks had occurred.
Fifty days before 9/11, Larry Silverstein's Silverstein Properties and Frank Lowy's Westfield America secured a 99-year lease on World Trade Center Buildings One, Two, Four and Five. Silverstein already owned Building Seven , aka the Salomon building. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey handed over control of the World Trade Center to Silverstein and Lowy on July 24, 2001, an "historic" agreement and "one of the largest privatization initiatives in history.
Will Larry Silverstein ever be brought to justice for 9/11 insurance fraud? by Dr Kevin Barrett
The groups being charged are Against SOS Mediterranee, Sea-Watch, Doctors without Borders Germany, Save The Children Germany, Jugend Rettet (all Berlin), Mission Lifeline (Dresden) and Sea-Eye (Regensburg).
The controversial NGOs have come under scrutiny lately for their efforts picking up illegal immigrants off the coast of Libya under the pretense they are “being rescued from drowning†and bringing them to Europe.
The captain of a ship run by Dresden-based Mission Lifeline, Claus-Peter Reisch, has also been arrested in Malta
According to the AfD,
the NGOs use their people-trafficking activity to acquire donations totalling millions of Euros. SOS Mediterranée has an annual  budget of around €4 million, Sea-Watch €1.7 million, Sea-Eye €500.000 and Mission Lifeline (which just began raising money in Fall of 2017) €250.000.
JULY 8, 2018
*Grootschalige samenwerking om mensen de EU in te smokkelen*
Some of the organizations involved in migrant rescue include Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontiers), SOS Mediterranee, Save the Children, and Malta-based Mobile Offshore Aid Station (MOAS).
Een Europese organisatie, Gefira, heeft min of meer per toeval ontdekt dat met behulp van de Italiaanse maffia, de Italiaanse autoriteiten en kustwacht, en in samenwerking met de Europese Unie, Afrikanen die niet voor asiel in aanmerking komen met opzet Europa binnen gesmokkeld worden via de volgende NGO's: MOAS, Jugend Rettet, Stichting Bootvluchting, Médecins Sans Frontières, Save the Children, Proactiva Open Arms, Sea-Watch.org, Sea-Eye en Life Boat.
Bootvluchteling-helpt-tienduizenden-illegalen-uit-Afrika-naar-Europa-te-smokkelen te smokkelen
De in Zeewolde gevestigde Nederlandse Stichting Bootvluchteling is één van de NGO’s die met vaak voor symbolische bedragen gehuurde schepen tienduizenden illegalen voor de kust van Afrika oppikken en naar Europa smokkelen.
http://xandernieuws.punt.nl/content/2016/12/Stichting-Bootvluchteling-helpt-tienduizenden-illegalen-uit-Afrika-naar-Europa-te-smokkelen )
A feud has broken out between liberal billionaire activist and fervent Clinton supporter, George Soros, and Italy's anti-immigrant League party, which on Friday formed a populist movement in coalition with the 5-Star party, and whose leader Matteo Salvini stepped into his new job as Deputy Prime Minister..
In response, George Soros flipped out, openly suggesting that Salvini might be financed by Vladimir Putin..
Despite mirth, memes, and mockery, Trump’s ‘Space Force’ is no farce
JULY 5,2018
Just shortly after posting this message on Facebook, it was mysteriously removed, along with several other posts. The Facebook censorship of these files seems to be echoed by Reddit’s removal of similar files yesterday.
We The People have the God Given right to know the truth. Mr. Nasif agreed to share this publicly so the People can see and decide for themselves what really took place during previous administrations and why our POTUS must drain the swamp of corruption in D.C.
3 july 2018
we have the server
“They will give the new Iraqi Government a chance to organize itself, and restructure the Sunni resistance in Syria, moving the center of power toward moderate forces like the Free Syrian Army (FSA). “
This will make certain Basher al Assad does not gain an advantage from these operations. Finally, as it now appears the U.S. is considering a plan to offer contractors as advisors to the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, we will be in a position to coordinate more effectively between the Peshmerga and the Iraqi Army.
After having confiscated their permanent chair at the National Security Council from the president of the chiefs of staff and the director of the CIA, he gave the order to cease support for the jihadists. Progressively, we saw Al-Qaeda and Daesh lose ground. This policy continues today with the withdrawal of US support for the jihadists in Southern Syria. From now on, they no longer form private armies, but only scattered groups which are used for occasional terrorist actions.
Similarly, he first of all pretended to give up dissolving NATO if it would agree to add an anti-terrorist function to its anti-Russian function.
11 Quick Things To Know About The Inspector General’s Report
The Justice Department inspector general report about the FBI reveals a shocking anti-Trump, pro-Hillary bias endemic to the agency's related investigations.
During the IG’s testimony last week, FBI director Christopher Wray was asked about the Parkland school shooting.
But after, the report reads, the server appears to have been secretly replaced with one that looked similar.
The FBI arrested Imran at the airport in July 2017 for alleged bank fraud that occurred six months prior, and Democrats have since claimed that the case is about nothing but bank fraud.
Already facing rape and criminal [censored] act charges and a potential 25-years behind bars, Harvey Weinstein today was hit with even heavier legal weight from the Manhattan D.A. – that could see him in jail for life.
What life is like for Paul Manafort in jail
The Syrian Army has gotten its hands on another huge cache of weapons and ammunition, including US-made TOW anti-tank missile systems, chemical warfare, minesweeping and communications equipment and even armored vehicles. Some of the supplies appear to be brand new, as if militants did not get the chance to use them against government forces.
The Battle in Southern Syria Is Coming to an End: Israel Bowed to Russia’s Will
"Today, it is clear that Israel’s intentions have been defeated when it can announce that for the Syrian army to cross the 1974 disengagement line it means crossing red line"
In fact, the OPCW, I’m sad to say, is being turned into a branch of NATO, an arm, a tool of NATO. Already, the Western powers have immense influence within the OPCW.
What this is, it represents a milestone in the British-led (Americans are not far behind) attempt to prepare a pretext to bomb Syria again, as happened in April. Only next time, the bombing is going to be much heavier. What’s happening with this Hague decision is the conditioning of the international opinion, the conditioning of Western public opinion to prepare for the coming strike. http://theduran.com/former-british-ambassador-to-syria-says-opcw-turning-into-nato-tool-for-war/
Secret US 2006 Gov’t Document Reveals Plan To Destabilize Syria By Using Extremists, Muslim Brotherhood, Elections JULY 3, 2018
For instance, in 2006, TIME revealed a leaked two-page document circulating amongst key figures in the Bush administration that openly stated that the U.S. was “supporting regular meetings of internal and diaspora Syrian activists†in Europe. https://www.activistpost.com/2018/07/secret-us-2006-govt-document-reveals-plan-to-destabilize-syria-by-using-extremists-muslim-brotherhood-elections.html?
For the news sources that are critical of the current administration, one is led to believe that this is a recent problem that just started.
!!However, this limited and biased view is not even close to the truth.
Health Impact News has covered the issue of child trafficking of minor children coming across the U.S. borders since 2016, when Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) [published a six-month investigation..
Focusing on a couple of thousand children currently in border facilities without their parents also ignores a far greater problem, one that is a national crisis, and that is the 400,000+ children who have been taken away from their parents, and the practice of child trafficking...
[censored]ually Trafficking Children Through Foster Care
If one reads through all the links above, it will become rather obvious that we were able to write and publish articles about [censored] trafficking through foster care, with clear evidence and examples given....
Child refugees attempting suicide amid increasing desperation among thousands of trapped migrants in Greece
Refugee crisis - in pictures
MALMÖ, Sweden — Tens of thousands of migrant children are “missing†in Europe, victims of both criminal gangs and the EU’s failing refugee policy.
As reported by Europol there is a “tremendous amount of crossover†between smugglers smuggling refugees across borders and gangs ensnaring people for forced [censored]ual and labour exploitation.
*Europol* (samentrekking van *European Police Office*) is een multinationale onderzoeksorganisatie en het samenwerkingsverband van de politiediensten van de Europese Unie . De oprichting van de organisatie werd vastgelegd in het Verdrag van Maastricht (1992) maar voor de feitelijke oprichting is een apart verdrag tussen de lidstaten tot stand gekomen. Europol is volledig operationeel sinds 1 juli 1999. Het hoofdkwartier van de dienst is gevestigd in Den Haag , Nederland .
Europol organiseert de informatie-uitwisseling tussen de politiediensten van alle 28 lidstaten van de Europese Unie .
BERLIJN - De Duitse geheime dienst heeft jarenlang Europol in Den Haag afgeluisterd. De Europese politie-organisatie werd door de Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) in het grootste geheim in de smiezen gehouden. Ook de kantoren van Interpol werden in veel verschillende landen getapt.
Het magazine uit Hamburg stelt dat het over de spionageaffaire documenten heeft ingezien, waaruit blijkt dat de Duitsers sinds het jaar 2000 Europol in de Hofstad afluisterden. Dat gebeurde ook bij kantoren van Interpol in de Verenigde Staten, talrijke Europese en andere landen.
Met behulp van bepaalde zoekbegrippen, zogeheten 'selectoren’, bespioneerde de BND e-mailadressen, telefoon- en faxnummers van Europol en Interpol. Ook het Interpol-hoofdkantoor in het Franse Lyon werd getapt.
In het kader van het door de naar Moskou gevluchte klokkenluider Edward Snowden bekend geworden afluisterschandaal rond de Amerikaanse inlichtingendienst NSA is al enkele jaren duidelijk dat de BND de Amerikaanse collega’s van de NSA hielp met hun afluisterpraktijken in Europa. Nu lijkt er nieuw bewijs voor de spionage van de BND in EU-landen te zijn, waaronder Nederland.
Een woordvoerster van Europol wilde nog geen commentaar op de beschuldigingen van spionage jegens de Europese politieorganisatie geven.
Op 8 juni 2004 stond op www.politiek digitaal. nl;
Europol’s oprichter Willy Bruggeman en chef-Europol Jürgen Storbeck luidden de noodklok: Europol moet een executieve inlichtingen- en recherchedienst worden conform het model van CIA en FBI.â€
It happened on May 13, 2009, at around 2.20 AM and the flying object had interestingly two aliens sitting in the UFO.
Jun 8, 2018
Secret dossier reveals British spies spent half a century trying to catch a UFO so they could use its alien technology to build SUPERWEAPONS
New Files Reveal That British Intelligence (MI5) Was Desperate To Reverse Engineer UFO Technology
Trump's space force could expose US military's black projects, claims top UFO researcher
There are a lot of people in the US government who are extremely against the Space Force. It makes me wonder why. My main thought is there has long been a theory of a secret space programme that is vastly more advanced than anything we could imagine. So people in the military will be against the idea of creating a Space Force because one already exists. These missions continue to be funded by black project dollars," said Glockner in the video.
Trump call for Space Force a Step towards Disclosure of USAF Secret Space Program
One of these desks was known to the public and would take calls from concerned Brits about possible UFO sightings .
The other worked in the background and did the “real work†of sending spies to investigate these claims.
A report entitled “UAPs†(Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) in the UK Air Defence Region set to be released after being declassified.
The report makes up a part of three files running to more than 1,000 pages which were held back from the UFO records earmarked for transfer to the National Archives as part of the Open Government project from 2008 to 2013. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6672345/secret-files-reveal-mi5-ufo-hunt-50-years-russia-flying-saucers/
Bolton had hardly left Moscow when the media began its attacks. US allies are “nervous†over the planned summit, reported Reuters. They did not quote any US ally claiming to be nervous, but they did speculate that both the UK and Ukraine would not be happy were the US and Russia to improve relations. But why is that? The current Ukrainian government is only in power because the Obama Administration launched a coup against its democratically-elected president to put US puppets in charge. They’re right to be nervous. And the British government is also right to be worried.
Finish it the hell up'
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XLVSD9K5kp0 )
NSA deleting more than 685 million call records due
to 'technical irregularities'
WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency is deleting more than 685 million call records the government obtained since 2015 from telecommunication companies in connection with investigations..
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/1/nsa-deletes-685-million-call-records-obtained-2015/ )
Wow! The NSA has deleted 685 million phone calls and text messages. Privacy violations? They blame technical irregularities. Such a disgrace. The Witch Hunt continues!
QAnon links US Attorney with thousands of sealed indictments decimating the Deep State
According to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the investigation represents the biggest health-care fraud case the DOJ has ever undertaken
Queen Elizabeth II rigs U.S. elections with George Soros. Listen to Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben explain how this works.
You will be astonished and outraged that the British Empire and George Soros have corrupted voting machines around the world,
including in the United States.
http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/wikileaks-george-soros-controlling-vote-16-states-using-smartmatic-voting-machines/ )
Smartmatic International is owned by a Netherlands corporation, which is in turn owned by a Curacao corporation, which is in turn held by a number of Curacao trusts controlled by proxy holders who represent unnamed investors, almost certainly among them Venezuelans Mugica and Anzola and possibly others. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2006/03/forget_dubai_worry_about_smart.html )
European Union leaders are preparing for the imminent break-up of their beloved global task force Nato, according to EU President Donald Tusk.Â
/“Despite our tireless efforts to keep the unity of the west, transatlantic relations are under immense pressure due to the policies of President Trump,â€/ Mr Tusk told EU leaders at a dinner on Thursday night.
..â€Trump's latest lies are an open attack on the German government and the European Union. This U.S. president was never a partner. He is an aggressive opponent and should be treated as such.â€
“Vladimir Putin operates in the shadows. The Russian president controls a clever disinformation campaign with the aim of upsetting the populations of Western countries, discrediting their institutions..â€
http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/donald-trump-s-attacks-on-germany-the-enemy-in-the-white-house-a-1214058.html )
http://www.investmentwatchblog.com/heres-the-real-reason-theyre-after-trump-and-his-supporters-its-not-a-battle-of-left-vs-right/ )
They’ve even got video equipment on hand to record the incident so that it can be spread as part of their propaganda
http://theduran.com/white-helmets-observed-preparing-for-new-chemical-weapons-provocation/ )
Iranian Armed Forces spokesman Brigadier General Bolfazl Shekarchi reported Sunday that a US cargo vessel with chemicals onboard escorted by a warship had entered the Persian Gulf.
The deal was simple: Assange would be granted “immunity/safe passage†to leave the embassy to attend talks with the U.S. to discuss the possibility of “risk mitigation†relating to WikiLeaks releases of CIA documents in the possession of WikiLeaks.
According to RFK Jr., the CDC is not an independent government agency but is actually a subsidiary of Big Pharma.
Blaxill was the man who found out that HHS, through NIH, owns patents on all HPV vaccines, and receives a percentage of the profits for each dose of Gardasil and Cervarix administered anywhere in the world.
He published the stunning revelation in a detailed three part expose entitled,
A father of two who worked for a pharmaceutical company and who studied vaccines was murdered in front of his two children while camping.
https://thefreethoughtproject.com/scientist-who-studied-safer-alternative-to-traditional-vaccines-murdered-in-front-of-his-children/ )
“van de zweverige website die ongefundeerde
claims op het web neerplemptâ€
weet je waar je over oordeelt?
heb je enig idee?
onvoorstelbaar ...
President Trump’s administration has all but given the green light for Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin to destroy the Obama/CIA-backed rebel terrorist groups operating in southwest Syria.
The United States has told Syrian rebel factions they should not expect military support to help resist a Russian-backed government offensive to regain opposition-held parts of Syria bordering Jordan and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.
A copy of a message sent by Washington to heads of Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups, which was seen by Reuters, said the U.S. government wanted to make clear that “you should not base your decisions on the assumption or expectation of a military intervention by usâ€.
To our knowledge this is the only time a major media organization has directly asked a high ranking foreign policy adviser from the Obama administration to own up to the years long White House support to jihadists in Syria .
In a sign of detente following the summit between leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump ,
North Korea has decided to skip one of the most symbolic and politically charged events of its calendar:
Time magazine decided to take “fake†news to new levels of jaw-cropping falsity with their latest story of a Honduran toddler crying while accompanying her mother into the U.S.
Dozens of newspapers and magazines around the globe published a picture of a little girl and her mother Sandra Sanchez trying to get into the U.S., but everything about the story is false.
The two-year old and her mother were never separated; additionally, Mrs. Sandra Sanchez was previously deported for illegal border crossing. This is the second time Sandra Sanchez was stopped attempting to gain entry, making her effort a felony under U.S. law.
The father of the child has told media and government officials, and the Honduran government confirms , the toddler’s mom abandoned her other three children in Honduras and there was no economic hardship. Â
Everything about this story is fabricated; however, that didn’t stop the media and politicians from attempting to exploit the narrative.
The very reason this ‘kids in cages’ story has even come into public view is that the Left is trying to cast the Trump Administration in a bad light, based on their current ‘Zero Tolerance’ Immigration Policy.
The response from the Right? They were able to identify the photo below, which was used and shared as part of the criticism of Trump’s Zero Tolerance policy,as a photo taken in 2014 — while the country was under the Obama Administration.
ben je geinteresseerd in qanon, trump, ruimtewezens/ extraterrestials enz
dan moet je hier niet zijn.
zie de reacties
x mag geen beschaafde vraag stellen over q
dan is t gelijk boycotten dmv “ dream on†(meer voorbeelden in de reacties)
dat is de standaard quote
of t wordt duidelijk gemaakt op een andere manier
als onderwerpen niet volgens de richtlijnen zijn
en q niet lezen
want dan ben je volgens de reageerders
voor israel en tegen de palestijnen....
waarom iederen afzeiken die een andere mening heeft.. treowd
veroordelen, censureren, simpele reacties plaatsen als ‘dream on’ enz
en over het systeem
genoemd in de website
zomaar enkele links in n reactie hieronder
In November 2003 the Dutch Government allocated 52 million euro to fund the infrastructure of LOFAR under the Bsik programme. In accordance with Bsik guidelines,
The 'Zernikeborg' building, which houses the University of Groningen's computing center
The *Low-Frequency Array* or *LOFAR*, is a large radio telescope network located mainly in the Netherlands, completed in 2012 by ASTRON , the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy and its international partners, and operated by ASTRON's radio observatory, of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.
.The project is based on an interferometric array of radio telescopes using about 20,000 small antennas concentrated in at least 48 stations. Forty of these stations are distributed across the Netherlands and were funded by ASTRON. The five stations in Germany , and one each in Great Britain , France , Sweden and Ireland , were funded by these countries.
HAARP und LOFAR generieren Elfwellen (Skalarwellen)
LOIS ist DAS GRÖSSTE HAARP SYSTEM DER WELT und steht in Verbindung mit dem LOFAR System in Mitteleuropa und Icecat im Norden.
Diese Anlage ist bis jetzt der Welt noch recht unbekannt.
Was ist eigentlich HAARP, LOIS, oder LOFAR ?
Goed om te lezen dat er nog mensen zijn in de alternatieve wereld die niet met het Q virus besmet zijn.
Ik zie het als een sterk mind-control middel, want de mensen die er helemaal in zitten, zijn net gehersenspoeld. Ik schrik ervan.
Inderdaad de onverschilligheid tegenover b.v. de Palestijnen, het openlijke haat zaaien tegenover moslims, het opeens VOOR Israël zijn (Mike Donkers) maakt me misselijk. Hoe blind kan je zijn....de waarneming heeft plaats gemaakt voor fantasy. Dat Q een psy-op is, is toch meer dan duidelijk...en Trump als 100% Zionist speelt een actieve rol in het geheel en wordt door deze 'onnozelen' als redder gezien...wat een waanzin!!
Je zou toch denken na al die jaren voorlichting en waarheid zoeken dat het kwartje is gevallen, maar nee hoor, ze gaan ook nog lelijk doen tegenover hun 'oude maten' die het niet met Q/Fullford/Trump eens zijn.
Heel erg jammer...de verdeling viert hoogtij.
Verspil je tijd niet met zo een onzin.
Nu kijken we al een ruime tijd ertegen aan, en de wereld is alleen meer verdeeld.
Ik heb een hele tijd geleden al voorspeld, dat het zogenaamde 'moslim-terrorisme' alleen er is en wij er zo veel over lezen, om Israël een wereldwijde rechtvaardiging te geven om verder genocide te plegen aan de Palestijnen.
En ja, het is nu zichtbaar, dat er weer een stel mensen zijn zonder kennis maar met vooral veel geloof en zich door ene Q laten informeren....als het niet zo serieus was, was het om te lachen.
Volgens mij zijn zich de meeste 'Q-followers' helemaal niet bewust, wat daar gebeurt in Gaza!
Waarom zo ignorant?
(merkwaardig dat er iemand tussen een reactie op een reactie, zijn reactie kan plaatsen...beviel die niet zo?)
Wilde aan x meegeven dat hij moest blijven dromen, mogelijk was zijn reactie 04-06-2018 06:56 vanuit die status geschreven...Maar ja...
Klopt het.
En ja, altijd zo geweest.
[Israel Funnels Millions to Erase Palestinian History](https://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-funnels-millions-to-erase-palestinian-history/5642635)
*SEE ALSO* [israel busy destroying archaeological evidence in West Bank & substituting it with fake jewish history](https://uprootedpalestinians.wordpress.com/2016/11/23/israel-busy-destroying-archaeological-evidence-in-west-bank-substituting-it-with-fake-jewish-history/)
[UN official humiliates Netanyahu over fake Jewish history lesson](https://uprootedpalestinians.wordpress.com/2016/05/09/un-official-humiliates-netanyahu-over-fake-jewish-history-lesson/)
[israel’s attempt to re-write history exposed by UNESCO, even to the point of fake jewish graves](https://uprootedpalestinians.wordpress.com/2016/04/19/israels-attempt-to-re-write-history-exposed-by-unesco-even-to-the-point-of-fake-jewish-graves/)
[Jewish history in Egypt & Palestine a total invention, the Exodus is fake](https://uprootedpalestinians.wordpress.com/2015/04/19/jewish-history-in-egypt-palestine-a-total-invention-the-exodus-is-fake/)
[The Old Testament, written by Jews, justifying the jewish occupation of Palestine appears to be the earliest example of “fake newsâ€](https://uprootedpalestinians.wordpress.com/2017/11/02/the-old-testament-written-by-jews-justifying-the-jewish-occupation-of-palestine-appears-to-be-the-earliest-example-of-fake-news/)
[Seems everything about israel’s “history†is fake](https://uprootedpalestinians.wordpress.com/2017/08/30/seems-everything-about-israels-history-is-fake/)
[Israel has been busy for years destroying real Middle Eastern history to replace with their own Old Testament fake myths](https://uprootedpalestinians.wordpress.com/2017/07/30/israel-has-been-busy-for-years-destroying-real-middle-eastern-history-to-replace-with-their-own-old-testament-fake-myths/)
[israel busy destroying Jerusalem’s history and replacing it with fake artifacts](https://uprootedpalestinians.wordpress.com/2016/10/22/israel-busy-destroying-jerusalems-history-and-replacing-it-with-fake-artifacts/)
[Jewish attempts to re-write history in regards to Palestine are being exposed](https://uprootedpalestinians.wordpress.com/2016/06/10/jewish-attempts-to-re-write-history-in-regards-to-palestine-are-being-exposed/)
[UNESCO: ‘No Jewish history in Jerusalem’](https://uprootedpalestinians.wordpress.com/2016/04/21/unesco-no-jewish-history-in-jerusalem/)
For the record, the Pope is indeed having a terrible May in Australia due to the courts Down Under having decided that the *pedophilia trial of Cardinal Pell will now proceed forward*, with or without daily public media sensationalism.
However, focus, people, focus: Q said "because *those who backed him* will be pushed into the light." That statement doesn't have much to do with the Pell trial nor with the pope's pondering retirement. So, then, who backed the Pope?
When Anons requested further insight from Q about the "terrible May" remark, he responded with this line: *"The 'Chair' serves the Master. Who is the Master?"* and he made it clear that the "Chair" referred to the papal throne, the Pope himself.
But what does that have to do with Jerome Corsi?" The connection is that both Pope Francis and Jerome Corsi share a *mutual master*.
The Holy Grail of Who Rules and Controls All. Part II.
They control the Negative Military through the Knights of Malta (SMOM):
They control the negative police and polarize political parties through Knights of Columbus:
They control business endeavor through mafia clans:
meer hier:
Claims van ruimtewezens of hoe de kern van de aarde er uit kan zien zijn fabelachtige "waarheden" verder nergens op gefundeerd.... loze claims....
Nasa Astro-Not Puppet Show an ISS expose Fake Space Station!! FUNNY (niet alleen funny....crimineel onwaar)
voorzichtigheid gewenst, goed filteren....dubbel checken..
Hollywood heeft specifiek die mythe gecreerd ter dwaalspoor omdat men weg wenst te leiden van het van oorsprong zionistische 'joodse' crime syndicaat...
Israel: The Promised Land of Organized Crime - Full Version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMbw5X_eeJg
The Papal Bloodlines / The Secret Shadow Hierarchy of The Jesuit Order https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOQNm2EZ-7o
Donald Trump Was Trained By... All The World's A Stage
Jermey paxman
Aka tommy robinson?
Zie ook reacties
Verder onderzoek volgt.
Als je bedenkt dat het VS-congres/senaat uit 89% uit leden bestaat die een dubbele nationaliteit hebben, die uit de VS en uit ISrahell. Ongelofelijk...in GB proberen ze ook op die manier te infiltreren, is zeker in andere landen ook het doel.
Zag ook de verdeel en heers tactiek
Vandaar even verder gekeken.
En het is ook niet zo zeer het Islamitisch geloof het terrorisme komt geheel ergens anders vandaan zoals onder in de reacties ook verder te lezen is. En het geldt voor beide geloven dat men op de terugkeer van 'christus' aan het wachten is maar men zal van een koude kermis thuiskomen als men erachter gaat komen dat de 'duivel' een loopje met ze neemt ...
Zonder de intentie te heben tot het beledigen van beide partijen zoniet mogelijk meer partijen. De Christ is in ons Zelf aanwezig in onze ida en pingala in onze neutrale olie , daar zit de ware kracht, maar door 'zondig' aka niet echt zuiver te leven (geen geloofse vroomheid, nederigheid) veroorzaakt men dit als het ware zelf.
De mensheid heeft de zeggenschap of zorgschap (dat komt met de verantwoordelijkheid van hogere intelligentie) voor de dieren , men eet ze op....
En allerlei vuile chemische ingredienten in supermarkt spullen etc. Daarbij komt het ook nog eens dat men met zeer veel moeite de zintuigen kan beheersen tot haast niet. Zonder die discipline geen 'christ consciousness aka terugkeer van ...dus geeft men als het ware praises to the devil....[censored]ueel gericht gedrag zonder enige discipline zal er voor zorgen dat je je kostbare olie op het vuur gooit...
Het gaat ver en diep, maar het bevat de juiste informatie...
Een ieder kan zijn of haar Christ zelf doen ontwaken, wachten is als wachten tot je huis geschilderd wordt als jeen verfemmer neerzet met een kwast op de deksel, je zult zelf in actie moeten komen.... Ook je eetpatroon heeft dan een overdenking nodig....naast de nodige actie...
Trump Campaign Infiltrated By Longtime CIA And MI6 Asset
Groot schandaal in de VS
Halper has longstanding ties to the CIA and MI6, the British intelligence service. Halper’s father-in-law was CIA legend Ray Cline, and he is currently a partner at the Cambridge Security Initiative with Sir Richard Dearlove, the former MI6 chief.
Dearlove reportedly met with Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier, in September 2016 to discuss how to investigate possible ties between the Trump campaign and the Russian government
Britain’s spy service’s connections to shadowy investigations into Donald Trump have grown stronger with the revelation that academic Stefan Halper was spying on the president’s campaign and doing it on British soil.
His partner is Sir Richard Dearlove, who directed Britain’s foreign spying operation known as MI6, the country’s CIA, from 1999 to 2004.
Outing of FBI informant underscores British spy service’s ties to shadowy Trump investigations
His partner is Sir Richard Dearlove, who directed Britain’s foreign spying operation known as MI6, the country’s CIA, from 1999 to 2004.
Papadopoulos, according to the Daily Caller, which first reported on Mr. Halper and his outreach this spring.
Intelligence experts say that because Mr. Halper was carrying out a U.S. operation in Britain, Washington likely informed and received the blessing of MI6.
June 1, 2018
Here’s Why Obama Clearly Ordered The Spying on Trump
Sara Carter reported that concealed FISA documents hold the key—not because they were
the origin of SPYGATE but because each new application had to include earlier supporting
intelligence, i.e., Obama’s authorization. And the director of the British surveillance agency,
GCHQ, Robert Hannigan, quit three days after Trump’s inauguration for “personal†and “health†reasons.
( Yes, the FBI Was Investigating the Trump Campaign When It Spied
https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/05/trump-campaign-spying-obama-administration-investigation/ )
RAPID FIRE = a movie by that name involving a corrupt FBI
'Flood is coming' = FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe sent an email with the subject line "Flood is coming" I
Enjoy the show.
Washington and its “puppets†tried, and failed, to destroy Syria – and the US military will eventually be forced out of the country: These are a few of the highlights from RT’s exclusive interview with President Bashar Assad.
Zo heeft men tal van landen overgenomen, maar dit plan lag en ligt breder...richting Greater israel en uiteindelijk nwo vandaar ook de aanslag als excuus om de start ervan te kunnen waarborgen....
ISIS: The Start | Full Documentary
Een en al vooropgezet plan ...satanisch vals ... van al qaida richting isis vanuit hun eigen regie...
kill Switch Diplomacy: How the Rothschilds Prepared China to Be the Next USA
Tel aviv heeft zelfs een boulevard genaamd.....
Rothschild’s and Rockefeller’s Team Up! Here’s What They Have Have Kept SECRET! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykzan99DPBE
must see
The Monologue: The EU Coup In Italy Explained & Russian Journalist Back From The Dead
Italiaanse president blokkeert anti-EU regering, pleegt de facto staatsgreep namens Brussel’
Staged journo murder in Kiev
'obvious anti-Russian provocation'
On Tuesday, headlines were filled with reports out of Ukraine – which not a single journalist decided to fact-check – that a prominent anti-Putin journalist, Arkady Babachenko, had been murdered in his Kiev apartment – “shot three times in the back†after returning from the store to buy bread.
Immediately, the echo chamber shouted “Putin’s fault.â€
The next day, Babachenko showed up at a press conference, where Ukrainian authorities announced that his death had been an elaborate hoax in order to catch his actual assassins who they claim are now in custody.
Following his “death,†Ukrainian officials confirmed Babachenko had been shot and said it was believed he had been targeted due to his work as an anti-Putin journalist.
Ukrainian authorities patted themselves on the back during Wednesday’s press conference,
No one had trouble believing this story; no one even considered questioning it. It was gruesomely familiar, similar to the many horrifying stories we’d already heard from Russia, Ukraine, and other countries where journalists are killed for their reporting....
And in doing so, Ukraine has significantly damaged its credibility when it comes to making sweeping claims of aggression by Vladimir Putin.
over 'moord' op Russische journalist Babchenko
Wat een verhaal hè, van die Babchenko? Eerst was ie dood. En toen was ie niet meer dood, maar zat ie in een complot met de Oekraïense geheime dienst. Nepper dan dit kun je nepnieuws niet krijgen.
Assange embarrasses US govt, CIA; they fear him & his revelations – Max Blumenthal
Government Blocks Julian Assange Internet Access, See his Reaction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQxkfgktvec
Keep up the good work guy's .....
May 18, 2018
VATICAN CITY — Every bishop in Chile offered his resignation to Pope Francis after a three-day meeting at the Vatican to discuss the clerical [censored]ual abuse scandal.
The bishops will continue in office unless or until the pope accepts their resignations.
The FBI’s release includes heavily redacted pages and also a large number of deleted pages, among other unredacted documents.
How $65,000 Was Stolen From You
*(& From Each American)*
May 23, 2018
Newly released documents show Doug Band served as a liaison for Clinton Foundation donors looking for favors and official acts from the Clinton-run State Department, the ACLJ reported.
Doug Band was the ‘go-to’ guy for Clinton Foundation donors.
If they needed anything from Hillary Clinton, they would email Doug Band and within minutes he would forward the message to Huma Abedin and or Cheryl Mills to help expedite the favor.
Deputy FM: Issue is not even up for discussion May 23 2018
One of the 12 demands issued by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was a complete pullout from Syria of all pro-Iranian forces. Iran hasn’t really had a chance to respond, but Syria has already chimed in, rejecting the idea.
What did the group actually do?
In 2013, the former chancellor and other former politicians from the group lobbied US Members of Congress, officials in the Executive Branch and their staff in coordination with Manafort, the indictment says.
How much did the group get paid?
According to the filing, Manafort paid the group more than 2 million euros in 2012 and 2013, wiring the money through at least four offshore accounts.
They were informally called the “Hapsburg group,†a misspelled reference to the monarchy that ruled parts of central Europe through World War I.
Under that umbrella, former European heads of state were secretly paid more than 2 million euros ($2.4 million) by Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, to aid lobbying for Ukraine, according to a superseding indictment filed against Manafort Feb. 23 by U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
While none of the former leaders is named in the indictment, other documents lead to Romano Prodi, former prime minister of Italy;Â Alfred Gusenbauer, former chancellor of Austria; and Aleksander Kwasniewski, former president of Poland. In interviews or statements Saturday, all denied being paid by Manafort. Prodi and Gusenbauer said they advocated for better relations between Ukraine and the European Union before a 2014 uprising.
Gusenbauer told the BBC that he had visited with members of Congress in 2013, part of a “noble†effort to bring Ukraine closer to the EU. He said he understood he was paid for his efforts by a U.S. company but not by Manafort or President Viktor Yanukovych’s government.
( Manafort would not confirm whether the texts were genuine, but in a Politico story last month on the texts, he indicated that some of them were.
https://edition.cnn.com/2017/03/10/politics/ukraine-manafort-hacked-texts/index.html )
Manafort’s work in Ukraine coincided with the purchase of at least four prime pieces of real estate in the United States, worth a combined $11 million, between 2006 and early 2012.[90]
Paul Manafort's firm Mercury, who was fired from the president's campaign over reports he may have accepted nearly $13 million in illicit payments by the Ukrainian government.
"Although both the Podesta Group and Mercury have said they believed the center was an independent group that was not funded or directed by Ukraine's government, lobbying reports show extensive work for Ukraine's government," CNN reported.
According to CNN's report, the Podesta Group arranged a meeting between Ukraine's foreign minister and Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., who was chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's Europe subcommittee.
Though Manafort appears to have attracted a greater deal of media attention for his work with Ukraine, the Podesta Group was paid more by the think tank than Mercury - the firms earned $1 million and $720,000 between 2012 and 2014 respectively.
CNN's 1,600-word report on the lobbying firm's new filing, though thorough and detailed, failed to note Tony Podesta's involvement in fundraising for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. It also did not mention that the Podesta Group was co-founded by Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.
Tony Podesta, current chairman of the firm, was a bundler for Clinton's campaign. By July of 2016 alone, Podesta had raised $268,000 for the campaign and $31,000 for the Hillary Victory Fund. Clinton's campaign website lists him among its "Hillblazers," described as "individuals who have contributed and/or raised $100,000 or more for Hillary for America, the Hillary Victory Fund, and/or the Hillary Action Fund" since the campaign's launch.
Podesta’s work on behalf of ECMU was alleged back then to be undisclosed influence peddling on behalf of the Yanukovych. In early 2014, The Ukrainian-American diaspora actively protested Podesta’s accepting cash from the ECMU, as the desperate Yanukovich government turned to brutal methods to disrupt the EuroMaidan protests. The anti-Moscow Ukrainian opposition denounced the payments as “blood money from the regime fronted by and funneled†through the ECMU. Podesta’s work for ECMU ended only when Yanukovich and his government fled at the conclusion of the 2014 EuroMaidan protests.
The October indictment charges Manafort with laundering millions that came from Yanukovich. Manafort’s relationship with Yanukovich was widely known inside Ukrainian political circles, as well as to Clinton campaign head John Podesta’s brother Tony Podesta, who worked directly for Manafort while he represented Yanukovich.
Their work included lobbying "multiple Members of Congress and their staffs about Ukraine sanctions" and "the validity of Ukraine elections," according to the indictment.
Calling the center “a mouthpiece for Yanukovych and the Party of Regions,†prosecutors allege that Manafort and Gates had an “informal agreement†with the center to lobby on the Ukrainian government’s behalf.
Federal prosecutors allege that Manafort and Gates worked as agents of the Ukrainian government through the center but failed to register in the U.S. as such, a violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. The pair hired two D.C. lobbying firms — Mercury and the Podesta Group — to work on their behalf and allegedly under their supervision.
The center doesn’t seem to have registered on the E.U.’s Transparency Register, which would deprive it of access to top EU officials, said Albi Alla, an attorney at Alber & Geiger in Brussels.
Proposing to rewrite Wikipedia entries to smear a key opponent of the then Ukrainian president.
Setting up a fake thinktank in Vienna to disseminate viewpoints supporting Yanukovych.
A social media blitz “aimed at targeted audiences in Europe and the USâ€.
Briefing journalists
The documents reveal another surreptitious operation to influence international opinion. In 2010 Yanukovych defeated his rival Yulia Tymoshenko in presidential elections. The following summer Ukrainian prosecutors arrested Tymoshenko and put her on trial.
In July 2011 Friedman sent Manafort a confidential six-page document titled Ukraine - A Digital Roadmap. It laid out a plan to “deconstruct†Tymoshenko via videos, articles and social media.
(Ukraine was by no means the roughest place Manafort ever worked. His roster of clients going back to the 1980s has included Congolese and Filipino dictators, along with a guerilla leader in Angola.
http://time.com/5003623/paul-manafort-mueller-indictment-ukraine-russia/ )
Nederland akkoord met EU Link Belasting (Link Tax) en EU Upload Filter wetgeving
Nederlandse hoop in bange dagen.
Maar wist dat al van Bionnk.
( https://mijnadvocaten.be/ondernemingsrecht/brief-gekregen-permission-machine-protesteren/ )
Goede link gezien van Indigo pixie
The Golden Web Part 1: http://youtu.be/5PgX8l9AgzE
De verkiezingen waren een good cop v.s bad cop show opgevoerd door 2 leden van dezelfde bende die politieke labels misbruiken voor hun machtspelletjes.
Bendelid Soros hielp bv. zijn oranje vriendje in het zadel door protesten tegen hem te organiseren.
Door sociale media en andere manieren weet men welke smaakjes we wensen en geven ze wat we willen zien maar in dienst staat van de criminelen.
Het Anonymous label werd al vaak gebruikt door co-intel en Qanon is geen uitzondering met zijn hoop[censored]o.
Kijk wie de Qanon info deelt dan zie je de bekende gatekeepers voorbij komen zoals bv. de vrijmetselaar BP Earthwatch etc....
FBI: Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Was Informant for Mueller’s FBI; Special Counsel Under Fire for Deal with [censored] Offender
Morgan Freeman Accused of [censored]ual Harassment by Eight Women, Including Entertainment Journalists
Ik heb de popcorn al ingeslagen. Now comes the pain
Vol goede hoop zie ik stelsel van tientallen jaren lobbyoverheersing ontmanteld worden. Het begin is volgens mij hiermee gemaakt.
Republicans Announce They're Going After Hillary, Comey, Lynch, And Others in DOJ and FBI For Crimes
allerlei kandidaten zouden samen met Trump het moeras drainen... en weer een wisseling van die garde en weer opnieuw hetzelfde riedeltje...
Nog even wachten tot het systeem het elektronisch geld verkeer volledig ingevoerd heeft en cash uitgebannen heeft zodat het kooitje klaar is....??
Mike is totaal gehersenspoeld, verrry simple!!
Heb jij bewijzen van die verzegelde aanklachten of is dat ook hearsay... ? En ben jij ermee bekend hoe men wetgevingen aanpast om hun nwo te dienen? En dat zij zelf het gehele juridische systeem bestieren?
Ik denk loze kreten en holle retoriek....
De usa is een onderdeel van engeland dat moet ook opgelost worden als Trump vermoord word net als JFK .
Ligt het voor de hand dat engeland europa usa en canada gelijk aangevallen worden omdat er dan niks meer te verliezen is voor de russen en china logish m.i
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