Afgelopen maand kwamen wereldleiders bij elkaar om de doden van Wereld Oorlog 1 te herdenken. Een misselijk makende vertoning waarbij leiders zoals Trump, Netanyahu, Theresa May, Macron, die de afgelopen jaren samen met hun bondgenoten van de NATO vele verschillende landen binnen vielen en daar miljoenen doden hebben veroorzaakt. De enige uitzondering hierop was Putin die vanaf zijn aantreden een de escalerend pad heeft ingeslagen maar simpelweg genegeerd wordt door de zichzelf als halfgoden ziende zionistische bondgenoten.
Hoe durven deze lui met zoveel recente doden op hun geweten, Yemen waar momenteel vele miljoenen mensen op het punt staan om te sterven dankzij sancties van Westerse landen en leveringen van bommen, vliegtuigen, tanks en wat nog meer om die oneerlijke oorlog tegen Yemen te voeren, schaamteloos en publiekelijk welke dode dan ook te herdenken?! Het is een beetje als wanneer je een oud SS er vraagt de herdenking op 5 mei te leiden. Himmelschreiend!
Terwijl de vertegenwoordigers praten over vrede en schijnheilige ceremonies volgen laten diezelfde vertegenwoordigers op datzelfde moment bommen vallen op weerloze mensen in verschillende landen. Mensen die bijna allemaal onderworpen worden aan grof geweld door of dictators die ook weer door diezelfde leiders aangewezen worden of huurlingen met exotische namen zoals El Qaida, Al Nusra en noem de menukaart van de shoarmazaak maar op.
De mensen waarover ik het heb zijn onze zogenaamde leiders, middels een corrupt verkiezingssysteem aan ons opgedrongen, mensen die zo geleerd zijn, zo wijs, zo politiek onderlegd dat wij niet zonder ze kunnen, althans, dat is wat de meeste schapen jammer genoeg nog steeds geloven. Want….wat moeten wij dan? Wie moet dan leiding geven en hoe krijgen wij dat voor elkaar? Zij hebben het gezag in handen, zij hebben het geweldsmonopolie in handen en bepalen voor ons waar en wanneer wij terug mogen slaan of braaf rechtop moeten zitten voor het baasje. De steeds achterlijker wordende massa loopt achter deze dwazen aan en vieren zelfs mensen uit deze donkere club, niet op basis van feiten maar op basis van wat ze op TV voorgeschoteld krijgen.
Heb je een andere mening dan ben je een complotdenker en sta je automatisch op een zijspoor. Complotten zijn immers enkel te vinden in de denkbeeldige wereld van de complotdenker. In werkelijkheid zijn alle politici en wereldleiders voorbeelden voor de rest van de mensheid, ze laten zien hoe je emotieloos te werk moet gaan, zelden of nooit de stem verheffend want dat is voor het gepeupel. Emoties laat je als politicus niet zien. Om aan te geven hoe mensen daadwerkelijk in elkaar steken zou je eens een aflevering moeten kijken van Robinson, een familieprogramma met als rode draad het overleven op een onbewoond eiland, diegene die dat het beste doet wordt de uiteindelijke winnaar. Op zich een leuke insteek maar door de jaren heen is de rode draad volledig verwaterd. Doordat de meeste deelnemers mensen waren en zijn uit de mediawereld, zogenaamde bekende Nederlanders, dat wordt je in de regel niet als je heilige huisjes omver trapt, is de rode draad verworden tot een spelletje van onderling bedrog en verraad en het ergste is nog wel dat bijna alle deelnemers de overtuiging hebben dat dit de juiste insteek is. Blijkbaar kunnen geen van die mensen eigen besluiten nemen en hebben ze altijd anderen nodig om hun punt te maken. Ze doen dit dan door afspraken te maken met een persoon of groep met de bedoeling die persoon of groep opzettelijk te beliegen, bedriegen om zodoende er zelf voordeel uit te halen. Let op, hier spelen absoluut geen belangen mee van enige waarde, het gaat slechts om de “eer “. Welnu, als mensen op een eilandje al geen 4 weken samen kunnen zijn zonder elkaar te bedriegen en te beliegen, waarom verwachten wij dan van onze politici, die ook op een eilandje zitten, dat zij dit wel kunnen? Complotten zijn van alle tijden. Mensen die macht verkrijgen in of de politieke arena of de zakelijke arena vervallen vaak in misbruik van die macht. Macht corrumpeert en absolute macht corrumpeert absoluut! Dat is geen stelling maar een aantoonbaar geschiedkundig feit!
Ik ga geen ellenlange lijsten plaatsen met verwijzingen naar misdaden van politieke en/of zakelijke figuren, die kun je overal vinden.
Nederlandse ex militair in Donetsk vertelt waarom hij heeft besloten te vechten voor Donetsk
Maar ook de mainstream media ziet gebeuren wat wij zien gebeuren. Steeds minder mensen lezen kranten en kijken journaals van de mainstream media. Deze mensen gaan op zoek naar alternatieven en vinden deze normaal gesproken op het internet. Websites zoals de onze. Mainstream heeft in de vorm van Arjen Lubach iemand gevonden die op een leuke manier mensen voor zich weet te winnen en met dat net verworven vertrouwen de kijkers op het verkeerde been kan zetten. Zo heeft Lubach altijd wel een punt waar velen zich in kunnen vinden maar heeft de massa weer niet in de gaten dat Lubach niets meer of minder is dan een poortwachter. Hij is eigenlijk Jeroen Pauw nieuwe versie. Thema’s die ons aanspreken worden flitsend gebracht en soms zelfs heel goed uitgediept maar daar blijft het dan ook bij. Het is besproken en klaar is kees.
Naast Lubach is er momenteel nog een nieuwe show die precaire zaken bespreekt, die show heet Jensen. Ik ben er nog niet uit of Jensen nu echt als doel heeft zaken in de openbaarheid te brengen of dat ook Jensen de rol van poortwachter speelt. Mainstream vindt het echter helemaal niets wat Jensen allemaal te vertellen heeft. De kranten staan daags na de uitzending telkens weer vol met slechte kijkcijfers en zichzelf verheerlijkende journalisten die hun ongenoegen over die andere mening menen te moeten spuien! Mocht Jensen oprecht zijn dan heeft hij één zaak nog niet helemaal begrepen, de rol van de politiek. Gisteren had hij de 2 de man van de PVV aan tafel. Op de vraag van Jensen hoe lang het nieuws al niet meer objectief is antwoordde de man, pakweg zo'n 10 15 jaar geleden is dat begonnen. Onzin natuurlijk want de inmenging van inlichtingendiensten over de inhoud van journaals loopt al vanaf eind WO2. Hoe je het ook draait of wendt, het is een politicus die zijn salaris verdient door het spel zo goed mogelijk mee te spelen. Politici zijn stuk voor stuk poortwachters!
Natuurlijk begrijp ik dat zo’n programma beter verkoopt als er grote namen genoemd worden maar als je deze grote namen aan het woord laat krijg je toch altijd een beetje de slager keurt zijn eigen vlees verhaal. Laat de gewone man of vrouw eens aan het woord!
Ik heb Jensen benaderd om het daar eens met hem over te hebben maar Jensen is niet bereikbaar. Als ik zo’n programma zou maken zou ik ervoor zorgen dat ik wel bereikbaar ben, dat ik zoveel mogelijk input krijg als maar mogelijk is. Jammer voor Jensen want helaas slaat hij op basis van kennis regelmatig de plank mis, dat zien ook de kijkers van zijn programma. Het zal mij dan ook niet verbazen als dit programma zijn langste tijd al gehad heeft op TV. Vorige week zat er een persoon die begon te vertellen dat het IPCC alles berekend heeft aan de hand van modellen en dit bewijs is voor de opwarmingstheorie van de Aarde. Jensen verzuimde hier meteen op in te haken en eens een kritische vraag te stellen over die klimaatmodellen. Ik meen, als je iets wilt aantonen aan de hand van computermodellen en er de gegevens in stopt om het gewenste resultaat te verkrijgen, hoeveel bewijs is dat? Mits je maar de juiste informatie in een computer stopt kun je elk gewenst resultaat uit een computermodel genereren, opwarming, afkoeling, noem het maar op! Ik had graag die klimaatalarmist eens gehoord over die stelling! Helaas Jensen, gemiste kans!
Ook het gegeven dat de politici die voorbij komen nooit eens aan de tand gevoeld worden over al die achterlijke oorlogen stoort mij mateloos. Het is niet alleen WO1 en WO2 omdat die toevallig begonnen zijn in Europa, het zijn alle oorlogen. Wie heeft het recht om complete volkeren in ellende te storten omdat ze het ergens niet over eens zijn? Dat recht heeft niemand! Niemand! Toch zijn er steeds weer heel veel mensen die zich als huurmoordenaar laten gebruiken in oorlogen die niets met mensen te maken hebben maar alles met grondstoffen, artefacten en handelsroutes. Onbegrijpelijk. Begrijpen deze mensen dan niet dat de industrie waarin ze werken, leger, inlichtingendiensten, etc. de industrie van de oorlog, de meest criminele industrie ter wereld is. Oorlog is de grootste misdaad tegen de mensheid maar stom genoeg zijn het de gewone mensen die deze oorlogen uitvechten terwijl de dames en heren die deze oorlogen verlangen in talkshows de leuke gast uithangen. Ze hoeven zich geeneens schuldig te voelen want het echte moorden doet de gewone man en vrouw!
Dan blijf ik met een prangende vraag achter. Wanneer krijgt deze manier van samen leven een einde? Wanneer gaan ook gewone mensen beseffen dat ze rechten hebben en voor niemand hoeven te moorden, niet voor een staatshoofd, niet voor een land, niet voor een vlag, voor niets of niemand. Als de hoge heren graag willen vechten, laat ze dan vechten! Laat het ze zelf oplossen! Dan staan ze de volgende keer te treuren over slechts een paar doden in plaats van miljoenen. Die miljoenen dat zijn wij, kijk eens naar de resultaten van die miljoenen doden. Irak, Afghanistan, Libië, Mali, Yemen, Palestina, Syrië, is het gewenste resultaat bereikt? Is de wereld nu een betere plek? Was het voeren van die oorlogen de moeite waard?
George H.W.Bush's complicity in the 1991 highway of death massacre, Global research
Volgens een Zwitserse krant is er onweerlegbaar bewijs dat het Franse leger sluipschutters heeft ingezet tegen de gele hesjes in Parijs en zijn er bijna 100 neergeschoten.
Het inzetten van het leger tegen de eigen bevolking zal uiteraard op heel veel weerstand stuiten, zowel bij de bevolking als de militairen en is dus nóg een reden voor een Europees leger:
‘onweerlegbaar bewijs’, verwijst naar Zwitserse krant:
Macron liet Gele Hesjes door sluipschutters neerschieten
en die plaatst een
*Rectificatie:*Het blijkt niet om 'bijna 100' Gele Hesjes te gaan, zoals eerder werd gesuggereerd, maar enkel om een vergelijking met de Maidan opstand in Oekraïne, toen bijna 100 mensen door sluipschutters werden neergeschoten. Excuses voor het misverstand, en dank aan de oplettende lezers!
Sophie, from Paris, said she came to peacefully protest but extreme right groups infiltrated the movement.
"[They] started the violence and have taken away the importance of why the movement is demonstrating, creating an idea, not only in France but in the world, about the gilets jaunes (yellow vests) that is not true.
We are not violent but normal people who want a better life," she said.Â
PARIS (Reuters) - Groups of young men with faces masked, some carrying metal bars and axes, rioted on the streets of central Paris on Saturday, setting a dozen vehicles ablaze and torching buildings, unleashing the city’s worst urban unrest for years.
Police said several hundred far-right and far-left extremists had infiltrated a demonstration by some 5,000 calmer “yellow vest†protesters who had gathered in the capital to denounce President Emmanuel Macron’s fuel tax increases.
Mocht het echt spontaan ontstaan zijn dan zou men die aandacht juist ervan willen wegleiden of in de kiem smoren alsof het niet bestaand zou zijn. Nee dit wordt aandachtig uitvergroot op vele mainstream kanalen... is dat niet juist veelzeggend?
for many years....en kun je voor van alles gebruiken.. .. bewustzijn en gewenste tijdlijn... )
Inverted/Organic Matrix and 'Being Woke' (The Great Awakening) )
Dus dit kanaal is voor mij verdacht en mogelijk (heb het kanaal nog niet verder onderzocht, dus kan het eventueel mishebben maar verdacht...) betaalde kanalisering...polarisatie
SNIPERS REPORTED IN PARIS - French Protests Intensify Over Climate Tax
Heb ook dat idee
De goede gele hesjes
En gecreëerde gele hesjes
Ik ga vanavond je link bekijken
Maar een sniper en spotter die zich laten filmen?
Vind ik raar
Mee eens
Lijkt mij ook een media opzet
Toch bedankt
in principe heeft iedere verhaal de ruimte om de waarheid te verdraaien.
ik vertrouw hem voor geen cent.
Zou zomaar kunnen.
Imo jankt die daar wat teveel voor
En een beetje para.
Ik neem niks van hem aan
Zag het theater al op tv verschijnen.(verdeel en heers).
Vrijland was de eerste die ik las over de gele hesjes
Het Had zomaar een andere site kunnen zijn.
Het was meer voor Jenne
Maw, laat je niet meeslepen in de verdeel en heers tactiek.
Er zullen alleen maar meer regels komen.
Wat we niet willen.
Waarheid=Waarheid, ook als je het niet kunt geloven.
Ken je de film
Rampage president down.
Mijn browser heeft dan bijzonder lang nodig om een verbinding tot stand te kunnen brengen met de server van bovendien. Soms krijg ik zelfs melding van een time out. Men tracht mij mogelijk te ontmoedigen dat kan van buitenaf gebeuren...
Als ik via het tor netwerk de server benader dan lukt het gewoon weer...Opmerkelijk wederom!
Maar het zij zo...
Het klopt inderdaad dat de site moeilijker te benaderen is dat hebben wij zelf ook al gemerkt, ik ben uit aan het zoeken waar dat aan kan liggen. Met firefox laat de website wel iets vlugger.
Maar het kan ook nog eventueel zo zijn dat de data collectors mij dwingen richting een bepaalde configuratie....
Het probleem is dat de site continue bezocht wordt door bepaalde bots, ik heb contact opgenomen met de provider en ze zullen in de loop van de dag de onbelangrijke bots blokkeren. Ik ga ervan uit dat het probleem dan verholpen is
Zouden die bots of bepaalde bots zich eventueel op bovendien zelf kunnen richten?
Bots actually target and pursue individual influencers
George Soros Was Exposed As A Rothschild Agent in 1996
minuut 27.30
*Report Implicates Robert Mueller in Crimes and Coverups*
In what appears to be the latest in a string of financial crimes and scandals that have generated some $18 billion in fines since the financial crisis, prosecutors are investigating whether two employees in the bank’s wealth management division helped clients set up accounts in offshore tax havens, including the British Virgin Islands, and possibly allowed criminals to move money through these shelters, some of which may have flowed through accounts at the bank (other employees may also have been involved, prosecutors said).
According to the Financial Times *the illicit transactions that two DB wealth management employees neglected to flag in 2016 alone stood at €311 million ($353 million),*but people familiar with the case is almost certainly much larger, given that the suspicious activity continued for five years. The activity under investigation allegedly began in 2013.
Deutsche Bank's Frankfurt Headquarters
Was Just Raided by 170 Police Officers.
The German lender may have helped clients in setting up offshore companies in tax havens. Money obtained illegally may have been transferred to accounts at Deutsche Bank, which failed to report the suspicions that the accounts may have been used to launder money, Frankfurt prosecutors said.
November 30, 2018 Updated: December 2, 2018
Europe should take a long, hard look at the international correspondent banks and U.K.-based shell companies that greased the flow of dirty money in one of the biggest laundering scandals in history, according to the man who first brought the case to the light of day.
This “wasn’t just about Danske Bank in Estonia. Not even about Danske Bank in Denmark. There was a whole load of banks involved,†he said. “The U.S. banks, including the U.S. subsidiary of a European Bank, were basically the last checks. Once the money got through them it was out, clean and into the global financial system.â€
Wilkinson says he thinks about 80-90 percent of the laundered funds went through the correspondent banks Danske used in Estonia.
Danske has admitted that much of about $230 billion that flowed through an Estonian unit probably needs to be treated as suspicious. Criminal investigations are under way in multiple jurisdictions, including in the U.S. The bank’s CEO and chairman have both been ousted because of the scandal and numerous employees have been reported to the police.
Wilkinson reiterated his allegation that the money was only able to make its way into the greater financial system thanks to correspondent banks. Bloomberg and other news organizations have reported that the correspondent banks that Danske used in Estonia were Deutsche Bank AG, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Bank of America Corp.
The Justice Department’s inspector general was informed that the documents show that federal officials failed to investigate potential criminal activity regarding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and Rosatom, the Russian company that purchased Uranium One, a document reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation alleges.
The delivered documents also show that then-FBI Director Robert Mueller failed to investigate allegations of criminal misconduct pertaining to Rosatom and to other Russian government entities attached to Uranium One , the document reviewed by TheDCNF alleges. Mueller is now the special counsel investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.
Today Details Were Released on His Widespread Child [censored] Abuse
November 28, 2018
Now we find out that corrupt Mueller (from the phony Russia – Trump hoax,) was the Head of the FBI at the time Epstein’s case was prosecuted.
It looks like Mueller was even involved in the case.
The Epstein case was run out of DC:
Five months after the plea deal was reached, FBI agents still haven’t interviewed all the victims/witnesses.
Corrupt Mueller destroyed the FBI with years of corruption. This man in no way should be leading an investigation into anything on behalf of this great country.
Epstein abused dozens, if not hundreds, of teen [censored].
In 2008 Epstein was hit again, this time with a $50 million civil suit after another victim, a woman, made a filing in a federal court claiming that she was “recruited†by Epstein to give him a “massage†but was essentially forced into having [censored]ual intercourse with him for $200, which was payable upon completion.
On Wednesday The Miami Herald published an extensive report on Democrat donor and Clinton condfidante Jeffrey Epstein’s child [censored]
Additionally it is important to point out that Bill Clinton has been mentioned by the press often over the years but rather his friendship with Jeffery Epstein.[censored]-abuse/
November 29, 2018,
Prosecutors worked to cut him a break.
Read more here: part 2
Even from jail, [censored] abuser manipulated the system. His victims were kept in the dark.
Read more here:part 3
He was over 50.
They were little [censored].
Their stories were almost identical.
The evidence was substantial.. Read more here: part 4)
The Royal Family are being dragged back into the Jeffrey Epstein pedophile scandal, as a photo of the Queen’s son, Prince Andrew, with an alleged ‘underage prostitute’ is listed as an exhibit in a new US court case.
Victims of the American billionaire [censored] offender, Epstein, are to tell a Florida courtroom their stories of [censored]ual abuse, Tuesday.
Masters to Cover Up Real Crimes, Fabricate False Crimes and
Protect the Power Elite from Prosecution*
*KEY POINTS:*Robert Mueller was deliberately selected to lead the FBI during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Â It was by purposeful design that his tenure as FBI Director began on September 4, 2001, just 7 days before the 9/11 false flag terror operation. Â And, that he remained in that job for 12 corrupt years until September 4, 2013 to ensure that the FBI would never professionally investigate the greatest crime and act of terrorism ever perpetrated on US soil. Â
What other crimes against the Republic is Mueller closely associated with?
a long list of scandals casting shadows over Mueller:
The following are a few of the better-known:
* Some $12 billion in $100 bills was dispatched to the Iraq war theater, and vanished.
* The IRS deliberately targeted Christian and conservative organizations to cause them trouble.
* Fast and Furious saw the government traffic guns into the hands of Mexican cartel criminals.
* The Department of Justice spied on AP reporters.
* Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation got millions for speeches while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.
* Hillary Clinton dealt to Russia control of 20 percent of the uranium capacity inside the U.S.
* Of course, there was Hillary Clinton’s private email server, and all the government records, including classified, that ended up there./
* The HSBC money-laundering scandal.
Mueller, Comey, Wray, Rosenstein, Lynch, Holder, Brennan, Clapper, Hayden, Strozk, Page, Ohr, etc.
You really can’t make this stuff up! It’s like each of these bad actors, with Mueller leading the race to the bottom, is a glutton for consecutive life sentences or the gallows.
MUELLER: A Liar, A Fixer, A Dirty Cop
The Clinton Foundation has been accused by the leaders of that country for siphoning off $2 billions intended for the survivors of the earthquake in 2011.
* Haitian Clinton Foundation Whistleblower Suicided
* Clinton Foundation is False Philanthropy | In-depth Analysis
* Haiti Needs $2 Billion the Clinton Foundation Stole From Its Relief Funds
There are countless of articles about the criminal activities of one Hillary Clinton on this website, and this should be a turning point for the Clintons, when the hearing and subsequent prosecution materialize.
Hillary Clinton’s confidence in evading accountability is borne from the fact that most people in DC are actually involved in high crimes.
* Secret Service Agent Exposes the Clintons’ Blood-soaked Political Career in a Book
* Clinton Foundation: A Sacred Cow for Defiling Entire US Gov’t with Capital Crimes
* Untold Story of Clinton Foundation’s Ties with Defense Contractors
* Clinton’s Leaked eMails Confirm Libya Plunder by Killing Qaddafi
* Clinton Emails Reveal How West Had A Plan B for Gaddafi
* Wikileaks Drops Most Devastating Bombshell vs Hillary Clinton
(or, “Yes, arrests really ARE happening…)
…but don’t expect to hear about them on CNN NBC ANC CBS MSNBC. Several people and articles and videos have mentioned this one ( BF , iPOT (I think), AndWeKnow ) and this journalist (Corey Lynn
more arrests
Circumstances get even shadier when considering Mrs. Pelosi’s relationship with Robert DeMonte, federal administrator of HUD’s Region 9 in San Francisco. In 1991, the DEA made a billion-dollar heroin bust at a Hayward, Calif. warehouse in the Bay Area. Local newspaper /Veritas/ USA chronicled DeMonte’s involvement in the importation of drugs, which forced him to leave office.
They added, “Nancy Pelosi and other prominent names were investors in the Hayward warehouse.â€
Another less-than-reputable Pelosi colleague (and financial manager) is John Stewart, a HUD Region 9 real estate broker with ties to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
His company took over San Francisco’s historic Presidio citadel in 1995. Two years earlier, former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev became its first civilian tenant. Soon, this enclave became a “globalist utopia†for New World Order leaders.Researcher Ken Raggio uncovered in 1998 how Mrs. Pelosi, an investor in a real estate entity called Presidio Partners, “was instrumental in opening this property for Gorbachev.†In a June 22, 2008 article, activist Francisco da Costa called Presidio Partners the “Pacific Heights mafia.â€
Readers should know that Gorbachev helped create Earth Summit Agenda 21—a notorious UN program, which promotes depopulation, open borders and “the radical transformation of the global society.†When Al Gore and Barack Obama mention “the transformation of America as we know it,†their guidebook is Agenda 21.
The DEEP DEEP Hidden History
What Does That Really Tell Us?
Looking at the meme that Donald Trump re-tweeted, many of us who are following the political discourse around the existence of a ‘Deep State’ and which important political players are wearing the black hats will probably recognize all of these mostly former high-ranking officials without having to look them up.
But if not, I will list them here for you, from left to right:
Robert Mueller, former FBI Director (2001-2013) and current head of the Special Council on Russian Election Interference
* John Podesta, former White House Chief of Staff (1998-2001)
* Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General (2017-)
* Barack Obama, former President (2008-2016)
* Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State (2009-2013)
* Huma Abedin, former Deputy Chief of Staff for Hillary Clinton (2009-2013)
* Eric Holder, former Attorney General (2009-2015)
* James Clapper, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (1992-1995)
* Bill Clinton, former President (1992-2000)
* James Comey, former FBI Director (20013-2017)
* Loretta Lynch, former Attorney General (2015-2017)
This is truly the first time in American history that a president is going straight to the public and saying how corrupt and controlled many of his predecessors were.
arrests goldmann sachs en jp morgan)
In particular, the arrest of Goldman Sachs bankers in the 1Malaysian Development scandal means that the Rothschilds’ involvement is about to be revealed, French investigators and other sources say.
This complicated scandal involves Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the Saudi Royal Family, and many others, but the trail ultimately leads to the Rothschilds, the investigators say. It will also inevitably lead to the Malaysian Flight 370/17 mass murder and G20 nuclear blackmail incident
We play a clip of Jerome Corsi describing a meeting he helped organize with "Israeli intel above Mossad" between
Paul has sought to hold up U.S. aid to Israel multiple times over the years, creating friction between him and top U.S. pro-Israel lobbying shops.â€
Sen. Rand Pau who has a history of being skeptical about U.S. taxpayer funds going towards the Jewish state, has placed a hold on the U.S.-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018, which provides Israel with $38 billion in military aid over the next decade.
This has caused backlash from organizations such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
Corsi is best known for his 2011 book, "Where's the Birth Certificate?" in which he argued that Obama was not eligible to be president. He helped stoke what became known as the "birther" movement, which falsely claimed that the former president wasn't a natural-born citizen of the United States. Trump himself pushed the theory, and it helped propel him to the front line of Republican politics.
Infowars and Roger Stone associate Jerome Corsi said he expects to be indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller for "giving false information to the special counsel or to one of the other grand jury or however they want to do the indictment."
"I am going to be criminally charged," Corsi said on a YouTube live stream Monday
WikiLeaks is ready to sue Britain’s Guardian newspaper for a “fabricated Manafort storyâ€Â that accused Julian Assange of secretly meeting Donald Trump’s former election campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
Manafort agreed to take part in the Mueller probe over Russia’s alleged meddling into the 2016 US election but he denies co-operating with Russia or ever meeting Assange.
A spokesman for Paul Manafort responds to the Guardian story: “This story is totally false and deliberately libelous. I have never met Julian Assange or anyone connected to him. I have never been contacted by anyone connected to Wikileaks, either directly or indirectly…â€
Opinion: The Guardian’s Desperate Attempt To Connect Assange To Russiagate Backfires
That Will Change Everything
movie matrix: they were identical
Men In Black’ Encounter Caught On Tape – Who Are These “People?â€
Who are the mysterious Men In Black (MIB)? Well, nobody seems to know, but there are multiple accounts from some very credible people, a few photos, and a few scenes of what appear to be real genuine encounters. These mysterious people have also been referenced by politicians, like Vladimir Putin along with Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev of Russia, who have both made some comments about men in dark suits.
It's Official: We're Living in the Prequel to 'Blade Runner'
The "Hyperscale Data Center Market - Global Outlook and Forecast
Als ik dan het volgende artikel erbij haal dan zijn er bepaalde punten te verbinden :
Ga ik daarin verder dan is 'alles spel' in het midden oosten om van of via een occulte hierachie via problem reaction solution in het qwadraat tot het gewenste eindresultaat te kunnen komen NWO.
Neem daarbij de bevindingen van de mogelijkheid dat de ware locaties van Nazareth , Jerusalem en andere plaatsen genoemd in het O.T. KJV van 1611 ergens anders liggen. (omgeving Zuidelijk Africa) dan dient dat gehele script verder mogelijk ook als een mantel ter geschiedsvervalsing.
TRUE Locations Of Israel AND Jerusalem FOUND!! It’s Not Where You Think!!
Jesus exposed :
27 november 2018
Het kabinet beschikt over informatie waaruit blijkt dat Rusland met de ontwikkeling van een verboden kruisraket het belangrijke INF-kernwapenverdrag schendt.
"Inlichtingen bevestigen nu dat Rusland het INF-verdrag schendt", schrijft minister Stef Blok (Buitenlandse Zaken) dinsdag in een Kamerbrief . De schending van het verdrag kan volgens de bewindsman "niet onbeantwoord blijven".
Het kabinet wil dat alle NAVO-partners de schending veroordelen en roept Rusland op zo "spoedig mogelijk terug te keren naar een verifieerbare naleving van het verdrag".
Als de Russen dat niet doen en dit ertoe leidt dat de VS zich uit het verdrag terugtrekt, dan moeten de NAVO-bondgenoten zich volgens Blok beraden op vervolgstappen "zowel op militair gebied als op het vlak van wapenbeheersing".
en nederland heeft straks zeer zware nucleaire wapens van de vs
in volkel, nederland
die we hier helemaal niet mogen hebben
daarom worden de oude “geupdateâ€
om de wetgeving te omzeilen
The bomb’s yield ranges from 0.3 to 50 kilotons.
The first of the two nuclear weapons ever used, against the Japanese city of Hiroshima, had a 15-kiloton yield.
Expert analysts and observers agree that the United States currently deploys 150-to-180 of these nuclear weapons at bases in Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Turkey and Belgium. The authors of the January 2018 report “Building a Safe, Secure, and Credible NATO Nuclear Posture†take for granted the open secret that nuclear sharing is ongoing even though all six countries are signatory parties to the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
Article I prohibits nuclear weapon states that are parties to the NPT from sharing their weapons. It says: “Each nuclear-weapon State Party to the Treaty undertakes not to transfer to any recipient whatsoever nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices or control over such weapons or explosive devices directly, or indirectly….â€
*What nuclear sharing means in practice*
The five NATO countries currently hosting US H-bombs on their air bases are officially “non-nuclear weapons states.â€
This flaunting of the NPT is what peace activists on both sides of the Atlantic refer to when calling the US bombs in Europe “illegal.â€
NATO nuclear sharing,†Nassauer writes, “was described in 1964 by one member of the US National Security Council … as meaning that ‘the non-nuclear NATO-partners in effect become nuclear powers in time of war
*How Do the US and its Allies Explain their Lawlessness?*
In its most absurd section, Rusk simply denies the treaty’s obvious purpose and intent.
It is so easy to show that the United States and its nuclear sharing partners are in violation of the NPT,
The transparent unlawfulness of NATO’s nuclear war planning is also the reason why prosecutors in Germany don’t dare bring serious charges against civil resisters; even those who have cut fences and occupied hot weapons bunkers in broad daylight. Some Air Force witness might testify at trial that US nuclear weapons are on base.
As part of nuclear sharing, the participating countries carry out consultations and make common decisions on nuclear weapons policy, maintain technical equipment (e.g., nuclear-capable airplanes) required for the use of nuclear weapons and store nuclear weapons on their territory. )
B61 bombs
Pentagon Prepares 2020 Production Of Upgraded Nuclear Bomb,
The upgraded, B61-12 LEP will replace all of the bomb’s nuclear and nonâ€nuclear components for another two decades, and improve the bomb’s safety, effectiveness, and security.
This life extension program will address all age-related issues of the weapon, and enhance its reliability, field maintenance, safety, and use control.
Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories are the design and engineering labs for the B61-12 LEP. In a recent presentation, the final design review will be conducted next month. Both firms indicated the first production unit would occur in FY 2020
volkel bomber and fighterbase
On the first anniversary of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), new YouGov polling commissioned by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) has found an overwhelming rejection of nuclear weapons..
The poll was conducted in the four EU countries that host US nuclear weapons: Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and Italy. In each country, an overwhelming majority of people surveyed were in favour of removing the weapons from their soil, and for their countries to sign the Treaty that bans them outright.
What did the survey find?1. At least twice as many people are in favour of removing the weapons than keeping them.
At least four times as many people are against companies in their country investing in nuclear weapons activities than in favour of it.
A strong majority of people are against NATO buying new fighter jets that are able to carry both nuclear weapons and conventional weapons.
The document sets the task for the senior officer of the ships’ group to sail from Odessa to Berdyansk "secretly,"
Apart from that, a handwritten memo of Russia’s rules of navigation via the Kerch Strait was found onboard the same ship.
According to the FSB, it was done at the direct order from the Kiev authorities and the provocation was coordinated by two Ukrainian Security Service officers who were onboard the ships.
Thus, according to the FSB, the ships were equipped with four 30mm guns, four AGS-17 automatic grenade launchers and four PKT machineguns (one 30mm gun, an AGS-17 grenade launcher and a PKT machinegun constitute an artillery system, thus each boat had two such systems).
Apart from that, the list of weapons found onboard the ships includes two 12.7mm DShK machineguns, 13 AK-47 submachine guns, four handguns, a rubber-bullet gun, a flare gun, more than 765 high-explosive fragmentation shells of the 30mm caliber, as many as 1,975 charges to the VOG-17 grenade launcher and 495 charges to the VOG grenade launcher, 40 RG-42 hand grenades, 20 RGD grenades, a great number of munitions, and 15 knife byonets
During the search of the detained Ukrainian naval boats,
a document was found on board the Nikopol vessel ...
that contains direct orders to make a secret passage from Odessa to Berdyansk, with focus on a covert approach to and navigation through the Kerch Strait', the FSB said in a statement.
Russian PM'It is obvious that this is an additional complication to the processes that are underway in Ukraine.
'This is politics, this is electoral technology’
And this is how it is perceived within Ukraine itself.
16.59 New Sanctions on Russia Over Kerch Incident Cannot Be Ruled Out - Senior German MP
The detonation of Schwieger's torpedo at 1410 on 7 May was soon followed by a second, larger explosion, which was clearly the cause of LUSITANIA's rapid sinking and thus of the extremely heavy loss of life. The official British wartime view was that U-20 had fired a second torpedo. Schwieger's log contradicts this, and no evidence has surfaced to support it. The second torpedo is a dead issue, perhaps the only LUSITANIA controversy that has been solved in the last eighty-four years.
Behind the Sinking of the Lusitania
“After the war, Churchill … admitted that the Lusitania carried a ‘small consignment of rifle ammunition and shrapnel shells weighing 173 tons.’ New York Customs Collector Dudley Malone told President Wilson that ‘practically all her cargo was contraband of various kinds.’â€
Opmerkelijk is dat dat als het ware een goede aanwijzing lijkt te zijn dat het juist een vooropgezet plan kan zijn geweest...... (stond tekentje in werd niet geaccepteerd)
Russian Revolution
1917 Russian czar abdicates
In 2015 the government of Britain launched a secret operation to insert anti-Russia propaganda into the western media stream.â€
A look at the 'clusters' set up in U.S. and UK shows some prominent names.
Greetings. We are Anonymous.
We have obtained a large number of documents relating to the activities of the ‘Integrity Initiative’ project that was launched back in the fall of 2015 and funded by the British government. The declared goal of the project is to counteract Russian propaganda and the hybrid warfare of Moscow. Hiding behind benevolent intentions, Britain has in fact created a large-scale information secret service in Europe, the United States and Canada, which consists of representatives of political, military, academic and journalistic communities with the think tank in London at the head of it.
Netherlands Cluster .pdf
We have obtained a large number of documents relating to the activities of the ‘Integrity Initiative’ project that was launched back in the fall of 2015 and funded by the British government. The declared goal of the project is to counteract Russian propaganda and the hybrid warfare of Moscow.
Operating on a budget of £1.9 million (US$2.4 million), the secretive Integrity Initiative consists of “clusters†of local politicians, journalists, military personnel, scientists and academics. The team is dedicated to searching for and publishing “evidence†of Russian interference in European affairs, while themselves influencing leadership behind the scenes.
At present, the vast network allegedly has clusters for Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Norway, Serbia, and Montenegro… but there’s more! According to the Anonymous leak, major plans to expand the sphere of influence throughout eastern Europe, the US, and Canada, as well as the MENA region, are already underway.
This document , part of the data dump, traces the efforts of the campaign and compiles the newspaper articles, tweets, and other social media activities that served to influence the appointment based on its anit-Putin, anti-Russia rhetoric.
Lavrov slammed “geopolitical games that the United States and its ideological allies fromca number of countries play†and the “blindness of the EU bureaucracy†forctriggering Ukrainian crisis. Lavrov voiced his belief that the crisis had ruined the “atmosphere of confidence,†which “responsible leaders fromcRussia and key European states†had been creating for many years.
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said that he will propose declaring martial law in the wake of an altercation in the Black Sea that saw Russian military seize Ukrainian vessels for breaching Russian territorial waters.
Speaking at a press conference after the meeting, Poroshenko said that Kiev has asked NATO and the EU to “coordinate our actions to ensure the protection of Ukraine.â€
Martial law allows the Ukrainian government to limit a range of civil freedom
The move also allows for increased control over the media. Publications, TV and radio channels can be shut down if considered to constitute a threat to Ukraine’s national security.
The proposed martial law comes some four months ahead of a presidential election in Ukraine, with Poroshenko’s ratings hitting rock bottom.
A multi-role hydrographic survey ship will be deployed in the Black Sea next year to demonstrate Britain’s support for Ukraine and ensure “freedom of navigationâ€. HMS Echo is not a warship but it flies the naval ensign. In September, Great Britain made known it planned to increase the warships’ presence in the Black Sea next year with increasingly frequent port calls to Odessa.
Nobody in Washington or London asks why an industrialized nation and a large arms exporter , with abundant resources and fertile land should depend on foreign assistance unable to defend itself. Weapons are supplied and training is provided to the country,
Joint Statement of the Ministry of Defence of United Kingdom and Ukraine
Joint Statement of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
A dangerous constellation of weak, collapsing Western governments and leaders suddenly find their interests coinciding with the tin-pot tyrant Poroshenko.
Ironically a Syrian and Russian joint offensive to liberate Idlib from HTS was delayed in September
after the United States threatened military action over what western intelligence agencies claimed were preparations by Assad’s forces to unleash a chemical attack.
However, with what now appears a large-scale attempt by the western-backed armed groups to gas civilians in government areas
French Experts Equip Tahrir Al-Sham Missiles in Idlib with Chemical Warheads
French experts are assisting Tahrir al-Sham Hay’at (the Levant Liberation Board or the Al-Nusra Front) to arm their missiles with chemical warheads to launch a false-flag chemical operation among the civilian population with the help of the White Helmets.
The sources noted that the black French experts have arrived in the underground storage recently, adding that the chemical cargos have been delivered to them to arms the missile warheads.
According to the report, a number of missiles along with missile-launchers have been transferred to the region through borders.
Tahrir al-Sham and the White Helmets have transferred several cargos of chlorine and sarin gas to different fronts in demilitarized zone in North and Northwestern Hama, Northeastern Idlib
Sputnik quoted unnamed sources as disclosing earlier this month that Tahrir al-Sham and Jeish al-Izzah terrorists arrested 29 of their own members and also 5 members of the White Helmets, accusing them of involvement in disclosing information about chemical weapons and poisonous gases, including their storage locations and transfer of them to new locations.
According to the Russian military's preliminary estimates, the attack was launched from within the nearby Idlib de-escalation zone, from an area near a village controlled by the former Al-Nusra front.
Chlorine, which was first used as a weapon during WWI, may cause lasting health damage and can be fatal at high levels of exposure.
Children and women are reported to be among the victims of the attack.
The Syrian armed forces fired back, targeting the positions of the militants north of Aleppo, a SANA correspondent reported, adding that they appear to have suffered heavy losses.
"The Syrian army responded to the shelling of militants, attacking the positions from which the shelling was carried out, militants suffered significant losses," a Syrian military source confirmed the retaliatory attack to Sputnik.
SANA has released a video showing purported victims of the attack wearing oxygen masks as they are being treated in an Aleppo hospital.
Published time: 15 Sep, 2018
Militants in Syria’s Idlib have transported several canisters containing chlorine to the village of Bsanqul, apparently preparing to stage a false flag chemical attack, the Russian Defense Ministry has said.
The chlorine-filled canisters were delivered by the Al-Qaeda-affiliated militants of Tahrir al Sham, formerly known as Al-Nusra Front, a spokesman of the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria, Lieutenant General Vladimir Savchenko, said in a statement Saturday.
He added that the latest developments showed that the militants are preparing for a false flag attack that would be used to accuse the Syrian government of using chemical weapons against its people.
This is the latest warning from the Russian military on what it says is a chemical “provocation†in the making. On Wednesday, it said the White Helmets group has shot videos intended to be used in framing the Syrian government. Earlier, the MoD said toxic chemicals had been delivered to Idlib and accused the White Helmets of carrying out the delivery.
The US and its allies have so far dismissed the Russian warnings, but said that the government in Damascus might instead be preparing chemical attacks against civilians. Moscow has suggested that the attack might be prepared with the support of Washington, which wants to justify further air strikes against Syria. Those planned strikes are said to be much larger in scale than those launched against the Syrian military by the US, the UK and France in April.
Published time: 12 Sep, 2018
The White Helmets have shot at least nine videos intended to serve as proof in accusations that the Syrian government conducted a chemical weapon attack using chlorine against civilians in Idlib, the Russian military claims.
The militants have selected 22 children and their parents from several villages in the Aleppo governorate who will play parts in staging fake chemical weapon attacks.
Another group of children is comprised of orphans kidnapped from refugee camps, who are meant to be used for the footage of death scenes. It is currently kept in one of the buildings of the Ikab prison controlled by Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group.
President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin briefly shared pleasantries Sunday in Paris despite France's request that the two not hold official meetings that could "disrupt" the World War I commemorations.
House GOP 'Working With Whistleblowers' In Clinton Foundation Probe
President Trump stoked his enmity for Hillary Clinton during the 2016 race and since taking office has publicly and privately revisited the idea of prosecuting her.
WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.
The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.
The encounter was one of the most blatant examples yet of how Mr. Trump views the typically independent Justice Department as a tool to be wielded against his political enemies. It took on additional significance in recent weeks when Mr. McGahn left the White House and Mr. Trump appointed a relatively inexperienced political loyalist, Matthew G. Whitaker, as the acting attorney general.
Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) said Tuesday that House Republicans plan to hear testimony on Dec. 5 from the prosecutor appointed by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions to probe alleged wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation.
we’ll meet with former FBI agent, John DeSouza,
Find out how the financial institutes are connected to the Deep State, how the Honduras migrant caravan coming in buses
According to the Telegraph outline the current U.K. Prime Minister is intentionally being kept out of the communication loop because British intelligence are fearful President Trump might ask about her knowledge.
Keeping Theresa May blind to the U.K operations against Trump provides plausible deniability if questioned. Additionally, all British embassy staff in the U.S. have been told to say absolutely nothing if questioned.
All of the activity described within the article outlines a significant sense of concern, within the highest elements of U.K. government, that President Trump will discover how far they went to see him eliminated in the 2016 presidential election.
Of course none of this is surprising.
MI6 battling to stop Donald Trump releasing classified Russia probe documents
MI6 Scrambling To Stop Trump From Releasing Classified Docs In Russia Probe
Goebbels zei toch: Je kunt de mensen de grootste onzin vertellen. Als je het maar vaak genoeg herhaalt gelooft iedereen het.
Want, hebben ca. 17.000;000 niet meer kracht dan een handvol empathieloze psychopaten?
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