Gisteren is de Bilderbergconferentie weer begonnen. Deze geheimzinnige vierdaagse bijeenkomst heeft dit jaar plaats in Zwitserland. Via de Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst heb ik getracht te achterhalen wie er dit jaar naartoe gaan maar dat is me niet gelukt. Ik wil graag weten of er kabinetsleden aanwezig zijn en wat zij daar dan bespreken.


In het verleden waren onder meer premier Balkenende, staatssecretaris Timmermans en minister Hirsch Ballin aanwezig. Waarom mogen wij niet weten wat daar wordt besproken? SBS maakte een item van de Bilderbergconferentie en dat kun je 


Update: bekijk hier een lijst met aanwezigen.



Bilderbergers bepalen wel degelijk het beleid voor het komende jaar


Ex-Secretaris-Generaal van de NAVO bekent



4 juni 2010

Bewust of onbewust doet de voormalig Secretaris-Generaal van de NAVO Willy Claes op de Belgische radio, in een 'damage control' interview (volledig transcript) dat de geheimzinnigheid en het belang van de Bilderberggroep moet bagatelliseren, ineens een onthulling die de vermoedens van jarenlange Bilderbergvolgers Jim Tucker en Daniel Estulin zomaar even bevestigt.

Koen Fillet & Willy Claes

Vanaf vandaag komen in het Spaanse Sitges 130 van de machtigste en invloedrijkste figuren uit de Noord-Atlantische wereld samen om te gaan bepalen welke kant het de komende 12 maanden op moet met de wereld. Deze jaarlijkse bijeenkomsten vinden al 60 jaar plaats, altijd in het grootste geheim, afgeschermd van de buitenwereld en zonder persverklaringen na afloop.

Tot voor kort verscheen er nooit iets over in de media, maar de opkomst van het internet en het daardoor groeiende aantal onafhankelijke nieuwsmedia kregen de Bilderbergers de laatste jaren steeds meer aandacht - aandacht die ze niet wensen.

Aangezien steeds meer mensen de verschillende alternatieve nieuwssites raadplegen om te weten te komen wat er in de wereld gebeurt, is de aandacht voor Bilderberg dit jaar dusdanig dat ook de overheidsmedia (ANP, Belga, IDP) er niet aan ontkomen aandacht te besteden aan de Bilderberggroep.

Dit gebeurt uiteraard allemaal met goedkeuring van de leidende figuren binnen Bilderberg: Etiennen Davignon, Henry Kissinger en - jawel! - Beatrix, koningin der Nederlanden. Nu het niet meer te verzwijgen of te ontkennen valt heeft men kennelijk besloten de aandacht onder controle te krijgen en de critici in ieder geval het argument van de geheimhouding te ontnemen.

Op de Belgische radio mocht een van de grootste kontlikkers uit het Belgische medialand, Koen Fillet, België verlichten en middels een goed ingestudeerd en lacherig interview ("Geheimzinnig allemaal, ha ha ha...") met de voormalige Secretaris-Generaal van de NAVO, Willy Claes het beeld oproepen alsof het allemaal heel normaal is. "Gewoon een elitair clubje waar ideeën worden uitgewisseld, ha ha ha."

De wegens corruptie uit de politiek verdwenen Claes was twee keer aanwezig bij een bijeenkomst van de Bilderberggroep en legde uit wat de reden van de bijeenkomsten was: "De groep is opgericht om de leden van de NAVO te laten discussiëren over de te volgen strategie tegen het communisme," stelde Claes.

Fillet, het brave schaap geloofde het meteen. Want ja, dit is wel Willy Claes heh, ha ha... Dat de communistische Sovjet Unie sinds 1989 niet meer bestaat en dat er dan eigenlijk geen reden meer was voor de geheimzinnigheid vond Koen Fillet geen vraag waard.

"En daarom moet het wel geheimzinnig zijn, ha ha ha," legde hij Claes de woorden in de mond.

Claes: "Ja, want Moskou luistert mee he".

Volgens Claes kon hij niet openbaar maken wie er dit jaar allemaal te gast zijn. (Uiteraard wist de beste man niet dat de genodigden al weken op het internet te vinden zijn), "maar Etienne Davignon, Henry Kissinger, koningin Beatrix en de koning van Spanje zijn er elk jaar."

Toch deed Claes tussen het gezellige gekeuvel met mislukt acteur, eh pardon, journalist Fillet door enkele onthullingen die de beweringen van Bilderberg-volgers Jim Tucker en Daniel Estulin bevestigen - namelijk dat de groep zeer invloedrijk is en dat wat er besproken wordt wel degelijk het beleid van bedrijven en politici beïnvloedt.

"Tijdens de conferentie krijgen alle genodigden 10 minuten spreektijd - en daar wordt zeer streng aan vastgehouden, jahaha - en na afloop stelt de 'rapporteur' (Wie? Meneer Fillet vraag het dan!!) een rapport op van wat er besproken is. De aanwezigen worden dan natuurlijk wel geacht gebruik te maken van dit rapport bij het uitzetten van hun beleid in de milieus waarin ze invloed hebben."

"Pardon, kunt u dat nog eens herhalen? Zei u daar nu echt dat de aanwezigen wel geacht worden gebruik te maken van dit rapport bij het uitzetten van hun beleid in de milieus waarin ze verkeren," had Fillet moeten vragen als hij een echte journalist was geweest. Maar dat is Fillet niet. Fillet is een mislukt acteur die vanwege zijn kwaliteiten als ultieme slijmjurk elke avond tussen 6 en 7 de Belgische luisteraar mag onderhouden met ongedwongen prietpraat over onderwerpen die er niet toedoen.

En dan, de eerste keer dat hij een serieus onderwerp mag bespreken krijgt hij de scoop van zijn leven over een van de machtigste organisaties ter wereld in de schoot geworpen door de wereldvreemde Willy Claes, en zonder er erg in te hebben (of juist wel?) gaat hij snel verder over op de tafelindeling tijdens de "helemaal niet zo luxueuze lunches en diners."

Claes: "Men mag geen twee keer dezelfde buurman hebben aan tafel. Het is de bedoeling dat er van gedachten wordt gewisseld. Dat kan niet als men twee keer naast de zelfde persoon zit. Het gaat over belangrijke thema's".

Prima meneer Claes. U heeft genoeg gezegd. "De aanwezigen worden wel geacht gebruik te maken van dit rapport bij het uitzetten van hun beleid in de milieus waarin ze verkeren".

Met andere woorden: het gevolgde beleid in de VS, Canada en West-Europa wordt wel degelijk uitgestippeld tijdens de drie of vier dagen dat de Bilderbergers vergaderen in een luxe, van de buitenwereld afgeschermd hotel. Verkiezingen zijn een schertsvertoning, de uitslag wordt bepaald door 130 (invloed)rijken, al dan niet verkozen en wij eenvoudige stervelingen mogen in geen geval weten wat ze voor ons in petto hebben. En dat vinden de grootverdieners van de gevestigde media allemaal heel normaal.

Romeinse soldaten mochten bij goed gedrag of bewezen diensten een dag naar het circus. De huidige generatie journalisten mag, als ze doen wat hun dompteurs in politiek en bedrijfsleven ze opdragen, misschien zelfs wel een keer naar de elitaire Bilderberggroep, want ja, er zijn ook elk jaar 'invloedrijke' journalisten aanwezig, al schrijven ze er nooit over.

Koen Fillet maakt na vandaag een goede kans ook eens uitgenodigd te worden.

Luister hier naar het radio-interview (het item Bilderberg begint na ongeveer een kwart uitzending).



Interview with Swiss banker reveals Bilderberg 2011 plans for internet censorship are coming



In an interview with a prominent Swiss banker by WeAreChange on the 30th of May 2011, the deeply interconnected relations between high level management of Swiss banks and the Bilderberg club are exposed. It becomes clear that Bilderberg uses Swiss banks for money laundering activities, funding of government overthrows, killings and bankrupting countries.

Josef Ackermann, CEO of Deutsche Bank and member of the Bilderberg steering committee, is named as one of the important figures with plans to censor the internet and shut down one of the last places where free speech interferes with their plans for complete control.

Find the full interview below:

Q: Can you tell us something about your involvement in the Swiss banking business?
A: I have worked for Swiss banks for many years. I was designated as one of the top directors of one of the biggest Swiss banks. During my work I was involved in the payment, in the direct payment in cash to a person who killed the president of a foreign country. I was in the meeting where it was decided to give this cash money to the killer. This gave me dramatic headaches and troubled my conscience. It was not the only case that was really bad but it was the worst.

It was a payment instruction on order of a foreign secret service written by hand giving the order to pay a certain amount to a person who killed the top leader of a foreign country. And it was not the only case. We received several such hand written letters coming from foreign secret services giving the order to payout cash from secret accounts to fund revolutions or for the killing of people. I can confirm what John Perkins has written in his book “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”. There really exists just a system and Swiss banks are involved in such cases.

Q: Perkins book is also translated and available in Russian. Can you tell us which bank it is and who was responsible?
A: It was one of the top three Swiss banks at that time and it was the president of a country in the third world. But I don’t want to give out to many details because they will find me very easily if I say the name of the president and the name of the bank. I will risk my life.

Q: You can’t name any person in the bank either?
A: No I can’t, but I can assure you this happened. We were several persons in the meeting room. The person in charge of the physical payment of the cash came to us and asked us if he is allowed to payout such a big amount in cash to that person and one of the directors explained the case and all others said ok you can do it.

Q: Did this happened often? Was this kind of a slush fund?
A: Yes. This was a special fund managed in a special place in the bank were all the coded letters came in from abroad. The most important letters were hand written. We had to decipher them and in them was the order to pay a certain amount of cash from accounts for the assassination of people, funding revolutions, funding strikes, funding all sorts of parties. I know that certain people who are Bilderbergers were involved in such orders. I mean they gave the orders to kill.

Q: Can you tell us in what year or decade this happened?
A: I prefer not to give you the precise year but it was in the 80’s.

Q: Did you have a problem with this work?
A: Yes, a very big problem. I could not sleep for many days and after a while I left the bank. If I give you too many details they will trace me. Several secret services from abroad, mostly English speaking, gave orders to fund illegal acts, even the killing of people thru Swiss banks. We had to pay on the instructions of foreign powers for the killing of persons who did not follow the orders of Bilderberg or the IMF or the World Bank for example.

Q: This is a very startling revelation that you are making. Why do you feel the urge to say this now?
A: Because Bilderberg is meeting in Switzerland. Because the world situation is getting worse and worse. And because the biggest banks in Switzerland are involved in unethical activities. Most of these operations are outside the balance sheet. It is a multiple of what is officially declared. Its not audited and happening without any taxes. The figures involved have a lot of zeros. Its huge amounts.

Q: So its billions?
A: Its much more, its trillions, completely unaudited, illegal and besides the tax system. Basically it’s a robbery of everybody. I mean most normal people are paying taxes and abiding by the laws. What is happening here is complete against our Swiss values, like neutrality, honesty and good faith. In the meetings I was involved in, the discussions where completely against our democratic principles. You see, most of the directors of Swiss banks are not locals anymore, they are foreigners, mostly Anglo-Saxon, either American or British, they don’t respect our neutrality, they don’t respect our values, they are against our direct democracy, they just use the Swiss banks for their illegal means.

They use huge amounts of money created out of nothing and they destroy our society and destroy the people world wide just for greed. They seek power and destroy whole countries, like Greece, Spain, Portugal or Ireland and Switzerland will be one of the last in line. And they use China as working slaves. And a person like Josef Ackermann, who is a Swiss citizen, is the top man at a German bank and he uses his power for greed and does not respect the common people. He has quite a few legal cases in Germany and also now in the States. He is a Bilderberger and does not care about Switzerland or any other country.

Josef Ackermann, CEO of Deutsche Bank

Q: Are you saying, some of these people that you mention will be at the up-coming Bilderberg meeting in June in St. Moritz?
A: Yes.

Q: So they are currently in a position of power?
A: Yes. They have huge amounts of money available and use it to destroy whole countries. They destroy our industry and build it up in China. On the other hand they opened up the gates in Europe for all Chinese products. The working population of Europe is earning less and less. The real aim is to destroy Europe.

Q: Do you think that the Bilderberg meeting in St. Moritz has symbolic value? Because in 2009 they where in Greece, 2010 in Spain and look what happened to them. Does this mean Switzerland can expect something bad?
A: Yes. Switzerland is one of the most important countries for them, because there is so much capital here. They are meeting there because apart from other things they want to destroy all values that Switzerland stands for. You see it’s an obstacle for them, not being in the EU or Euro, not totally controlled by Brussels and so on. Regarding values I am not talking about the big Swiss banks, because they are not Swiss anymore, most of them are lead by Americans. I am talking about the real Swiss spirit that the common people cherish and hold up.

Sure it has symbolic value, as you said, regarding Greece and Spain. Their aim is to be a kind of exclusive elite club that has all the power and everybody else is impoverished and down.

Q: Do you think that the aim of Bilderberg is to create a kind of global dictatorship, controlled by the big global corporations, were there are no sovereign states anymore?
A: Yes and Switzerland is the only place left with direct democracy and its in their way. They use the blackmail of “too big to fail” as in the case of UBS to put our country in big debt, just like they did with many other countries. In the end maybe they want to do with Switzerland what they did with Iceland, with all the banks and the country bankrupt.

Q: And also bring it in to the EU?
A: Of course. The EU is under the iron grip of Bilderberg.

Q: What do you think could stop this plan?
A: Well that’s the reason I speak to you. Its truth. Truth is the only way. Put a light on this situation, expose them. They don’t like to be in the spotlight. We have to create transparency in the banking industry and in all levels of society.

Q: What you are saying is, there is a correct side to the Swiss banking business and there are a few big banks that are misusing the financial system for their illegal activities.
A: Yes. The big banks are training their staff with Anglo-Saxon values. They are training them to be greedy and ruthless. And greed is destroying Switzerland and everybody else. As a country we have a majority of the most correct operating banks in the world, if you look at the small and midsize banks. Its just the big ones who operate globally that are a problem. They are not Swiss anymore and don’t consider themselves as such.

Q: Do you think it is a good thing that people are exposing Bilderberg and showing who they really are?
A: I think the Strauss-Kahn case is a good chance for us, because it shows these people are corrupt, sick in their minds, so sick they are full of vices and those vices are kept under wraps on their orders. Some of them like Strauss-Kahn rape women, others are sado maso, or pedophile and many are into Satanism. When you go in some banks you see these Satanist symbols, like in the Rothschild Bank in Zurich. These people are controlled by black-mail because of the weaknesses they have. They have to follow orders or they will be exposed, they will be destroyed or even killed. The reputation of Strauss-Kahn is not only killed in the mass media, he could be killed also literally.

Q: Since Ackermann is in the steering committee of Bilderberg, do you think he is a big decision maker there?
A: Yes. But there are many others, like Lagarde, wo will probably be the next IMF head, also a member of Bilderberg, then Sarkozy and Obama. They have a new plan to censor the internet, because the internet is still free. They want to control it and use terrorism or what ever as a reason. They could even plan something horrible so that they have an excuse.

Internet censorship is coming

Q: So that is your fear?
A: Its not only a fear, I am certain of it. As I said, they gave orders to kill, so they are capable of terrible things. If they have the feeling they are losing control, like the uprising now in Greece and Spain and maybe Italy will be next, then they can do another Gladio. I was close to the Gladio network. As you know they instigated terrorism paid by American money to control the political system in Italy and other European countries. Regarding the murder of Aldo Moro, the payment was done thru the same system as I told you about.

Q: Was Ackermann part of this payment system at a Swiss bank?
A: (S m i l e) … you are the journalist. Look at his career and how fast he made it to the top.

Q: What do you think can be done to hinder them?
A: Well there are many good books out there that explain the background and connect the dots, like the one I mentioned by Perkins. These people really have hit men that get paid to kill. Some of them get their money thru Swiss banks. But not only, they have a system set up all over the world. And to expose to the public these people that are prepared to do anything to keep control. And I mean anything.

Q: Thru exposure we could stop them?
A: Yes, telling the truth. We are confronted with really ruthless criminals, also big war criminals. Its worse then genocide. They are ready and able to kill millions of people just to stay in power and in control.

Q: Can you explain from your view, why the mass media in the west is more or less completely silent regarding Bilderberg?
A: Because there is an agreement between them and the owners of the media. You don’t talk about it. They buy them. Also some of the top media figures are invited to the meetings but are told not to report anything they see and hear.

Q: In the structure of Bilderberg, is there an inner circle that knows the plans and then there is the majority who just follow orders?
A: Yes. You have the inner circle who are into Satanism and then there are the naive or less informed people. Some people even think they are doing something good, the outer circle.

Q: According to exposed documents and own statements, Bilderberg decided back in 1955 to create the EU and the Euro, so they made important and far reaching decisions.
A: Yes and you know that Bilderberg was founded by Prince Bernard, a former member of the SS and Nazi party and he also worked for IG Farben, who’s subsidiary produced Cyclone B. The other guy was the head of Occidental Petroleum who had close relations to the communists in the Sowjetunion. They worked both sides but really these people are fascists who want to control everything and everybody and who gets in their way is removed.

Q: Is the payment system you explained outside of normal operations, compartmentalized and in secret?
A: In those Swiss banks the normal employees don’t know this is happening. Its like an own secret department in the bank. As I said these operations are outside of the balance sheet, with no supervision. Some are situated in the same building, others are outside. They have their own security and special area where only authorized people can enter.

Q: How do they keep these transactions out of the international Swift system?
A: Well some of the Clearstream listings where true in the beginning. They just included fake names to make people believe the whole list is fake. You see they also make mistakes. The first list was true and you can trace a lot of things. You see, there are people around that discover irregularities and the truth and they tell it. Afterwards of course there are law suits and these people are forced to shut up.

The best way to stop them is to tell the truth, put the spot light on them. If we don’t stop them we will end up as their slaves.

Q: Thanks you for this interview.

Full Credits go to WeAreChange


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