De afgelopen jaren heeft iedereen zich ervan kunnen overtuigen dat de media alles zijn behalve onpartijdig en eerlijk. Ze liegen dat het gedrukt staat! Niet alleen de kranten maar ook nieuwskanalen zoals RTL nieuws en het door ons zelf betaalde NOS journaal liegen er lustig op los, met name als het gaat over landen die zich niet willen conformeren aan de opgelegde wetten van de Westerse landen. Ik heb het dan over landen zoals Syrië, Irak, Afghanistan, Somalië, Libië, Soedan, Palestina, etc.
Enkele van deze landen zijn al onder de voet gelopen en totaal terug naar de middeleeuwen gebombardeerd door de coalitie van Westerse bankenlanden, dit gebeurt altijd onder het mom van bescherming van de burgers tegen dictators. Het resultaat is steeds hetzelfde. Een kapot land zonder infrastructuur, zonder leiding, leeg geroofd van grondstoffen en goudvoorraden en het voornaamste geen toekomst voor de bevolking.
Jullie zullen het met mij eens zijn dat dit moet stoppen!
Dit kan maar op één manier stoppen en dat is als wij, als waakhond van de media, de media oproepen te stoppen met de flagrante leugens. Deze leugens brengen namelijk ontzettend veel mensenlevens in gevaar. Misschien wel het allerbekendste voorbeeld is de grofste leugen tot nu toe vertelt, de chemische aanval In Douma ( Syrië ), die in totaal niet heeft plaats gevonden. Enkel de leugens van de politiek in collaboratie met de media hebben ertoe geleid dat een grootscheepse aanval op Syrië mogelijk werd. Er was geen aanslag.
Dit laatste kan bewezen worden door het onderzoek van de OPCW. De OPCW is op verzoek van Syrië en Rusland afgereisd naar Syrië om in het plaatsje Douma op zoek te gaan naar resten van het vermeende chloorgas dat door het Syrische leger zou zijn gebruikt. Nog voordat de onderzoekers van het OPCW ook maar één monster konden nemen besloten Frankrijk, Engeland en de VS Syrië te bestoken met maar liefst 100 kruisraketten. Waarom zo snel?
Nu de aanval plaatsgevonden heeft en de OPCW even moet wachten totdat de boel weer helemaal veilig is ( want stel je voor er zou wat gebeuren met één van hun medewerkers ) roepen onze kranten al dat de Russen eventuele monsters aan het opruimen zijn en daarmee bewijs van de aanval vernietigen zodat de OPCW niets meer kan vinden.
Los van dit onderzoek loopt er ook nog een ander onderzoek, dat van de zogenaamde Skripal zaak. Er zou een aanslag hebben plaatsgevonden op een oud medewerker van de Russen. De Russen hebben deze man zelf vrijgelaten en naar Engeland laten verhuizen in de jaren negentig. Nog voordat er überhaupt duidelijk was wat er nu echt gebeurd was riepen regeringsvertegenwoordigers van de Britten dat Rusland achter de aanslag zou zitten. Het roemruchte novachok virus was namelijk al ontdekt door een laboratorium enkele kilometers verderop. Althans, dat stelde Boris Johnson, de minister van buitenlandse zaken van Engeland. Maar Johnson bleek te liegen en niet zo’n beetje. Niet alleen verdraaide hij de woorden van het lab naar het blijkt maar hij loog ook nog eens over de aard van het gebruikte gif. Dat bleek namelijk geen novachock virus te zijn ( dat oorspronkelijk uit de voormalige Sovjetunie stamt ) maar een geheel ander virus dat nooit door Rusland geproduceerd werd maar juist wel door de UK, de VS en enkele ander westerse landen, zij gebruikten dit virus als militair wapen om de tegenstander tijdelijk te verlammen. Het virus dat door het Zwitserse lab herkend werd als BZ virus.
Nu kan ik hier urenlang door gaan halen over de ontelbare medialeugens die de afgelopen jaren verspreid werden en vandaag nog gewoon worden ( want zelfs onze ministerpresident vond het liegen van Stef Blok over Rusland en Putin geen enkel probleem ) en wij herinneren ons allemaal nog de leugens over de massavernietigingswapens van Irak, de vermeende wandaden van Ghadaffi tegen zijn eigen volk, allemaal leugens en dit blijft doorgaan totdat ze hun zin hebben.
Bovendien wil graag het voortouw nemen in een gezamenlijke ( hopelijk ) actie tegen de politiek en de mainstream media, de kranten en de nieuwskanalen.
De bedoeling is dat dit stukje zo breed mogelijk gedeeld wordt, waar het maar kan en dat iedereen die dit leest ten minste 1 telefoonnummer belt of 1 mailtje stuurt over de leugens die ze over ons uitstorten. Op deze manier hopen wij dat de media wakker geschud wordt en dat ze zich de volgende keer nog eens goed achter de oren krabben voordat ze leugens ten willen van de oorlogsindustrie vertellen. Doen jullie mee?
De mailadressen politiek:
De mailadressen van omroepen en dagbladen:
Telefoonnummers politiek:
Tweede Kamer :
Lieve mensen! Willen jullie aub meedoen aan deze actie want er is niets mooiers op deze aardkloot dan dat mensen mensen helpen!
Why "Science" allows Flat Earth to grow unchallenged?
The Contras, Cocaine and Covert Operations
US ‘freezes funding’ for group
Now it seems the White Helmets will finally pay the price for their actions,
as RT reports their funding has been frozen:
It is important that their funding as not been officially cut-off for any reason – terrorist links or otherwise, so we should not be so quick to declare all is well and the truth has finally been admitted by the western entities funding them.
At worse case, this may be a temporary cut-off, and funding could resume later, and even optimistically speaking, its highly unlikely the West will ever admit the White Helmets were terrorist affiliated.
Obama’s former UN Ambassador tweets to save jihadist group White Helmets.
Former UN Ambassador under former POTUS Obama, Samantha Power (a woman who lusts after the overthrow of Assad), tweeted out her loyal support for the jihadist group, sprinkled with some hollywood Oscar propaganda, believing she could fool millions of twitter users who recognize the White Helmets for what they truly are…head chopping, Al Qaeda/ISIS terrorists.
“in what world are you living Samantha? White Helmets is known by Syrian people as Al-Qaeda supporters since the begging of this Saudi sponsored war. Oh yeah. "has been recognized by the world' (who believed fake news) You are so naive - even feel sorry 4 you.â€
“Everyone knows theyre the propaganda arm of al qaida, the games up Samanthaâ€
“They are teerorists. What sort of nonsense do you represent?â€
“Dear Samantha the war criminal,
Your propaganda only can live for so long.â€ )
Commenting on reports of the US decision to suspend funding for the White Helmets accused by Russia of spreading fake data about the use of chemical weapons in Syria,
Sputnik: Apart from the US the White Helmets receive funding from other countries as well is it likely that if the US decides to stop financing the group other countries will follow?
In addition to the US, the main supporters of the White Helmets are Great Britain, Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands, as reported on the organization's website.
There may be a disengagement from other funding countries, but it will only be apparent. The White Helmets have become the fundamental allies of the so-called "moderate rebels", and therefore a very powerful weapon in the hands of the "allied forces"...
they were born with the approval of the Obama administration and its Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.
/“We do not hide it, we admit [that] there is funding from the USA, from the UK, from Germany, from Netherlands,â€/ Abdulrahman Al Mawwas, the chief liaison officer of the White Helmets, told RT after a meeting with top French officials including President Francois Hollande and Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Wednesday.
He also said that /“supportâ€/ from western powers includes providing the White Helmets with equipment… vehicles as well as search and rescue [aid].â€ )
[Mayday Rescue]( (registered foundation in the Netherlands) )
website geregistreerd in nederland
white helmets mayday rescue
Funding for Maydays programmes comes from generous grants from the Governments of:
United Kingdom – Conflict Security and Stability Fund.
Kingdom of Denmark – Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of The Netherlands – Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Germany – Ministry of Foreign Affairs
*Cuserstraat 93, 1081 CN Amsterdam, The Netherlands.*
Reality Check May 4th, 2018
You’ve no doubt heard of the White Helmets, aka the Syria Civil Defense. They claim to be a neutral entity in Syria. They say they are just helping people caught in the middle of a civil war. But are they? Follow the money and you will find numerous ties to government funding from not only the U.S., but the U.K., Netherlands, Denmark and Germany. We untangle these ties to the White Helmets in a Reality Check you won’t get anywhere else.
Investigation: White Helmets Committing Acts Of Terror Across Syria
“UK & Netherlands are sponsoring and funding the "Syrian opposition".
Even the Tulips in Netherlands are being watered with our blood!â€
The John McCain Connections
and is the “Funding Freeze†for Real?
It is true that some of their government funding is diverted through a number of /government/ approved intermediaries such as [Mayday Rescue]( which was established in the Netherlands by James Le Mesurier in 2014, one year after he had formed the White Helmets in Istanbul and Jordan. Mayday
Mayday Rescue funnels funds from the [UK FCO Conflict Stability and Security Fund]( into the White Helmets.
Questions should be asked by taxpayers. What are the nature of these contracts and their terms?
Thermobaric weapons, sometimes called ‘vacuum’ weapons have been condemned by human rights groups and, as the Times reported in 2008  ,
“the weapons are so controversial that MoD weapons and legal experts spent 18 months debating whether British troops could use them without breaking international law.â€
The ‘debate’ came to an end when a ‘Yes Minister’ solution was offered – they “redefined†the weapon as an ‘enhanced blast missile’.
The revelation comes alongside news that UK drone strikes have hugely intensified in Syria since January.Â
In the first three months of 2018, UK drones fired as many weapons in Syria (92) as they have over the previous 18 months.Â
A second shipment containing Israel-made medicine and medical supplies was seized by the Syrian Military Intelligence in the Damascus desert. The SANA said that the second shipment had also been on its way to the besieged militants in the Eastern Homs countryside.
( No need to lie:’ Czech President says country produced Novichok, same nerve agent used on Skripals )
The British press is now totally silent on the Skripal case.
Why is no public investigation by the media allowed? Where is Yulia Skripal and what is the health status of Sergej Skripal?
start 7min.30
tot min 27
The Sum Of All Fears (2002) Trailer
“The root causes of human trafficking lie in unilateral, interventionist and aggressive policies as well as the wars of attrition, terrorism and ethnic cleansing in which the military and security forces of America and some of its allies are involved,†a note carried on the official website of Iran’s foreign ministry quoted spokesman Bahram Qassemi as saying on Wednesday.
Human trafficking is both source and aftermath of conflict, Iran says
Underlying factors, particularly foreign aggression and intervention, occupation, war and protracted conflicts, political instability, terrorism, genocide and ethnic cleansing, create conditions under which millions of people become displaced in their own countries or seek refuge overseas in a quest for safety, stability, opportunity.
To deal with these original causes is the primary responsibility of this Council and when the Council chooses to focus instead on symptoms, it will certainly fail to address them in a proper manner. The current situation in Libya and the concerns over reported enslavement is an example of such issue.
When will there be accountability for those states whose invasion created the current situation in Libya?Â
As Iran Drops the Dollar, US Court Orders Them to Pay $6B to Victims of 9/11—Despite No Evidence
Just as Iran announces they are dropping the US dollar, a federal court finds them responsible for 9/11 despite having no evidence and none of the hijackers being from Iran.
Syrian govt forces seize Douma, last militant stronghold in E. Ghouta – Russian MoD
Published time: 12 Apr, 2018
Syrian government troops have gained full control of the Douma enclave, the last militant stronghold in Eastern Ghouta, 10km from Damascus, the Russian Defense Ministry says.
The latest development marks a /“symbolic event,â€/ according to the head of the Syrian Reconciliation Center, Major-General Yuri Yevtushenko. /“The raised state flag over a building in the town of Douma… has heralded the control over this area and therefore over the whole Eastern Ghouta.â€/Â
On Thursday, Russian military police were deployed in Douma, which has been freed from Jaysh al-Islam militants. According to the Russian military, their task is to provide /“law and orderâ€/ in the battle-scarred area.
The liberated city is allegedly the site of a chemical attack which has been reported by rebel-linked activists, as well as the controversial White Helmets organization.
iran khan )
The *Urenco Group* is a nuclear fuel company operating several uranium enrichment plants in
Germany, the Netherlands, United States, and United Kingdom.
It supplies nuclear power stations in about 15Â countries, and states that it had a 29% share of the global market for enrichment services in 2011.[1][2] Urenco uses centrifuge enrichment technology.[3]
Abdul Qadeer Khan
In the 1970s, Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan who worked for a subcontractor of URENCO in Almelo , brought the drawings of the centrifuges operated by Urenco to Pakistan by skipping the URENCO administration and the Dutch government. Those blueprints were stolen from the URENCO administration. In the early 1974, Dr. Khan joined the uranium enrichment programme , launched by Munir Ahmad Khan
joule unlimited netherlands
Macron, Merkel to press Trump on trade, Iran deal
Trump delivered an ultimatum to Britain, France and Germany, saying they must agree to "fix the awful flaws of the Iran nuclear deal" or he would refuse to extend the US sanctions relief that it calls for.
How the Clinton Foundation Smuggled Uranium into Iran
Trump believes Israel’s Netanyahu over Iran nuclear deal
"This is our warning to the regime occupying Jerusalem and its supporters – stop your dangerous behavior.
joule unlimited netherlands
Putin & Trump will not allow armed confrontation between Russia, US – Lavrov
Published time: 20 Apr, 2018
April 27, 2018
South Korean president says Donald ‘can take the Nobel prize’
facebook, patents free energy.
oil, wars, monarch
serco lockheed uranium enz
People you trusted are now hijacking the Internet
The Greatest Financial Crime in the History of the World
The American economic engine is being dismantled by deep-pocket intellectual pr operty thieves. They have made the U.S. Patent Office their private toy box.
facebook coverup
It won’t be enough to clean the swamp of the shadow government, namely the institution and employees of the Senior Executive Service, and think our MAGA job is done, patriots. We will also need to dismantle all contracts that the U.S. Government has with SERCO as well as abolish rogue government agencies like the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and USAID.
Then we need to identify the roles that the Crown Agents, Lockheed Martin, Knights of Malta, the British Monarchy, and the Vatican have in enslaving humanity to their human trafficking, resource-raping, banking cabal. This is a world-wide citizen effort and we will be showing you step, by step, the indictable evidence needed to put an end to this massive global corruption.
This might seem like an overwhelming task, but the first step is for citizens around the world to know who the planetary rulers are so that they can be extracted from their centuries-old, blood-line domination of the planet.
We need to learn the real history of what has been happening while we were “asleepâ€. We need to identify, by name and organization, who are enemies are. This is our Rip Van Winkle moment as we wake to see what has really been going on while we were fast asleep.
In the meantime, look how BAE practically runs the US DoD (also look at the DARPA and Boeing projects Jim), and how they even describe a contract at AFRL at WPAFB in Dayton that sounds uncannily like the DARPA BAA business plans that Chandler probably shuffled to the
Note: The  Capital Group Companies, Inc. (Philip J. May’s company)
is a US company that is the SECOND LARGEST INVESTOR IN BAE SYSTEMS PLC, according to their most recent published report at COMPANIES HOUSE
Also note that The  Capital Group Companies, Inc. controls American Funds mutual funds in which judges, SES and politicians are HEAVILY INVESTED.
In war there is great profit for us. Sell to all sides.â€
How is the court case with Facebook going? What did they steal from you?
Facebook was found guilty on 11 of 11 counts of infringing our U.S. Patent No. 7,139,761 by a jury after a two-day battle of experts—four university computer science professors, two for us and two for them.
Our first clue that something was amiss came when the magistrate judge, an Obama nominee, replaced the 25-year veteran judge on our case just one month before trial.
We only discovered years later that President Obama's Justice Department adviser on this nomination was a partner at Facebook's law firm. The new judge simultaneously blocked us from conducting additional discovery on this new accusation. So we were obstructed from defending ourselves.
As if this were not enough, investigators are finding intimate ties among Facebook’s law firms, the White House, the Judicial branch, Wall Street, Silicon Valley and certain members of the Senate and Congress.
They assigned a patent judge and director previously employed by two Facebook stakeholders, IBM and Microsoft, despite the fact that our claims have been affirmed three times previously.
These proposals are a warning that Macron’s calls for a return to the draft in France, and similar calls in Sweden and across Europe are directly bound up with plans for escalating war. Faced with the collapse of their proxy forces’ military position in the seven-year war in Syria, the major NATO powers are preparing an aggressive escalation in the Middle East
Macron’s justification for the war drive against Syria was, as usual, a pack of lies. It is not the Syrian regime and its Iranian allies, but the Islamist “rebel†militias and their Saudi and NATO allies, that carried out terrorist attacks in Syria and across Europe.
The pretense that an endless war in Syria would serve to fight terrorism is a political fraud, underscored by the fact that already in 2012, US officials admitted they were fighting in Syria in an alliance with Al Qaeda-linked groups.
The “war on terror†is simply a convenient pretext for the major imperialist powers to assert their financial and strategic interests in the oil-rich heart of the Eurasian landmass, and to escalate attacks on democratic rights at home. At the same time, it allows the major NATO powers to posture as united, despite the growing and explosive commercial and military rivalries between them, which twice in the 20th century exploded into world war.
Asked about the NATO proxy war in Syria, Macron insisted that he believed that it was vital for French interests that the United States—and, implicitly, its European allies—exert control over the former French colony. “We will have to “build “ the new Syria afterward...
April 10, 2018
Faced with the collapse of their proxy forces’ military position in the seven-year war in Syria, the major NATO powers are preparing an aggressive escalation in the Middle East
Macron’s justification for the war drive against Syria was, as usual, a pack of lies. It is not the Syrian regime and its Iranian allies, but the Islamist “rebel†militias and their Saudi and NATO allies, that carried out terrorist attacks in Syria and across Europe.
The pretense that an endless war in Syria would serve to fight terrorism is a political fraud, underscored by the fact that already in 2012, US officials admitted they were fighting in Syria in an alliance with Al Qaeda-linked groups.
The “war on terror†is simply a convenient pretext for the major imperialist powers to assert their financial and strategic interests in the oil-rich heart of the Eurasian landmass, and to escalate attacks on democratic rights at home. At the same time, it allows the major NATO powers to posture as united, despite the growing and explosive commercial and military rivalries between them, which twice in the 20th century exploded into world war.
Asked about the NATO proxy war in Syria, Macron insisted that he believed that it was vital for French interests that the United States—and, implicitly, its European allies—exert control over the former French colony. “We will have to “build “ the new Syria afterward...
US, British, French, Israeli and other energy interests could be prime beneficiaries of military operations in Iraq and Syria.
A study for a global oil services company backed by the French government and linked to Britain’s Tory-led administration:
The 2011 study was printed in /GeoArabia/, a petroleum industry journal published by a Bahrain-based consultancy, GulfPetroLink, which is sponsored by some of the world’s biggest oil companies, including Chevron, ExxonMobil, Saudi Aramco, Shell, Total, and BP.
Throughout 2010, Shell officials held numerous meetings with British government ministers. In July, Shell met David Cameron to discuss “business issuesâ€, Foreign Office minister David Howell to discuss “international energy mattersâ€, and Charles Hendry, minister of state at the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).
The US Army SSI report noted that Syria’s offshore resources are part of a wider matrix of oil and gas deposits in the Levant basin encompassing the offshore territories of these competing states.
The region is estimated to hold approximately 1.7 billion barrels of oil and 122 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, which could be just a third of the basin’s total hydrocarbons.
Accounts of Syrians from Douma have no place in Western narrative
Nederlands overheidsorgaan
Media zoals radio, televisie en online platforms spelen een belangrijke rol bij het informeren van de samenleving. De onafhankelijkheid, kwaliteit en diversiteit van die informatievoorziening zijn dan ook wettelijk beschermd, onder meer in de Mediawet en het Mediabesluit. Het Commissariaat voor de Media ziet er op toe dat deze regelgeving wordt nageleefd.
Het Commissariaat wordt geleid door een college van drie leden, commissarissen genoemd. Dat zijn (anno 2016) Madeleine de Cock Buning (voorzitter)
De Cock Buning is tevens voorzitter van de European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services, groep van nationale toezichthouders in EU-verband.
Zij bekleedt diverse nevenfuncties, onder meer die van raadsheer-plaatsvervanger in het Gerechtshof Den Haag, voorzitter van de (advies)Commissie Auteursrecht van het Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie en bestuurslid van de Stichting Machiavelli.
Van 1998 tot 2009 was De Cock Buning advocaat bij De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, waar zij verantwoordelijk was voor het adviseren van en procederen voor (beursgenoteerde) ondernemingen op het gebied van informatietechnologie, intellectuele eigendom en reclamerecht.
Voorzitter /High Level Group (HLEG) on fake news/ van de Europese Unie
enz enz
The spread of disinformation online should be tackled by a European network of research centers in coordination with online platforms and the European Commission, Madeleine de Cock Buning, chair of the commission's High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) on fake news and online disinformation, said.
!EU High Level Expert Group on Fake News
This Is Why People Call You FAKE News" - Ben Shapiro OWNS CNN ...
In deze expertengroep zitten onder meer academici, journalisten, vertegenwoordigers van sociale mediaplatformen (Facebook, Twitter, Google) en nieuwsmedia-organisaties
The search engine would then have to review whether that information is “inaccurate, inadequate, irrelevant, or excessive,†and whether the public interest in it remains.
Internet Censorship in US and Europe Is Coordinated
EU “Police†Will Censor Internet to Fight “Extremismâ€
To deal with the jihadists who were armed and trained by Western governments and their allies among Middle Eastern despots
to overthrow Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, the EU decided to implement what it described as a “coherent and coordinated European prevention approach.â€
So, using the same process used to foist the unpopular EU super-state on the peoples of Europe , high-ranking but unelected so-called “eurocratsâ€
decreed the establishment of the Europol censorship unit. “
How many bureaucrats will work to censor the net once “full maturity†is reached was also not clear. “
Russian OPCW Rep. on US, UK and France
Gerrit Zalm, onder meer voormalig minister van Financiën, bankier bij DSB en ABN Amro en informateur van het kabinet Rutte III, heeft een nieuwe baan. De VVD-coryfee gaat aan de slag bij kredietbeoordelaar Moody's.
Zalm wordt lid van de 'board of directors' van het bedrijf uit New York, vergelijkbaar met de Raad van Commissarissen bij Nederlandse beursgenoteerde bedrijven. Die houdt toezicht op het functioneren van de raad van bestuur en is verder onder meer verantwoordelijk voor het voordragen van bestuurders en de hoogte van hun salaris.
Zalm was van 2009 tot 2016 topman van ABN AMRO. Daarvoor werkte hij onder meer als financieel eindverantwoordelijke bij DSB Bank en was hij minister van Financiën en lid van de Tweede Kamer namens de VVD. Zalm stond ook als informateur aan de wieg van het huidige, derde kabinet-Rutte
Daarnaast is hij als niet-uitvoerend bestuurder verbonden aan Shell.
Wat Zalm zelf gaat verdienen is onduidelijk. Het bedrijf en Zalm zelf waren niet direct bereikbaar voor commentaar.Â
based on false flag – OPCW envoy
April 14.
The attack came hours before the OPCW experts were set to embark on their fact-finding mission in Douma.
The experts have already visited the site of the purported incident. Shulgin, meanwhile, called on the OPCW to visit the chemical laboratories left behind by the militants
to see for themselves who is actually behind the use of chemical arms in Syria.Â
“We urge the OPCW technical secretariat and experts to make use of their time in Syria and examine the undercover underground chemical laboratories of the militants, the terrorists, who used them,
as we believe, to produce chemical munitions, including those used for all kinds of false flag attacks,†Shulgin stressed.
Douma witnesses speak at OPCW briefing at The Hague (VIDEO)
Witnesses of the alleged chemical attack in Douma,
including 11-year-old Hassan Diab and hospital staff,
told reporters at The Hague that the White Helmets video used
as a pretext for a US-led strike on Syria was, in fact, staged.
,,De OPCW is geen theater. Ruslands beslissing dat te misbruiken is opnieuw een Russische poging het werk van de OPCW te ondermijnen, en in het bijzonder de onderzoeksmissie die feiten wil verzamelen over de inzet van chemische wapens in Syrië''.
Rusland en de Syrische regering zeggen verscheidene Syrische getuigen naar Den Haag te hebben gehaald die de leugens over Douma zullen ontzenuwen.
De OPCW eiste juist dat deze mensen eerst zouden worden ondervraagd door deskundigen die het onderzoek naar de vermeende gifgasaanval uitvoeren.
OPCW finds NO Chemical Weapons at Damascus research center
This is a major story, and a potentially huge embarassment for the strategy hawks in the US and Europe.
Russian MoD was referring to an OPCW inspection of the facility in November
I must apologise to the readers of The Duran for the fact that we reported this wrong information. All I can say by way of excuse is that we acted at all times in good faith reporting what we believed to be an important story which we believed had been corroborated.
I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of The Duran to thank The Weekly Standard and Holmes Lybrand personally for pointing out our error to us so that could inform our readers of it.
U.K. Bank Accused of Laundering $250 Billion for Iran
Standard Chartered, a bank in England, has been accused of laundering $250 billion for Iran over a six-year time span. Defying sanctions against doing business with Iran, Standard Chatered joins HSBC, Barclay’s, Lloyd’s, Credit Swiss and still others in a summer of scandals that have seen officials uncover a vast system of profit-making for doing business with the supposedly isolated Iranian regime.
One European official interview by Fox News said he thinks that the summer scandals are the tip of the iceberg and estimates that 20 out of 50 global banking concerns are involved in illegal transferring of Iranian money.
(gaat om de info, niet t onderwerp trump goed/ slecht eens/ oneens)
(The first OPCW chief, who tried to bring Iraq and Libya into the organization, told RT how US foreign policy hawk John Bolton threatened him over his refusal to resign prior to the 2003 Iraq War.
He said that according to reliable intelligence he had as director-general, /"it was obvious that during the first Iraq War everything had been destroyed [by Iraq],"/ and there was /"nothing left for Iraq to be accused of possessing chemical weapons."/ )
In the matter of supplies of chemical weapons precursors, the Dutch government starts acting only after the Americans draw their attention to huge orders placed by Iraq at Dutch companies.
In the case of two Dutch companies, it is firmly established that they delivered chemicals to Iraq, which, in all probability, have been used to produce chemical weapons. The two companies involved are Melchemie (Arnhem, now called Melspring) and KBS Holland (Terneuzen, by now called Bravenboer & Scheers). Furthermore, for many years, the now convicted businessman Frank van Anraat acted as (illegal) dealer in chemicals for Iraq’s chemical weapons program.
For years, Melchemie supplied Iraq with chemicals, including chemicals considered being precursors for the production of poison gas. According to a letter from the Iraqi State Company SEPP, until 1985, this involves in any case the following substances: 1000 tons of thionylchloride, 20 tons of potassiumhydrogenfluoride, 60 tons of phosphoroxychloride, 5 tons of hydrogenfluoride, 100 tons of phosphor, 150 tons of isopropylalcohol, 15 tons of pyridine and 30 tons of o-chlorobenzaldehyde. Except for one – phosphoroxychloride – all those transactions occurred without the obligation to produce an export licence.
For many years, the Dutch businessman Frans van Anraat is the main supplier for Iraq’s chemical weapons programme.
The Dutch embassy
Chilcot inquiry: What Tony Blair and George W. Bush left behind in Iraq
The false pretenses of Iraq's 'liberation'
Millions of Iraqis have been made homeless by the war against ISIS , and the many displaced or driven into exile during the chaos of the occupation years have nothing to celebrate in this "new" Middle East.Â
Armitage, die samen met Powell de gematigde vleugel vormde binnen de regering-Bush, zegt dat Nederland beloond is voor de steun aan de invasie. De onderminister zelf voorkwam dat Nederland sancties kreeg opgelegd wegens de destijds toenemende mensensmokkel vanuit Nederland naar Amerika. Volgens Armitage heeft de steun voor de oorlog in Irak ook geholpen bij de latere benoeming van toenmalig CDA-minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Jaap de Hoop Scheffer tot secretaris-generaal van de Navo.
Dat zegt de voormalige Amerikaanse onderminister van Buitenlandse Zaken Richard L. Armitage.
Nederland heeft volop meegewerkt aan de oorlog. Wat bijvoorbeeld allang aan de orde had moeten komen zijn de verzonnen namen waarachter die steun heeft plaatsgevonden. Ook de Commissie-Davids wees hierop. Buiten het bereik van Davids is geen onderzoek gedaan, noch door de politiek, noch door de media.
De SAA vond een gigantische grote voorraad van machinegeweren e.a. wapens, toen ISIS in haar wanhoop en rennend voor hun leven de stad verliet, bleef een enorme voorraad ammunitie en wapens achter.
Wat schets de verbazing, of eigenlijk geen verbazing maar bevestiging van vermoedens, CONTAINERS VOL MET AMMUNITIE (en misschien Radioactieve warheads) GESTUURD VANUIT SCHIPHOL NEDERLAND om burgers in Syrië te doden.
Dus de overheid heeft naar mijn vermoeden ladingen met ammunitie en wapens, waarschijnlijk vanuit de VS doorgesluisd naar Syrië, ladingen vol. zoals de bewijzen laat zien in Al-Mayadeen Syrië. Dit is de verklaring waarom ISIS sterk was, zij kregen onder het mom van “gematigde†rebellen, ladingen vol wapens en ammunitie uit Nederland, VS en de rest van de EU.
In an update to the official Dutch purposes and plans, sent to the Dutch Parliament on 15 December 2014,the purposes of their coalition war against ISIL were still as described in September 2014 to include military support to what they call “the moderate Syrian oppositionâ€.
The answers of the Dutch government given in February 2015 to Parliament made clear that, for the Dutch, "moderate Syrian opposition" meant only some (not all) groups that are part of the Free Syrian Army (FSA); for fear of “possible negative consequences†and because of “the sensitivity of revealing support to specific groupsâ€, the government would not say which groups within FSA are being supported by the coalition.
Ook in het geval van Syrië behoort Nederland tot de grootste donoren, met meer dan 300 miljoen in de afgelopen vier jaar, maar die humanitaire steun zou er ook los van de militaire inzet moeten zijn. En ben ik blij dat we wederom 25 miljoen extra aan humanitaire steun geven en 4,2 miljoen aan de militaire inzet met trainers.
. Met name de steun aan de gematigde oppositie als derde kracht tussen ISIS en Assad is essentieel voor de toekomst van Syrië, of het nou om het FSA (Free Syrian Army), de Koerden of andere groepen of gemeenschappen gaat.
Het stabilisatiepakket groeit naar 23 miljoen.
“Now that western-made chemical weapons have been found in areas liberated from terrorists
Pentagon Trained Syria’s Al Qaeda “Rebels†in the Use of Chemical Weapons*
The Western media refutes their own lies
350 diplomatic flights carry weapons for terrorists
‘Azerbaijan’s Silk Way Airlines’ transports weapons with diplomatic clearance for Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Congo
De journalist sneed vervolgens nog een heikel punt aan:
de Nederlandse overheid heeft Syrische rebellengroepen gesteund met zo’n 25 miljoen euro.
“We hebben geen idee waar dat geld naartoe is gegaan en dat wil de regering ook niet zeggen.â€
Het geld is waarschijnlijk naar het Vrije Syrische Leger gegaan, dat op grote schaal mensenrechtenschendingen heeft gepleegd, merkt Duk op.
Oud-premier Jan Peter Balkenende gaat waarschijnlijk aan het werk als commissaris van ING. De bank heeft hem samen met Hans Wijers, oud-minister van economische zaken, en Margarete Haase, financieel directeur van machinefabrikant Deutz, voorgedragen voor de raad van commissarissen.
Pikante benoeming: na Kok wordt ook Balkenende commissaris bij ING
Nu moet Balkenende zelf ingrijpen, want de vakbonden uitten gisteren al hun verbazing over de loonsverhogingen die de huidige ING-topman Ralph Hamers vorig jaar kreeg: een basissalaris van 1,66 miljoen (2 procent meer) euro en een bonus van 316 duizend (8 procent meer).
Nederlandse banken geven miljoenen uit aan lobby
De grote Nederlandse banken geven miljoenen uit aan lobby via hun eigen kanalen, via belangenorganisaties als de Vereniging Nederlandse Banken (VNB) en lobby-organisaties in Nederland, de EU en wereldwijd. Tegelijkertijd is vaak onduidelijk hoe lobby via bepaalde branche-organisties precies gaat. Over een groot deel van de lobbyactiviteiten zijn de banken ook niet transparant, blijkt uit het nieuwste SOMO-rapport /A structural problem in the shadows – Lobbying by banks in the Netherlands/. )
From 1985 to 1990, the United States Government approved 771 licenses for the export to Iraq of $1.5 billion worth of biological agents and high-tech equipment with military application.
As it turned out, Iraq did not use any chemical or biological weapons against U.S. forces in the Gulf War. But American planes bombed chemical and biological weapons storage facilities with abandon, potentially dooming tens of thousands of American soldiers to lives of prolonged and permanent agony, and an unknown number of Iraqis to a similar fate. Among the symptoms reported by the affected soldiers are memory loss, scarred lungs, chronic fatigue, severe headache, raspy voice, and passing out
*After the war, White House and Defense Department officials tried their best to deny that Gulf War Syndrome had anything to do with the bombings.* *The suffering of soldiers was not their overriding concern.* The top concerns of the Bush and Clinton Administrations were to protect perceived U.S. interests in the Middle East, and to ensure that American corporations still had healthy balance sheets.
US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld helped Saddam Hussein build up his arsenal of deadly chemical and biological weapons, it was revealed last night.
Mr Rumsfeld, at the time a successful executive in the pharmaceutical industry, still made it possible for Saddam to buy supplies from American firms.
They included viruses such as anthrax and bubonic plague, according to the Washington Post.
The extraordinary details have come to light because thousands of State Department documents dealing with the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war have just been declassified and released under the Freedom of Information Act.
( At the time of his meeting with Saddam, Mr Rumsfeld was working for Searle - a company which dealt only in medicinal pharmaceuticals.
Both he and Searle made all their money from the distribution of a cardiovascular drug. )
We Sold Them To Saddam
The US and Britain sold Saddam Hussein the technology and materials Iraq needed to develop nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction.
The UN's former co-ordinator in Iraq and former UN under-secretary general, Count Hans von Sponeck, has also told the Sunday Herald that he believes the West is lying about Iraq's weapons programme.
Von Sponeck visited the Al-Dora and Faluja factories near Baghdad in 1999 after they were 'comprehensively trashed' on the orders of UN inspectors, on the grounds that they were suspected of being chemical weapons plants. He returned to the site late in July this year, with a German TV crew, and said both plants were still wrecked.
'We filmed the evidence of the dishonesty of the claims that they were producing chemical and biological weapons,' von Sponeck has told the Sunday Herald. 'They are indeed in the same destroyed state which we witnessed in 1999. There was no trace of any resumed activity at all.'
Their report from April 3 2003, that I copied underneath, described the use of some terrible weapons used by the US forces. I sent this report at the time to Dai Williams, weapons expert, to analyze the descriptions given by Dr. Geert Van Moorter.
The United Nations banned the use of napalm against civilians in 1980 after pictures of a [censored] wounded girl in Vietnam shocked the world. The United States, which didn’t endorse the convention, is the only nation in the world still using napalm.
Here’s the story.
Diary from Baghdad, April 3, 20 O’clock: Dr. Geert Van Moorter through satellite telephone
About the horrors of war, 100 km south of Baghdad
And here is Dai Williams‘ evaluation /(06 April 2003)/ of the weaponry used. His recommendations for the international community still stand today.
(…) Please can you ask the Pentagon to explain why and how many Daisy cutters, fragmentation bombs and suspected uranium weapons it has used in the last week in the region around now in the outskirts of Baghdad? And please can you ask the UK Government whether it condones the use of Daisy cutters in populated areas with large numbers of civilians? )
( Contrary to what we have been told about the deadly nature of Novichoks, there is a Nerve Agent Antidote patent filed in 2013 that was granted 14th November 2017. Another is for methods of detection and another for protection against the neurotoxin Novichok. )
The British government, like many others around the world, have been developing chemical weapons since the First World War – and continue to do so from Porton Down. However, unlike others, the Conservative government were complicit in the sale of these deadly banned weapons to Syria. The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, granted licences for the sale of chemical weapons ingredients and components to Syria ten months after the uprising began.
Russia suspects that the Skripal incident is related as by their records, Skiripal was working at Porton Down as a chemical weapons trafficker in partnership with a Ukrainian firm. Russia denies attacking Skripal but admits he was under surveillance for his activities involving support of terrorism in Syria and arms trafficking.
Russia also confirms that there are British, American, Israeli and Saudi intelligence officers who were caught by the Syrian army in one of the heavily fortified operations rooms during the invasion of the Syrian army and its allies of the East Ghouta.â€
The shells in the above video are identified as VX gas from British stockpiles.
Today another chemical weapons stockpile was found in East Ghouta, produced in Germany, fully weaponized and commercially produced by Merck
* British firms sold dimethyl phosphate, trimethyl phosphate and hexamine
* Details revealed to Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapon
In the week that the US has started the process of destroy Syria's stockpile of chemical weapons, it has emerged that the UK supplied the country with key elements for making them.Â
It is a major embarrassment for the British government, after condemning the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime during the bloody three-year civil war.
British firms were the sole suppliers of three chemicals that Syria used in the production of sarin. A member of UN investigation team is pictured in Damascus last year taking samples of sands after reports of a chemcial weapons attack
Indeed, the suspicion is that Trump, May and Macron knew that their evidential ground for attacking Syria was impossibly thin, and that is why they rushed to bomb the country. It was a decision hastened by the arrival of the OPCW inspectors heading to Douma. The inspectors are due to start their investigative work on Wednesday – delayed apparently by security concerns.
In all probability, the Douma incident was a propaganda stunt orchestrated by Western-backed anti-government militants and their White Helmets media agents, precisely in order to provoke an external military attack on Syria by the US, Britain and France
“It is of note that they are the biggest corporate donor to the Conservative party led by Prime Minister Theresa May and donated 1.25m Euros to the Prince Charles Trust.â€
The British government refused to assist a French investigation into suspected money laundering and tax fraud by the UK telecoms giant Lycamobile – citing the fact that the company is the “biggest corporate donor to the Conservative party†and gives money to a trust founded by Prince Charles
*Selected evidence of the revolving doors between Whitehall appointments, their family and friends and the ‘defence’ industry in our archives, in chronological order:*
*Michael Portillo,*Â the secretary of state for defence from 1995 to 1997, became non-executive director of BAE Systems in 2002 before stepping down in 2006.
*Lord Reid*, secretary of state for defence from 2005 to 2006, said in 2008 that he had become group consultant to G4S, the security company that worked closely with the Ministry of Defence in Iraq.
*Air Chief Marshal Sir Glenn Torpy*, the chief of staff from 2006-2009, retired from the RAF last year and will become senior military adviser to BAE Systems in January.
*Sir Kevin Tebbit*, under-secretary at the MoD, became  chairman of Finmeccanica UK, owner of Westland helicopters in 2007 and has a variety of other defence related appointments.
*Major-General Graham Binns*left the military in 2010 and became chief executive of Aegis Defence Services, a leading security company.
*David Gould*, the former chief operating officer of the MoD’s procurement division, became chairman of Selex Systems, part of Finmeccanica in 2010.
enz enz
pure discriminatie voor de rechter gooien?
Guardian Media Group and thus the Guardian and the Observer
as well as various other media businesses in the UK.
In 2008, it replaced the Scott Trust, which had owned the /Guardian/ since 1936.
The company is responsible for appointing the editor of the Guardian and those of the group's other main newspapers
a senior investment banker and executive vice chairman of Rothschild, and a director at NM Rothschild and Sons. He was a key legal adviser to Guinness during the notorious share-rigging scandal, helped Rupert Murdoch form BSkyB, and was vice chair of the BBC’s Board of Governors before it was replaced by the BBC Trust. He was also lead non-executive director of the board at the Department for Education under arch-neoconservative Michael Gove.
The exposure of HSBC’s fraud in Britain could fundamentally jeopardise both the bank’s domestic and US operations.
In other words, politically and economically, HSBC is too big to fail. And for that reason it is well-protected by the corporate media. The HSBC has done more than any other bank to ensure its friends are embedded in the very senior echelons of the political and media class. Note, as Milne observes above, that the BBC Trust is headed by Rona Fairhead. Here’s Fairhead’s CV, according to Ahmed:
Fairhead is currently chair of HSBC’s North America Holdings, and was chair of the audit and risk committee when HSBC was fined by US authorities for money-laundering. Some of the fraud exposed in the Swiss leaks occurred during her watch on the committee. Before her government nomination to the BBC, Fairhead was appointed a British Business Ambassador by Prime Minister David Cameron. Prior to that, she had been a non-executive board director for the UK Cabinet Office under the coalition government.
During the Treasury Select Committee meeting on 15th February, it emerged that the newspaper that styles itself as the world’s “leading liberal voice†happens to be the biggest recipient of HSBC advertising revenue: bigger even than the Telegraph..
Consider, too, Anthony Salz who sits alongside Forgan on Scott Trust Ltd. He is a senior investment banker and executive vice chairman of Rothschild, and a director at NM Rothschild and Sons. Salz was previously a corporate lawyer with Freshfields, a member of the 'Magic Circle' of elite British law firms. HSBC is one of Freshfield's most prominent long-term clients.
Philip Tranter is another board member of Scott Trust Ltd. He is a former partner and head of corporate law at Boyes Turner. HSBC is one of their clients.
As well as past and present relationships with HSBC, there are also wider connections between Scott Trust Ltd board members and elite corporate and financial circles.
And so it goes on... and on
The Sunday Times is the most recent example.
This was the pivotal moment. From the start of 2013 onwards stories critical of HSBC were discouraged. HSBC suspended its advertising with the /Telegraph/. Its account, I have been told by an extremely well informed insider, was extremely valuable. HSBC, as one former /Telegraph/executive told me, is “the advertiser you literally cannot afford to offendâ€. HSBC today refused to comment when I asked whether the bank's decision to stop advertising with the /Telegraph/was connected in any way with the paper's investigation into the Jersey accounts.Â )
By 2006, the Bush administration canceled the 2003 cease-and-desist order, and HSBC almost immediately provided a billion dollars to al-Rahji. HSBC went on to launder money for Mexican and Colombian drug-cartels, criminal syndicates run out of foreign embassies, and countries under US sanctions like Iran and North Korea.
Had the US authorities decided to press criminal charges,
HSBC would almost certainly have lost its banking license in the US, the future of the institution would have been under threat and the entire banking system would have been destabilised.â€
Governments are fully aware that the organised criminal economy is so huge
The underground criminal economy, writes /Newsweek/, is now “truly multinational, weaving together global networks of political allies and generating profits on an unprecedented scale.â€
"Pressure grows on Russia to stop protecting Assad as US, UK and France press for inquiry
and not to stop the invasion of Syria since 2011 by US and Saudi backed foreign jihadists to overthrow him .
How the US Occupied the 30% of Syria Containing Most of its Oil, Water and GasHow the US Occupied the 30% of Syria Containing Most of its Oil, Water and Gas
While gaining control of key resources for partitioning Syria and destabilizing the government in Damascus, the U.S.’ main goal in occupying the oil and water rich northeastern Syria
while the Syrian people continue to die, starve and suffer under occupation by British ‘financed-by-mistake’, terrorist groups.
"People Are Dancing In The Streets": Syria, Russia, Iran
Shrug Off Trump's Airstrikes
“Global Britain is financing terrorism and bloodhed
in Syria and calling it ‘aid’â€
while the Syrian people continue to die, starve and suffer under occupation by British ‘financed-by-mistake’, terrorist groups.
who funds the white helmets:
( 2014 TMG en Persgroep: samen 85 procent van krantenmarkt )
Media Blackout on Eye-witness Denials of Alleged Douma Gas Attacks
MSM has decided not to report the eye witness statements made to respected journalists Robert Fisk (UK) and Pearson Sharp (USA).
Robert Fisk’s Douma Report Rips Away Excuses for Air Strike on Syria :
heeft een zeer goed artikel over het nepnieuws en msm geschreven!
veel goede info over false flags en veel meer
is er op deze website te vinden!
Achter de Samenleving
Nieuws in de breedste zin van het woord
hier het artikel:
Roep de mainstream media hun levensgevaarlijke nepnieuws een halt toe!
Check out the video below of his speech
19 Apr, 2018
Emails have emerged revealing how the controversial Syrian activist group, the White Helmets, tried to lobby Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters with Saudi money. The revelations have been published on Max Blumenthal’s project.
In an email from October 2016 Roger Waters is being invited to a fundraiser organised by Saudi billionaire Hani Farsi - to honour the work of White helmets. In it, he's also being encouraged to watch a documentary about the group.
And it didn't stop there - just days before his recent concert in Barcelona Waters was contacted by a French journalist working for the White Helmets. The reporter was asking Waters for a few moments on stage - to deliver a message to the children of Syria.
Rogers did not respond to either email, according to journalist Max Blumenthal, who obtained the messages. Instead of giving the stage to the White Helmets during his Barcelona concert,
Waters denounced the organization.
“The White Helmets is a fake organization that exists only to create propaganda for jihadists and terrorists.
In fact, since the White Helmets were founded in Turkey by a former British MI5 officer named James Le Mesurier, the group has received at least $55 million from the British Foreign Office, $23 million or more from the United States Agency for International Development’s Office of Transition Initiatives — the State Department’s de facto regime change arm — and untold millions from the Kingdom of Qatar , which has also backed an assortment of extremist groups in Syria including Al Qaeda .
The reality of the White Helmets is much more disturbing than its hired PR guns have cared to admit. Not only have the White Helmets operated exclusively alongside Islamist extremist insurgents, including the local Al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS , its members have participated in several documented public executions , and helped extremists dispose of beheaded corpses of those they’ve killed.
Waters said he had concluded that The Syria Campaign was “a malign organization funded by people who hope to gain from the ouster of Bashar Assad because once he’s gone, it will be open season for the stealing of the assets of a failed state.â€
The Syria Campaign’s top funder, Asfari, was described by the UK Independent as one of the “super rich†Syrian exiles poised to oversee the rebuilding of the country if Assad were removed, and to presumably reap lucrative contracts in the process.
The boy portrayed as a ‘victim’ in a video of the alleged chemical attack in Douma has told a Russian TV crew that he was asked to go to hospital, where people “grabbed†him and started “pouring water†over his head.
Panic, fear, screaming adults and frightened children featured in the purported footage of the aftermath following the alleged chemical attack in the Eastern Ghouta city. The video has been circulated by mainstream media since April 7 after being posted by the so-called Douma Revolution group.
The group is one of the organizations, along with the notorious rebel-linked White Helmets, that has claimed government troops were the culprits behind the reported chemical attack. )
kijk ook bij de andere supergoede info
The company, Capital Group, is also the second-largest shareholder in Lockheed Martin – a US military arms firm that supplies weapons systems, aircraft and logistical support. Its shares have also rocketed since the missile strikes last week.
The Pentagon has spent at least $70 million on military experiments involving tests with deadly viruses and chemical agents at Porton Down – the UK military laboratory near the city of Salisbury.
The secretive biological and chemical research facility is located just 13 km from where on 4thMarch former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were found slumped on a bench following an alleged Novichok nerve agent poisoning.
At least 122,000 animals used for military chemical and biological experiments at Porton Down
Although the US and UK joined the UN Conventions on the prohibition of chemical and biological weapons, documents prove that their military programs have never ended.
American and British Reporters In Syria: There Was NO Chemical Weapons Attack
Russia Accuses UK of Masterminding Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria
Since its founding, the White Helmets have received over $123 million  from 2013 to 2016 from the U.S. and UK governments, as well as Western NGOs and Gulf state monarchies. In addition, during the past five years, the White Helmets have been instrumental in blaming the Syrian government for any and all chemical weapons attacks in Syria, acting as both witnesses and responders to events that were later reported to be the work of the armed opposition in Syria or staged .
All the mainstream media lies about Syria in one twitter thread.
scroll down
Exposing the west’s fake news propaganda in Syria.
Thousands Refuse to Pay Up on Tax Day Because it Funds War—Give Money to Charity Instead
According to the group’s website:
“The National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee supports individuals who refuse to pay for war, and promotes war tax resistance in the context of a broad range of nonviolent strategies for social change. Through the redirection of our tax dollars, war tax resisters contribute directly to the struggle for peace and justice for all.
NWTRCC is a coalition of local, regional, and national groups and individuals from across the United States. For everyone interested in or actively refusing to pay taxes for war, NWTRCC offers information, referral, support, resources, publicity, campaign sponsorship, and connection to an international network of conscientious objectors to war taxes.â€
Hoe kan een land in èèn decennium tot zo'n banenrepubliek gedegradeerd zijn?
Temp is zelf onderdeel van de elite... misschien voor hen iets minder te beteugelen, maar hij staat zeker niet aan de kant van ons..
Toen Trump zijn bedrijven jaren geleden zo goed als failliet waren is hij uit de brand geholpen middels een financiële injectie van de Rothschilds...
Goed stuk hier boven... Ga zeker wat van de genoemde instanties bellen....
Persoonlijk kijk ik liever naar de feiten noord korea vredes onderhandelingen ,syrie vredes onderhandelingen,dat is nu aan de orde.
Verder doe ik geen moeite om de media te overtuigen zonde van mijn tijd,meest simpele niet meer kijken naar de propaganda van het kwaad een grote leugen.
Het meest bekeken progama is het nos journaal 1,2 miljoen mensen op een bevolking van 17 miljoen erg weinig meest oude mensen die geen internet willen of hebben !
Aan wie heeft de media de grootste hekel ?
Kijk naar het nieuws Rusland Trump waarom denk je?
Beide vechten tegen deze bilderberg figuren.
Usa verlaat Syrie Nu.
Begrijp deze schaduw macht is al sinds 1940 bezig is niet even opgelost
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