Er zijn mooie ontwikkelingen gaande….
Als je de ontwikkelingen in het Midden Oosten een beetje volgt dan weet je dat Irak, Iran en Syrië bezig zijn hun landen met elkaar te verbinden via een nieuw te bouwen spoorweg, deze heeft de naam, Shalmcheh-Basra meegekregen. Deze verbinding maakt het voor de drie landen mogelijk elkaar in geval van nood snel te kunnen helpen en geeft bijvoorbeeld Iran toegang tot de mediterraanse zee.
Alleen al het gegeven dat landen die vroeger nog wel eens met elkaar overhoop konden liggen vandaag de dag besluiten een blok te vormen tegen toekomstige imperialistische aanvallen of de voortdurende achterbakse aanvallen van Israël, is in mijn ogen een prachtige ontwikkeling! Het lijkt erop dat dit het begin is van een blok landen dat in de toekomst uitbreiding kan verwachten. Deze landen zijn het zat om alsmaar als oorlogsgebied gebruikt te worden door de zionistische westerse elite, ze zullen zich moeten organiseren want Trump is een partnerschap aan het bouwen om Groot Israël zo snel mogelijk te realiseren. Met een samenwerking tussen deze 3 landen en de Russen die afweer geschut leveren en kennis van zaken, zal het voor de zionisten moeilijk worden nog voet aan de grond te krijgen en te houden.
Rusland doet echter meer dan alleen advies geven. Iedereen kent de S-300, S-400 en S-500 afweersystemen van Rusland. Systemen die het mogelijk maken een land te beschermen tegen minimale kosten en minimale aantallen manschappen. In Syrië zien wij dat de S-300 afweersystemen de aanvallen vanuit Israël drastisch verminderd hebben, simpelweg omdat het uiteindelijk te duur voor Israël wordt om die aanvallen nog te betalen. De schade die nu nog wordt aangebracht door deze aanvallen is minimaal maar de kosten van zo’n aanval zijn maximaal. Turkije heeft de S-400 systemen besteld, dat zal niemand ontgaan zijn. Hiermee verzekert Turkije zich van een veilige defensie tegen bijvoorbeeld aanvallen vanuit Israël of misschien wel de VS. Dit S-400 systeem is nog geavanceerder dan het S-300 systeem en kent een kleinere foutmarge. Maar met de ontwikkeling van het nieuwste afweer systeem van de Russen, het S-500 systeem, zijn landen die dit aanschaffen verzekert dat ze zelfs vanuit de ruimte niet meer aangevallen kunnen worden want het S-500 systeem detecteert aanvallen op 600 km afstand en kan ze op bijna dezelfde afstand afslaan.
Doordat deze systemen in verhouding tot een algehele upgrade van een leger stukken goedkoper zijn kan vrijwel elk land ter wereld zich in de nabije toekomst verzekeren van een veilige grens. Waar de elite nieuwe technieken gebruiken om andere landen aan te vallen keert Rusland dit concept om. Nieuwe technieken inzetten om kolonisatie en onderdrukking voor nu en de toekomst haast onmogelijk te maken. De multipolaire wereldorde van Rusland lijkt dus momenteel aan de winnende hand te zijn.
De militaire leider van Libië is momenteel op bezoek in Rusland, dit is niet de eerste keer dat de oud generaal op bezoek gaat in Rusland voor steun. Rusland weet echter ook dat Haftar een belangrijke rol gespeeld heeft in het neerhalen van Ghadaffi en dus feitelijk de westerse kaart gespeeld heeft, tegen de wil va de bevolking. Of Rusland gaat kiezen deze man steun te bieden is dus nog maar de vraag en als ze dit wel doen dan zullen ze bepaalde garanties verlangen van Haftar. Hoe dit verder uit gaat zien heeft nog een beetje tijd nodig maar de eerder genoemde zaken zijn in mijn ogen van eminent belang voor het Midden Oosten.
De tijd dat het Midden Oosten een grote zandbak was waar westerse landen naar eigen goeddunken oorlogje konden spelen is voorgoed voorbij. Verschillen worden onder aanvoering van Rusland aan de kant geschoven en zaken die elkaar verbinden worden naar voren gehaald. Precies de tactiek die Rusland onder Putin al jaren voert over de hele wereld. Dit maakt dat de VS en aanhang steeds minder invloed krijgen en minder angst inboezemen en Rusland steeds meer aanhang krijgt zonder de factor angst te gebruiken.
Het gaat tergend langzaam maar er zijn mooie ontwikkelingen gaande, dat hebben wij vandaag laten zien!
hier is het little black book van Epstein.
Hier staan er een heleboel mensen op, ook Ivana, Ivanka en Robert (de broer) Trump. Gek genoeg geen Clintons...?! Wellicht staan die in een nog zwarter boek.
Deel het met iedereen, dat het duidelijk moge zijn dat dit verder gaat dan alleen Dems en Reps.
Dump It: Toronto’s Smart City Project Is ‘Surveillance Capitalism’
The 12-acre Quayside project, a partnership between Google’s Sidewalk Labs and the city of Toronto, has come under increasing scrutiny amid concerns over privacy and data harvesting.
This week, the US venture capitalist Roger McNamee warned that technology companies such as Google cannot be trusted to safely manage the data they collect on residents.
“The smart city project on the Toronto waterfront is the most highly evolved version to date of … surveillance capitalism”, he wrote to the city council, suggesting Google will use “algorithms to nudge human behavior” in ways to “favor its business”.
McNamee, an early investor in Facebook and Google, is co-founder of Silver Lake Partners, one of the world’s largest technology investors.
But in recent years, he has soured on many of the technology giants and their handling of data and privacy concerns.
“No matter what Google is offering, the value to Toronto cannot possibly approach the value your city is giving up,” he wrote, pleading with officials to abandon the project. “It is a dystopian vision that has no place in a democratic society.”
The most important “personalities” participating this year:
*Henry Kissinger*, “historical figure” of the Group, closely linked to the late *David Rockefeller* (image right, died in 2017) who was founder of The Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission:
*Mike Pompeo*, ex-head of the CIA and currently US Secretary of State[2];
*General David Petraeus*, ex-head of the CIA[3];
*Jared Kushner*, advisor (and son-in-law) of President Trump for the Middle East, and intimate friend of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Following on,*Jens Stoltenberg*, Secretary General of NATO, who received a second mandate for services rendered to the USA.
The Bilderberg Group is partially responsible for the strategy of tension and therefore also the massacres” – beginning with that of Piazza Fontana, in which the Bilderberg Group worked with the CIA and the Italian secret services, with Gladio and the neo-fascist groups, with the P2 lodge and the USA Masonic lodges in NATO bases.
Bilderberg Elites Planned Free Speech Crackdown
Prior to Trump Win,
Internet ID Next Step
In June of 2016, prior to the current social media purge, Bilderberg elites discussed implementing an Internet ID in Dresden, Germany.
The Bilderberg group has served as a secretive gathering of world elites for decades. Decisions made at the meetings are often implemented by attendees working to establish a world order.
The program was sold as being “voluntary,” and was never fully implemented.
Those involved said that the ID needed to be created by the private sector because if the government did it, “it wouldn’t be trusted.”
(Google and Facebook have the infrastructure and databases necessary to implement this Internet ID system. Facebook is developing a cashless payment system. These companies have our personal data, and a monopoly over the Internet.)
Nov 27, 2018
Google employees have renewed their public protests against “Project Dragonfly,” a censored and surveillance-enabling search app that Google is reportedly building for the Chinese market.
An open letter, published on Medium today , says Dragonfly would make Google complicit in human rights abuses by the Chinese government. It urges Google leadership to cancel the project and accuses them of ignoring repeated employee complaints.
Giving the Chinese government ready access to user data, as required by Chinese law , would make Google complicit in oppression and human rights abuses.
Dragonfly would also enable censorship and government-directed disinformation, and destabilize the ground truth on which popular deliberation and dissent rely. Given the Chinese government’s reported suppression of dissident voices, such controls would likely be used to silence marginalized people, and favor information that promotes government interests.
Eric Schmidt Defends Dragonfly Project — China Presence Helps Country be “More Open”
Schmidt told the BBC , “There are many, many benefits interacting, among other things, with China.”
In a recent BBC interview, Schmidt defended Google’s position in China.
Schmidt was pushed on the issue of the morality of a censored search engine. In a textbook example of Orwellian doublespeak, Schmidt responded by saying that Google’s operations in China help the country to “be more open”.
Schmidt stressed that he was not involved in the Dragonfly project, but refused to say whether Google was wrong for developing the censored search engine.
In the beginning was the Word (geluid....), and the Word ( en het geluid was, kwam van....) with God, and (het geluid....) the Word was God.
The Language of Creation
5G, a new millimetre band frequency range being introduced by the telecommunications industry worldwide has been identified by over 2,000 scientists and 1,400 medical doctors from all over the world, as presenting a direct threat to human health, as well as to animal, insect and plant life.
There have been no safety tests carried out to ensure its safety
A 2017 report by more than 230 scientists and doctors from 41 countries express serious concerns about steadily expanding exposure to Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF)..
The beauty of this massive class action suit is that the involved cities are spread across the USA and provide legal coverage for much of the country. Should a successful suit precipitate an injunction, for instance, an immediate “cease and desist” order will be issued to every Telecom corporation participating in this deadly conspiracy nationwide
The status of Philips, the "original company" of airfryer, is faltering.
A recent experiment showed that the electromagnetic waves emitted by a famous airfryer reached 40 times that of a regular microwave.
And it was confirmed that the relevant airfryer was made by Philips, causing consumers to fear growing anxiety, according to the OOnews report.
In particular, the controversy over the safety of Philips airfryer is expected to intensify as electromagnetic waves are known to damage the central nervous system and the retina of the eyes.
If the number is above a certain level, it is also known to increase the occurrence rate of childhood cancer and leukemia.
According to Channel A on May 14, testers put food in Philips airfryer and started cooking at 180 degrees. The electromagnetic wave levels gradually went up and soared up to 300 μT, and the final reading was 564.1 μT.
The microwave oven usually carries 14.7 μT to 32.6 μT,
so it measures up to 40 times more electromagnetic waves.
“Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party through your use of Voice Recognition,” the policy states.
The information collected is sent to another company to identify and collect the shows/movies you watch and to keep a record of the streaming services you use. According to Samsung, it allows them to recommend, and even predict which shows you will enjoy most. And for those of you wondering how you can think of something, and then see an ad for it on your favorite streaming service, it is also used to cater ads to you that will be most appealing.
Apple pledges to notify users
when iPhone updates will slow down their device
in wake of batterygate
This could prevent users from taking unnecessary, and often expensive, steps like getting their iPhone repaired or replaced.
Check out this dynamite documentary short .june 2019
“The evidence is piling up against the Clintons. It’s becoming more and more difficult to rationalize all of their choices, relationships, and nefarious dealings, away.”
De Organisatie voor het Verbod op Chemische Wapens werd op 11 oktober 2013 de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede toegekend "voor haar grote inspanningen om chemische wapens te elimineren".
Regarding the alleged use of toxic chemicals as a weapon on 7 April 2018 in Douma, the Syrian Arab Republic
(NATO funded propaganda site Bellingcat)
The engineers assessed that the story of the cylinders being dropped from the sky was improbable, and it was much more probable that they had simply been placed there manually. There are two major reasons they came to this conclusion.
Yet the OPCW Fact Finding Mission reflected in their final report none of the findings of their own sub-group of university based engineers from two European universities, but instead produced something that is very close to the amateur propaganda “analysis” put out by Bellingcat.
The implications of this fraud are mind-blowing.
The genuine experts’ findings were completely suppressed until they were leaked last week. And still then, this leak – which has the most profound ramifications – has in itself been almost completely suppressed by the mainstream media,
Consider what this tells us. A fake chemical attack incident was used to justify military aggression against Syria by the USA, UK and France. The entire western mainstream media promoted the anti-Syrian and anti-Russian narrative to justify that attack. The supposedly neutral international watchdog, the OPCW, was manipulated by the NATO powers
There has been virtually no media reporting of the scandalous cover-up. This really does tell you a very great deal more about how the Western world works
Still more revealing is the reaction from the OPCW – which rather than acknowledge there is a major problem with the conclusions of its Douma report, has started a witch hunt for the whistleblower who leaked the Henderson report.
OPCW suppressed report that found gas cylinders in Douma were planted at the scene (Video)]
To give you an idea how popular the CoD franchise is, as of this writing the official Youtube version of the trailer has 27 million views.
The sane, healthy response to learning that one’s government and its allies were arming and training terrorist groups in Syria would have been screaming, earth-shaking rage
US Gov’t Now Openly Admits Pentagon Asks for Money to Directly Fund Terrorists
The situation has gotten so overtly corrupt that the government just admitted the Pentagon asked Congress for funding to reimburse terrorists for their transportation and other expenses. Seriously.
“The Defense Department requested fiscal 2020 funding.
According to the Hill , the money would pay for the terrorist organization’s transportation, lodging, food and supplies, the spokesman said.
U.S. government admits it poisoned soldiers with Agent Orange
after decades of denial. 2015
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Introduces Bill to Stop Arming Terrorists- 2016
Ogate: A Communist Plot Orchestrated by the Democrats, the Vatican and the Previous Italian Government
THE OCCHIONERO FILES: An Italian-American Conspiracy to Overthrow President Trump
The Italians, the British and the Israelis
The Vatican Connection
This is where the heart of the *“Occhionero Conspiracy”* gets very complicated and very convoluted.
What we do know from WikiLeaks is that Obama, Clinton and Soros were quite instrumental in terminating the arch-conservative Pope Benedict’s papacy and installing Argentinian Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the first Jesuit Pope in history.
A critical piece of this conspiracy, quite curiously, has also been memed as *OPERATION CHARLEMAGNE*. That’s how broad and deep the conspiracy runs through all of leftist Europe. Clearly, there was an understanding among all the globalist-controlled leaders throughout the European Union (EU) that Trump was going down. And, every globalist government was expected to pile on when the time was right.
_OPERATION CHARLEMAGNE: The International Conspiracy to Overthrow the POTUS_
Welke rollen spelen school en tv hierin .....?
Mueller, a Republican, was appointed by George W. Bush
to head the FBI,
and took the helm
on September 4, 2001,
one week before the terrorist attacks.
Robert Mueller’s Role in Obscuring the 9/11 Evidence Trail
Director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013
Robert Mueller played a hugely significant role in covering up 9/11
Again, two days after almost 3,000 Americans were murdered by 19 hijackers, 15 of whom were Saudis, the Saudi Ambassador yucks it up with the President, Dick Cheney, and the National Security Adviser on the White House balcony.
Immediately after September 11,2001, Bandar arranged for a mass exodus of Saudi royals, intelligence personnel, and other Saudi nationals from the United States, including members of the bin Laden family, with the full cooperation of the United States government. He placed them beyond the reach of any future inquiry.
While engaged in “aggressive deception” about the criminal conspiracy resulting in almost 3,000 American murders,
Robert Mueller continued to railroad innocents.
(For years, Mueller harassed the innocent Dr. Hatfill, ordering the FBI to search his apartment multiple times, searching the apartment of his girlfriend, ensuring that Hatfill lost his job, and leaking continuously about Hatfill’s alleged perfidies to the national news media. )
This is the best one ever, ever, ever- – – – –
Everyone needs to read this ….. Slowly, and patiently, because it’s very important!
From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation.
A Grand Jury had been impaneled.
Governments from around the world had donated to the “Charity.”
Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were ever declared.
Hmmm, now you would think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out.
Guess who took over this investigation in 2002?
None other than James Comey.
Guess who was transferred in to the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS?
Lois Lerner.
It gets better, well not really, but this is all just a series of strange coincidences, right?
Guess who ran the Tax Division inside the Department of Injustice from 2001 to 2005?
None other than the Assistant Attorney General of the United States Rod Rosenstein.
Guess who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this time frame?
I know, it’s a miracle, just a coincidence, just an anomaly in statistics and chances, but it was Robert Mueller.
What do all four casting characters have in common?
They all were briefed and/or were front line investigators into the Clinton Foundation Investigation.
Now that’s just a coincidence, right?
Ok, lets chalk the last one up to mere chance.
Let’s fast forward to 2009…..
James Comey leaves the Justice Department to go and cash-in at Lockheed Martin.
Hillary Clinton is running the State Department, on her own personal email server, by the way.
The Uranium One “issue” comes to the attention of Hillary.
She decides to support the decision and approve the sale of 20% of all of the US’s Uranium to no other than — the Russians.
However, prior to the sales approval, none other than Bill Clinton traveled to Moscow, got paid $500K for a one-hour speech, and then met with Vladimir Putin at his home for a few hours.
Ok, no big deal right?
Well, not so fast: the FBI had a mole inside the money laundering and bribery scheme.
Guess who was the FBI Director during this time?
Yep, Robert Mueller, who even delivered a Uranium Sample to Moscow in 2009.
None other than, Rod Rosenstein.
Guess what happened to the informant?
The Department of Justice placed a GAG order on him and threatened to lock him up if he spoke out about it.
How does 20% of the most strategic asset of the United States of America end up in Russian hands when the FBI has an informant, a mole, providing inside information to the FBI on the criminal enterprise?
Guess what happened soon after the sale was approved?
About 145 million dollars in “donations” made their way into the Clinton Foundation from entities directly connected to the Uranium One deal.
Now guess who was still at the Internal Revenue Service working the Charitable Division? None other than, Lois Lerner.
Now this is amazing: guess who became FBI Director in 2013?
Hint: he secured 17 no-bid contracts for his employer (Lockheed Martin) with the State Department and was rewarded with a six million dollar thank you present when he departed Lockheed.
None other than James Comey.
Amazing how all those no-bids just went right through at State, huh?
So he’s the FBI Director in charge of the “Clinton Email Investigation” after, of course, his FBI Investigates the Lois Lerner “Matter” at the Internal Revenue Service and exonerates her.
So what happened next?
In April 2016, James Comey drafts an exoneration letter of Hillary Rodham Clinton — something he had no authority to do.
Meanwhile the DOJ is handing out immunity deals like candy.
They didn’t even convene a Grand Jury.
Comey steps out into the cameras of an awaiting press conference on July the 5th of 2016, and exonerates The Hillary from any wrongdoing.
Can you see the pattern?
It goes on and on. Rosenstein becomes Asst. Attorney General; Comey gets fired based upon a letter by Rosenstein; Comey leaks government information to the press; Mueller is assigned to the Russian Investigation sham by Rosenstein to provide cover for decades of malfeasance within the FBI and DOJ.
And the story continues.
FISA Abuse, political espionage…. pick a crime, any crime, chances are…… this group and a few others did bringing new meaning to the term “organized crime.”
All the same players.
All compromised and conflicted.
All working fervently to NOT go to jail themselves
All connected in one way or another to the Clintons.
They are like battery acid, they corrode and corrupt everything they touch.
How many lives have the Clinton’s destroyed?
How many have been Arkancided?!
As of this writing, the Clinton Foundation, in its 20+ years of operation of being the largest International Charity Fraud in the history of mankind, has never been audited by the Internal Revenue Service.
Let us not forget that Comey’s brother works for DLA Piper, the law firm that does the Clinton Foundation’s taxes.
And the person that is the common denominator to all the crimes above while doing her evil escape legal maneuvers at the top of the 3 Letter USA Agencies? Yep, that would be Hillary R. Clinton!
This is a tactic routinely used by the CIA to protect an operative by using another government organization to shield their activities.
It is jaw dropping, shocking and extremely sad that this info has never been exposed!
*False Flag Attack by Deep State”*
Let’s face it: the U.S. Intelligence Community will simply not permit the complete exposing of SPYgate . Every single intel agency was likely involved to include the FBI, DoJ, CIA, as were many senior officials in the Obama administration.
Obama himself knew of Hillary Clinton’s illegal home server and private email yet lied about it because he actually approved the unlawful arrangement. Therefore, the ex-prez is quite vulnerable to prosecution for many of the broken laws directly associated with both EMAILgate and SERVERgate, separate scandals unto themselves.
When you throw in all the other much bigger scandals in the Trump era — WIRETAPgate, SPYgate, FISAgate, DOSSIERgate — /Deep State /
will feel compelled to blow the whole place up,
if it must to keep a tight lid on all the threatening investigations.
Hence, the primary and most effective way of keeping this all under wraps for /Deep State/is to pull off a 9/11-level terrorist attack.
Or, multiple MCEs that distract and divert
( 7 Reasons Why the Uranium One Scandal Won’t Go Away
New revelations in WikiLeaks documents
Rusnano made a multi-million dollar investment in the Massachusetts-based Joule Unlimited, owned by Joule Global Holdings B.V. in the Netherlands and Joule Global Stichting, the ultimate controlling entity.
Joule Global Stichting and Joule Global Holdings figure prominently as a client of the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, which is at the heart of the Panama Papers investigation into offshore money-laundering operations on a massive international scale.
Read more at )
Virginia Beach False Flag Mass Shooting Ordered by**Deep State**to Distract from SPYgate + Gun Control*
I believe that the 5G wireless network that is coming officially in 2020 and is already being installed will be part of the mass worldwide surveillance/mind control grid. It looks like it will combine quantum computing with AI and the internet of things to basically have their NWO surely but silently.
A good overview of the 5G/Quantum AI/Transhumanist "Beast" system in this next video:
U.S. Scientists' Role in the Eugenics Movement (1907–1939): A Contemporary Biologist's Perspective
Vergeet niet in gedachten mee te nemen dat columbus een crypto-¨ jood" is (zoek maar op columbus was a marrano) luister ook aandachtig naar onderstaande Cirucci podcast connect some dots.....
Een zeer verhelderende podcast met o.a. Johnny Cirucci….
Prime Minister of Italy Fires Top Officials from Italian Intel Agencies
In a surprise move Wednesday, Giuseppe Conte, the prime minister of Italy, fired the top management of three Italian intelligence agencies.
The plan was for Italian Intelligence to hack into these servers, plant classified emails from Hillary’s servers inside these servers on American soil, and then alert the FBI.
The FBI would then raid these locations, “discover” these e-mails, investigate, link these servers to Trump…
And then force Trump to resign.
Partito Democratico replies: “it’s a regime”, but in Rome, everybody knows its’ all about SpyGate and Trump sabotage.
As revealed by La Repubblica, the Conte government has requested that four deputy directors – two from the Information Security Department (Dis), one from the External Security Information Agency (AISE) and the other from the Internal Security Information Agency (Aisi) – voluntarily resign.
In fact, underlines La Repubblica, a complete reset, excluding the directors – two of whom have already been appointed by this government – of the entire top-level framework of our Services.
There are six, in total, free seats at the top of the Services that the majority must have been parting for some time
So, concerning SpyGate, we have many reasons to think it all began by a request of Clinton and her friends to an obviously friendly government: Renzi’s government in 2015 That government would later be replaced by Gentiloni, but he is still from Partito Democratico and a Clinton’s ally.
The idea was to _set up a predicate that could link Trump to the Clinton’s stolen emails and potentially involve Russians, so as to be a serious treason/conspiracy allegation that could force Trump out of office_.
Obama and Renzi would meet in October of 2016:
Barack Obama Arrives in Milan for Climate Speech, Meeting with Former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi
Former President Barack Obama touched down in Milan, Italy, on Monday, kicking off a two-day trip in which he will meet with former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and also discuss climate change at a conference.
De Gennaro is also an FBI Medal of Honor, awarded by guess who? Director Robert S. Mueller. Does that begin to ring any bells about picking precisely Mueller?
A nexus among Italian intelligence begins to form, as Occhionero outlines the key players, and their relation to Joseph Mifsud.
Mifsud was working for the Italians, alongside the UK and in conjunction with the FBI.
So essentially, what this all boils down it, was an omerta formed between “The Silent Ones” to guard their criminal conspiracy; a criminal conspiracy which reached to the highest echelons of both the American and Italian government, and had as its goal the framing Trump by planting classified US government documents from Hillary’s servers onto servers located on American soil, in order to oust him from office.
Do you understand the implications of what I’m saying here? This is like a policeman planting evidence to fabricate a crime.
The Tuesday arrest of Giulio Occhionero and his sister, Francesca Maria, has brought to light what appears to be the biggest, and highest-profile, hacking of institutional and corporate accounts ever reported in Italy.
SPECIALE ITALYGATE/2 – Da Mifsud-Di Gabriele al dossier Steele, le scosse dello “Spygate” si avvertono fino a Roma
The New York Police Department tried to tell the world
and were silenced but Comey knew they were right.
The notes of a top FBI official clearly indicate that James Comey , then-Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation , knew in early October of 2016 that some of the emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop tied Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation to sick “crime against children.”
Comey still insists he didn’t even know there were Clinton emails on the device until weeks later.
The New York Police Department tried to tell the world about the disgusting evidence they found, before the election. They were ready to hold a press conference at the end of September until the FBI stepped in, took control, and threatened anyone who said a word with horrible consequences.
“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief reportedly said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”
But, there was a “Houdini-like escape .” Director Comey re-opened the server investigation which kept the police happy in the short term, while the FBI branch of the Hillary Clinton Fan club got damage control underway.
The “mutinous” NYPD officers got “huge pushback, to the point of coercion, from the Justice Department.” Barack Obama’s DOJ went as far as threatening one officer with conveniently trumped-up criminal charges.
When the local police turned Weiner’s laptop over to the FBI they were convinced it held more than enough proof to “put Hillary and her crew away for life,” True Pundit reported in November of 2016.
According to the unnamed “law enforcement sources,” the contents of the laptop “implicate the Democratic presidential candidate, her subordinates, and even select elected officials in far more alleged serious crimes than mishandling classified and top-secret emails.”
Political crimes like money laundering, obstruction of justice, and pay-for-play were only the tip of the iceberg. The shocking messages were evidence of “child exploitation” and [censored] “crimes with minors.”
FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House
*Also Confirms Over 49,000 Clinton Server Emails Found on Weiner Laptop*
*(Washington, DC)* – Judicial Watch announced today that a senior FBI official admitted, in writing and under oath, that the agency found
Clinton email records in the Obama White House,
specifically, the Executive Office of the President.
The FBI also admitted nearly 49,000 Clinton server emails were reviewed as result of a search warrant for her material on the laptop of Anthony Weiner
Busreiziger Michiel Jonker heeft een rechtszaak aangespannen tegen de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP), vanwege de weigering van de AP om handhavend op te treden tegen vervoerbedrijf Breng/Connexxion. Connexxion weigert, net als veel andere Nederlandse vervoerbedrijven, sinds medio 2018 om in de bus betaling van kaartjes met contant geld te accepteren. Volgens Jonker is dit een schending van zijn privacy, omdat dit hem als busreiziger verplicht tot pinbetaling, waarbij zijn persoonsgegevens worden verwerkt. Jonker diende hierover in juli 2018 een handhavingsverzoek in bij de AP.etc.
Eerder heeft Jonker al verschillende rechtszaken op het gebied van privacy gewonnen, inzake de Arnhemse adresgebonden afvalpas, en inzake de OV-chipkaart van NS. Jonker: "Er lopen nu in totaal zes zaken van mij....etc.
En terecht! Er zouden er meer de handschoen op moeten nemen, met gelijke rechtelijke kennis of vaardigheden....
Telecom Industry Has No Evidence That 5G is Safe.
Telecom Industry representatives gave congressional testimony in February that they had no scientific evidence that 5G is safe.
*I believe that Americans deserve to know what the health effects are, not to pre-judge what scientific studies may show, and they also deserve a commitment to do the research on outstanding questions,” said Blumenthal
“So my question for you: How much money has the industry committed to supporting additional independent research—
I stress independent—research?
Is that independent research ongoing? Has any been completed? Where can consumers look for it? And we’re talking about research on the biological effects of this new technology.”*
*”At the end of the exchange, Blumenthal concluded,
“So there really is no research ongoing.
We’re kind of flying blind here, as far as health and safety is concerned.”*
Hoe belangrijk is het dat de Vice Voorzitter van de EU, Timmermans voldoende kennis bezit over de impact van 5G?
Aangezien de uitrol van 5G rust op EU beleid en inwoners van de EU hier amper invloed op hebben luidt het antwoord; ja het is nogal relevant dat dit 5G dossier top on mind is bij deze commissaris. Deze PvdA prominent is spitzenkandidat en overigens op campagne; er komen Europese verkiezingen aan, hij wil de huidige President of the European Commission Juncker opvolgen.
Agentschap Telecom ziet er op toe dat deze blootstellingslimieten in Nederland niet overschreden worden.
*Agentschap Telecom* (AT) is een Nederlandse overheidsorganisatie die het gebruik van radio frequenties in Nederland reguleert en controleert. Agentschap Telecom is onderdeel van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat .
De dienst stelt richtlijnen op en geeft vergunningen af voor het gebruik van frequentieruimte en heeft hier ook een controlerende taak.
Tevens controleert de dienst de handel in elektronische apparatuur, aftappen, dataretentie en de Wet informatie-uitwisseling ondergrondse netten.
*Dataretentie* is een begrip dat refereert aan het opslaan van telefonie - en internetgegevens door overheden en commerciële organisaties. Deze gegevens kunnen voor verschillende doeleinden gebruikt worden, bijvoorbeeld om achteraf informatie te achterhalen over criminele incidenten, om correspondentie te achterhalen en zo criminele activiteiten te voorkomen, of om de gegevens te gebruiken voor marketingdoeleinden . )
duurt 5 minuten
Money Trail from Foreign Oligarchs to Hunter Biden Bank Accounts Exposed
Schweizer, who is the president of GAI, explains in the video the key findings from his 2018 bestselling book Secret Empires regarding the financial deals Hunter Biden’s private equity firm secured in Ukraine and China while his father, former Vice President Joe Biden, was negotiating U.S. foreign policy with those countries.
“New documents shed light on just how much money [foreign] oligarchs were sending to the Biden family while he was vice president
The Ukrainian Oligarch, Right Sector Nazis, MH-17 and Joe Biden’s Son an-oligarch-right-sector-nazis-mh-17-and-joe-biden s-son/
Orgy Of Lies -cfrs-u-s-media-malaysia-flight-mh17-shot-down-by- e-u-kiev-regimes-army/
msm-mia-the-ukrainian-oligarch-right-sector-nazis-mh-17-and-joe-bidens-son/ )
Obama's bizarre and frightening response to the shoot down of MH17
'It is great to be in the state that gave us Joe Biden. We’ve got actually some better-looking Bidens with us here today.
We've got Beau and his wife, Hallie, are here. Give them a big round of applause. We love them.'
I checked the timeline of coverage to see if the president was just being cautious. The AP story on the president's remarks was published at 1:38 eaastern time. (Another reporter tweeted on the speech at 2:15.)
But the Ukraine government announced at 9:52 AM Eastern that the plane had been shot down.
And numerous reports following that also declared that mass murder had taken place. The provenance of the missile that shot down the plane was and is still in doubt, but by the time the president mounted the podium in Delaware, the world had been informed that nearly 300 civilians had been murdered.
Earlier, Mohamad claimed that the investigation of the MH17 crash had been politicized, noting that the plane may have been shot down by Ukraine.
Blok vraagt Maleisië om opheldering over MH17-uitspraken premier..
Premier Mahathir Mohammad betwijfelt de onafhankelijkheid van het JIT-onderzoek naar het neerhalen van vlucht MH17. Blok wil weten waarom.In het onderzoek speelt volgens de premier politiek een te grote rol.
De onderzoekers zouden niet gericht zijn op het achterhalen van de toedracht van de ramp, maar vooral pogen „de Russen de schuld in de schoenen te schuiven”, zei Mahathir. „Dit is geen onderzoek van de neutrale soort.”
“One hundred percent — it’s a disgrace,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with Steve Hilton, a Fox News host, when asked if the Bidens’ supposed financial ties with China should be investigated. )
Long before he became FBI Director, serious questions existed about Mueller’s role as Acting U.S. Attorney in Boston in effectively enabling decades of corruption and covering up of the FBI’s illicit deals with mobster Whitey Bulger and other “top echelon” informants who committed numerous murders and crimes.
When the truth was finally uncovered through intrepid investigative reporting and persistent, honest judges, U.S. taxpayers footed a $100 million court award to the four men framed for murders committed by (the FBI-operated) Bulger gang.
Current media applause omits the fact that former FBI Director Mueller was the top official in charge of the Anthrax terror fiasco investigation into those 2001 murders , which lawsuit eventually forced the FBI to pay $5 million in compensation
Mueller’s FBI was also severely criticized by Department of Justice Inspector Generals finding the FBI overstepped the law improperly
to obtain private (and irrelevant) metadata on citizens,
and for investigating nonviolent anti-war groups /under the guise of investigating “terrorism.” (…)
Mueller was even okay with the CIA conducting torture programs after his own agents warned against participation.
Agents were simply instructed not to document such torture,
and any “war crimes files” were made to disappear.
Not only did “collect it all” surveillance and torture programs continue,
but Mueller’s (and then Comey’s) FBI later worked
to prosecute NSA and CIA whistleblowers who revealed these illegalities
*The Lockerbie Case*
that 'War on Drugs' was Policy Tool
to Go After Anti-War Protesters and 'Black People'
We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and
blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily,
we could disrupt those communities.
We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news.
Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”
This explosive admission, while provocative, is sadly nothing new.
The Drug Policy Alliance and our allies....
An amazing video proves Shell Oil scientists, working at a lab in Modesto, California, figured out how to get over 1,000 miles per gallon (mpg) in the late 1970s!
Are you starting to realize just how badly we’ve been conned yet?
They’ve known how to get at least hundreds of miles per gallon (if not 1,000 as this information claims) with regular cars since the 1970s but it was all suppressed for profit.
These Shell Oil scientists in California started by modifying the engine on a 1947 Studebaker. They were able to get 149.95 miles per gallon on their first test.
That tells you right there we’ve been scammed. With today’s advancements in reducing friction, computers, aerodynamics, tires and engines this would mean a standard Honda Accord would most likely easily get over 300 miles per gallon
start na 4 minuten
must see
This article results from several readers emailing me various links about the illegal surveillance program, a spying platform, operated with President Obama’s knowledge for several years, plus CIA Director John Brennan and National Intelligence Director, James Clapper. Furthermore, _the 7th FBI Director James Comey (2013 to May 2017) was aware of “The Hammer” since at least August 19, 2015!_
“The Hammer” was created by CIA/NSA/FBI contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis L. Montgomery for the Obama Administration’s CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper. James Comey was aware of this since at least August 19, 2015, _when Montgomery gave 47 hard drives alleged to contain over 600 million pages of documentation to his office_.
What sort of lying has been ongoing at the Deep State, and why?
How, and why, has the Deep State been able to deflect its criminal and unconstitutional activities onto Donald J. Trump and create “RussiaGate” to cover up its apparent collusionary activities with Barack Obama, who ought to be tried, convicted and imprisoned for sedition, subversion and treason, in my opinion?
Now, watch and listen carefully, for it’s time to take off the intentional, deceptive Deep State blinders “hammered” into our consciousness by the complicit corporate media, which needs to be dismantled so journalism can be what it must be: unfettered, and subservient to no agenda!
(duurt slechts 5 minuten:) Niet veilig)
The cat was out of the bag.
The “Whistleblower Tapes” revealed that “computer genius” Dennis Montgomery, working as a CIA/NSA/FBI contractor, created the illicit surveillance system known as “The Hammer” that “hacked into all of America” for President Obama, John Brennan, and James Clapper.
The Hammer (HAMR) appears to be a massive supercomputer system that was used to eavesdrop on phone calls by deploying or “throwing” malicious plugins at targeted computers and smartphones to collect the intercepts and then send the data back to the master supercomputer framework.
Other plugins could presumably hack into online banking, messenger, email and other apps and then transmit the collected data back to the HAMR data center.
HUGE! British Spy Chiefs Were Briefed on Junk Steele Dossier BEFORE Trump Knew of Its Existence — UK WAS IN ON IT!
May 19, 2019
The British spy chiefs were briefed on Christopher Steele’s junk Trump-Russia dossier before Donald Trump knew of its existence.
The heads of MI5, MI6 + one of Theresa May’s most trusted security advisers all knew of the Russian links claims before Trump.
In Summary
Based on information to date, the UK had more to do with interfering with the US 2016 Presidential election than Russia.
The Obama team and the Clinton campaign spied on the Trump Administration and used the entire government apparatus, including the CIA, FBI, the DOJ and others, to do so.
It appears, they also had help from the UK.
These crooks were willing to risk World War III with Russia rather than face a Trump Presidency.
This all leads to the question – What is so damn damning that these many individuals would go to such brazen lengths to remove President Trump from office?
This is clearly 100 times worse than Watergate!
Australian Government Confirms Official Role in “Spygate”…
Posted on April 18, 2019
In response to media inquiry and FOIA demands , the government of Australia formally admitted today to the role of High Commissioner *Alexander Downer* and his engagements with George Papadopoulos in 2016.
The timing coincides with the Mueller Report ( released today ), which states it was information about this engagement from Alexander Downer that opened the FBI counterintelligence investigation in July 2016.
The Australian government cited the conclusion of the Robert Mueller special counsel investigation as the background for their willingness to comply with an 15-month-old FOIA request from Buzzfeed News .
In 1956, Australia — alongside New Zealand — were both added to the newly expanded UKUSA Agreement , which extended intelligence co-operation to those two countries with the current members of the agreement — United Kingdom, United States and Canada — which formed the alliance known as “Five Eyes” .
Many years later, on February 22, 2006, Alexander Downer and Bill Clinton signed a memorandum of understanding to spread grant money over the course of four years to a project to provide screening and drug treatment to AIDS patients in Asia as part of the Clinton Foundation.
On February 18, 2014, Downer was announced as Australia’s next High Commissioner to London, where he would replace Mike Rann.
Between March 7–13, 2016, Director James Comey visited Australia and met with Attorney General George Brandis and Justice Minister Michael Keenan.
Three days later, on March 16, Director James Clapper arrived in Australia from New Zealand via a C-17 Globemaster.
On May 10, 2016, at the Kensington Wine Rooms in London, England, Downer met with George Papadopoulos , where Papadopoulos mentioned that Russians had material on Hillary Clinton .
US spy boss in NZ on secret visit
Mr Clapper is the chief intelligence adviser to Mr Obama and oversees the 16 agencies within the US intelligence community including the CIA and National Security Agency.
14 Mar, 2016
The Guardian adds to our knowledge of how the Obama administration and its allies overseas tried to discredit Donald Trump. (For purposes of this post, I assume that everything the Guardian says is true, even though it is based on anonymous sources who are pursuing their personal and political interests.)
/Britain’s spy agencies played a crucial role in alerting their counterparts in Washington to contacts between members of Donald Trump’s campaign team and Russian intelligence operatives, the Guardian has been told./
/GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added./
/Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said./
/The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said./
/Another source suggested the Dutch and the French spy agency, the General Directorate for External Security or DGSE, were contributors./
So just about every Western intelligence service was collaborating with the Obama administration in trying to elect Hillary Clinton. Yet, amazingly enough, they failed.
The blindingly obvious point that the Guardian tries to obscure is that the combined assets of all of these agencies failed to find any evidence of collaboration between the Trump campaign and Russia.
In addition to the core nations of the Five Eyes Alliance, the existence of two other international intelligence-sharing agreements has been confirmed. These two agreements, known as the Nine Eyes and Fourteen Eyes Alliances, may not be as tight-knit as the Five Eyes Alliance, but they still have *wide implications for internet privacy*.
*Here is a brief breakdown of each of the three Alliances:*
*Five Eyes:* US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand
*Nine Eyes:* Five Eyes + Denmark, France, Holland, Norway
*Fourteen Eyes:* Nine Eyes + Germany, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Spain
The Nine Eyes and Fourteen Eyes Alliances are essentially extensions of the original Five Eyes Alliance. While these countries may not all share as much information with each other as the Five Eyes Alliance, *they still actively and willingly participate in international intelligence-sharing*.
In addition to these confirmed alliances, it is also worth mentioning another handful of countries that have been caught or suspected of *exchanging information with the Fourteen Eyes Alliance*.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
They did that because *Monsanto ran a “black ops” division that bribed and threatened journalists across the country* while keeping a “hit list” of which journalists to pay off or threaten with violence. Bayer has now become aware of this “black ops” division of Monsanto and has publicly apologized for its operation.
By our estimates, Bayer is currently being hit with 20 – 30 new lawsuits each business day, adding up to hundreds of new lawsuits a month and thousands each year.
*Pesticide chemical companies don’t have legal immunity like the toxic vaccine industry*
Het technologiebedrijf Huawei is mogelijk betrokken bij Chinese spionage in Nederland. Huawei zou een verborgen achterdeur hebben naar de klantgegevens van een van de drie grote telecomproviders in Nederland: Vodafone/ Ziggo, T-Mobile/Tele2 of KPN. De AIVD onderzoekt of er een link is met spionage door de Chinese overheid, zo vertellen inlichtingenbronnen aan de Volkskrant.
16 mei 2019
De AIVD wil niet reageren op vragen over het onderzoek. ‘We zeggen niet of het klopt of dat het niet klopt. We reageren sowieso nooit op vragen over mogelijk lopende onderzoeken omdat dat ons werk kan bemoeilijken’, zegt een woordvoerder. Vodafone/Ziggo en KPN willen ook niet inhoudelijk reageren. T-Mobile/Tele2 is ‘niet op de hoogte’ van een operatie waarbij de AIVD betrokken is.
Bart Jacobs, hoogleraar computerbeveiliging aan de Radboud Universiteit in Nijmegen, over de ontdekking van een achterdeur naar klantgegevens: ‘Dit klinkt als een smoking gun, met mogelijk geopolitieke consequenties.’
De vondst van het verborgen kanaal komt op een politiek brisant moment.
Het kabinet staat op het punt een beslissing te nemen over deelname van Huawei aan het nieuw aan te leggen mobiele 5G-netwerk. Het is een stuk sneller en betrouwbaarder dan 4G; in sommige gevallen tot wel honderd keer zo snel.
De nationale terrorismecoördinator NCTV inventariseert op dit moment de risico’s op spionage door Huawei bij telecompartijen.
Westerse overheden, de Verenigde Staten voorop, vrezen dat de Chinese overheid Huawei gebruikt om in het Westen te spioneren. De Verenigde Staten, Australië, Japan en Nieuw-Zeeland hebben het bedrijf al in de ban gedaan.
‘Honderden miljoenen’ schade door Chinese spionnen bij ASML*UPDATEChinese spionnen hebben op grote schaal bedrijfsgeheimen gestolen van de Veldhovense chipmachinemaker ASML. De daders zijn hooggeplaatste medewerkers van de afdeling Onderzoek en Ontwikkeling van het bedrijf, die indirecte banden hebben met het Chinese ministerie van Wetenschap en Technologie. De schade loopt in de ‘enkele honderden miljoenen’ euro's.
Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van Het Financieele Dagblad .
Het zou met een schade van enkele honderden miljoenen euro’s voor zover bekend de grootste spionage ooit zijn bij een Nederlands bedrijf. De Chinese spionnen hebben als ASML-medewerkers jarenlang toegang gehad tot de interne netwerken in de vestiging in het Amerikaanse San Jose en stalen daar broncodes, software, prijsstrategieën en geheime gebruikershandleidingen.
De diefstal gebeurde onder regie van de in 2014 opgerichte ASML-concurrent XTAL. Het bedrijf wist de gestolen kennis in razend tempo te verwerken en kaapte een jaar later al grote klanten weg bij ASML,
Hoewel de chipmachinemaker geen harde bewijzen heeft gevonden voor betrokkenheid van de Chinese staat bij XTAL, dat inmiddels faillissement aan heeft gevraagd, heeft XTAL’s Chinese moederbedrijf Dongfang Jingyuan dat wel.
Uit vertrouwelijke stukken die /Het Financieele Dagblad/ in handen heeft, blijkt dat het moederbedrijf staatssteun ontvangt om de Chinese positie op de chipmarkt te verstevigen op terreinen waar ASML wereldleider is.
Eerder dit jaar waarschuwde de AIVD al voor economische spionage vanuit China. De Chinezen zouden in Nederland vooral toeslaan bij IT-dienstverleners en organisaties die actief zijn in de ruimte- en luchtvaart. ,,We houden het scherp in de gaten en waarschuwen bedrijven als er sprake is van spionage door de Chinezen’’, zei de inlichtingendienst toen tegen deze site.
BeschermingIn de Kamer wordt bezorgd gereageerd .
Partijen roepen het kabinet vooral op Nederlandse bedrijven beter te beschermen tegen Chinese industriële spionage. ,,Opnieuw bewijs dat Chinezen op wederrechtelijke wijze Nederlandse bedrijfsgeheimen gestolen hebben, ditmaal bij ASML. Ik heb daarom net een debatverzoek ingediend. Minister Wiebes moet zorgen voor een meer pro-actieve aanpak!’’, aldus GroenLinks-Kamerlid Tom van der Lee op Twitter.
Volgens Joba van den Berg van regeringspartij CDA is het verhaal ‘weer bewijs dat onze vitale sectoren en dus ook 5G beschermd moeten worden’. Sjoerd Sjoerdsma van coalitiepartner D66 meent dat de Europese Unie in de Wereldhandelsorganisatie (WTO) harder moet optreden tegen de Chinese spionage.
De VVD kwam onlangs al met een rapport waarin wordt aangedrongen op een ‘stevig’ China-beleid. ,,Als we niet opletten, worden we leeggeroofd. China heeft geen enkel respect voor het intellectueel eigendom van westerse hightechbedrijven en maakt zich schuldig aan staatsgeleide diefstal’’, stelt VVD’er Wybren van Haga.
Honderden miljoenen’ schade door Chinese spionnen bij ASML*UPDATEChinese spionnen hebben op grote schaal bedrijfsgeheimen gestolen van de Veldhovense chipmachinemaker ASML. De daders zijn hooggeplaatste medewerkers van de afdeling Onderzoek en Ontwikkeling van het bedrijf, die indirecte banden hebben met het Chinese ministerie van Wetenschap en Technologie. De schade loopt in de ‘enkele honderden miljoenen’ euro's.*
Nieuws 30-04-2019
Voor het eerst zijn er concrete aanwijzingen dat het Chinese technologiebedrijf Huawei zijn apparatuur uitrustte met mogelijkheden tot spionage. Vodafone ontdekte in 2009 en 2012 dat systemen van Huawei in Italië 'achterdeurtjes' bevatten. Dat werd opgelost in overleg met de Chinezen en verder stil gehouden.
Gegevens van miljoenen zakelijke en particuliere klanten waren mogelijk toegankelijk. De apparatuur van Huawei is te vinden in het draadloze netwerk van Vodafone in heel Europa. Volgens Vodafone is echter niets gelekt. Buiten Italië speelden er geen veiligheidskwesties, stelt het Britse telecombedrijf.
Volgens ingewijden zijn de problemen echter nog steeds niet verholpen. Dat zou ook blijken uit interne documenten ingezien door persbureau Bloomberg. De problemen zouden ook spelen in bijna alle grote Europese markten, zoals het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Duitsland, Spanje en Portugal, vertellen de bronnen. Volgens hen zou Vodafone geen actie ondernemen tegen Huawei omdat de diensten van het Chinese bedrijf goedkoper zouden zijn.
26 april 2019
KPN loopt met de beslissing vooruit op de ‘China-strategie’ die het kabinet naar verwachting komende maand bekendmaakt. Dan zou het kabinet kunnen besluiten Chinese bedrijven niet langer toe te laten tot kritieke infrastructuur. Tot die tijd mogen bedrijven als KPN zelf kiezen met wie ze zaken doen.
25 mei 2019 RTL
Telecombedrijf KPN staat in de spotlights omdat het in zee wil met het omstreden Chinese techbedrijf Huawei voor de aanleg van 5G.
Huawei kan echter allang bij gevoelige data van KPN, meldt Trouw.
‘KPN laat klantdata beheren door omstreden Huawei’
Het Chinese bedrijf is namelijk de ‘Solution Provider’ van KPN, het bedrijf dat belangrijke software levert en ook onderhoudt, schrijft de krant. Daar valt ook de klantendatabase onder en het verder bouwen aan IT-systemen van KPN.
Wat heeft de Chinese overheid met de spionage bij ASML te maken?
13 april 2019 NOS
Wie zit er achter de spionage bij ASML? Dat is de vraag die politici bezighoudt, nadat Het Financieele Dagblad deze week had ontdekt dat oud-werknemers van de Nederlandse chipmachinefabrikant belangrijke informatie wisten te stelen, om vervolgens snel een succesvolle concurrent uit de grond te stampen.
A massive charm offensive by the Chinese technology giant includes a forthright 'no-spy agreement', yet has so far triggered a cool reaction in Norway.
The Chinese technology company Huawei has proposed signing a 5G network agreement with Norway, promising that China won't spy on mobile phone users or Norwegian interests.
In the US, Australia and parts of Europe, intelligence agencies have warned that letting Chinese companies such as Huawei lead the development of 5G networks is a security risk. The systems could be abused by China for espionage, and at worst, sabotaged, they warned.
Chinese tech giant Huawei reportedly has a hidden “backdoor” into the network of an unnamed but major Dutch telecoms firm, allowing it to access customer data.
Dutch intelligence agency AIVD was looking into whether the situation had enabled spying by the Chinese government, Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant said , citing unidentified intelligence sources.
AIVD said it would not comment on the report, but in April the agency said it was “undesirable for the Netherlands ... to depend on the hardware or software of companies from countries running active cyber programmes against Dutch interests”, naming China and Russia.
Shape Created with Sketch.
Het technologiebedrijf Huawei is mogelijk betrokken bij Chinese spionage in Nederland. Huawei zou een verborgen achterdeur hebben naar de klantgegevens van een van de drie grote telecomproviders in Nederland: Vodafone/ Ziggo, T-Mobile/Tele2 of KPN. De AIVD onderzoekt of er een link is met spionage door de Chinese overheid, zo vertellen inlichtingenbronnen aan de Volkskrant.
Westerse overheden verdenken Huawei al langer van spionageHet onderzoek van de AIVD vindt plaats op een moment dat Huawei onder westerse overheden al onder vuur ligt. Zij vrezen dat Huawei door de Chinese overheid gebruikt wordt om te spioneren in het Westen.
Huawei rustte apparatuur uit met spionagemiddelen’
1 mei 2019
Ook in Nederland is er een discussie over het aanleggen van het 5G-netwerk en de eventuele betrokkenheid van Huawei hierbij. Onlangs werd bekend dat Chinese spionnen op grote schaal bedrijfsgeheimen hebben gestolen bij de Nederlandse chipmaker ASML.
Tweede Kamerleden vroegen zich hierna hardop af of een supersnel 5G-netwerk wel veilig is in handen van een Chinese techgigant.
Huawei & ZTE banned from Australia 5G networks
August 23, 2018
Australian government says 5G architecture makes it too risky
The Government considers that the involvement of vendors who are likely to be subject to extrajudicial directions from a foreign government that conflict with Australian law, may risk failure by the carrier to adequately protect a 5G network from unauthorised access or interference.
Huawei must be kept out of 5G network roll-out*
dus haast
uit angst
omdat china ons uit elkaar kan spelen..
en met dat bedrijf ga je in zee, en geef je alle info...
Tweede Kamer wil Huawei voorlopig uitsluiten van aanleg 5g-netwerk in Nederland
Een Kamermeerderheid vindt dat het Chinese Huawei voorlopig moet worden uitgesloten van de aanleg van mobiele 5g-netwerken in Nederland. De partijen zeggen dit naar aanleiding van het bericht dat Chinese oud-medewerkers bedrijfsgeheimen hebben gestolen.
De VVD, CDA, GroenLinks en D66 vormen een Kamermeerderheid en vinden dat Huawei voorlopig moet worden uitgesloten van de aanleg van 5g-netwerken. De partijen vinden dat het bedrijf geweerd moet worden totdat duidelijk is wat de risico's zijn om met het Chinese bedrijf in zee te gaan, schrijft de NOS .
VVD-Kamerlid Weverling zegt dat we 'niet naïef moeten zijn' en vooralsnog geen stappen moeten nemen. CDA-Kamerlid Van den Berg valt haar collega bij: "5g is geen nieuw netwerk. Je bouwt het voort op het huidige. Totdat zeker is dat het veilig is, kunnen we beter geen zaken doen met Huawei. Met de kennis van nu moet je überhaupt geen stappen zetten en contracten afsluiten."
GroenLinks-Kamerlid Van der Lee wijst op de risico's: "Het is een enorm risico als je via 5g-netwerken toegang zou krijgen tot vitale infrastructuur. Het kan ook een kerncentrale zijn. Dus: niet doen met Huawei.
D66-Kamerlid Sjoerdsma maant het kabinet om haast te maken: "Elke dag dat we langer wachten op die strategie is een dag langer dat China ons als Europese Unie uit elkaar kan spelen".
(slecht argument.. van sjoerdsma
dus haast
uit angst
omdat china ons uit elkaar kan spelen...
en met dat bedrijf ga je in zee, en geef je alle info...)
Donderdagochtend meldde het Financieele Dagblad dat hooggeplaatste r&d-medewerkers onder meer broncode van software en handleidingen hebben gestolen bij ASML .
Rutte zegt dat het kabinet 'niet naïef' is met zijn houding jegens China en dat er op dit moment nog geen mededelingen te doen zijn over eventuele Chinese bijdrages aan de aanleg van 5g. De premier zegt dat de regering eerst aan zet is en dat de Tweede Kamer ten aanzien van die vraag een eigen positie heeft.
De minister-president benadrukt ook sterk dat de zogeheten China-strategie wat hem betreft geheel los staat van de vraag of een Chinese partij als Huawei moet worden uitgesloten van de aanleg van een 5g-netwerk,
(waarbij hij ook benadrukt dat de politiek er slechts ten dele iets over te zeggen heeft. Waarschijnlijk ergens in mei komen de ministers met een bredere strategie over hoe Nederland moet omgaan met de vermeende spionage en de economische betrekkingen met China)
December 24 2018
The Dutch government will send a special envoy to partner countries to look whether there are willing to host a Dutch satellite interception station. The spy antennas must be moved out of Burum — North of the country — because the 5G internet will cause too much interference.
Two Years Ago — Dutch Secret Services Wiretapped Lawyers and Journalists
April 3, 2019
/“There are also indications both agencies may have placed journalists under surveillance, thereby compromising their sources.”/
Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf reveals attempts by the Ministry of Justice and Safety to obfuscate the amount of crime committed by asylum seekers. In an article published on 16 May, the paper writes that despite promises of openness, the Ministry has attempted to hide serious crimes by misnaming them ‘other incidents’. Those ‘other incidents’ include rape cases and child abuse.
This deliberate attempt at misleading the public comes after De Telegraaf had to resort to legal steps in 2017 to get data on crimes committed by asylum seekers. Then, the Ministry denied keeping a separate registration, claiming it had no figures to release. In reality, the police kept statistics, with De Telegraafclaiming the sheer volume of the files kept the authorities from releasing the information.
In what the paper dubs a ‘painful affair’, two years later the Ministry is up to its old tricks again. The aim is yet again to obscure: it is the Ministry that grouped a 1000 ‘other crimes’, and yet again De Telegraaf had to resort to police sources to fill in the deliberate blanks.
Of the 1000 ‘others’, 79 were [censored]ual offences, ranging from [censored]ual assault, to [censored]ual abuse of children, to rape, to possession of child [censored]ography. Police were called for 51 cases of battery, 31 cases of murder or manslaughter. There were 5 counts of kidnap or hostage taking, 4 times it was for human trafficking, and 73 times there was a disturbance of the peace.
The Ministry, meanwhile, professes its innocence.
May 25, 2019
/1. The OPCW has been fundamentally corrupted and can not be trusted to be truthful, accurate or objective./
/2. This may have been happening for a long time, perhaps years or decades./
/3. Until this matter has been independently and objectively investigated, nothing the OPCW says or does can be trusted unless there is reliable external, simultaneous verification. This means that none of the previous alleged CW attacks in Syria can be held to be factual and that the Salisbury report of the OPCW must also be held to be corrupted./
I would like to express my admiration for Carla Ortiz, Robert Fisk and all the brave men and women who pointed out the lies of the main stream media right from day one.
This story also speaks volumes about the BBC and Guardian so-called experts and organizations such /Bellingcat/ and the /White Helmets/.
5G cell towers are more dangerous than other cell towers for two main reasons. First, compared to earlier versions, 5G is ultra high frequency and ultra high intensity. Second, since the shorter length millimeter waves (MMV) used in 5G do not travel as far (or through objects), with our current number of cell towers the cell signal will not be reliable. To compensate many more mini cell towers must be installed. It is estimated that they will need a mini cell tower every 2 to 8 houses. This will greatly increase our RF Radiation exposure.
De zoveelste overduidelijke handtekening, problem reaction , solution
men probeert het nog niet eens meer te verbergen....
As of May 10, Mr. Trump has arbitrarily increased tariffs on Chinese goods imported into the US, worth about 200 billion dollars, from 10 % to 25%. It is an action without any foundation. An action that makes no sense at all, as China can and will retaliate – and retaliate much stronger than what the impact of the US’s new “sanctions” may bear – because these arbitrary tariffs are nothing else but sanctions. Illegality of such foreign interference aside, there is hardly any serious economist in this world, who would favor tariffs in international trade among “adults” anywhere and for any reason, and, of course, least as a punishment for a nation. All that such sanctions do is pushing a partner away. In this case it’s not just any partner; China is a key trading partner of the United States.
The new tariffs will hardly harm the American consumer. There are huge profit margins by US middlemen and importers of Chinese goods. They are competing with each other within the US – and the consumer may not even notice a thing. However, the US economy will likely suffer, especially from Chinese retaliatory actions. Dus gewoon zakendoen over de ruggen van de burgers, men blijft stoiincijns binnenharken aka parasiteren.....
Tegelijkertijd is het een vrijkaart voor betaalde desinformanten en andere betaalde krachten om op belangrijke nieuwsvergarende en dragende [censored] gewoon info lawines te strooien onder de noemer van ja het komt toch van Q ....
Vaak oud nieuws opnieuw naar voren gooien als zijnde belangrijke info maar al met al sneeuwt het het belangrijke laatste nieuws onder en maakt het alles tot een onoverzichtelijke boel, waardoor men door de bomen het bos niet meer kan ontwaren. Hetgeen dus leidt tot desinformatie door overinformatie waarbij onrelevante voor de huidige tijd oude nieuwsitems wederom omhoog gehaald worden om te kunnen oversneeuwen en nieuwe relevante onderwerpen te derailen of er de aandacht van weg te leiden......
Denk er eens over na......
The firehose of falsehood is a propaganda technique in which a large number of messages are broadcast rapidly, repetitively, and continuously over multiple channels (such as news and social media) without regard for truth or consistency.
As William Hartung and Mandy Smithberger reported at TomDispatch recently, the national security budget has reached $1.25 trillion annually without evidently peaking, while the U.S. military fights wars without end across a significant swath of the planet (and yet another war or two loom on the horizon). One thing seems clear, as today's authors report: there are some remarkably deep pockets in Washington pouring money into ensuring that your tax dollars will never stop flowing into that budget and into the wars and the weaponry that keep it ever on the rise. Someday, it may be seen for the scam it largely is, as basic American infrastructure declines without investment of just about any sort. (Too bad Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and crew don’t build roads, dams, and public schools and that the Saudis aren’t at war with American infrastructure. Then some real money might go into them all!) etc...
So as the US threats against Iran spiral out of control, many saw it as business as usual, with Trump objecting to any report that there is disagreement within the administration. In comments Friday, President Trump indicated that his dangerously inscrutable foreign policy is by design.
The Iraqi parliament is set to vote on a draft bill that would ban the United States-led military presence in Iraq, a report says.
The draft bill, which stipulates the expulsion of all foreign forces from Iraq but which focuses specifically on dislodging American forces, is scheduled for a vote on Saturday, Iraq’s al-Ma’lomah news website reported on Thursday.etc...
Saudi king calls for urgent meetings of Arab leaders
Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz has called for emergency meetings of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council ([P]GCC) and the Arab League, following mysterious “sabotage” attacks on Saudi and Emirati oil tankers as well as drone strikes targeting Saudi oil pumping stations.
The official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported on Saturday that Salman had invited Arab leaders to convene urgent summits in the city of Mecca on May 30 to discuss ways to “enhance the security and stability in the region.”
An official source at the Saudi Foreign Ministry said that the Saudi monarch had called the meetings due to “grave concerns” about recent attacks on commercial vessels off the coast of the United Arab Emirates and drone strikes on oil pumping stations in Saudi Arabia as well as the effects of those incidents on supply routes and oil markets.
Fiber Optic Gyro Q&A; Sagnac Effect: BOTH Rectilinear & Angular Motion
Paper One: The Sagnac Effect Falsifies Special Relativity Theory
Paper Two: Error in Michelson Morley Experiment
Paper Three: Generalize Sagnac Effect
The Sagnac Effect Falsifies Special Relativity Theory
Paper Two: Error in Michelson Morley Experiment
schoolinstituten op te zetten alsmede de universiteiten?
Dat zodat men een laag van bescherming had om hun snode satanisch duistere plannen ten uitvoer te kunnen brengen?
Gaande richting een satanisch wereldrijk? De aarde geen vlakte maar een bol , de kerk niet vroom maar juist diep duister dus de wereld op z'n kop? Satanisch wordt nl. voorgesteld als het omgekeerde
zie b.v het katholieke kruis om zijn kop in films e.d de zetel van de paus.....
Dat de instituten gelaagd als een ui in opzet gecompartimentaliseert via dogma's en doctrines psychologisch bespeeld konden worden zonder er zich bewust van te zijn dat ze gebruikt worden voor die maatschappelijke en insitutionele laagse bescherming, richting dat duistere rijk.....
Zij (de duistere families) hebben de opzet gedaan daarmee verwijs ik richting de uiteindelijke aanstuurders van de fraternities instituten , vrijmetselaarijen onderling verbonden in opzet... En zij hadden en hebben het geld, goud alle macht om het op te zetten zodat een anderhalve eeuw mogelijk wat langer,
later iedereen onder mindcontrole stond en zij alle macht hadden ter verdere verovering en volbrenging
van hun einddoel.
Zie ook de eerdere aangedragen video's over de fraternities zouden die universiteiten niet juist via al dat geld van een sterke lobby voorzien kunnen worden, met dien verstande dat zelfs die geldelijke lobby ervan overtuigt zal zijn geworden dat men goed bezig is? Psychologisch overtuigt zelfs.....
De mindcontrole in het kwadraat....
Denkende dat men maatschappijen een dienst bewijst, zich mogelijk zelfs onbewust (tot nu toe)door doctrines e.d. dat men eigenlijk die toplaag van de piramide dient?
Of dat men via chantage-praktijken dus [censored]-rituelen e.d. gevangen zit in een onontkoombaar donker web?
Daarom wordt men ook niet op de hoogte gesteld van de voornoemde experimenten van Michelson Morley,
Sagnac e.d. men heeft de macht om dat nuiten de instituten te houden en tevens heeeft men de mindcontrolevan de bol bal nodig om hun wereld op te tuigen, men heeft space nodig men heeft AI nodig voor de wereld waarin zij verder voor "god" spelen om de ware wereld te verbergen een middelpunt van ons universum (zo noemen we het dankzij de doctrines) een Aardkloot aka vlakte hetgeen via de fibonacireeks wijst op de hantekening van een intelligente creatie. Hogere (onbevatbaar in woorden) mysterie aka GOD ( niet die van de kerk etc...)
Het omgekeerde dus van dat wat men aangenomen heeft en is gaan geloven vanuit de mindcontrole door dezelfde duistere krachten opgezet. Zij die de dogmatiek satan ook via en met de kerkelijke instituten als waarheid
heeft gebruikt een door hun , hen in het leven geroepen entiteit om eerder via de iquisitie te kunnen verdelen en heersen.....
Een duivels plan .......
Connect some dots.......
Wijst daar het materiaal van globebusters op, of wijst dat eerder op oprecht onderzoek? Wakey , wakey.....
No need to say more.....connect the dots.....
Indigenous Elders Share Stories About “Star People” Living Inside The Earth
60 Israeli Spies Arrested In USA Shortly After 9/11 (Aired 12/11/01)*
All four parts of then-Fox News reporter Carl Cameron’s Pulitzer-level report can be seen below. It blows the lid off Israeli espionage on U.S. soil during and before the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on New York City and Washington
( Israeli Espionage - Part 1 of 4 (5 min) )
That included … CIA, FBI, Mueller, and it included also the deputy attorney general at the time, James Comey.”
Former FBI Directors James Comey and Robert Mueller took advantage of their government contacts and security clearances to enrich themselves, according to two leading Government Accountability Institute researchers who have blown the whistle on the widespread corruption endemic at the top of the bureau.
Federal contracts worth $100 million plus, with one contract worth $1 billion,
They begin passing 100-million-dollar-plus contracts to Lockheed Martin.”
The contracts flowed from Robert Mueller’s FBI to James Comey’s private sector employer, Lockheed Martin, and James Comey made many millions over a short period of time.”
“He even made over six million dollars in a single year at the top government contracting corporation, Lockheed Martin; they get over $50 billion a year in government contracts.”
Robert Mueller has weathered a host of scandalous failures from the Whitey Bulger case to the Anthrax case to the 2012 HSBC scandal. The latter is the one we would like to discuss here. People might be unaware of the case overseen by Robert Mueller, the fake Republikan.
Mueller also has a long and sordid history with the Clinton Crime Family. In this regard he is responsible for keeping then out of trouble, and especially out of prison. By working in tandem with the likes of disgraced former FBI Director James Comey, these two bad cops have kept the Clintons out of jail for decades.
There is perhaps no better example of Mueller’s notorious fixing skills than his direct participation in Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One scheme.
Uranium One, as handed over to the Russians by the Obama-Clinton cabal, was effectively the creation of a Canadian entrepreneur named Frank Giustra. Mr. Giustra conveniently happened to be a /major Clinton donor and a personal friend of Bill Clinton/.
The Clinton cabal’s uranium wheelings and dealings began immediately at the commencement in 2009 of the Obama administration, under the close direction of newly-installed Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
For over a decade, Monsanto has been engaged in building and maintaining “hit lists” of journalists, lawmakers and regulators to be taken out if they opposed the evil agenda of GMOs and toxic glyphosate weed killer chemicals that now inundate the world food supply. Any influential person who opposed the Monsanto agenda was subjected to one or more of the following:
* Attempted bribery
* Death threats and intimidation
* Character assassination through well-funded “negative P.R.” campaigns
* Defamation via coordinated Wikipedia attacks, run by Monsanto operatives
* Career destruction, such as getting scientists blacklisted from science journals
* Being doxxed, having their home addresses publicized and their families and co-workers threatened
In other words, Monsanto has been running a “black ops” division for over ten years, spending perhaps $100 million or more on efforts to silence, destroy or assassinate anyone who interfered with the agricultural giant’s market dominance.
Now, the criminal mafia activity that Monsanto has carried out for years is finally being exposed as law enforcement closes in on the crimes of this evil agricultural giant now owned by Bayer, a corporation that appears to be making an effort to “clean house” and end the Monsanto crimes that targeted journalists, lawmakers and regulators with intimidation and bribery campaigns.
The “external service providers” were:
* Negative P.R. firms hired to engage in online character assassination.
* Rogue private investigators tasked with geo-locating targeted individuals.
* “Wet work” intimidation / assassination teams that were directed to threaten violence and / or carry out direct violence against “enemies” of Monsanto, including the targeting of innocent family members.
Monsanto was run by some of the most evil, criminal-minded people in the history of the world.
Bayer koopt Monsanto voor 66 miljard dollar
Dus maakt het uiteindelijk niet uit hoe men Monsanto in het nieuws zet op welke wijze dan ook men lift op de oude naam maar de belangen van het oude Monsanto liggen nu bij Bayer dus een prima zondebok en partij "om garen op te spinnen" the math.....
Dus deze Bomshell is eigenlijk een babyrotje....
Flu Shot Wins Top Honors for Biggest Payout
The report, which is consistently ignored by mainstream media/politicians/health officials and the CDC, lies dormant on the reports page of the U.S. Special Claims Court website.
No headlines, no press release, no analysis, no alert the media, no nothing.
No surprise, given that most people in America don’t even know that vaccines were ruled to be unavoidably unsafe by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011.
Also no surprise, that mainstream, co-opted, globalist elite media constantly ignore this report, along with sane arguments made by health freedom advocates about the dangers and risks of vaccine injury
Well pull up a chair and hold on to your hats, because guess what we discovered:
*1 Vaccine court settlement payouts increased in total $91.2 million in 2015, up from $22.8 million in 2014 to $114 million in 2015 — a 400% increase.*
*2 Vaccine court settlement payments for flu shots increased the most, from $4.9 million in 2014 to $61 million in 2015 — an increase of more than 1000%, despite autumnal onslaughts every year of media/pr/advertising campaigns urging Americans to ‘get your flu shot,’ with total abandon for the statistical facts coming out of the vaccine court.*
*3 Varicella (chicken pox) had the third biggest increase — from $0 in 2014 to $5.8 million in 2015. (No surprise shingles is on the rise among the elderly population, as recently vaccinated grandchildren continuously shed live virus to their unsuspecting elders.)*
*4 Hepatitis B was the fourth largest increase in vaccine court settlements, increasing 321% in 2015 to more than $8 million in 2015 from $1.9 million in 2014.*
*5 TDap/DTP/DPT and D/T shots were the fifth largest increase, leaping 75% in 2014 from $5.5 million to $9.8.*
The rest of the settlements not pictured here are: *Tetanus, $4 million; HPV $3.4 million, up from almost nothing in 2014 (one to watch in January when the 2016 report is issued); MMR, which actually decreased from the number one position last year to under $1 m — an 88%+**decrease**in payouts; pertussis, $1.7 million; thimerisol $1.5 million; HIB, $345k, menginococal $500k, HEP A $408k, DPT & Polio, $210k & rotovirus $76k.*
*In 2015, the ‘other’ category was the second largest increase in vaccine settlement payments, totaling $21.5 million in payouts, up 388% from $4.4 million in payouts the year before.*
*The total dollar payout of legal fees for the vaccine court in 2015 is $42 million.*
Durham is the perfect investigator for the job by all accounts and he had experience with Robert Mueller in the Whitey Bulger case.
He did not side with Mueller and Mueller’s agents suffered the consequences of Mueller’s,corrupt leadership.
Back in the late 1990s, there were “allegations that FBI informants James ‘Whitey’ Bulger and Stephen ‘The Rifleman’ Flemmi had corrupted their handlers.
So, in 1999, Janet Reno appointed John Durham as Special Prosecutor and charged him with investigating FBI corruption in Boston.
As it turned out, FBI agents aided mass murderer, Whitey Bulger and hid his crimes. Bulger was a protected informant.
Durham sent one agent involved to prison for 10 years.
Then-US Attorney, Robert Mueller is probably the one who should have landed in the pen. He allowed four innocent men to be sent to prison for a murder he knew they didn’t commit. He did it to protect Bulger.
One of the four men was in Florida at the time of the murder and could not have committed the murder.
When Durham went through the documents. He found that the four men, had actually been framed.
Four people who were innocent were kept in jail for years in order to protect the status of Whitey Bulger as an FBI informant.
In December 2000, Durham revealed secret FBI documents that convinced a judge to vacate the 1968 murder convictions of ”four other FBI informants because they’d been framed by Robert Mueller’s FBI.
“In 2007,” to help protect Whitey Bulger (that’s what all those people were held in jail for) “the documents helped Salvati, Limone, and the families of the two other men who had died in prison to win a US $101.7 million civil judgment against the government.”
Durham got the two surviving framed men released from prison.
Robert Mueller was knee-deep in this scandal.
Mueller kept four innocent people in jail for years to protect the informant status of Whitey Bulger, a mass-murdering Boston mobster who ended up dying in California, and it ended up costing the government $100 million plus in civil judgments. )
(DOJ IG Report documents Robert Mueller’s bribery and extortion scheme
One key take-away from the 28-page report, is that Mueller had received funds from a foreign criminal group seeking to damage the presidency, in a scheme involving defrauding millions from a Hillary friend and donor via Mueller’s law firm, from which Mueller richly profited, whilst two federal judges were bribed.
Another is that key media agitating against the President – NY Times etc – are doing so, in part because these media outlets fear felony indictment in the schemes with Mueller, due to having taken bribes to create ‘fake news’ for criminal purposes as they worked with Mueller’s law firm.
Extradition requests by the USA are being denied, given other governments have files on the Mueller-tied crimes, which prove corruption in both the US judiciary and DOJ. )
that holds you responbsible for your own actions.....
Waar kunnen jonge mannen starten, mocht men oprecht en eerlijk naar hun gedragspatronen willen kijken, zeer informatief en tevens verhelderend (met dank aan Janmaat voor het eerdere delen van de Drieluik)
maar in de diepte van het meer (je ziel, de observeerder...) heerst er een onverwoestbare stilte....het Zijn....hoe kom je tot die stilte?
Maar nog steeds geen grote kopstukken achter de deuren, het mag wel wat ruiken maar het moet niet stinken.....Moet het machteloosheidsgevoel langzaam overgaan in acceptatie, soort van conditionering en desensibillisatie?
Isaac Kappy, an actor has committed suicide. He became well known for speaking up against Hollywood pedophilia and Satanic ritual abuse, as well as naming names of those who are supposedly involved
The Bronfman family has been referred to as the “The Rothschild’s of the New World” by author Peter C. Newman , a well-known Canadian journalist and writer. The Bronfman family has also been in business with the Rothschild family for quite some time. One of many examples is their wealth management company, Bronfman Rothschild.
All of these people are connected to enormous amounts of power and wealth.
Then we have the case of [censored] offender Jeffrey Epstein , who has very close ties to global elitists, actors, actresses, politicians and the royal family.
A run-down mansion, a Getty connection: The tale of the weapons cache at an L.A. home
The scene was straight out of a B movie: Run-down mansion.
*... bunker found in Tucson*
Interestingly, the land on which the bunker was found is reportedly owned by CEMEX, a multinational building materials company based in Mexico that is a partner of the Clinton Global Initiative and partially owned by wealth management firm Bronfman E.L. Rothschild L.P.
Additionally, CEMEX received a $7 million contract from the Clinton Global Initiative , nearly two and half years after the quake, to build houses in Haiti during Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State in 2012.
Now, here is where the connections get interesting, the CEO of Bronfman E.L. Rothschild is Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, who is both a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and confidante of Hillary Clinton. As we reported back in May 2016 during her presidential campaign, “Hillary Clinton attended a $100,000-a-head fundraiser hosted by none other than Lynn Forester de Rothschild,
*The Bronfman family has very close ties to the Rothschild banking dynasty*, with members of both families belonging to many of the same companies, including their joint financial firm, Bronfman & Rothschild .
Additionally, at least three high-ranking members of the organization, including Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters, are members of Bill Clinton’s foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative, which requires an annual $15,000 membership fee.[censored]-cult-connected-to-alleged-child-trafficking
MAY 13, 2019
Bayer said on Monday its Monsanto unit, which is being investigated by French prosecutors for compiling files of influential people such as journalists in France, likely did the same across Europe, suggesting a potentially wider problem.
Bayer says Monsanto likely kept files on influential people across Europe
Monsanto had kept a file of 200 names, including journalists and lawmakers in hopes of influencing positions on pesticides.
On Sunday, Bayer acknowledged the existence of the files,
He repeated an apology issued by Bayer over the weekend.
Work with the PR agencies that were commissioned by Monsanto
for the project at the time has been suspended, it said.
Monsanto facing thousands of lawsuits
Hardeman's case is seen as a bellwether trial for litigation and settlement options for more than 700 cases consolidated in San Francisco's federal court. More than 11,000 Roundup lawsuits are expected to go to trial in the United States.
Last year, a judge in San Francisco upheld a jury's verdict that found Monsanto liable for a groundkeeper's cancer. The case is under appeal after the judge slashed damages from $289 million to $78 million.
Clearly, the testimony that informed the jury’s decision was Bayer-Monsanto hiding Roundup’s carcinogenic properties, manipulating the science, and cozying up with EPA so it would not have to warn consumers of its dangerous product,” Ken Cook, president of the Environmental Working Group, said in a statement.
“Bayer-Monsanto has known for decades the cancer-causing properties of Roundup, and I applaud the jury for holding the company accountable for failing to warn consumers of the known danger,” Cook added. “This verdict puts Bayer’s back firmly up against the wall as the cost of litigation mounts and its stock price gets pummeled once again.”
The jury found that Monsanto failed to adequately warn the public of the potential dangers of using Roundup. “The jury also heard evidence that the agrochemical giant went so far as to ghostwrite scientific papers, according to court transcripts.”
As Common Dreams reported , a jury last year ordered Monsanto to pay over $280 million in damages to school groundskeeper Dewayne Johnson, who said Roundup caused his cancer.
“The evidence is overwhelming that Roundup can cause non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma,” Jennifer Moore, a lawyer for Hardeman, told the New York Times. “Now two different juries have held that Roundup causes an individual’s non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and that Monsanto should be punished for its conduct.”
Admits Spying On Influential Europeans
Not a great day for Bayer and its Monsanto unit.
In the stunning verdict, sure to be appealed, a jury in state court in Oakland, California, issued its verdict Monday, awarding a total of more than $2 billion in punitive damages to a husband and wife over there cancer claims.
The jury hit Monsanto with another $1 BILLION in punitive damages for Alva Pilliod. The total is a $2.055 billion verdict
_The second piece of bad news_ was a Reuters story reporting that Bayer said on Monday its Monsanto unit, which is being investigated by French prosecutors for compiling files of influential people such as journalists in France, likely did the same across Europe, suggesting a potentially wider problem.
French prosecutors said on Friday they had opened an inquiry after newspaper Le Monde filed a complaint alleging that Monsanto - acquired by Bayer for $63 billion last year - had kept a file of 200 names, including journalists and lawmakers in hopes of influencing positions on pesticides.
Bayer acknowledged the existence of the files
It’s safe to say that other countries in Europe were affected by lists ...
I assume that all EU member states could potentially be affected,” Matthias Berninger, Bayer’s head of public affairs and sustainability, told journalists on Monday.
“When you collect non-publicly available data about individuals a Rubicon is clearly crossed,” regardless of whether data privacy laws were actually violated, he added.
Bayer said in its initial statement that “Currently, we have no indication that the preparation of the lists under discussion violated any legal provisions.”
Not a pretty picture, but shareholders have already expressed their dissatisfaction with the CEO who made the disastrous $63 billion decision to buy Monsanto in 2018.
Zo staat de onderbouwing cq aanvullende verwijzing niet op zichzelf, helaas vertoont de site weer wat vreemde uitwerking aangaande reacties, tot aan een onleesbare code die zelfs niet eens te vernieuwen opmerkelijk....
Onder Treowd 13-05-2019 20:25
The Clintons masterminded the mandatory free Vaccines for Children program back in 1994 – paid for by taxpayers – while pocketing hundreds of thousands of dollars from vaccine manufacturers over the years.
While the MMR vaccine is dished out like candy over the “measles outbreak,” and the exclusive manufacturer Merck has increased revenues by 27% to $496 million, the media is pimping out doctored baby photos to create panic and claiming the “outbreak” is the fault of anti-vaxxers, as the CDC inflates numbers (again).
Learn the facts behind the Measles, Masterminds & Millions in this 6-part series.
In 1994, the Clintons masterminded the mandatory Vaccines for Children Program –
Big discrepancies and misrepresentations in reporting by major news outlets and the CDC website pertaining to the measles outbreak
The Gov. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has settled $4.1 billion in vaccine injury and death cases behind the scenes, paid for by taxpayers, and Obama added more vaccines to the compensation list in December 2016
The vaccine industry is expected to hit $100 billion by 2025.
The Clintons have collected their fair share.
Merck & Co., the exclusive MMR vaccine manufacturer, is embroiled in a lawsuit against its own scientists who blew the whistle claiming Merck falsified the efficacy rate
Mandatory MMR vaccines for measles with fines up to $2000 in NY, quarantines in CA, and countless new vaccine bills on the docket to eliminate religious exemption
Just how big is the vaccine industry? Revenues are expected to reach nearly $60 billion by 2020 and $100 billion by 2025, which is almost double what they drove in back in 2014. Why?
Because of the increase in infectious diseases, not to mention the fact that they have more than 120 new products in the development pipeline . GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Sanofi, and Merck & Co. are the big guns, but London-based GlaxoSmithKline is the global leader in vaccines based on revenue. The United States is the world’s largest national market for vaccines, and North America is the largest regional market.
The Clintons have received hundreds of thousands of dollars from big pharma and vaccine manufacturers over the years. Just how much have they received from Merck – the exclusive manufacturer of the MMR vaccine for measles? More on that coming in part four. This is laying the groundwork for how the Mandatory Vaccines for Children program got started, and how it all ties into this vaccine web and the measles outbreak.
They failed to mention the $4.1 billion dollars in taxpayer money that was paid out in settlements by the government’s vaccine compensation plan for injury and death, that they deemed to be compensable. They also failed to mention the 483 injury and death claims against the MMR Vaccine that they government paid out, [censored] back to 1988. As a side note, by “free shots,” they mean taxpayers are paying for it.
They used scary pictures with the word danger six times in a 1-minute animated video, while requesting likes and retweets so as to raise 1 million dollars by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Throughout the video, there is a link on it to UNICEF, which takes you here :
Some Data They Are Not Openly Sharing with You:
Between 2006 – 2016 there were 94,815,650 doses of MMR distributed in the U.S., but it’s uncertain how many were administered. There were 68,760 events (reactions) reported in the VAERS system. 483 claims of injury or death from the MMR vaccine were compensated by the U.S. Government since 1988, while they dismissed hundreds of others. It’s also important to note that class actions get lumped into one file, so in reviewing numbers from the 2006 – 2016 compensation chart , these numbers may be skewed.
The 2013 Gardasil case is a perfect example of this. The HHS awarded $5,877,710 to 49 victims in claims made against the Gardasil HPV vaccine made by Merck. Over 200 claims were filed.
Despite the Gardasil case or the $4.1 billion in settlements to those who suffered injuries or death from vaccines, USA Today likes to purport , “For years, studies have repeatedly shown the safety of vaccines and their role in saving lives.” They go on to teach others how to “inoculate against misinformation” by sending them over to the “ News Literacy Project’s Checkology ” virtual classroom, alleging this will teach young people how to separate fact from fiction, and gain innate resistance to information that aims to mislead, incite, frighten or provoke. That is an interesting choice of words, given what the mainstream news is projecting and misrepresenting about the current measles “outbreak,” as cited above.
Even on the CDC’s website where they cover the “ Measles History ” they won’t tell you how many deaths there have been after the early 90s – which is four. WHY? People want to know this information so they can make educated decisions.
Another statistic they are not sharing is the fact that 77 of the 2019 measles cases had already been vaccinated and STILL contracted measles. Furthermore, the CDC has not indicated how many of the cases were laboratory tested to prove they had measles, which could reduce these numbers significantly, much like what happened in 1994.
All of this gives pause to the ongoing lawsuit between Merck and their scientists who allege Merck falsified the efficacy rate back in the 90s so as to get approval from the CDC.
This is an ongoing case, and is covered in part five of this investigation.
Clinton Foundation
It was established by former President of the United States Bill Clinton with the stated mission to "strengthen the capacity of people in the United States and throughout the world to meet the challenges of global interdependence.
CHAI was spun off into a separate organization in 2010; Ira Magaziner became its CEO
(he had been a key figure in the Clinton health care plan of 1993 ).
Chelsea Clinton joined its board in 2011, as did Tachi Yamada , former President of the Global Health Program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation .
*Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) and CGI U*
The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) was founded in 2005 by Bill Clinton.
Disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein is also said, according to his lawyers, to have taken part in the conception of CGI.
In 2007, Bill started CGI U, which expanded the model of CGI to students, universities, and national youth organizations.
Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI)
In August 2006, Bill Clinton started a program to fight climate change, the Clinton Foundation's Climate Initiative (CCI)
Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative
Established in 2007 with Canadian mining executive Frank Giustra — founder of the petroleum company Pacific Rubiales
Clinton Health Matters Initiative (CHMI)
In November 2012, Bill Clinton announced the launch of the Clinton Health Matters Initiative (CHMI). CHMI is a national initiative, building on the Clinton Foundation's work on global health
Disaster relief
The Foundation has funded extensive disaster relief programs
Both the foundation and the Clintons personally have been involved in Haiti before and after the 2010 Haiti earthquake .Bill Clinton was named the head of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) in 2010 after serving as UN special envoy to Haiti in the immediate aftermath of the disaster. The Clinton Foundation itself raised $30m
No Ceilings project
In 2013, Hillary Clinton established a partnership between the foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to gather and study data on the progress of women and [censored] around the world since the United Nations Fourth World Conference On Women in Beijing in 1995.
This is called "No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project."
Around 2007, the Clinton Foundation was criticized for a lack of transparency.
MAY 10, 2019
More than a decade after federal prosecutors gave a secret plea deal to a suspected child [censored] trafficker, the government finally wants to hear from his victims, indicating on Friday that they wish to interview an unspecified number of women who were molested by Jeffrey Epstein when they were teenagers.
“*Within two days*, corporate records show that Mr. Giustra also came up a winner when his company signed preliminary agreements giving it the right to buy into three uranium projects controlled by Kazakhstan’s state-owned uranium agency, Kazatomprom.
The monster deal stunned the mining industry, turning an unknown shell company into one of the world’s largest uranium producers in a transaction ultimately worth tens of millions of dollars to Mr. Giustra, analysts said.
*Just months after* the Kazakh pact was finalized, Mr. Clinton’s charitable foundation received its own windfall: a $31.3 million donation from Mr. Giustra that had remained a secret until he acknowledged it *last month*. The gift, combined with Mr. Giustra’s *more recent* and public pledge to give the William J. Clinton Foundation an additional $100 million, secured Mr. Giustra a place in Mr. Clinton’s inner circle, an exclusive club of wealthy entrepreneurs in which friendship with the former president has its privileges
MARCH 10, 2017
Podesta, founder and chairman of the Podesta Group, is listed as a key lobbyist on behalf of Sberbank, according to Senate lobbying disclosure forms . His firm received more than $24 million in fees in 2016, much of it coming from foreign governments, to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.
What was Tony Podesta paid to do on behalf of Sberbank?
*The Sberbank-Podesta relationship goes back many years.* Sberbank was the lead financial institution in the Russian deal to purchase Uranium One , owned by one of Bill Clinton’s closest friends, Frank Giustra.
Giustra and Bill Clinton lead the Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership, an integral part of the Clinton Foundation. Giustra has additionally donated $25 million to the Clinton Foundation
Silsby initially claimed the children were orphaned or abandoned, but the Haitian government and the charity SOS Children’s Villages found this wasn’t true; none of the children were orphans, as all had at least one living parent. Silsby’s legal adviser, Jorge Puello , was also detained in an alleged human trafficking ring accused of bringing women and children from Central America and Haiti.
Former President Bill Clinton, who was then coordinating relief efforts in Haiti, intervened to have all co-conspirators in the case released, except Silby.
Yet prosecutors reduced her charges from conspiracy and child abduction to “arranging irregular travel.”
There are a couple states where it’s just a free for all—you can do whatever you want. Even if the adoption goes through in Florida or New York, they’ll do the paperwork out of Utah.”
Opperman said, “There’s really no vetting done with these private adoptions whatsoever. Once they take place, nobody knows where these kids went.”
kun je de titel plaatsen,ik krijg de link niet aan het lopen.
Had m gisteren al voor je geplaatst
Ratten hebben m weg gehaalt
janmaat ik vond het goede info
ik begrijp je intentie
maar nogmaals
ik zie het anders
zoals eerder uitgelegd
het is iets zichtbaar maken
het zou te ver voeren om dat uit te leggen
het gaat om het grid , het zeropointenergyfield
de leylijnen de vortexen de ancient [censored]
en dat buiten de polariteit, dualiteit om
het is echter altijd aan iemand zelf.
deze videomaker vindt het zeropointfield dus buiten de polariteit
en heeft van daaruit waarschijnlijk
invloed met zijn bewustzijn op het veld.
helemaal super!
het is ook helemaal prima om als een monnik
op een berg te zitten en te wachten
omdat dit een game is
het is ook helemaal prima om het zeropointfield te gebruiken
en ook een rol te spelen in dit level
de beslissing van mensen om hier wel voor te kiezen
terwijl ze deze kennis hebben en het andere gemakkelijker is,
daar kan niemand over oordelen,
omdat men de beweegreden niet kent.
sommigen zullen er weloverwogen voor kiezen.
(wat de videomaker bijv over een x aantal jaren zou kunnen gaan doen..)
dus ik begrijp je info heel goed
je denkt
stop met info plaatsen
want dan stopt de game
en ben je bij het zeropoint
en dat is volgens mij onzin, de game gaat door.
(maar zie het voor wat het is)
je kunt toegang hebben tot het zeropoint/ zuivere bewustzijn
dus buiten goed en slecht om
EN je kunt een rol spelen in deze game
als je de balans houdt
en dan heb je het over gaia
en de schuhmannresonantie.
fotonen enz
en dat recht hebben we janmaat
dit weten
er toegang tot hebben
en wel een keuze maken
free will
soeverein zijn.
Je denkt
Stop met info plaatsen
Want dan stopt de game
En ben je bij het zeropoint
En dat is volgens mij onzin, de game gaat Door.
Dat is zeker onzin
Als men echt Door heeft dat men een game speelt
Stopt of word het plaatsen van info minder
En ziet men de game voor wat het is , een spel, niet echt
De game gaat Door en daarin heb je keuze recht en vrije wil
Kijkend naar de game
Is het mogelijk om te zien dat alles gebeurt
En iedereen doet maar alsof
ik blijf erover nadenken, jan maat
ik weet dat het een game is.
ik herinner het me
het uitzoeken van welke rol
maar dit zou misschien betekenen
dat ‘boven’ ook een illusie is
een matrix
en parallelle/ vorige levens?
en leven in andere dimensies?
(vrij van het rad van karma?
de reincarnatiecyclus)
heb je enig idee
van de impact...!?
dan zou alles bij de game horen
een game bestaande uit gamelevels
en ‘powerups’
en dat weet ik niet..
Ik had een heel stuk voor je geschreven
Maar die kut site liep vast
En ik heb geen zin t nog een keer te schrijven. Nu niet iig
Luister Hans
Meer had ik niet nodig
Ik ga op zoek voor je
Naar zijn lezingen over zijn spiritueel centrum wat ie heeft gehad
En over incarnatie.
Wel deze
Heeft ie in het kort erover
En over Veel meer
Luister deel 1 2 en 3
Hij wijst hier ook duidelijk aan
Weet je echt zeker of je waarheid wilt?
En stel jezelf ook die vraag
Niet nadenken
Het is meer terugdenken
bedankt voor het opzoeken
ik heb m gezien.
(eigenlijk bedoelde ik het wat anders
maar dat had je waarschijnlijk al begrepen)
over de game zijn we het eens.
Hans is tig jaren met chakra's, karma, energievelden enz bezig geweest
Heeft er les in gegeven
En dat werkte ook in de game
Tot ie inzag
Dat zelfs de game niet bestond
Er is niets
Bekijk ook eens (lang geleden al eens geplaatst).
Alles over niets
Wat wijst er op, dat het werkelijk rieel zo is ?
Helaas misschien later eens een keer.
Helaas misschien later eens een keer.
Als je nl. een stekkie hebt gekregen waar je mensen kunt beinvloeden dan heb je kans dat je geruimd wordt in die sekte...daar zijn voorbeelden genoeg van....
Als je nl. een stekkie hebt gekregen waar je mensen kunt beinvloeden dan heb je kans dat je geruimd wordt in die sekte...daar zijn voorbeelden genoeg van....
Je wijst het omgekeerde aan
De info ging daar niet over (klein beetje verdraaiing maar geeft niet).
Even over Jordan peterson dan
Ik vind hem ook goed
Jij kwam weer met je PA vraagstuk
ik plaatste wat van Jordan, met wie boeit me niet , had zomaar een ander kunnen zijn.
(Hij praat nauwelijks over dat soort onzin).
En de geest is uit de fles
Het gaat jou niet erom of Jordan een goeie aanwinst zou zijn
Het ging jou erom of Jordan een goeie aanwinst zou zij voor PA aarde vraagstuk.
Inderdaad de geest is uit de fles en daar stopt men hem niet zomaar weer terug in....
Citaat: Zeker een goede aandraging van Vladi. De moeite waard om wat meer te beluisteren, dat wel..
En de video die jij aangedragen hebt ook, maar dan wordt weer opnieuw het voorstellingsvermogen aangeroepen, maar zou het liever hebben van weten ipv aan te nemen dat het mogelijk zo zou kunnen zijn dat.....en daarop breit men verder tot in het oneindige kan men voort gaan....
Afleiding van ware zaken, die geverifieeerd kunnen worden en tot waar weten leiden...Maar meningen kunnen verschillen...
Je bent toch een openminded onderzoeker.
Nou, onderzoek het dan.
Begrijp even niet waar je op doelt in deze...
Het reactievakje doet vreemd...eerst geeft het geen reactie en als je dan denkt nogmaals te moeten drukken dan heb je tweemaal gereageerd....
Has President Trump finally turned on John Bolton? It's starting to look that way
Shortly before President Trump tweeted about a meeting with Marco Rubio and Rick Scott where the "terrible abuses by Maduro" were discussed, the Washington Post published an anonymously sourced story claiming that Trump is growing frustrated with the situation in Venezuela, and is blaming aides like Bolton for misleading him about opposition leader Juan Guaido's chances of success.
In recent days, Trump has expressed concern that Bolton is trying to get him "into a war." We imagine a leaked plan for a US-backed coup prepared by SOUTHCOM hasn't helped to assuage these concerns.
And remember, Bolton has also been a key figure in escalating tensions with Iran to what is starting to look like the brink of an armed conflict.
A detailed plan from “UNITED STATES SOUTHERN COMMAND” dated “23 FEBRUARY 2018” was issued with the title “PLAN TO OVERTHROW THE VENEZUELAN DICTATORSHIP ‘MASTERSTROKE’” and is here presented complete.
This document was personally signed by Admiral Kurt W. Tidd , who was the Commander (the chief), at SOUTHCOM , and he was thus the top U.S. military official handling Venezuela. But this was far more than just a military plan.
It was comprehensive — directing military, diplomatic, and propaganda, policies — regarding the Trump Administration’s planned “Overthrow” of Venezuela’s Government.
His plan has since guided the Administration’s entire operation, including “the capacities of the psychological war,” regarding Venezuela.
It instructed SOUTHCOM:
Encouraging popular dissatisfaction by increasing scarcity and rise in price of the foodstuffs, medicines and other essential goods for the inhabitants.
Making more harrowing and painful the scarcities of the main basic merchandises.” ...
intensifying the undercapitalization of the country, the leaking out of foreign currency and the deterioration of its monetary base, bringing about the application of new inflationary measures.” ...
Fully obstruct imports, and at the same time discouraging potential foreign investors in order to make the situation more critical for the population.” ...
compelling him to fall into mistakes that generate greater distrust and rejection domestically” ...
To besiege him, to ridicule him and to pose him as symbol of awkwardness and incompetence.
To expose him as a puppet of Cuba.” ...
Appealing to domestic allies as well as other people inserted from abroad in the national scenario in order to generate protests, riots and insecurity, plunders, thefts, assaults and highjacking of vessels as well as other means of transportation, with the intention of deserting this country in crisis through all borderlands and other possible ways, jeopardizing in such a way the National Security of neighboring frontier nations.
Causing victims and holding the Government responsible for them.
Magnifying, in front of the world, the humanitarian crisis in which the country has been submitted to.”
Structuring a plan to get the profuse desertion of the most qualified professionals from the country, in order ‘to leave it with no professionals at all’, which will aggravate even more the internal situation and along these lines putting the blame on of Government.”
the presence of combat units from the United States of America and the other named countries, under the command of a Joint General Staff led by the USA.”
This prophetic document — the source for what has happened afterward in and to Venezuela — might therefore finally receive the public attention that it so clearly merits.
His coup-plan is loaded with such statements, and, in fact, opens with one:
“Encouraging popular dissatisfaction by increasing scarcity and rise in price of the foodstuffs, medicines and other essential goods for the inhabitants. Making more harrowing and painful the scarcities of the main basic merchandises.”
Here is the document’s entire text:
23 FEB 2018
TOP SECRET/20180223
Middle Eastern governments are using high tech mass surveillance tools to monitor their citizens.
Western companies, including Britain's largest weapons manufacturer, BAE, are among those selling surveillance technology to these governments.
2 August 2018
*Google is developing a version of its search engine that will conform to China's censorship laws, reports say.*
The company shut down the engine in 2010, complaining that free speech was being limited.
But online news site The Intercept says Google has been working on a project code-named Dragonfly that will block terms like human rights and religion, a move sure to anger activists.
Amnesty International said Google should not proceed with the programme.
Patrick Poon, a China researcher for Amnesty, said in a statement: "It will be a dark day for internet freedom if Google has acquiesced to China's extreme censorship rules to gain market access.
Hiding from China's all-seeing state
Artificial intelligence: Hype, hope and fear
"In putting profits before human rights, Google would be setting a chilling precedent and handing the Chinese government a victory."
ik vind alles goed van hem.
je hoeft het eens te zijn met hem,maar ik zie en hoor hem graag.
wat interessant is,is dat 80 medewerkers van de uva hem liever niet komen zagen.
bekijk, jordan peterson -university of amsterdam,eens.
dan zie je meteen dat de uva kwalletjes,links geprogrammeerde omhoog gevallen sociopaatjes in de maak zijn
hij eet ze stuk voor stuk als ontbijt.
en heeft toch menselijke trekjes.
groet en kijk uit voor 5G ;)
Vanaf de 00:30 sec zat hij spot on precies goed tot Joe hem een andere richting uit trok....veelzeggend en dat met ongegronde bevoorordeelde meningen zonder enige onderbouwing maar puur ad hominem op het onderwerp....op 1:36 stuurt hij hem weg op onzinnige redeneringen people are afraid of chaos en they klinging to nonsens because of that terror.... het moet niet veel onzinniger worden.....pure drogredenatie om dat aan gedegen onderzoek van PA te koppelen...
De bullshitmeter slaat diep rood uit........
The world’s biggest telecom company, Huawei—which works hand-in-glove with the Chinese Communist Party—is positioning itself to dominate 5G technology, potentially gaining access to a large portion of data transfers worldwide.
* The Chinese Communist Party has detained Canadian citizens likely in retaliation for the recent arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou by Canadian authorities.
* Huawei was involved in creating China’s “Golden Shield” internet censorship infrastructure; the incipient “social credit system” to track and rate citizens based on behavior; and video monitoring project “Heaven Net” (tian wang). Many of Huawei’s clients are Chinese state-security related.
The European Commission’s cybersecurity recommendations for 5G and the Joint Declaration from the EU-China Summit point the way forward for ICT companies like Huawei.
Hui Cao is Head of Strategy & Policy at Huawei’s EU Public Affairs and Communication Office.
As Abraham Liu, Huawei’s Chief Representative to the European Institutions pointed out on 26 March, when the recommendations were published: “Huawei welcomes the objective and proportionate approach of the European Commission’s recommendations on 5G security. Huawei understands the cybersecurity concerns that European regulators have. Based on mutual understanding, Huawei looks forward to contributing to the European framework on cybersecurity. We are firmly committed to continuing working with all regulators and partners to make the 5G rollout in Europe a success.
Huawei's Links To Xinjiang And China's Surveillance State
There have been two separate stories doing the media rounds this week relating to Chinese surveillance technology.
First, the continual headlines around Huawei's battle with Washington over the security of its 5G equipment, and the news that, despite U.S. requests and CIA intelligence, the U.K. government will allow Chinese telecoms giant Huawei into its network.
And then reports into China's relentless development of advanced surveillance technologies, which are controlling the population at home and are now being exported to countries around the world.
The stories may seem separate, but they are connected. With China's surveillance state, everything is connected. The Xinjiang surveillance state laboratory, widely exported safe city technologies, widely exported critical networking equipment. It almost sounds like a national security strategy, doesn't it? And Huawei is there throughout.
The newspaper reported from Ecuador, on a surveillance system installed in 2011 that "is a basic version of a program of computerized controls that Beijing has spent billions to build out over a decade of technological progress
"Ecuador’s system," the /New York Times/said, "is called ECU-911 [and] was largely made by two Chinese companies, the state-controlled C.E.I.E.C. and Huawei." In a statement, Huawei told the newspaper that the company "provides technology to support smart city and safe city programs across the world.
Meanwhile, an article in /Newsweek/ focused on the development of AI-based surveillance, often with U.S. investment and collaboration, including engagement with the likes of Microsoft, Google and major U.S. universities. "In states with unaccountable institutions and frequent human rights abuses," /Newsweek/ reported, "AI systems will most likely cause greater damage. China is a prominent example.
The article explained that “Chinese companies like Huawei and ZTE are constructing smart cities in Pakistan, the Philippines and Kenya, featuring extensive built-in surveillance technology," and although "selling advanced equipment for profit is different than sharing technology
Earlier this month, /ZDNet/ reported that "Serbia wants to use technology to improve public safety in its capital, Belgrade. To that end, it has decided to implement Huawei's Safe City Solution – a surveillance system that includes the installation of thousands of security cameras." Huawei produced a case study on Serbia, which, according to /ZDNet/ "mysteriously disappeared" when they started asking questions.
Huawei was more focused on the shiny world of 5G this week. The U.S. is campaigning to prevent Huawei 5G technology from being deployed in networks in allied countries. Its argument is that there may be cyber backdoors that either facilitate information collection or enable a network compromise attack. The U.S. also claims that Huawei is heavily linked to the government in Beijing and obliged to do its bidding.
As reported by the /Times,/the latest news is that the CIA showed intelligence to senior British officials earlier this year, supporting those claims that Huawei "has received funding from branches of Beijing’s state security apparatus... American intelligence shown to Britain says that Huawei has taken money from the People’s Liberation Army, China’s National Security Commission and a third branch of the Chinese state intelligence network."[censored]/zakdoffman/2019/04/25/huawei-xinjiang-and-chinas-high-tech-surveillance-state-joining-the-dots/7b191435cd52[censored]/zakdoffman/2019/04/25/huawei-xinjiang-and-chinas-high-tech-surveillance-state-joining-the-dots/7b191435cd52
Huawei, a Chinese manufacturer of consumer electronics and telecommunications equipment, is currently the global leader in 5G technology. Founded, in the eighties, by Ren Zhengfei , an engineer who began his career in the People’s Liberation Army, Huawei has been accused by cybersecurity experts and politicians, most notably Donald Trump , of being a conduit to Chinese intelligence. In an op-ed in the Washington Post , the Republican senators Tom Cotton, of Arkansas, and John Cornyn, of Texas, characterized the company, which is funded with subsidies from the Chinese government, as a Trojan horse that could “give China effective control of the digital commanding heights.”
They tell the story of the African Union, which installed Huawei servers in its headquarters, in Addis Ababa, only to discover that those servers had been sending sensitive data back to China every evening. Although Huawei vigorously denies that it is an agent of the Chinese government, the senators pointed out, the company is subject to a Chinese law that requires companies to coöperate with the state intelligence apparatus. The Times of London reported that the C.I.A. has evidence that Huawei has taken money from the P.L.A., as well as from branches of the Chinese intelligence service.
Australia, Japan, and New Zealand have joined with the United States in banning Huawei hardware from their networks.
So far, though, the Trump Administration’s campaign to shut out Huawei is finding limited traction.
The European Union is poised to reject American entreaties , with individual countries like Portugal and Germany expressing a willingness to use Huawei equipment. Canada is relying on Huawei for at least one 5G trial. Even A.T. & T., which is bound by the federal guidelines that will go into effect next year in the U.S., continues to use Huawei equipment in Mexico , where it is the third-largest wireless company. Huawei equipment is cheaper than its Western rivals and, in the estimation of researchers at the Defensive Innovation Board (dib), which advises the Secretary of Defense on new technologies, in many cases, it is superior. By the start of this year, Huawei had cornered nearly thirty per cent of the global telecommunications-equipment market, and its revenue was thirty-nine-per-cent higher than the year before. According to the dib, its continued growth “will allow China to promote its preferred standards and specifications for 5G networks and will shape the global 5G product market going forward.”
There are very good reasons to keep a company that appears to be beholden to a government with a documented history of industrial cyber espionage, international data theft, and domestic spying out of global digital networks. But banning Huawei hardware will not secure those networks. Even in the absence of Huawei equipment, systems still may rely on software developed in China, and software can be reprogrammed remotely by malicious actors. And every device connected to the fifth-generation Internet will likely remain susceptible to hacking. According to James Baker, the former F.B.I. general counsel who runs the national-security program at the R Street Institute, “There’s a concern that those devices that are connected to the 5G network are not going to be very secure from a cyber perspective. That presents a huge vulnerability for the system, because those devices can be turned into bots, for example, and you can have a massive bot
Amid growing pressure from the US on European governments to reject Chinese tech firms, Huawei’s rotating CEO Ken Hu said on Tuesday (16 April) that the EU was doing “a great job” on cybersecurity.
hieronder aanvullende info;
When Huawei announced its latest smartphone last week, the world’s largest telecommunications gear maker also shared another product. Track AI promises to pair software with Huawei devices to let “non-trained professionals” diagnose eye conditions.
Missing from the Chinese company’s announcement was Google ’s work behind the scenes.
Huawei Technologies Co. built Track AI using TensorFlow , a set of AI software tools from Alphabet Inc.’s Google. TensorFlow is also open-source, so anyone, anywhere can use it and Google can’t control access.
Huawei and Google have also worked closely in the past. The Shenzhen-based company’s phones use Google’s Android software and, outside of China, rely heavily on the U.S. firm’s apps including search, Chrome and Maps. In 2015, the Chinese manufacturer designed a model of the Nexus smartphones , which Google co-marketed.
Trump: Google CEO 'totally committed' to U.S., not Chinese, military
A security source has told Reuters that Britain will allow Huawei access to non-core parts of the 5G network, but block it from all core parts of the system. The United States had told allies not to use Huawei’s technology because of fears it could be a vehicle for Chinese spy operations.
“It’s objectively the case that in the past decade there have been different approaches across the Five Eyes and across the allied wider Western alliance towards Huawei and towards other issues as well,” Ciaran Martin, the head of GCHQ’s National Cyber Security Center, told BBC radio.
He declined to confirm or deny the reports regarding Huawei, but said the government would make a decision soon.
“The review that the secretary of state will announce in due course is about much more than just Huawei, much more than about China, its about the fundamentals of how to keep these networks safe from any attacker,” he said.
UK minister:
Huawei leaks ‘unacceptable’,
criminal investigation possible
British culture minister Jeremy Wright said on Thursday (25 April) he could not rule out a criminal investigation over the “unacceptable” disclosure of confidential discussions on the role of China’s Huawei Technologies in 5G network supply chains.
Huawei, the world’s biggest producer of telecoms equipment, is under intense scrutiny after the United States told allies not to use its technology because of fears it could be a vehicle for Chinese spying. Huawei has categorically denied this.
Sources told Reuters on Wednesday Britain’s National Security Council (NSC) had decided to bar Huawei from all core parts of the country’s 5G network and restrict its access to non-core parts.
The leak of information from a meeting of the NSC, first reported in national newspapers, has sparked anger in parliament because the committee’s discussion are supposed to be secret.
Huawei admit Chinese law obliges companies to work with government, under conditions
Chinese State Security Law forces companies based in the country to “provide assistance with work relating to State Security,” a senior Huawei official in Brussels has said, in comments likely to heighten cybersecurity concerns about the Chinese tech giant.
The bosses of BMW and Deutsche Telekom have urged the German government to take action to block a European Commission proposal that would set a Wi-Fi-based standard for connected cars.
Finland raises concerns in 5G vs WiFi connected vehicle debate
Finland has hit out at European Commission plans to develop cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS), saying the measures are “not technically neutral,” according to a letter obtained by EURACTIV.
The debate centres around Commission plans for how vehicles should be connected in the future, either by using 5G or WiFi networks. The proposal has been drafted as a Delegated Act, a fast-track procedure that legislates on the basis of input from EU countries.
In a letter written to EU member states, Finland accuses the Commission of alienating 5G from inclusion in the measures.
“With the current wording of the act, only ITS-G5 i.e WiFi communication is considered as C-ITS,” the letter states. “We firmly believe that Europe could have broader penetration and faster implementation by giving all technologies a chance. This would not compromise safety.”
The issue is crucial because of 5G’s leading role in internet-connected products ranging from self-driving cars and smart cities to augmented reality and artificial intelligence. If the underlying technology for 5G connectivity is vulnerable then it could allow hackers to exploit such products to spy or disrupt them.
The European Commission has laid out plans for a coordinated EU approach towards the next generation of mobile broadband networks, 5G, following concerns about China aired by member states during last week’s European Council summit.
Upon announcing the plans, Commission Vice-President for the Digital Single Market, Andrus Ansip, said the EU’s executive branch has “specific concerns connected with some producers.”
He added that “everyone knows I’m talking about China and Huawei,” and elaborated further by saying that the 2017 Chinese intelligence act forces producers “to collaborate with the secret services.”
“We have to be worried about this,” Ansip said. “But we have never asked to ban certain suppliers.”
Superfast 5G mobile networks come with “extremely dangerous” cybersecurity risks, the EU cybersecurity agency ENISA has warned. 5G is expected to become available to European consumers by 2025.
The European Commission and national governments around Europe are racing to make 5G available quickly, and have been pushing telecoms operators to invest billions of euros in the new technology.
But ENISA has poked holes in the high-flying political talk about 5G: fast mobile connections come with a “medium to high risk” of cybersecurity attacks, according to the Athens-based agency.
Companies are pinning their hopes for a boom in revenues on 5G because it is expected to drive sophisticated Internet-connected machines that process huge amounts of data and need low-latency connections, like autonomous cars and manufacturing services.
Despite the hype over 5G, the EU cybersecurity agency has cautioned that there are not enough safeguards in place to make sure the new networks will be secure.
Lawmakers have urged Alphabet’s Google to reconsider its ties with Huawei because it “could pose a serious risk to U.S. national security” and American consumers.
Google creates the Android mobile operating system on Huawei devices and the two firms have a partnership to do with mobile messaging.
Google recently ended a controversial scheme with the government called Project Maven which used artificial intelligence for military purposes.
Calling China’s Huawei a ‘security threat’, US lawmakers urge Google to reconsider its ties to the telecomCriticism that the tech giant works with the Chinese smartphone maker but ended a research partnership with the US Defence Department
Concerns about eavesdropping and other security threats led the Pentagon this spring to cease selling Huawei devices on its military bases.
Google's work in China benefiting China's military
MARCH 14, 2019
Lawmakers and Google employees have raised concerns the company would comply with China’s internet censorship and surveillance policies if it re-enters the Asian nation’s search engine market.
Asked about Dunford’s comments, Google referred to previous statements.
Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine
the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is charging UNICEF and WHO with sterilizing millions of [censored] and women under cover of an anti-tetanus vaccination program sponsored by the Kenyan government.
The results confirmed their worst fears: all six samples tested positive for the HCG antigen. The HCG antigen is used in anti-fertility vaccines , but was found present in tetanus vaccines targeted to young [censored] and women of childbearing age.
It should be noted that UNICEF and WHO distribute these vaccines for free, and that there are financial incentives (/beloningen) for the Kenyan government to participate in these programs.
When funds from the UN are not enough to purchase yearly allotments of vaccines, an organization started and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, provides extra funding for many of these vaccination programs in poor countries. (See: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Vaccine Empire on Trial in India .)
Also, there was no outbreak of tetanus in Kenya, only the perceived “threat” of tetanus due to local flood conditions.
These local disasters are a common reason UNICEF goes into poorer countries with free vaccines to begin mass vaccination programs.
A very similar mass vaccination with the live oral polio vaccine occurred among Syrian refugees in 2013, when 1.7 million doses of polio vaccine were purchased by UNICEF, in spite of the fact that no cases of polio had been seen since 1999. After the mass vaccination program started, cases of polio began to reappear in Syria. (See: Are UNICEF Live Polio Vaccines Causing Polio Among Syrians? 1.7 Billion Polio Vaccines Purchased by UNICEF .)
It seems quite apparent that UNICEF and WHO use these local disasters to mass vaccinate people, mainly children and young women. Massive education and propaganda efforts are also necessary to convince the local populations that they need these vaccines. Here is a video UNICEF produced for the tetanus vaccine in Kenya. Notice how they use school teachers and local doctors to do the educating, even though the vaccines are produced by western countries.
The stories became far too frequent to ignore.
Wheat harvest protocol in the United States is to drench the wheat fields with Roundup several days before the combine harvesters work through the fields as withered, dead wheat plants are less taxing on the farm equipment and allows for an earlier, easier and bigger harvestPre-harvest application of the herbicide Roundup or other herbicides containing the deadly active ingredient glyphosate to wheat and barley as a desiccant was suggested as early as 1980. It has since become routine over the past 15 years and is used as a drying agent 7-10 days before harvest within the conventional farming community.
According to the US Department of Agriculture, as of 2012, 99% of durum wheat, 97% of spring wheat, and 61% of winter wheat has been treated with herbicides. This is an increase from 88% for durum wheat, 91% for spring wheat and 47% for winter wheat since 1998.
Here’s what wheat farmer Keith Lewis has to say about the practice:
I have been a wheat farmer for 50 yrs and one wheat production practice that is very common is applying the herbicide Roundup (glyposate) just prior to harvest. Roundup is licensed for preharvest weed control. Monsanto, the manufacturer of Roundup claims that application to plants at over 30% kernel moisture result in roundup uptake by the plant into the kernels. Farmers like this practice because Roundup kills the wheat plant allowing an earlier harvest
A wheat field often ripens unevenly, thus applying Roundup preharvest evens up the greener parts of the field with the more mature.
The result is on the less mature areas Roundup is translocated into the kernels and eventually harvested as such.
This practice is not licensed. Farmers mistakenly call it “dessication.” Consumers eating products made from wheat flour are undoubtedly consuming minute amounts of Roundup. An interesting aside, malt barley which is made into beer is not acceptable in the marketplace if it has been sprayed with preharvest Roundup. Lentils and peas are not accepted in the market place if it was sprayed with preharvest roundup….. but wheat is ok.. This farming practice greatly concerns me and it should further concern consumers of wheat products.
Using Roundup as a dessicant on the wheat fields prior to harvest may save the farmer money and increase profits, but it is devastating to the health of the consumer who ultimately consumes those ground up wheat kernels which have absorbed a significant amount of Roundup!
Roundup significantly disrupts the functioning of beneficial bacteria in the gut and contributes to permeability of the intestinal wall and consequent expression of autoimmune disease symptoms
In a nutshell, Dr. Seneff’s study of Roundup’s ghastly glyphosate which the wheat crop in the United States is doused with just days before harvest uncovers the manner in which this lethal toxin harms the human body by decimating beneficial gut microbes with the tragic end result of disease, degeneration, and widespread suffering
You Must Avoid Toxic Wheat No Matter What
[Roundup: Quick Death for Weeds, Slow and Painful Death for You](
[Glyphosate now commonly found in human urine]([censored]/articles/archive/2012/10/23/glyphosate-found-in-human-urine.aspx)
[Glyphosate, Celiac and Gluten Intolerance](
[The Glyphosate, Celiac Disease Connection]([censored]/articles/archive/2014/09/14/glyphosate-celiac-disease-connection.aspx?)
[Hybrid Wheat is Not the Same as GMO Wheat](
[Is it the Gluten or is it the Glyphosate?](
[Can Celiacs Eat Sourdough Bread?](
[Pre-harvest Application of Glyphosate to Wheat](
[Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases](
[Yield and quality of wheat seeds as a function of desiccation stages and herbicides](
[Wheat farmer weighs in on the use of Roundup as a wheat desiccant](
Bolton's Iranian Thugs Busted
Planning Attack on US Naval Forces
We received proof more than 12 hours before headlines broke about a possible Iranian strike on the US Navy by the Peoples Mojahedin loyal to .
The details of this planned attack is being released here for the world to see who is really behind the evils of today.
Media Blackout: U.S. and Iran Tensions Rise — Iran Claims Arrest of 290 CIA Agents; U.S. Sends 2 Aircraft Carriers To Mediterranean; Bolton & Pompeo Issue Threats
The Trump administration has accused Iran and militias that it backs of threatening American troops within the Middle East without citing any evidence of the plots.
However, that’s not the full story, there is much more going on here that the U.S. press is ignoring that we shouldn’t turn a blind eye to.
Before the U.S. said it would send 2 carrier strike groups on April 22nd, it was reported by Press TV (which is based in Iran) that Iranian forces had “identified 290 CIA agents across different countries, forcing the U.S. to form a special committee to reassess its cloak-and-dagger operations” according to Iranian Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi.
Other news [censored] including a Russia-based site Rossaprimavera states the statement was actually made on April 19th.
“CIA operatives in those countries were identified and arrested and the contacts of the U.S. intelligence agency with its sources were disrupted in such a way that a committee to assess the failure was set up in America,” Iranian Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi said.
Another report by the Tehran Times corroborated the Press TV report and stated: “Tens of spies who were employed by foreign intelligence services were identified in the country’s sensitive centers and were arrested.”
Alavi further referred to a Yahoo News article , specifically highlighting a quote from American national security analyst with the Government Accountability Project, a nonprofit that works with whistleblowers, Irvin McCullough, who described a major American intelligence setback in 2009 when Iranian intelligence got its hands on unknown CIA communication software, as “one of the most catastrophic intelligence failures” since the September 11th attacks in 2001.
dus wacht niet te lang als je m wilt zien)
New mobile system to be launched this year ‘will put lives at risk’.
“The way 5G is being introduced could seriously compromise our ability to forecast major storms,” said Tony McNally of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts in Reading. “In the end it could make the difference between life and death. We are very concerned about this.”
In an appeal to the European Union, more than 180 scientists and doctors from 36 countries warn about the danger of 5G, which will lead to a massive increase in involuntary exposure to electromagnetic radiation. The scientists urge the EU to follow Resolution 1815 of the Council of Europe , asking for an independent task force to reassess the health effects.
The consequences for the health of humans, plants and animals are not discussed at all. Politicians, governments and the media are responsible for unbalanced information. Ordinary people are not informed of conflicting opinions about this technological development.
It has been shown that studies on the health impact of electromagnetic radiation in the past have often been influenced by industry. The scientists insist that independent studies on the effects of 5G radiation “to ensure the safety of the population” should now be carried out. They therefore ask the European Commission to postpone the expansion of the 5G network “until the potential risks to human health and the environment have been thoroughly investigated by scientists independent of industry”.
Response of the European Commission
In her reply the European Commission states that ‘under Article 168 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the primary responsibility for protecting the public from potential harmful effects of electromagnetic fields remains with the Member States..
Brussels does not go ahead with 5G, due to health concernsPlans for a pilot project to provide high-speed 5G wireless internet in Brussels have been halted due to fears for the health of citizens, according to reports. It is impossible to estimate the radiation from the antennas required for the service. “I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not,” Environment minister Céline Fremault (CDH) told Bruzz.
Netherlands: Parliament asks for independent investigation on 5G health risks
We still do not know about the dangers to public health. Little research has been undertaken into the effects of 5G. We have to take people’s concerns seriously and investigate this.
His SPECT brain study in 2004 focused on firefighters who complained of neurological problems following a cell tower installation at their fire station beforehand.
The symptoms they experienced were: headaches, memory problems, sleeping problems, depression, and anxiety. Dr. Heuser published a study recently on fMRI showing abnormalities in EHS similar to brain injury. Original study published in July 2017, without the controls, full text : Corrigendum to the study, which includes fMRI scans of the controls (non- EHS)
The IAFF opposes the use of fire stations as base stations for towers and/or antennas for the conduction of cell phone transmissions until a study with the highest scientific merit and integrity on health effects of exposure to low-intensity RF/MW radiation is conducted and it is proven that such sitings are not hazardous to the health of our members.”
This position was initiated after increasing complaints among firefighters with cellular antennas on their stations coupled with the California study showing neurological damage in California firefighters conducted by Dr. Gunnar Heuser.
You don’t have to look hard to find the scientific research pertaining to wireless radiation, cell phones, electrical lines, etc. That being said, “waiting for high levels of scientific and clinical proof before taking action to prevent well-known risks can lead to very high health and economic costs, as was the case with asbestos, leaded petrol and tobacco.” ( The European Commission ).
Here you can find a list of citations for 1,670 peer-reviewed scientific papers about electromagnetic fields (EMF) published in scientific journals [censored] back to 1979 all the way through to 2018.
Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world.
The statement above comes from Martin L. Pall, PhD & Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University. He wrote a very informative report, titled 5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them
* Increased cell growth of brain cancer cells (5)
* A doubling of the rate of lymphoma in mice (6)
* Changes in tumor growth in rats (7)
* An increased number of tumors in rats (8)
* Increased single- and double-strand breaks in DNA, our genetic material (9)
* 2 to 4 times as many cancers in Polish soldiers exposed to RF (10)
* More childhood leukemia in children exposed to RF (11)
* Changes in sleep patterns and REM type sleep (12)
* Headaches caused by RF/MW radiation exposure (13)
* Neurologic changes (14) including:
◦ Changes in the blood-brain-barrier (15)
◦ Changes in cellular morphology (including cell death) (16)
◦ Changes in neural electrophysiology (EEG) (17)
◦ Changes in neurotransmitters (which affect motivation and pain perception) (18)
◦ Metabolic changes (of calcium ions, for instance) (19)
◦ Cytogenetic effects (which can affect cancer, Alzheimer's, neurodegenerative diseases) (20)
* Decreased memory, attention, and slower reaction time in school children (21)
* Retarded learning in rats indicating a deficit in spatial "working memory" (22)
* Increased blood pressure in healthy men (23)
* Damage to eye cells when combined with commonly used glaucoma medications (24)
Many national and international organizations have recognized the need to define the true risk of low intensity, non-thermal RF/MW radiation exposure, calling for intensive scientific investigation to answer the open questions. These include:
* The World Health Organization, noting reports of "cancer, reduced fertility, memory loss, and adverse changes in the behavior and development of children." (25)
* The U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (26)
* The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) (27)
* The Swedish Work Environmental Fund (28)
* The National Cancer Institute (NCI) (29)
· The 1998 Vienna-EMF Resolution (42)
· The 2000 Salzburg Resolution on Mobile Telecommunication Base Stations (43)
· The 2002 Catania Resolution (44)
· The 2002 Freiburger Appeal (45)
· The 2004 Report of the European Union's REFLEX Project (Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Sensitive /in vitro/Methods) (46)
· The 2004 Second Annual Report from Sweden's Radiation Protection Board (SSI) Independent Expert Group on Electromagnetic Fields Recent Research on Mobile Telephony and Health Risks (47)
· Mobile Phones and Health 2004: Report by the Board of NRPB (The UK's National Radiological Protection Board) (48)
The county of Palm Beach, Florida, the City of Los Angeles, California, and the country of New Zealand have all prohibited cell phone base stations and antennas near schools due to safety concerns. The British Columbia Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils [BCCPAC] passed a resolution in 2003 banning cellular antennae from schools and school grounds.
O, ja en ze bouwen enorme zandkastelen in de ruimte in gedachten, ook door mindcontrole... je weet wel!
Btw alle privacy addo-ons worden gedisabled door een zgn bug in firefox
de censurering gaat belachelijjke vormen aannemen, men moet en zal slagen richting hun NWO maar the cat is out of the bag,,,,
De uilen in het nauw maken rare bokkensprongen, het wordt steeds zichtbaarder het werkt averrechts.... Of is dat juist het plan?
Worden we gemanipuleert.....?
het is moeilijk mijn woede,op het duivels kwade af,te beheersen.
deze docu is wel ongeveer allesomvattend,de kern/virus blootleggend.
wat kan een mens doen tegen zoiets ouds in een mensenleven van gemiddeld 70 jaar?
gelukkig heb ik vladi nog die no fear kent.
vladi zal off grit tot zijn laatste adem blijven vechten tegen dit gedrocht uit de diepste demonische krochten.
Interessant kanaal Vegan Warrior...
Though the IMF is different from the World Bank in several respects, such as its stated mission and focus, it too is largely dominated by U.S. government influence and funding. For instance, the IMF is also based in Washington and the U.S. is the company’s largest shareholder — the largest by far, owning 17.46 percent of the institution – and also pays the largest quota for the institution’s maintenance, paying $164 billion in IMF financial commitments annually. Though the U.S. does not choose the IMF’s top executive, it uses its privileged position as the institution’s largest funder to control IMF policy by threatening to withhold its IMF funding if the institution does not abide by Washington’s demands.
This “U.S. coup manual,” recently highlighted by WikiLeaks, serves as a reminder that the so-called “independence” of such financial institutions as The World Bank and IMF is an illusion and that they are among the many “financial weapons” regularly used by the U.S. government to bend countries to its will and even overthrow U.S.-disfavored governments.
In fact, the number of countries whose elections have been affected by US meddling is much higher. There is scarcely a country, large or small, where the CIA, the State Department, the Pentagon or their various nongovernmental agencies, including the AFL-CIO, have not intervened in an attempt to obtain the election result desired by Washington.
This includes nominal “allies” such as Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Britain, Australia and Japan.
According to a White House statement, the two leaders said Russia still had not taken steps to de-escalate the situation in eastern Ukraine a week after a Malaysian passenger jet was shot down by what U.S. officials believe were pro-Russian separatists using Russian weapons. All 298 people on board were killed.
Titled Rescuing Boris
While the U.S. decries “fake news” and dismisses the successes of alternative media’s reporting on corruption in the Democrat Party by collectively deeming it “Russian propaganda,” it would seem the entire country has forgotten American exploits in Russia in 1996.
In fact, these American advisors literally meddled in the Russian election that year — and as TIME, itself, points out, changed the course of the country’s politics forever.
*“The outcome was by no means inevitable,”* TIME’s Michael Kramer penned on July 15, 1996. /“Last winter Yeltsin’s approval ratings were in the single digits. There are many reasons for his change in fortune, but a crucial one has remained a secret./*For four months, a group of American political consultants clandestinely participated in guiding Yeltsin’s campaign.*/Here is the inside story of how these advisers helped Yeltsin achieve the victory that will keep reform in Russia alive.”/
In 1996, the White House and President Bill Clinton personally mounted a massive campaign to secure the reelection of Boris Yeltsin, whose comprador regime had been installed in the first place to oversee the dissolution of the Soviet Union and restoration of capitalism.
One of the ironies of the current contrived scandal over alleged Russian intervention in the 2016 election is the fact that the supposed victim, Hillary Clinton, is the wife of the president who oversaw the very real interference by Washington in the Russian election 20 years earlier
It is now public record that the Yeltsin campaign conducted extensive “black operations,” including disrupting opposition rallies and press conferences, spreading disinformation among Yeltsin supporters, and denying media access to the opposition. The dirty tricks included such tactics as announcing false dates for opposition rallies and press conferences,disseminatingalarming campaign materials that they deceitfully attributed to the Zyuganov campaign, and cancelling hotel reservations for Zyuganov and his volunteers. Finally, widespread bribery, voter fraud, intimidation, and ballot stuffing assured Yeltsin’s victory in the runoff election.
The day after his victory, Yeltsin disappeared from the scene and did not reappear until months later, drunk. During Yeltsin’s second term, the “non-ideological” IMF provided another infusion of money, this time $40 billion. Once again, more billions disappeared without a trace, much of it stolen by the President’s chronies, who placed it in foreign banks. The re-elected President didn’t even pretend to make good on his campaign promises.
Serious observers, including leading Democrats, agree that even if the recent hacking allegations against Russia turn out to be true, the “dirty tricks” did not affect the outcome of the 2016 election.
By contrast, American meddling and financing of the 1996 presidential election in Russia clearly played a pivotal role in turning Yeltsin from a candidate with single-digit approval at the beginning of the yearinto a winning candidate with an official (but disputed) 54.4% of votes cast in the second-round runoff later that same year.
With all due respect, I just wonder where you might get all the false information you wrote on your article…Maduro’s a dictator. This is NOT a conventional dictatorship that is being dismantled In Venezuela.
An emporium of Narco-trafficking, Terrorism and International Crime is being dismantled. This emporium has used the enormous resources of an entire State of a Rich Country and with a privileged geopolitical position. The exit of three occupation armies is taking place.
Being a Venezuelan, living through at least three coup d’etats, having my family and friends be kidnapped and killed because of the ever so growing kidnapping industry in the country is very real and horrifying. Maduro is a man that has no experience in government or international politics and he barely understands what the meaning of an economy is. He has in fact burned political polls and aid previously and this is not the first account.
The reason, very simple, he is not very smart. It is well known that he is the head of the government run drug cartel “Cartel of the Sun”, is taking millions of dollars out of the country that he has corruptly earned and has run Venezuela to the ground. This has been happening since 2001, it is just now being discussed seriously by the Western media.
I agree that Western media is false especially knowing the historical American agenda of imperialism. Venezuela has suffered greatly from American government infiltrations since the 50s and their role in meddling for oil is vastly true. However, the Socialist dictatorship, Maduro and his gremlins (please google “Diosdado Cabello drug trafficking” and “Cartel of the Sun”) are also taking advantage of the oil, the kidnapping industry, and have themselves placed hits on people around the country for no reason but because they were “against” the government.
My point is, both sides are shit and that should be acknowledged to your readers.
It would be really appreciated by myself and Venezuelan people if this reality can also be expressed. We have suffered a regime that has made us resentful and angry, and the western intake in this struggle should not take away from the years of hardship we have endured from oppressive leaders and badly run Socialist governments.
Facebook leaves verification
to groups funded by Soros,
US Congress
Although he has not yet apparently gained as much fame – or infamy for that matter – as another US billionaire and renowned political meddler, George Soros, Omidyar has also lately shown himself as a major patron of regime-change operations. As early as in 2014, the US media reported that Omidyar supported anti-government groups in Ukraine that opposed the then President Viktor Yanukovych, who was ousted during Maidan.
A report by Forbes also suggested that the billionaire was one of the major funders of the Kiev-based Hromadske TV, which harbored anti-Russian views while backing the violent 2014 coup.
Most recently, a group of journalists revealed that Omidyar funds a wide range of media outlets through foundations, nonprofits and other cutouts that in fact promote the liberal interventionist agenda.
Notably, two years after the launch of the IFCN Omidyar teamed up with none other than another "liberal interventionist" – Soros – to channel some $1.3 million into the project to support its development.
The Poynter Institute itself also has the Omidyar Network as well as the Democracy Fund – another foundation linked to the eBay founder – on its list of major donors, alongside Open Society Foundations (OSF) run by Soros and the NED.
Providers of 'ultimate truth'The list of "certified" fact-checkers provided by the IFCN certainly looks impressive. It includes such international news agencies as Associated Press and Agency France Press (AFP), which appear on the list along with its branch offices in a dozen and a half countries. In total, the 'network' describes 66 organizations as "verified signatories" of the self-styled "code of principles" it developed .
However, the impartiality question remains. At least some of the organizations listed as reliable suppliers of the ultimate truth and described as "partners" by Facebook in fact receive substantial funding from the likes of Soros and Omidyar – or even directly from Western governments.
One of these organizations called PolitiFact even enjoys what it calls "administrative support" from the Poynter Institute while receiving significant funding from Facebook itself.
The US-based fact-checker also collected regular donations from Omidyar's Democracy Fund since at least 2013, which amounted to between $125,000 and $250,000
Together, Omidyar's Luminate Group and Soros' OSF also provided a quarter of the funding, which a South Africa-based fact-checker, the 'Africa Check', received in 2018.
Meanwhile, another such organization based in Turkey and called Teyit got its funds directly from Western governments in the form of "financial support" provided by the British embassy in Ankara as well as the European Endowment for Democracy – a foundation financed directly by most EU states along with Switzerland and Norway.
The mainstream media has been caught red handed faking measles photos of children seemingly in an attempt to scare the public into to getting vaccinated. YouTube reporter Nathan Stolpman of the Lift The Veil channel reveals the photos along with recent news about people being fined for not getting the MMR jab.
Here is the original stock photo, before the image was doctored:
NBC Caught FAKING Measles Pic
Syrians are writing the history of the Syrian conflict because Syria and her allies have courageously resisted the Imperialist machine.
As Rafiq has said so eloquently “ we are the Veto” and we must use it against the Industrial Media Complex in the West.
Syria’s history belongs to the Syrians and Syria’s final victory must ensure that Western media is never again given the power to destroy a nation, divide its people and promote international terrorism both military and economic.
The Veto is an important documentary now more than ever if nothing more than as an attempt to awaken Western audiences to the fact that their media has ceased even the pretense of journalism and is now nothing more than a monolithic intense propaganda factory designed to manipulate both their opinions and their morality.
Watch The Veto here:
THE VETO: Exposing CNN, Al Jazeera, Channel 4, western media propaganda war in Syria
brought some of Ukraine’s top corruption prosecutors and investigators face to face
with members of former President Obama’s National Security Council (NSC), FBI, State Department and Department of Justice (DOJ).
The agenda suggested the purpose was training and coordination. But Ukrainian participants said it didn’t take long — during the meetings and afterward — to realize the Americans’ objectives included two politically hot investigations: one that touched Vice President Joe Biden’s family and one that involved a lobbying firm linked closely to then-candidate Trump.
Kulyk said Ukrainian authorities had evidence that other Western figures , such as former Obama White House counsel Gregory Craig, also received money from Yanukovych’s party.
But the Americans weren’t interested: “They just discussed Manafort. This was all and only what they wanted. Nobody else
Manafort joined Trump’s campaign on March 29, 2016, and then was promoted to campaign chairman on May 19, 2016.
NABU leaked the existence of the ledgers on May 29, 2016. Later that summer, it told U.S. media the ledgers showed payments to Manafort, a revelation that forced him to resign from the campaign in August 2016.
A Ukrainian court in December concluded NABU’s release of the ledger was an illegal attempt to influence the U.S. election. And a member of Ukraine’s parliament has released a recording of a NABU official saying the agency released the ledger to help Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton ’s campaign.
The other case raised at the January 2016 meeting, Telizhenko said, involved Burisma Holdings , a Ukrainian energy company under investigation in Ukraine for improper foreign transfers of money. At the time, Burisma allegedly was paying then-Vice President Joe Biden ’s son Hunter as both a board member and a consultant. More than $3 million flowed from Ukraine to an American firm tied to Hunter Biden in 2014-15, bank records show .
According to Telizhenko, U.S. officials told the Ukrainians they would prefer that Kiev drop the Burisma probe and allow the FBI to take it over. The Ukrainians did not agree. But then Joe Biden pressured Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire Ukraine’s chief prosecutor in March 2016, as I previously reported. The Burisma case was transferred to NABU, then shut down.
The efforts eventually led to a September 2016 meeting in which the FBI asked Deripaska if he could help prove Manafort was helping Trump collude with Russia. Deripaska laughed off the notion as preposterous.
Previously, Politico reported that the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington assisted Clinton’s campaign through a DNC contractor. The Ukrainian Embassy acknowledges it got requests for assistance from the DNC staffer to find dirt on Manafort but denies it provided any improper assistance.
Now we have more concrete evidence that the larger Ukrainian government also was being pressed by the Obama administration to help build the Russia collusion narrative. And that onion is only beginning to be peeled.
But what is already confirmed by Ukrainians looks a lot more like assertive collusion with a foreign power than anything detailed in the Mueller report .
Define ‘Renegade’.
1. a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
synonyms: traitor, defector, deserter, turncoat, betrayer;
adjective: renegade
1. having treacherously changed allegiance.
Trump says tables have turned in Russia probe
For the first time President Trump used the terms “attempted coup” and “overthrow” to discuss the coordinated effort against his administration by the previous administration including James Clapper (ODNI), John Brennan (CIA), James Comey (FBI), and lower level officials within the intelligence apparatus.
America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group
Het is dus 1 van de vele leugens hetgeen je in een bepaalde mindset brengt van, ter mindcontrole, maar in zijn redenering, in deze, heeft hij gelijk. En een mens kan onmogelijk alles weten en hij heeft zich niet verdiept in die materie, dat heeft hij zelf ook toegegeven bij Globebusters. Bewustheid is key in deze en daarmee niet langer een scheef systeem mede mogelijk maken dat is een richting waarin hij wijst. Onze kinderen worden belogen, wij worden belogen dat moet stoppen. Vooral de boodschap dat we de smartgrid moeten stoppen dat is zeer belangrijk in deze, weg met de smarttoestellen, wordt werkelijk 'smart'
en dus wijs, je kunt nl. ook met een prepaid toestelletje bellen en smsjes versturen dan ben je ook bereikbaar daar is geen 5G voor nodig. Alle onnodige luxe zet ons (de mensheid) verder gevangen, iedere luxe app is een nieuwe tralie voor de elektronische kooi, wees werkeijk smart, Wake Up!!!
Hoop aleen niet dat dit wederom een goed in elkaar gestoken afleiding of bezigheid is om de mensheid het bos in te sturen, zij maken nl. de wetten en wij maken de keuze (vrijheid van keuze?) om simpelweg te geloven in de macht van wat in hun voordeel opgestelde lettertjes op papier....
TSR 240: Getting $300M From The Queen | Cal Washington on The Corporate World, Smart Meters
Ook dit zal de elite nooit doen!
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